Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1591 Life and Death Sniper (22)

Paris is the world-renowned romantic capital and the capital of perfume. However, most tourists will not take the subway in the romantic capital, but take a tour bus to see the scenery of Paris.

The operation time of the Paris subway is 50 years later than the London subway. It is filled with an inexplicable smell, like the smell of rubber tires, forgotten smelly socks, and strong cleaning agents. The first time I took the subway, I don’t know The wizard who bought the ticket, Gong Saiyi, was almost trapped by the gate. Fortunately, someone showed him a demonstration—jumping directly from above. At the same time, sitting next to him was a person reading with a book.

After getting into the car, Goncey was in a group with Crimean, and Severus was in a group with Felix. They sat at a distance where they could see but not hear each other. They were not like the half-giant Hagrid. Such a big man was so eye-catching that none of the passengers on the bus paid attention to these few passengers who got on the bus halfway.

"Can you tell me?" Felix begged, clutching Severus' arm.

"tell you what?"

"The real reason," Felix begged. "Please."

Severus hesitated, motioning to Felix to look at the promotional poster on the subway "Do you recognize that sign?"

Felix looked over, it was a sign of environmental protection.

"Both France and the United Kingdom are advocating environmental protection. The United Kingdom advocates cycling, while France advocates increasing taxes on diesel. Harvesters and tractors in rural areas all burn diesel. Such high-power equipment consumes a lot of fuel, and tax increases may affect the environment. Increase the burden on farmers a lot."

"I see." Felix said happily, as if he knew a secret.

"I thought you wanted to know the real reason," Severus teased.

"Isn't it?" Felix asked curiously.

"This is a tax increase policy, but it can also reduce the use of oil. Do you know Charles de Gaulle?"

"Yes." Felix replied immediately.

"And did you know that he forced France out of NATO in 1966?" Severus asked.

Felix shook his head.

"De Gaulle believed that the dominance of Europe by American imperialism was a big trouble. He withdrew from NATO because he did not want France and the United States to be involved in the quagmire of the Vietnam War. NATO's headquarters also moved to Brussels. After World War II, France has been implementing an independent foreign policy. Withdrew from NATO Later, the United States gave some concessions in order to win over France, but France did not join when the United States and Britain attacked Iraq. Do you know the country of Niger?" Severus asked Felix.

Felix continued to shake his head.

"It's a country in the middle of Africa, and they've got oil out of the ground," Severus said. "They're going to cooperate with foreign countries to develop oil fields. That place is experiencing drought. Even if the area is not suitable for a large number of people, it is still possible. It will cause famine. Niger used to be a colony of Germany. It was returned to France after World War II. It was originally the least developed country. Neither the French nor the Germans really developed it. It is full of yellow sand like Saudi Arabia. In the 1960s At that time, France achieved decolonization, and Niger also became an autonomous country within the French Community at that time. The French Community means that even if the African colonies declare independence, they still maintain the special relationship between France and them in the form of a national combination. France also has oil. Exploration companies, if other countries receive orders from Niger, French oil companies have no right to help an independent country 'develop' local resources. No matter who wins the bid in the end, as long as the company does not belong to France, it will cause France The president's diplomacy has been erratic."

"How did you come up with it?" Felix said.

"I want to read the newspaper."

"I'm watching too, why don't I know about this?" Felix asked.

Severus smiled, "Because I'm an intelligence officer, and we're in the business of dealing with vague, often deliberately hidden targets, and we're supposed to advise decision makers, to give them a clearer picture of the issues involved, This leads us to sometimes predict the future like a prophet, but we dare not say that we are fully sure of our own judgment. It is quite remarkable to be able to judge correctly 7 times out of 10. You can’t imagine that agricultural machines without diesel engines will What kind of impact is caused by French agriculture, and there are still many diesel-powered vehicles in France, you can’t imagine what the consequences will be if the logistics stop, this is what I tell you, jump out of your professional field, and look at the overall situation Analyze."

"Do you want me to be an intelligence agent too?"

"I hope you can become a warlock, and learning this will help you avoid serious intelligence errors that lead to ridiculous judgments. I made that mistake, which led to 'I died'." Severer Si said in a low voice, "I acted according to the judgment of the white wizard, but never questioned his judgment."

"Why doesn't she help you?" Felix asked.

Severus smiled.

At this time, a busker with a guitar and singing appeared in the subway. He was dressed as Elvis Presley and sang the old song "I Can't Help Falling in Love with You".

"We all want her to be happy," Severus said, "so Albus and I keep her from knowing a lot."

"Do you still love Lily?" Felix asked.

"I want her back." Severus stared straight ahead with empty eyes. "When she comes back, we can slowly argue about this issue."

"Who is that enemy who taught you?" Felix asked.

"Harry Potter's father, James Potter." Severus kept his eyes on Felix. "Do you know Newt Scamander?"

Felix shook his head and nodded again, "I've seen that name in a book."

"He was once a student of Albus, and his Boggarts were the table and the chair." Severus laughed sarcastically. "James Potter taught me not to spend too much time sitting on the bench, The Pomona Greenhouses never have seating, I guess that's their specialty."


"Hufflepuff, they are very greedy, and they can only do this in order not to gain weight." Severus said with a smile, "Even if it is greasy food, I have been used to it for decades."

"I'll help you," Felix said firmly.

"If Napoleon had won Waterloo, the world would be very different." Severus stared at Felix. "Your hometown may even become a European corridor, very prosperous and rich."

"I don't dream anymore, that world has nothing to do with the real world." Felix said blankly, "I don't like school, there are fools everywhere."

"Hogwarts is not the same as a Muggle school."

"I prefer my life now, to venture out with you." Felix said happily, "I don't want to sit on the bench either."

At this time, the doors of the subway were closed, which also blocked the singing on the platform.

==================================================== ===========

Napoleon and the guards rode fast and lightly, much faster than the convoy. It was very difficult for an old minister like Schaptal to catch up with him, and he was left far behind.

After passing by Mount for a short rest, he went on the road again. He didn't stop until he reached the Ivry battlefield near Evreux, and then he went to visit the ancient battlefield. It seems that the reason why he left the convoy far away That's it.

Georgiana was also sitting in the carriage, dying to rest. Even in the carriage, she felt exhausted. No wonder Napoleon only chose elite guards.

At this time, the bloody scene of the past could not be seen outside the battlefield at all. The Battle of Ivry took place during the French Wars of Religion. Henry IV of France and the Duke of Majenne fought here. After the victory, Henry IV led his army to surround Paris, but because of the continuous march and the defense of Paris Fortified, Henry IV's siege of Paris failed.

Still, the battle put Henry IV on the throne, and France was ruled by the House of Bourbon from then on, and she didn't think it would be a good idea to stay in such a place for too long.

She looked up at the sky, it was already dark, taking the remote path not only could avoid ambushes, but also get rid of the overly enthusiastic citizens and officials who wanted to entertain them.

It caused them to take some detours, but it was worth it, and there would be more delays if they stopped at each place for a while, but she always thought that camping in the wild was not a good idea.

She originally wanted Figel to send a message telling Napoleon to stop playing and leave quickly, but she thought about it, why should he listen to her?

So she resigned herself to get out of the carriage and left the dirt road.

"Where are you going, madam?" asked Matilda in the carriage.

Before Georgiana could answer, a guard rode on a horse and came to her side like a dressage dancer.

It was the guard who delivered Georgiana's letters when she lived in the monastery.

"Where are you going, madam?" the foolish guard asked politely like a knight.

"Use!" She said angrily, then she lifted her skirt and stepped on the withered grass, walking towards the depths of the ancient battlefield.

Was Snape a super intelligence agent?

Spy and intelligence agent are not the same concept~

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