Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1574 Life and Death Snipe (4)

There used to be an old proverb.

A horseshoe was lost for a nail, a horse was lost for a horseshoe, a general was lost for a horse, a war was lost for a general, a kingdom was lost for a war.

A small oversight could have disastrous consequences. Before setting off, Georgiana came to Versailles to find Davout, the commander of the Guards.

This time he did not accompany them to the north, and Besières, Rapp, and Le Brun were almost enough. Except for the trip to Lyon for the founding ceremony of Italy, Napoleon didn't have many guards anywhere, and I don't know if he was bold or really believed that the bullets didn't know him.

Versailles used to be full of well-dressed aristocrats, but now this magnificent palace is full of soldiers. They have ruined this gorgeous palace, with slogans painted everywhere on the walls, and some places they think are strategically important. Along the barricades, gendarmes rode horses through the camp. Soldiers would line up wherever they went, and no one dared to be disorganized.

In addition to being good at commanding, Napoleon was also very strict in running the army. She had heard that Louis XIV had cut off the noses of the prostitutes around the Versailles barracks, but she hadn't seen any women wandering around the barracks along the way.

This is a problem that the army will inevitably encounter when stationed in a prosperous and wealthy place. Many troops that used to be famous have lost their combat effectiveness in this way.

As long as Napoleon is alive, it will be almost impossible for France to fight the Great Patriotic War like it did in 1792. The Archduke Charles of Austria will not attack France with a large army. The Flemish fortress system costs 4 million francs a year to maintain, and these The palaces all over France add up to a lot of expenses.

The church also needs to be maintained, otherwise it will become dilapidated sooner or later even if no one destroys it.

600,000 francs was a lot of money, and she couldn't tell whether she hoped that the officers would spend it in a good time or that Gobert used it for other things.

Georgiana needed to say hello to Davout if he hadn't used the money to make connections, so she brought Figel with her.

Napoleon was busy until 5 a.m. every day, of course, he was not as patronizing and chatting as Louis XVI's imperial meeting. When the relationship between Britain and France may break down at any time, beets will replace sucrose for those guests who love to drink coffee and chat.

Sugar beet planting in France cannot be promoted. This is an experiment by the Agricultural Association. Belgium used to belong to the Netherlands. They often contact the Dutch who are good at doing business. They need to be more flexible. Maybe the farmers there will promote sugar beet planting more than in France. Take it easy.

Some people can’t turn the corner no matter what. Georgiana has a better temper. When the old bat encounters this kind of student in class, he can’t help scolding. The usual ending is that the student will make a bigger fuss because of being too nervous. Accident, Georgiana told him not to do that, but he was the same as those students, and the next time he encountered it in class, he would still spray the venom.

She came to Davout's command post under the guidance of the guides. The guards were "beloved", and the beloved lived in a palace with a garden. It basically kept the old scenery and looked very clean and tidy. Those well-dressed and fancy guards haunt here look very pleasing to the eye.

Subconsciously, she twirled the bracelet on her wrist, Severus' hair was always greasy, while Bonaparte kept it clean and smooth. Sometimes even though she knew he was not a perfect person, she still couldn't help but be confused by the appearance when she saw the poses and scenes he put on.

A 50-year-old woman like her was fooled, let alone a teenage girl. But when the frenzied feeling dissipated, he would find that Bonaparte was a very boring man who was not good at pleasing women. He even asked Georgiana to coax him, after all, he was ten years younger than her.

Young girls can be willful, old women can't, and the good temper she honed in school over the years has helped her, otherwise she would have had a hard time putting up with that little bastard.

As Napoleon himself said, the fleur-de-lis flag cannot be seen in France now, and the red, white and blue tricolor flag is flying even where the Guards are stationed.

As for the Roman golden eagle flag that almost caused a mutiny, there was no trace at all. The people in the army worshiped Napoleon as Caesar, but Caesar died in the assassination, and the assassins who assassinated him were eventually killed by Caesar's followers. They have to be removed one by one.

Even if the royalists and the Jacobins regain power by assassinating Napoleon, they will fall into the endless assassinations of Napoleon's admirers.

Supporting Napoleon allowed some people to get a lot of things. Once Napoleon died, they would have nothing. This endless cycle continues, and the regimes in France will continue to change as they did during the Great Revolution.

For God's sake, isn't life this turbulent and chaotic enough?

Although Portugal has nothing left to plunder, they still have religious property to sell. With this money, they can implement Portugal’s industrialization and improve the housing problems of urban residents after the Lisbon earthquake. At least let them move from crumbling wooden houses to bricks and cement house.

Cement can not only be made into a square shape, but also can be made into various shapes, such as Baroque, Rococo, and Renaissance. The structure inside is built with steel bars, which saves money and is beautiful and profitable. Money, provided the Portuguese nobles and the regent agreed.

Freemasonry has developed in the military, and it is possible that they may be ready to overthrow the Portuguese regime at any moment. If Napoleon is really short of money, Georgiana can find a way to earn him back from abroad, provided that his own attitude changes.

In the past, it was understandable that the French were forced to be cornered and become robbers. Anyone who was forced into a corner would become like this. The mountain people in Verona dared to charge despite the artillery fire. If General Baran saw that scene, he would shrink back. Then he will be blamed.

The Portuguese Church was at fault of its own, their priests should not have been involved in gold smuggling, and their Inquisitions had to be outlawed. The wealth exchanged for ill-gotten gains needs to be sold. Appropriate and moderate reforms will not cause such turmoil in France, but according to Europa's consistent "tradition", they will start annexing other countries when Portugal becomes stronger. The premise is that they have a hero who is clear-headed and full of strategy. Georgiana is a woman herself, but she thinks Queen Maria of Portugal can't do that.

Queen Ekaterina controls the army, and Georgiana must control the military if she really wants to imitate her. But she used to complain that Albus spent so much time planning in his office that he ignored what was going on in the castle. Now Georgiana began to understand why, when a person's love life is not fulfilled, there is a desire for power.

Men and women read different books, and they like to read different stories. Men like to read novels about wars or plots about the country, while women like love. As long as they feel like it, no matter how inappropriate the person is They will also imagine a wonderful story.

Georgiana now finds Napoleoni very "delicious", and once exposed to the poison called power, it is very easy to become addicted, and few people can quit. Women are always kind and have no desire for power? Not really, at least she knew that Napoleon's sister Caroline and Moreau's wife were keen to participate.

During the Great Revolution, women have been vacillating in the family and public areas. After the Great Revolution, they were strictly restricted to private and family, and few women could go out to work. Men in France have to support their families. If they are squeezed to such an extent that they can no longer support their families, these workers will go on strike and even destroy the boss's equipment like paper factory workers.

The national conditions in the UK are reversed. Considering the cost, the capitalists have lower wages for women and children than men. In addition, the degree of industrialization is higher than that of France, so that British goods can be dumped at low prices.

Only the restoration of slavery can reduce costs. France uses this to occupy the market for British goods, but this is contrary to freedom, democracy, and fraternity.

A man does not have a family and a career, and he is fearless when he is single all the time. If he is penniless, he dares to take risks. Napoleon joined the Jacobin club to a certain extent when he was poor in Paris. The conscription law in France states that unmarried men, rich or poor, may be drafted into the army.

Do you choose the happiness of the family, or choose the military career of gold and iron horses?

Marriage is a cage. Leviathan and Bechymos are locked in the same cage. The men in the military camp all choose another path, or choose this path helplessly.

"Ma'am." Figel reminded Georgiana.

After she regained consciousness, the servant outside opened the car door and waited for her to get out of the car.

After she left her seat, she left on the leather sofa a book called Leviathan, written by an Englishman who had an interesting argument.

When all people in the state of nature or in the unfortunate life enjoy the rights of "born equal", and they all have the common need to live in peace and stability, so each person gives up his natural power and entrusts it to the A person or a group, this will unifies the collective will into one person's will, unifies everyone's personality into one personality, and everyone obeys his will.

The army is all about obedience, no wonder Napoleoni likes the army so much, and no wonder the soldiers he brings out are just like him.

If Bonaparte is the head of the army, these soldiers are the body, and they are put together to form a man.

Clothes can be changed frequently, but hands and feet cannot be cut casually. Are brotherhood and friendship between men really reliable? Wasn't Colonel Fourgne betrayed by his "brother" who was drinking with him? It's just that Napoleon despised this kind of person, and after "rewarding him for his merits", he arranged the informer to a place where he couldn't see it.

He didn't realize that he was going up and down, and he was overjoyed to be appointed.

It is so beneficial to betray one's own people, no wonder so many people are willing to do it.

Does it feel miserable to be betrayed by a good brother? No, dear, that's nothing like being betrayed by a loved one.

A father can forgive a son who ran away from home, but it is difficult for a husband to forgive his wife, and it is also difficult for a daughter to forgive the murderer of his father and enemy.

When the green lightning flashed on the observatory, many things were broken, including the hearts of Minerva and Pomona. They couldn't understand, since it was acting, why didn't they tell them?

So, the curse continues, and who caused all this?

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