Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1599: Son Abandoned by God (2)

In the New Testament, the father forgave the youngest son who divided the property, ran away from home, lived a luxurious life, and finally couldn’t make ends meet. This seemingly warm story has a premise that the youngest son thinks about going home when he is unhappy outside. When he was living comfortably, he didn't remember coming home at all.

People can understand the "father" who opened his arms for sinners. He chose tolerance and understanding because of love, but not all "fathers" are so merciful.

The bishops are rich and have believers. The villagers of the ancient battlefield of Ivry live in a very closed world, but these villagers are literate and can read the Bible and some long-dated newspapers. These people have weak sense of law, but high morality. Although they don't know who the young man named Krissen is, since Krissen said that lynching should not be used against those refugees, he will hand it over to the court for judgment. The three refugees were still alive in the end, beaten half to death, and then were thrown into a tattered carriage by the guards and taken away.

Pepin obtained the right to be crowned by the pope through offering soil and became the "legitimate" Roman emperor. Napoleon did not proclaim himself emperor by divine right. He was crowned by himself, and his crown claimed to come from the French people.

This wild lion does not like to be bound by the constitution, nor does he like to be bound by theocracy. He will not let the Bourbon dynasty regain the throne of the past, and he will not allow the church to override the secular power.

Therefore, it is not so easy to release the prisoners in the Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel and reconsecrate this desecrated holy place, even if doing so will undoubtedly please the church and restore the apparent harmony between the Consulate and the church.

Napoleoni's denial of magic and witchcraft is not because he is the same as the Muggles of the Dursley family. For example, he can lie that he has some kind of magic power, which can make people who don't listen to him be cursed to death.

During the Crusades, the priests declared that the Eastern Crusade was to save the pilgrims, knights, even if you were a sinner, you can get salvation by participating in jihad.

Some people will think it is ridiculous, and some people will choose to believe it. Once the authority is established, people will believe whatever nonsense he said. For example, when Georgiana said that Harry Potter is not the seventh Horcrux, no one will believe it, because it is Ah Buss Dumbledore, the greatest white wizard, he still has evidence, Harry can speak Parseltongue, and the induction between Horcruxes, Georgiana's evidence is only logic, and Albus made Harry The inference that it is the seventh Horcrux is against common sense and logic.

Napoleon would never allow this kind of thing to happen in his army. Napoleon advocated rationality, and he wanted to make the French live what he thought was a rational life. When he was in Palestine, even if his army was very close to a holy place, he forced the soldiers to turn around, not satisfying the soldiers' expectations of seeing the holy place.

This person is not perfect. For example, he hopes that Georgiana and Josephine are covered with jewels like Grassini. Georgiana can compromise with him on not going to the Holy Land, but not on this matter.

European royal families, especially women, are almost covered with jewelry. Looking at their portraits, Georgiana always feels that they look like those skeletons decorated with gold and jewels in churches. Georgiana advocates Greek nature and liberalism, unless The universe has collapsed, and she won't be covered in gems all over her body.

This cunning lion like a fox may also plan to use the witch hunt movement to deal with the Inquisition. When in Genoa, the Inquisition armed the charcoal burners and porters, preparing them to defend the city against the coming law. military.

The Genoese bourgeoisie, protected by Napoleon, loudly called for the disarmament of porters and charcoal burners, but only 4,000 guns were actually handed in, and 20,000 guns were not turned in.

Venice was the first to abolish the Inquisition, but when Napoleon attacked Venice, priests compared the French with the Crusaders from the pulpit. In short, Napoleon hated the Inquisition, and the Protestants took it easy. During the Reformation, the Inquisition was directly abolished, and Catholicism was not so easy. Even though it is similar to the police court in the mouth of the Roman Church, it still has influence in Portugal and Spain. It can even be used as a tool for the king to consolidate his rule.

What Napoleon had to face was the struggle between the secular and theocracy, and Pius VII was also trying to establish the authority of the Holy See.

Henry IV granted the Edict of Nantes and secured a Protestant army, but the Catholic Church and the Supreme Court immediately protested, and Richelieu stripped the Protestants of their political and military power in France.

Henry IV is a well-known emperor in French history, and the Sun King Louis XIV is also very famous. Although Louis XIV initially planned to drive out the Protestant priests, the ordinary believers remained in France, but the believers who surrendered to these priests They followed suit, even though he imposed a ban on the border, these people still managed to smuggle away. France not only lost its labor force, but also experienced a large number of domestic production technology outflows, which provided the foundation for the British Industrial Revolution.

Regardless of whether the "Nantes Amnesty" is implemented seriously, at least it balances the relationship between Catholicism and Protestantism in legal form. Even if everyone wants to compete for interests, it is within the same framework. Let the balance of power tilt completely in favor of Catholicism.

The British Parliament threw the King of England aside to manage the United Kingdom on its own. The final result was also a split. Scotland belonged to England because the King of Scotland also had the right to inherit the throne of England, just as the King of England also had the right to inherit the throne of France. Without this relationship, it will be like glass beads placed under a wooden board. When the board is removed, the glass beads will fall apart and roll to the side that is beneficial to them.

A Switzerland can be divided into more than a dozen states, not to mention Britain, at least it must be divided into Ireland, England, and Scotland. Napoleon intends to dig through the Suez Canal and destroy everything that Britain has painstakingly managed on the west coast of Africa. Scotland also has a Darien plan to develop the Panama colony.

This is a very imaginative and ambitious plan, but turning it into reality requires technology and strong national strength. The United States really has no loyalty to Britain, the suzerain country. Americans want to drink Scotch whiskey. However, the Scots were not allowed to make wine under the Prohibition Order in England. Adding Porto wine from Portugal, Bordeaux wine from France, and Caribbean rum that pirates are obsessed with, this "cocktail" might not taste so delicious.

A wise leader can lead the country to prosperity, while an incompetent leader can govern the country into chaos and division. It is written in Montesquieu’s book that absolute equality will restore the natural state. Rousseau’s theory of social contract It is also said in the article that when the monarch no longer governs the country according to the law, but the government usurps the power of the sovereign body, the country as a whole ceases to exist. At this time, the government will shrink, just like a red giant star is gestating a new one inside before it explodes. nation.

During this period, ordinary people will be in a state of natural freedom, chaotic and forced to obey by violence, and then resist with violence. How can there be no army in this situation? Even the army dared not face the waves of the people, because they were too many.

When passing Evreux and came to a three-way intersection, Napoleoni stopped.

This crossing leads north to Rouen, where it only takes a day's journey, and west to Mont Saint-Michel.

No one dared to speak until Napoleon had decided in which direction to go.

So is Napoleon a modern-day Attila or the sword of the Church? If he is the sword of the Church, is he still the Sultan of Kebir?

When the last ship sailed to the unreachable horizon of Lena, a young man sat quietly on a rock and stared at the distant sail in a daze. His thoughts seemed to drift away with the distant sail and the waves, forming his dream in the world.

Imagination can rule the world, and it may also be the crazy imagination of a paranoid patient. Of course, he may also suffer from schizophrenia, and all the people around him are hallucinations.

Crazy people often don't know that they are crazy. Georgiana only hopes that she is not so crazy, or she hopes that she is not crazy, otherwise she will not make the prediction that Great Britain will be divided, and only the United Kingdom can prevent the division of the United Kingdom king.

Of course this king is not the mad king George III. Unfortunately, the Prince of Wales seems unable to kill his father for the throne. The most important thing is that the madness in Germany seems to be hereditary. Who knows if the Prince of Wales will one day follow him? Crazy as father.

The Scots believed in the rule of the Stuart family, but who knew whether the Stuart who came back would be a good king? What if he was worse than Mad King George III?

Georgiana looked at the bronze medal in her hand. It circulated in one direction and looked like a vortex.

"Ma'am." Matilda looked at her worriedly, "Don't carry this thing with you."

Just as Georgiana was about to speak, the carriage started to move. It seemed that Napoleon had already determined which direction to go, and the team was about to set off again.

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