Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1585 Life and Death Sniper (16)

France, Les Invalides.

Gonseil was waiting for Severus in front of the palace where Napoleon's coffin lay.

He was still a little nervous at first, but there were still many visitors to the Invalides during the day, so he relaxed and raised his hand anxiously to look at his watch from time to time.

Felix, too, was watching the crowd, and then he tugged on LaConseil's sleeve.

"Here he is," Felix said to Conseil, pointing in one direction.

Gonseil raised his head and looked in the direction Felix pointed, and found that Severus was standing not far away, looking up at the gilded roof of the Invalides.

"Let's go," Gonseil said to Felix, and the two walked together to Severus' side, also looking up at the golden roof in the sun.

"Is there a question?" Gonseil asked Severus.

"Have you ever heard of any legend?" Severus asked. "It wasn't Napoleon's body that was brought from St. Hena."

"It's a legend." Gong Saiyi said indifferently, "Do you still want to open the coffin?"

"How can a man with stomach cancer be obese?" Severus asked.

"I've known people who had cancer and were obese, and it was drug-induced," Felix said.

"Do you think that drug existed in the 19th century?" Severus asked Felix back.

"You believe he died of arsenic poisoning?" asked Conseil.

"The poisoners are usually women, or cowards. Do you think there are people like that on St. Hena?"

"Not English?" Conseil sarcastically asked.

"I think it was the French who instigated it. The French advisers in the War Office played a very important role. He shot and killed the Duke of Angkian, which actually made people believe that he would not let the Bourbon Dynasty return, even if he Proclaimed emperor, the French also believe that it is the new political form he established, and he will still serve the revolutionary republic nation."

"I don't know," said Conseil teasingly.

"In order to regain the trust of the Dark Lord, I killed Albus Dumbledore. Since then, no one suspects that I am a spy of the Order of the Phoenix. Even the members of the Order of the Phoenix think that I am a Death Eater." Over there, during that time I was given full freedom, and I could design the Battle of the Seven Potters the way I planned." Severus smiled sarcastically, "As long as the owner of the hair is alive, the dead Do you think Napoleon's continental blockade can still be implemented now that people still look like they drank Polyjuice Potion?"

Conseil began to think.

"Since 1806, that is, during the continental blockade, mechanized cotton yarn production has spread rapidly all over the world, and has grown exponentially, occupying the market occupied by Britain. Can you imagine Germany without industry?" Severus asked.

Conseil's eyes widened in shock.

"Russia's industrialization began in Moscow, but Moscow was burned when Napoleon invaded. Russia had no tropical and temperate colonies. Cotton yarn had to be imported. After solving France, Britain had the Crimean War with Russia. At the same time , the price of cotton is also falling with the increase of planting. Even if Russia has a serf system, they cannot obtain raw materials without a suitable environment, unless they occupy the colonies in the temperate zone. At that time, Britain just obtained the support of France by exchanging Napoleon's body ,but……"

"But what?" asked Conseil.

"The United States is Napoleon's backhand against Britain. After the First World War, the United States began to replace Britain. The nobles and MPs in London can only recall the good old days."

"I do not understand……"

"They're Muggles, we're wizards, may I ask you why your mood has changed so much?" Severus asked.

Conseil did not speak.

"I had no intention of destroying your country." Severus said, looking at the golden roof, "but your dead leader destroyed my home, and I'm a family man."

"He is not my leader," said Conseil.

"Grindelwald is not the leader of all wizards, what did your father say?" Severus said.

"I don't want to talk about it," said Conseil with disgust.

"I don't want to go back to the house at Spider's End at all, not just because it's full of good 'childhood memories'." Severus said slowly, "I still want to stay in the same house with Wormtail, but at that time I There are more important things to do, so I have to control my emotions and regain the trust of the dark lord, a woman, she kept looking at me and laughing, at the time I didn't understand what she was laughing at, I later learned that she was aware of it at the time arrive."

"See what?" Felix asked.

"I could have killed Wormtail if I loved Lily that much, but I didn't." Severus stared at Felix and said, "I'm more concerned with the mission itself."

"And Pomona," said Conseil.

"And Pomona." Severus said calmly, "During the final battle at Hogwarts, the Dark Lord tried to kill Harry Potter with the Avada Kedavra, but he didn't dare to confirm it. Instead, it was a woman who confirmed it, and that woman only cared about whether her son was alive."

"Narcissa Malfoy," Gonseil murmured.

"She's also the woman who smiled at me in the house on Spinner's End," Severus said with a smile. "It's not just the Mona Lisa's smile that holds secrets."

"She saw through you so easily?" asked Conseil.

"It's amazing, isn't it? She did what neither the White Wizard nor the Dark Lord could do." Severus sighed. "Some things you don't know how precious until you lose them. The entrance is Church of Our Lady of Ankang, she likes that place very much, there is a ghost at the entrance, he told me that I will only open that door when I really need it, I seriously considered the deal he proposed, he took Lily's undead from the underworld Bring it back and put it in Pomona's body."

"How can you think so?" Conseil condemned.

Severus didn't speak.

"If you accompany me into that world, it may require you to do something bad for your country, so you still want to come with me?" Severus said.

"It's an imaginary world," said Conseil.

"Objects usually refer to entities, such as stones, but there are also non-substantial objects, such as air, which cannot be perceived by our sense of touch like objects, but you can feel wind. This non-substantial object is spiritus, The hallucinations that appear in the mirage can find a place of existence, but the objects in the dream and the mirror do not exist, but the buildings in the designer's dream appear in front of our eyes, all of us, and this planet is itself. Born from the dust of the dead stars, dust to dust, dust to dust, an object is an object because it is held together by a mysterious force."

"What?" asked Conseil.

"Lily's dead and I still have a reason to live." Severus looked at a point in the void. "I'm not a coward."

"You look like you need a hug," said Gonceil. "I wouldn't hug you in public."

"The famous savior was mainly dead at the time, and Narcissa didn't care what the world would become, she just wanted her son to live." Severus said, "I can't imagine Harry Potter saying that Draco died Now, what will she do?"

"Enough, Snape," Gonseil reminded.

"I'm not that prophesied prince." Severus said in a daze. "I just want to take care of my family, my wife and godson. Saving the world is as crazy as ruling it."

Conseil stood still.

"I hate my father, but I'll keep using his last name, I'd rather be a nasty Snape than a bloody Half-Blood Prince, I don't need Harry Potter to get me the Order of Merlin, I don't want revenge either, I just want my life back, but I can't do it alone, would you help me?"

"I will," said Felix at once, and then looked at Conseil. "What about you?"

"Where are we going next?" said Conseil.

Severus didn't speak.

Conseil shook his head.

"Your money is really hard to earn, boss, I want a raise."

"How much do you want?" Severus asked.

"I haven't thought it through yet," said Conseil.

"Would you like to go to Nick Flamel's house?" Severus said. "I know where his house is?"

"Deal!" Gong Saiyi immediately said excitedly, "Finally something worth looking forward to happened."

"You want immortality?" Severus asked.

"No," said Conseil at once, "I just want to see where famous people live."

"What about you?" Severus asked Felix.

"Why do I want to live forever?" Felix asked strangely.

Severus didn't say anything, grabbed Conseil and apparated with Felix together, a passer-by caught a glimpse of that scene, subconsciously rubbed his eyes, and then just thought he was wrong, and continued in the Invalides Yard tour.

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