Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1584 Life and Death Sniper (Fifteen)

Napoleoni burns Georgiana's new fur.

He not only burned it, but also threw it out of the balcony of the Tuileries Palace. People walking in the park after dark couldn't help but look at the ball of fur burning in the dark. It should have been drenched with lamp oil. As a result, it gave off a pungent smell when it burned, and it also left charred marks on the stone.

People didn't know what happened at the time, and only heard later that Mrs. Sevres got a very valuable blue fox fur. However, the First Consul had a very keen sense of smell, and the smell of animals on the fur made him dizzy. When it comes to clothes that he doesn't like, other men will suggest that women change that dress, while Napoleon will choose to destroy it directly.

So the scene of the previous night was staged.

Wearing fur also symbolized elegance in European society at that time, and at the same time showed social status. No one would associate it with cruelty.

Napoleon himself had fur clothes, but usually only with frayed edges, like Georgiana's full fur dress, he didn't.

Monroe should know about such a big scene, but he doesn't know what he will think of Georgiana. The main competitor of the Pacific Fur Company is the Northwest Fur Company, and the operators of the Northwest Fur Company are British businessmen, and the Americans also want to drive the British fur traders away.

This is not only because of the fur trade problem, the British will exchange spirits and guns with the Indians, Americans think alcoholism is a very bad life habit, often associated with depravity, laziness, and "stupid choices" Together. The main way for fur traders to obtain fur was from Indians. Americans felt that if Indians drank too much, it would affect their acquisition of valuable furs, so they set up the "Indian Trading Office" to give humanitarian care.

As for what the British wanted to do when they gave guns to the Indians, everyone knew. In 1787, the United States promulgated the "Northwest Act", which transformed the old Northwest Territory into the Northwest Territory. A large number of Americans began to move in, which angered the Indians. At first, the Indians could easily defeat the American army. In 1794, Admiral Anthony Wayne, nicknamed "Crazy", was appointed by George Washington to solve the well-trained and well-equipped Indians in the "Battle of Logging". At the same time, because of the war between the British mainland and the French Republic during the French Revolution, Britain had to give up the land in the old Northwest, allowing the Americans to take the opportunity to control those trading points, but the British could still buy fur through the Americans.

If Americans want to sell their furs, they need to pass through London anyway, because that is the world's main fur raw material and clothing distribution center.

Before the signing of the "Jay Treaty", even if the United States collected enough furs, they still had to worry about sales. Fur was not a necessity in the American colonies, and post-war London did not welcome Americans at all, even after the signing of the "Jay Treaty" Britain returned all the trading points in the Old Northwest to the United States, and Britain's restrictions on American imports were also relaxed, and the number of fur transactions was still very small.

At first, the British used the Indians in the Old Northwest Territory as a barrier to prevent the United States from invading this area, but now it has turned into an intensified conflict between the United States and India, and the Canadians also lost many deals because of the "Jay Treaty". At this point, they are furious, and they are desperate to regain control of those fur producing areas.

This is a consistent routine in Great Britain. Napoleon's setting fire to the fur may mean two things, one is that he doesn't like the dress, and the other is that he doesn't like Americans.

George Washington always felt that the fur trade was one of the reasons for the turmoil on the western border of the United States. He and many Americans believed that it was a group of scoundrels defrauding the Indians. He and Jefferson and other founding leaders hoped that the Indians would be stable. Closely attached to the United States, it came forward to supervise the fur trade and strictly restricted the import of spirits. As for whether there would be disputes between Britain and the United States, Bonaparte of France didn't care at all.

Even if Britain and the United States fight, Portugal’s colony of Brazil will also produce leather. Mining is heavy physical labor. Miners need to eat meat, otherwise they can’t work. , and then shipped to Northern Europe through Lisbon, and then shipped to other countries, such as Russia, through middlemen in Northern Europe.

Everyone knows that reducing middlemen can reduce the price difference, and arming neutral countries earns this money. Otherwise, why did the Royal Navy bombard Copenhagen after Russia withdrew from the anti-French alliance and formed a trade alliance with Sweden and Denmark to protect neutral countries? ?

Americans can't plan to establish the French ports of Louisiana and New Orleans while still wanting to establish a fur trade with France. That's what a sane person thinks. Fortunately, Georgiana is not the kind of woman who sees beautiful clothes and gets hot-headed. Anyway, Napoleon's fire was on fire, and Georgiana didn't have to worry about treason anymore.

The French are romantic and affectionate. The whole world knows that there are countless people who fight for women and even cause duels. However, such people are often "young people". Napoleon was very romantic when he was in his 20s. Serphine would also have to recite long passages of the Scottish poet O'Sian's poems when she was in love.

This Scottish lyric poet who is said to be very active in the third century was actually invented by James Macpherson. There is no such person in history. Those poems written by Ossian were also written by Macpherson. Georgiana told the girls a story about Charlemagne, which was also compiled by a Scot named Walter Scott, whose talent was completely overshadowed by Byron. Mostly the ballads and adventure stories of kings and knights.

Napoleon also read his works and did not comment, but he admired Scott's perseverance. Scott suffered from polio at the age of two and was disabled for life, but he learned to ride horses and hunt, and also studied at the University of Edinburgh. degree in law and is now the President of the Edinburgh Civil Court.

The mountains of Scotland are very slender, but they are unconquerable. The British have not tamed the Scots for so many years. Napoleoni met Georgiana, a Scottish woman, and he has gotten used to it. In his words , he has climbed the Alps twice without being so tired.

The English are also implementing Prohibition in Scotland. The Scots have always disagreed with the Hanoverian royal family entering Scotland and inheriting the Stuart dynasty in Scotland. Whiskey has become the financial magic weapon for the Scots to fight against England. By taxing whiskey, the rebel army obtained military expenses. After the war, England increased its taxation on Scotch whiskey. The Scots tried every means to evade taxes. Later, the British ordered the closure of Scotch whiskey brewing, so the whiskey workshops in Scotland All went underground, and the Scottish police also turned a blind eye to the bootleggers. During the day, the bootleggers were released to brew alcohol, and at night they returned to prison and were "imprisoned". It was hidden in a cave, and as a result, the whiskey brewing process was inadvertently changed, and there was aged whiskey.

Americans also charge taxes for drinking whiskey, and they still charge for a drink. Although the western United States does not often have cowboys with revolvers fighting in small towns like in movies, and occasionally a corrupt sheriff appears or something, But anyone who drinks alcohol hates the whiskey tax.

They would use pitch or tar, glue feathers to their bodies, disguise themselves as "birdmen", and dance Indian dances around tax collectors. Tax collectors will definitely be robbed if they don’t carry guns. Even if Americans don’t rob Indians, they will rob them. Napoleon sold gunpowder equipment to the DuPont family. The gunpowder and iron products in the United States were originally controlled by the United Kingdom. .

In the current U.S. Constitution, there is a three-fifths agreement, which means that each slave can only discount three-fifths of free citizens, and American Indians do not participate in the taxation and benefit distribution of the U.S. government.

Sell ​​whiskey to Indians, let Indians sell to "cowboys", so that everyone can drink happily without paying taxes, provided that the US government is willing to give up such a large tax.

The Three-Fifths Agreement increased the Southerners' representation in the House of Representatives from 35% to 45%, giving them greater legislative power. Cotton was an important raw material during the Industrial Revolution. British spinning machines need cotton imports from the United States. At the same time, British engineers are not so easy to borrow. At least as far as Napoleon knows, Switzerland has introduced British machines, and British engineers have designed factories for them, Georgiana said. I hoped for so long that the British side would send engineers to France, but there was no news, so how much weight can her words carry?

When he was tender, Bonaparte also told a story to Georgiana. In the Middle Ages, there was a pair of sisters. A husband was chosen, a young and wealthy knight, and the bride-to-be was confident of her slim and well-proportioned figure, so she decided to wear a gown without fringe.

Although the dress fit well enough to accentuate her figure, it was very windy that day, and her Danba clothes couldn't keep out the cold at all, so her face lost the color of her face, and her sister was very sensible to wear it. Warm, trimmed with fur, so her cheeks were as rosy as a delicate rose. The young knight only took one look at the two sisters, and asked their father to marry the younger sister who looked better. Thinking that he had chosen the right one, the knight returned to the castle and found that the older sister was more beautiful in a warm fur robe. That, but by then it was too late.

People in ancient times valued oaths, and once they made an oath, they should not repent easily. In 1796, the British withdrew from the Old Northwest as scheduled. So this time, will the British follow the agreement and withdraw from Malta?

At that time, what else could she do but giggle?

Later, he didn't ask any further questions, got up, burned the fur, and threw it out of the window.

The next thing she needed to do was to prepare a few more "silk fringe fringe gowns" and keep her rose-cheeked cheeks, which were ghostly pale in England's cold climate. Josephine is very good at dressing up, very feminine, and very elegant. The key is that her face has always been rosy, even Georgina and Grassini have the same rosy complexion.

When Matilda was packing for her, Georgiana wanted to throw all the blush away.

But she finally acquiesced in their presence in her luggage.

As for the benefits that Georgiana wants to apply for the girls, Bonaparte also helped her figure it out. She can set up a fur market. Not only can she take high-end furs at will, but she can also draw a part of the "management fee". She can appoint the manager herself, and she doesn't need to ask whether the market is American, British or Canadian. She just needs to keep the market "clean and tidy".

In addition to the habit of asking when she doesn't understand, she also knows how to stay away from danger.

Some Muggles are very difficult to mess with, but Georgiana didn't see how terrifying the Corsican monster was at first, otherwise she wouldn't be so stupid to approach him.

Why didn't the "female intuition" work at that time? She could only blame it on Hathor's curse, otherwise what explanation could there be?

A good hunter must not only be accurate with marksmanship, but also be able to set traps. The skins of animals that eat the bait in the traps are all peeled off, so the daughter must be rich.

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