Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1592 Life and Death Snipe (23)

Although the smell of the Paris Metro is unpleasant, fortunately it is not as congested as the ground traffic, and it is only a few stops away. However, what is criticized is that this damn platform does not have a station announcement function, and if you are not careful, you will pass the station, which is worse than the London Underground.

In June, Paris has already started to heat up. According to the tramps, it will be hot as hell in the carriages in July and August, and they will find other places to live. Climate warming is a global problem, which is related to greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, both Paris and London citizens are eager to install air-conditioning in the subway. England, which was terribly cold in the 18th and 19th centuries, is now too hot for gentlemen Put on short sleeves. However, the subway company did not install it. Fortunately, the fountain is free, so you can see many people playing with water in the park to spend the summer.

Many houses in Paris and London are at the "heritage" level. When they were originally designed, there was no place reserved for the installation of external air conditioners. As long as you imagine that the outer walls of the buildings on both sides of the Champs-Elysées are covered with external air conditioners It seems that no tourist is in the mood to take pictures. Without tourists, there will be no tourism income. Therefore, unless there is an ingenious way to hide the external unit of the air conditioner, the city government will usually not approve it.

You thought this was the end? Think about the movement of the air conditioner when it is turned on. When you eat ice cream and enjoy the coolness in the house with the air conditioner blowing on it, the neighbors next door not only have to endure the heat in the room, but also listen to the "hum" sound of the air conditioner next door. When the weather is hot, people will feel more irritable, so the neighbor picked up the phone to call the police and said it was a nuisance, and soon you will feel the irritability of the neighbor.

Unless there is extreme weather, the hot climate under normal weather conditions will not last long. Residential air conditioners are not a necessity in Paris. Europeans generally believe that environmental protection will bring the climate back to what it was before. Apart from the shopping malls and museums in the city center, there is absolutely no shadow of air conditioning. However, when you go to the mall to buy things, you can’t talk loudly when you go to the museum.

Fortunately, Paris and London have high latitude, and the temperature in June is not too hot, less than 30 degrees, which is still within the range that the old bat can bear, but the subway is not where a man in high-end clothes like him should appear, just a few stops Someone actually planned to steal his wallet.

There were a lot of strange things under the seats of the subway. Severus found a toy spider that someone had forgotten, used the Transfiguration Charm to make it "live", and quietly climbed onto the pickpocket.

Seeing such a big spider, the young man screamed like a girl and ran away when the subway doors opened.

Felix was rocking back with laughter, and Severus was expressionless.

They got out of the train right behind them, jumped over the gates and left the subway station just as they had entered the station.

==================================================== ===========

"Leon!" Georgiana yelled in the wilderness. As the night darkened, the surroundings became pitch black, not to mention people, not even a ghost.

There was a rustling sound in the grass.

Georgiana raised her luscious wand, pointed it in that direction, and a hare flew past her.

Rabbits, like mice, are rodents. Dawn and dusk are their main activity times, but there are also rabbits that come out in the evening.

Georgiana withdrew her gaze and looked around with her wand, hoping to find their traces on the ancient battlefield.

However, it turns out that it is almost impossible to find one or two hundred people in a place where tens of thousands of people can fight in formation. can not see.

She felt that it was about time for her to go back at this time. Stopping by the ancient battlefield to take a look was different from smearing and looking for someone.

At this moment, she heard the rustling sound again. At first, she thought it was the unlucky rabbit again, but she smelled a strong smell of wine, so she passed the wand through her armpit without hesitation, and pointed at it. Behind the use of a "dizzy down to the ground."

She didn't turn her head until she heard the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, and found a man lying on the ground. He was covered in dirt and wore a three-cornered hat on his head. He had already fallen to the side because of the fall.

Before she could take a closer look, there was another rustling sound from the surrounding grass, and three men in ragged clothes came out from the darkness.

"Are you alone? Miss?" A refugee said with a smile, showing a mouth full of yellow and black teeth, holding a bitten apple in his hand.

Georgiana watched them warily.

She was wearing a woolen jacket with a stand-up collar trimmed with fox fur and a silk petticoat inside, which looked like a rich person's attire.

"What did you do to him?" one of the three refugees asked Georgiana. He knelt down to check on his unconscious companion, but no matter how much he slapped the man's face, he did not wake up.

"Leave." Georgiana said to the three, "while you still have the chance."

The man with the apple whistled flirtatiously, "You want to leave after scaring our dinner away?"

Georgiana looked at his other companion, who was wearing a scarf around his neck, and was quietly blocking her retreat.

Georgiana had a whip in her hand, and she swung it deliberately, making a loud noise.

"My husband will be back soon." She said coldly, "I don't want to cause trouble."

The man who ate the apple took another bite of the apple and threw it away.

"You can keep calling his name, his name is Leon, right?"

"No, he has another name." Georgiana said blankly.

"Then who is Leon?"

"A friend," she said quietly.

"You ran to this place with your 'friend' behind your back?" The man who ate the apple often laughed, but none of his accomplices laughed.

Georgiana raised her wand to the sky and fired a red signal that exploded in the sky like fireworks.

The three sober people looked at her together in horror.

"How did you do it?" asked the man lying on the ground, examining his accomplice.

"How is that done?" asked Georgiana.

"You didn't light the fire, how did you light the fireworks?" asked the man lying on the ground.

"This is a trick of a magician." Georgiana said blankly, "Have you committed crimes? Or robbed passers-by?"

"Otherwise, what do you want? Arrest us?" The man who ate the apple continued to laugh wildly.

"You are poor people," she said softly, "but if I let you go like this, you will attack other people, and other girls will not be as lucky as me."

"Lucky?" repeated the man eating the apple, and then laughed, and this time his companions followed suit.

"I'll let you know whether you're unlucky or lucky soon." The man eating the apple pulled out the dagger from the belt around his waist. She didn't look back, but she also knew that the man with the scarf behind her had also unsheathed the weapon. Even the man inspecting his companion stood up and drew his short sword, pointing it at her.

Georgiana let the whip wrap around the ankle of the man behind him as quietly as a snake, and she had to find a way to distract the man in the meantime.

"Have you ever killed someone?" Georgiana asked the apple-eating refugees.

"I killed a few." said the refugee who ate the apple.

"Do you feel guilty?"

"Why should I feel guilty?" the refugee asked.

"You think you're innocent?"

"No." said the refugee who ate the apple.

"And what do you think of your crime?"

"What do you think?" The vagrant said with a smile as if it was ridiculous, "This is my way of making a living, just like I hunt rabbits, but I didn't expect to meet such a good prey tonight."

He looked Georgiana up and down. "How much is your husband willing to pay for your ransom?"

"Have you changed your mind?"

"I found that I love money more."

It was strange that Georgiana would not give them a penny, though she would have sympathized with the beggars on the road, and they were dressed like beggars.

Help is always available at Hogwarts if one wants it, but help should be reserved for those who deserve it.

She slowly turned the fire opal ring in her hand, just about to conjure up a few fireballs and burn all these people to ashes, when a black shadow suddenly appeared.


The humans uttered terrified screams, and in front of them was a wolf about the size of a human.

To be precise, it was a werewolf with a black mane. It just bit the neck of the refugee who was looking at his partner just now, and the blood immediately sprayed everywhere.

It was a surprise, she thought the blood of those people was black.

At the same time, the red hats hidden in the ancient battlefield also appeared. There were not many of them, about dozens of them, but they surrounded Georgiana and the three refugees, as if they were planning to catch them all.

"Where is your husband and your friends?" the apple-eating refugee asked her in horror.

Georgiana looked at him disdainfully.

"Coward," Georgiana said to the man. "Hold your sword steady."

The two refugees looked in front of them together.

The werewolf who had attacked their accomplice was slowly standing up, letting out a low growl, and the man who had been attacked was still alive, twitching like a fish.

"Help me..." the man said in a hoarse voice, but no one paid attention.

"Wait, buddy, I'll get you a doctor," said the man who ate the apple, and turned and ran away first.

His other accomplice with the scarf ran in the other direction, as if they thought the werewolf was going to attack Georgiana, she was a slow girl after all, but he soon got caught in the whip and fell down.

Sometimes you don't need to be the fastest, you just need to be faster than another person who is also being chased.

After all, animals only hunt for survival, and humans hunt for fun and fur.

Georgiana watched the werewolf, which was closing in on her.

Just when she was about to raise a wall of fire, an arrow glowing blue shot towards it like a meteor.

The werewolf's attention was on Georgiana, and the arrow just hit it. The arrow mixed with wolf's poison spread like snake venom, and Georgiana fell to the ground before she could react.

"What have you done!" Georgiana said to the Mamluk who was shooting the arrow, and then looked down at the werewolf.

The poison worked, and it quickly regained its sanity, but it was not far from death,

Its amber eyes reflected Georgiana's face, and the pupils slowly dilated, as if something had disappeared from within.

The corner of its mouth seems to be smiling. It is strange to see this expression on the wolf's face, but this expression seems to tell that it is finally relieved.

"Help me..." The human being attacked by it was still struggling, and stretched out its bloody hand towards Georgiana.

Georgiana looked at him, and he looked at Georgiana until a hand shaded her eyes to break their gaze.

"Follow me." Leon whispered in her ear, "Someone will take care of the rest."

She didn't move, she was actually plunged into the darkness, and the "giggling" sound became more obvious.

She really wanted to ask him if he had seen the little monster wearing a red hat, but then she thought about it, wolves usually appear in groups, but do werewolves also have such a habit?

She also wasn't sure if the Mamluk's arrow was shot correctly. After all, in their opinion, if she didn't shoot, she might be attacked too.

The dimensions of Paris and London are similar to those of Harbin

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