Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1583 Life and death sniper (fourteen)

"How did you come back?" Lucius Malfoy asked Severus in his manor, "How is my son now?"

"I found him a place to hide," Severus said. "By the way, Europe is going to be messed up."

Lucius watched him cautiously.

"Is our Minister for Magic involved in the Muggle wars?" Severus asked again.

"I've heard rumors in the Ministry that there are Death Eaters loyal to the Dark Lord operating in Europe." Lucius said in a pretentious manner, "Do you have any information about this?"

Severus smiled. "Are they sending Aurors?"

"We should celebrate that the White Wizard is dead. He will no longer send special agents like Newt Scamander to cause trouble around the world." Lucius said, "Kingsley feels that the werewolf problem needs to be solved first. .”

"Let them stay in the UK, it's better to block the undersea tunnel."

"Is this going to be World War III?" Lucius asked.

"You can understand it as a volcanic eruption, which is inevitable." Severus said, "I don't want riots on the mainland to affect Britain."

Lucius smirked "What did I hear?"

"What is the problem?"

"You want to serve this country?"

Severus didn't answer right away.

"You have a good life, Lucius, protect what you have now," Severus said after a moment.

"I wish I could," said Lucius Malfoy, "but you've been to the Blacks too, and no amount of spells cast on the house can stop the family from falling."

"Take good care of Sissy."

"I will," Lucius said. "Take care of my son."

"I will," Severus said, and then he looked at Lucius as if about to say something, but walked away without a word.

"Vela is a curse, you should find a human girl." Lucius said, watching Severus' back, and then he shook his head again.

"You should find a pure-blood noble, this is your destination."

There was a sound of high-heeled footsteps, and soon Narcissa Malfoy appeared.

"How did you come back?"

"I miss you, dear lady." Lucius said in a chant-like tone, but Narcissa didn't appreciate it.

She left a cold and haughty back to Lucius, followed by the house elf Robbie.

"Harry Potter." Lucius sneered, and then returned to his study. Malfoy Manor returned to its former tranquility, and it was completely impossible to see what had happened here.

==================================================== =============

The door of the first governing bedroom of the Tuileries Palace was opened, and Napoleon Bonaparte, dressed in the uniform of a colonel of the Chasseurs, walked in. He saw Georgiana who was waiting for him in the living room, showing a surprised expression.

"I now understand why so many ladies wear a lot of perfume when they wear fur," Georgiana said. "The fur smells so bad."

He looked her up and down with interest, a smile gradually appeared on his face, and he showed his white and neat teeth.

"Sit down," he said, pointing to a nearby sofa, and Georgiana sat down, followed by him.

"You look beautiful, my lady." He slickly praised.

"Don't your nose smell me?" She pinched his ancient Greek nose.

"Who gave this to you?" He stroked the thick fur on the leather jacket and asked.

"Monroe, but the broker who sold George Washington's threshing machine came to the door. I plan to take him with me on this trip." Georgiana tucked up her skirt and said, "I have a question to ask you."

"go ahead."

"What should I do? I don't want to accept his bribe, but if I refuse him directly, it may affect diplomacy. I don't like fur, but the girls around me like it very much."

"What else did he tell you?"

"The Americans said that they could give me the shares of the Pacific Fur Company. I not only have furs to wear, but also real estate."

"You know military boots are made of leather," said Bonaparte.

"Oh!" Georgiana exclaimed.

"That's all he said?"

"He also talked about the Louisiana issue." Georgiana said honestly, "New Orleans is the mouth of the Mississippi River, and the Jay Treaty."

"What did you promise him?" asked Bonaparte.

"Didn't I come to ask you for advice?" Georgiana immediately grabbed his arm and begged, "What should I do?"

Bonaparte looked very pleased, put his arm around Georgiana's shoulders, and put her on the sofa together.

"Do you know who the main competitor of Pacific Fur Company is?"

Georgiana shook her head.

"British and Canadian, I think the broker seemed to be British."

"In other words, the Americans intend to sell American fur goods to France through me, bypassing the British?" Georgiana asked.

"Fur traders have to deal directly with the local Indians, they are very good soldiers." Napoleon said, "and not every tribe likes foreign invaders."

"Do you still want to sell Louisiana? I heard that you also appointed a Louisiana governor. If you sell that land, he will be removed from office."

"I am not Louis XVI. I will do whatever it takes to win in North America." He grabbed Georgiana's hand and said, "Do you know what your husband did during the Portuguese war?"

Georgiana shook her head.

"Saint-Cyr's ship from Spain was blocked by the British navy near Coimbra. He had to go ashore to fight the British army. This gave the Portuguese royal family a chance to escape on the ship. Don't trust the spies in the tavern to gather information. , don’t trust the king who abandoned the capital at will, how did he get the information?”

Georgiana shook her head, "I really don't know."

"The Portuguese royal family escaped by boat not because of our army, but because of the liberals of the industrialists and intellectuals in the city. The "Methuen Treaty" benefited wine and landowners, but simplified Portugal's trade. The trade deficit between Britain and Portugal nearly doubled. And shipping is also monopolized by the UK, they want to reform, but you also need to know that we have reconciled with the church now, if there is a rift with them because of the Portuguese issue, it will be very bad for us."

Georgiana looked at him with her head on one side.

"100 years ago, at the turn of the century, Pedro II of Portugal allowed the Inquisition to crack down on Portuguese wool mills. I was surprised when I first heard it. I thought it was the vintners who were cracked down as heretics. Woolen cloth."

"What?" she asked confusedly.


"Oh, my God." Georgiana covered her face, and Bonaparte laughed.

"The regent of Portugal heard that his marriage to the princess of Spain was not happy. The princess was only 10 years old when she married him, and they consummated the marriage when the princess was 15 years old." He continued to play with her hand and said pointedly, "15 Marriage at the age of 10 is the norm.”

"Do you still want to excuse yourself and Georgina's problems?" she asked sternly.

"It's like a woman who is ready, body and soul, waiting to conceive," Bonaparte said softly.

Georgiana didn't feel anything.

"The queen of Portugal is loyal to Spanish interests. Do you think she will allow Spain to annex Portugal again?" asked Bonaparte.

"I was reading a book recently. There was a sentence written in the book. Some people think that justice is empty words without actual content. Everything that a person can obtain by force belongs to him." Georgiana didn't dare to look him in the eyes "Do you think this sentence is true?"

"You despise me?" he asked.

"No!" Georgiana retorted immediately.

"You know what I want," he said impatiently, "and you're still waiting for me in the bedroom."

"I wanted to go somewhere else, but Dilloch brought me here." Georgiana said in pain. "I used to think that Severus didn't love me, and I was hurt deeply by him, so I..."

"I envy him," interrupted Bonaparte. "He has everything I want."


"What are you going to do when you go back with him?"

Georgiana froze.

"If you believe in justice, where is my justice?" He said rebelliously, but his eyes were looking at the sky.

Georgiana looked him in the eye, and he looked like he was about to cry.

"When the regent wanted to leave the capital, the princess didn't stop him?" Georgiana asked.

"She didn't know Justinian, and she didn't use Theodora as an example." Bonaparte said indifferently, "You, like other women, approached me to use me."

She had meant to say otherwise.

"You're an attractive man, Leon, but I feel guilty." She said distressedly. "Which do you think is more unforgivable, treason or a woman who betrays her husband?"

"You may think you are looking for justice," said Bonaparte. "England has indeed done a lot of evil."

"You're not that clean either," Georgiana said wearily. "Do you still want to restore slavery?"

"If you want me to change for you, you must be loyal to me." He said firmly, "Didn't England say that it had given up its military support to Portugal?"

"I don't think he gave up on me," Georgiana said.

"Then why hasn't he come to your rescue?" asked Bonaparte.

"He was delayed..."

"I shouldn't be a good person." He cursed lowly.

"Do you think I'm a fool, too?" Georgiana asked.

Without saying a word, he directly pulled her up and led her into the bedroom.

She didn't resist, as if she wouldn't go to hell, maybe she was already in it.

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