Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1593 Life and Death Sniper (24)

Henry IV of France once said: "I will let every Frenchman have a chicken in his pot."

Chicken is their dinner today.

Because one refugee ran away, the guards went to hunt him down, and two other people were dragged to the cemetery next to the ancient battlefield of Ivry for interrogation. That cemetery does not bury local people, but all those who died in the Battle of Ivry were buried. Most of the tombstones of the people have disappeared, or they were not erected when they were buried. Usually, the cemetery of soldiers is just a log on the head of the grave. A cross will do, it's already rotted away after all those years of exposure. The few remaining stone tombstones were also covered with moss and thorns, and the whole cemetery looked eerie. Georgiana could hear the screams of the two refugees from far away.

Napoleoni sat by the fire, watching the cleaned chicken cook little by little while warming the fire.

He didn't speak, and even taught Georgiana a lesson, but everyone felt very uncomfortable, as if he was a volcano about to erupt, so he stayed away from the two of them as long as conditions allowed.

A layer of mist formed on the battlefield, turning the full moon in the sky into a "hairy moon". It seemed that something popped out of the darkness at any time, which looked very eerie.

From a certain point of view, this kind of weather is very suitable for camping. In fact, compared to camping in the wild, it is still early to arrive in Evreux. There are not only comfortable beds to sleep in, but also solid walls to defend.

But Napoléoni didn't say to leave, so no one dared to leave. For these French who fought in the South and North, camping on the battlefield may have become accustomed to it. Figuere is also a person who has been on the battlefield, and his performance is quite calm. , that is, Alice and Matilda dare not get off the carriage.

He might be waiting for Georgiana to apologize, after all, she was the one who recklessly walked into the ancient battlefield alone.

Georgiana felt that he should be the one who should apologize. If he didn't choose to come to the ancient battlefield, how could he encounter such a thing?

Both humans and animals have emotions, and the female wolf will also raise human cubs because of its motherhood, and then there will be the founder of Rome.

Carnivores hunt to survive, and they cannot be wiped out just because they eat meat. Rabbits are very cute, but if they breed too fast, they will destroy the grassland, and the herdsmen's original expectation of herding more sheep will be defeated. Killing is really not in line with the inner feelings of some people, but it is a part of nature. However, the behavior of those refugees is unforgivable. If they get a large ransom by kidnapping Georgiana, these refugees can leave Europe and go to the New World to change their identity and continue to live.

No one knows how they got rich, and no one knows their past. It's like starting all over again. Maybe they can live a decent life there. Such a future is full of hope.

"What do you want to say to me?" asked Napoleon.

Georgiana looked at him.

The orange flames reflected on his face, leaving jumping shadows, so that she couldn't tell his real expression.

"Only the winner can choose kindness." Georgiana stared into his eyes and said, "It is useless for those cruel people to kneel and beg for mercy, but it will make them despise me."

"Those people have never seen a woman of high status," said Napoleone. "It is a kind of entertainment for them to torture you."

Georgiana was not surprised.

Life is like an ocean, and there are all kinds of fish in it. With the support of those few humans, that werewolf is still a hero.

"You sympathize with that monster?" asked Napoleoni.

"It's a little bit." Georgiana held a stick and pulled the fire. "If I were an ordinary girl, I might have encountered something unexpected in that situation. That werewolf saved me."

"They're just doing what they're supposed to do," Napoleone said. "You shouldn't be talking to them that way."

Georgiana remembered what she impulsively said to the Mamluk who was shooting the arrow. She asked him what he had done, and the smile on the face of the young man who hit the target froze.

"Werewolves, like wolves, sometimes appear in groups." Georgiana said blankly, "The person who kills them is tantamount to messing with his entire family."

Napoleoni showed a surprised expression, but it was quickly replaced by solemnity.

"After the werewolf transforms, it will completely lose its mind, which is very dangerous, but what's worse is that there is a very cunning goblin on this battlefield, which is very good at sneak attacking people."

"Since the consequences are so serious, why didn't you save it just now?"

"It's useless, a werewolf hit by a wolf's poison arrow is like being bitten by a cobra, and the venom will quickly spread throughout the body." Georgiana put down the wooden stick in her hand, "We should get out of here as soon as possible, Leon."

He showed that haughty attitude again, and Georgiana was so angry that she wanted to beat him.

"I was also a Corsican when I was young. I even thought about making Corsica independent. I loved my country," said Bonaparte. "But now, I love this country more than a real Frenchman." .”

"Yes, I know, France is your only mistress." Georgiana said teasingly.

"Why didn't you say 'Leon' when they asked you who your husband was just now?" he asked sharply.

Georgiana is extremely regretful now, why didn't she immediately use the Fierce Fire Curse just now, and insisted on leaving her alive.

"Friends? Are you going to sleep with all your 'friends'?"

She wanted to say yes, because after dealing with Remus before, she would lie on the ground with Sirius and James to rest, because she was too tired.

Georgiana shook her head wisely.

"You should not blame a soldier when he is doing his job, you should apologize to him."

"No problem." She replied bluntly, "That werewolf is very cute. He shot it to death to save it."

Napoleoni seemed shocked again.

"It's not just the physical burden caused by the transformation, but also because it may attack your relatives, friends, and lovers after becoming a werewolf. This ancient battlefield should be rarely visited by people, so it came to this place to transform." Georgiana He said sympathetically, "The little bit of reason it had left allowed it to attack those refugees and indirectly protect me. I feel sad for its death. Maybe it was a good person when it was normal."

Napoleoni did not speak, and stared at the flames in a daze.

"Isn't it true that playwrights always go to great lengths to find tragic subjects?" said Bonaparte calmly. "Do you love me, Georgiana?"

"Love." She said without hesitation, "but the reason I love you is because you don't abandon Josephine, you are her husband."

"Or, you are competing for the position of first mistress." He said with a smile, "but not a living woman, but France."

She didn't know how to deal with it.

It turned out to entertain him, and he laughed.

"You naughty ghost." He stretched out his hand and pinched her nose, "Do you want to pinch me into the applause?"

She shook her head immediately.

"When I was young, I used to play on the coast. My footprints would be left on the sand, but the sea would soon wash away my footprints. At that time, I would stop and think about what I had done. Is it like Sisyphus, who was punished by the gods for kidnapping the god of death and making time have no death. Every time he wanted to put that boulder on the top of the mountain, all his previous efforts would be wasted, and his life would be slowly exhausted during the labor do."

"You didn't kidnap Death," said Georgiana.

"I want to leave my footprints on the sands of time." He said softly, "Have you ever been to Venice and seen those equestrian sculptures left by mercenaries?"

Georgiana nodded.

"This is my first feeling when I saw the equestrian sculpture given to me by the Sevres ceramic factory. The sculpture is not even as big as the Place de la Concorde, and I don't want such a sculpture."

"Because there are sculptures of generals on horseback all over the street?"

He nodded with a half-smile.

"I want to leave traces that only belong to me, just like footprints, but I am also a soldier, and soldiers have missions, do you understand what I mean?"

Georgiana remembered a rumor that when Napoleon's army invaded Russia, a Moscow noblewoman fell in love with a senior French officer, and then she was so crazy that when the French evacuated, she followed the senior officer.

Napoleon's army stayed too long, many people died on the way, maybe she was one of them.

At this moment, Napoleon stood up, and the soldiers who were interrogating the prisoners returned.

After a short conversation, he walked up to the guards and Mamluks on horseback with his hands behind his back. He was short, and he looked even shorter standing in front of the cavalry on horseback.

"Soldiers!" roared the lion in the wilderness. "I told you when I was in Milan that we are friends of all common people. We have lifted the Italians from the lethargy caused by slavery and awakened the Romans. These are the fruits of your victories, which will create a new era in history, you have changed the face of this beautiful place in Europe, and now you have before you a new beautiful land that needs to be lifted from its lethargy, but Its name is not Italy, but Brittany, we will let those who want to provoke civil war at home, those foreigners who are so despicable to create chaos and hatred in our land, and those who, for their own sake, Not for the people of the country and the national revolution. Witness the sun-shining power of our new age army. I know you saw the monster, and it was terrifying, but this monster may have other accomplices, who may endanger the neighborhood The safety of the villagers is a threat that must be eliminated. When Harun Rashid, the envoy of the Abbasid dynasty, arrived at Charlemagne's court, the emperor took him out hunting. After seeing the huge bison, the envoy was terrified and turned around. Run, Charlemagne was not afraid, and subdued these large beasts. Now, I will lead you to drive those evil dark creatures from this beautiful land, and return the peace and tranquility of the French people. Will you Will you go hunting with me?"

"Yes!" The Guards and Mamluks shouted in unison.

"You must be very tired after driving and riding for a day. Why don't you answer me after resting so that you can speak with strength. I don't want you to be like Henry IV, the founder of the Bourbon dynasty. They are here, on this field under your feet, and after defeating the Duc de Maiene, they immediately set out to besiege Paris, and were defeated at last."

"That's because they're not from the Italian Legion!" shouted a Guardsman.

"That's right, my Italian legion fought continuously for 15 days and won an impressive victory. Do you think this is because of your luck, because the cities and fortresses in Italy are not as strong as Paris?"

"No!" the soldiers yelled together.

"What honors you?" asked Napoleon aloud.

The answers this time were not neat. Some said it was victory, while others said it was because they were liberators.

"It seems that the recuperation life has made you forget the time spent for happiness in the past. It is battle, my children. We need to continue to march, we need to continue to fight, we need to continue to work hard. Only in this way can we It can be said that we have not wasted our time, this woman, she has asked many people, what makes us pry the sleigh in the snow in the Alps, not because of fear, nor because of profit, but because of our daily life. Whenever you encounter a desperate situation, the drums of the charge will sound, do you remember what the drums sound like?"

"Remember!" The soldiers replied together.

"There is no drummer here, you just think he has already played the drums in your mind, what are you going to do next?"



"Long live, Napoleon!"

"Come with me, boys, it's time to hunt!" Napoleon had just finished speaking when Rapp had already led his horse over.

His boots stepped on Rapp's hand, and then he got on the horse. Then he turned the horse's head and ran towards the ancient battlefield. All the cavalry followed him.

"What should I do, ma'am?" Figel asked anxiously, it seemed that she also wanted to participate in the "hunt".

"Someone has to protect the girl," Georgiana said, smiling, and walked toward a deserted horse.

She wished she was the woman who could say "careful" and stay back.

Too bad she was a witch and Napoleon was her chosen king.

So even though she may not be able to become Merlin in the end, she still hopes that this dream will last longer.

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