Chapter 1586 Life and death sniper (seventeen)

France, the most powerful land kingdom in Europe, even after the French Revolution, many royal jewels have disappeared, and the collection is still very rich. Later, after Napoleon's robbery, he filled the already dazzling jewelry library .

Even an Indian woman knows that once she is lucky enough to be the wife of a hillman, the "free hunter," she must look good for her husband's wallet and trade credit, a free How could a stalker's wife dress like the average wives? Give up those poor thoughts, free hunters actually care about their identity and status as much as businessmen, and this identity and status recognition is reflected in the appearance of their wives.

Going to the north this time, Georgiana had to dress up "beautiful" and cover up all the merchant's wives, so all the jewels of the French treasury and Bonaparte's private treasury were opened to her. It contains not only the jewelry of the French king, but also Italian jewelry. It is said that this is a "donation" received by Bonaparte from the Catholic clergy. A jewelry craftsman created brand new jewelry for her a month ago.

In theory, the value of jewelry is determined by the size of the gemstones, but Giorgina doesn't want to wear all the gemstones on her body like Grassini, using herself as a jewelry display stand.

She found Denon, the curator of the Louvre, and found the women's jewelry on the oil paintings of the Renaissance, and asked the McLenrey family to copy a batch, but what she got in the end was an improved one. More in line with the 19th century aesthetic, there was a bracelet with black enamel set with gold and pearls and a square yellow diamond, which she loved so much that Melanra made a set for her, and even a Ferron Niye fine chain.

This forehead decoration is named after a painting by Leonardo da Vinci, the woman in the painting is named Madame Ferronnier. In addition, there are hair chains made of emeralds and gold, and a garnet snake necklace matching the fire opal in her hand. Later, she bought a brooch carved with snails at the suggestion of the craftsman. The head carved on the brooch is Georgiana herself, she felt that this thing could become her own token in the future, worn by the maids who went out to serve her.

When there are more jewels, a jewel custodian is needed. Leon Kur's granddaughter Alice will also accompany Georgiana on this trip, and she is responsible for keeping the jewels for Georgiana.

She seemed to have known her fate, to choose a young Bonapartist officer as her husband at the ball, and was not very happy about this outing.

At least Alice still has the right to choose by herself. The others were matched directly by Napoleon and Josephine who looked good, and the parties were only notified in the end.

Georgiana didn't know what the final outcome of the marriage she introduced would be. Few aristocratic girls had free marriages. Like Rose, she had thrown off the shackles, and those who were with the poor painter Jack were very few. The right family changed the name of this statement to class barriers, and Carl and Rose, who belonged to the upper class in theory, had no common language at all.

Napoleon was born as a "civilian" and went to a military academy for several years, but an officer with such profound knowledge is very rare, although according to his own statement, because he was poor, reading was his only pastime.

The same craftsmen, jewelry craftsmen and British spinning machine engineers are completely different. This time they are going to Rouen in the Normandy region, one of the centers of the French cotton industry, where British craftsmen play a key role.

In addition, Ghent in Belgium has also become a textile center. British textile machinery is not allowed to be exported at will. This is one of the means of British diplomacy. Where there are British textile machinery, traditional handicraft industries are usually squeezed out to obtain technology. It is no less important than obtaining capital. It is not so easy for Belgium to abandon the textile industry and switch to the sugar industry. Generally speaking, the development of the textile industry will also develop the manufacturing industry. In addition to mercenaries, Switzerland is also famous for watches. Even though British experts kept it secret, Swiss entrepreneurs still copied a simplified version of the British machine, and it was already in operation, but it was not so easy to fully mechanize it.

Whether it is wool, linen or cotton, the textile industry in Germany is a traditional family workshop. Women and children spin yarn at home. When a large amount of cheap British yarn enters Germany, these spinners become weavers. , continue to work at home, the Swiss no longer need to import British yarn after the spinning machine, but this will cause women to leave home to go to work in the factory.

The salary of women is half or even 40% of that of men, and the salary of child labor is lower, sometimes one-third or even one-quarter. There are two reasons. Women and children are more obedient than men. Second, they have no strength to resist. The supervisor is often a man of Kongwu and strength, and a child can lift it up with one hand.

The competition of British goods strongly stimulates the manufacturing industry to develop in another direction. Steel and manufacturing, even if it is not a mining area, the coastal ports can also transport ore. Blueprints, molds, and machines are the targets of industrial espionage. British technicians apply for employment abroad. The high salary is only one aspect. The street lamp expert who worked as a steam engine assembly engineer in Watt's factory wanted to lay the new type of street lamp he invented in the city, and the French immediately agreed. Later, the engineer was taken back by the British. A German was sent instead. This German inventor is good at sales and publicity, but he doesn’t know how to assemble steam engines. What’s the use of gas lamps on the streets of Paris?

The core of industrial capitalism is the continuous innovation of technology, which is the symbol of the development and growth of industrial capitalism.

Bonaparte actually didn't like metric units very much. He lived to be in his thirties and had to learn to convert from imperial units to metric units.

The metric system was first implemented in France. With the cultural expansion and technology dissemination of France, more and more other European countries used the metric system. Later, the metric system became a common unit in the world, and only the United States and the Commonwealth of Nations continued to use it. Use imperial units.

Napoleon knew mathematics and geometry, and he also showed her the trajectory of the new British shrapnel. This "secret weapon" is powerful, but it also has many restrictions. First, it must have a correct shooting angle, and another is the projectile body Enough gunpowder should be left in the gunpowder, and the amount of charge should be just enough to destroy the outer casing. At the same time, the force generated can push the projectile to fly in the original direction, delay the diffusion time of the shotgun, and hit the target more concentratedly.

This requires precise calculations and a lot of experiments. It requires money for short. Although there were no foreign wars in 1802, France spent a lot of money on maintaining domestic stability. The special courts and the army to suppress bandits all cost money. Looking at the project expenditures of various public works in the country, she really shouldn't spend money squandering and buying so many expensive jewelry and clothes.

But these things are her "battle armor". Bonaparte can wear military uniforms, but she can't, but she doesn't wear too cumbersome and gorgeous clothes. She mainly works on tailoring, materials and patterns, that is, She was near the bar of the hotel, listening to the "sense of luxury" that the models said.

A commander-in-chief of an army cannot achieve good success if he does not receive the awe and love he deserves.

Georgiana estimated that no one would believe it. She didn't like these things. She would rather wear a witch's robe full of dirt and patches, and a witch's hat, plant vegetables in the vegetable garden or take care of magical plants in the greenhouse.

However, a woman who has an affair with another man in marriage already has a reputation of infidelity. Napoleon's "brothers" used this as an excuse to introduce many women to him. Josephine had nothing to do. Georgiana will definitely not be the same as Josephine, she is not Irene, she will not swallow her anger, and Severus, like Napoleon Bonaparte, can find a young and pure princess to marry and start a new family.

Her biggest mistake in this life is that she is still alive, unlike Lily, who can die as a pure and great mother, she is already immortal in people's hearts.

Lily is much luckier than her, and Petunia was born to the same parents. Why is it so unfair, Lily is a witch, but Petunia is a Muggle?

At this moment, she suddenly heard the bell ringing from downstairs. It seemed that Bai Lier had started to dance the sacrificial ceremony again.

The last time Georgiana watched her dance, it was passed down from ancient Egypt and used by priestesses to exorcise demons. It is different from belly dancing, which is a dance for praying for fertility. It is used to pray for peace. They set out tonight, Georgiana will go first, and meet at Saint-Germain-en-Laye.

She touched her heart and felt as if it had stopped beating.

It should be satisfied now, the unfaithful woman is finally dead, and the world has been purified, just like "what a wonderful world" in the song.

With a "snap", Georgiana closed the jewelry safe.

"Come on, let's go dancing," said Georgiana to Alice.

"I don't know how to dance that kind of dance," said Alice hastily.

"I can't learn." She pulled Alice almost forcefully, "And you, Matilda, you want to go too."

"I don't want to go~" Matilda pouted.

Georgiana ignored her, took Matilda with the other hand, and they went downstairs together.

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