Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1575 Life and death sniper (five)

"Would you like some hot chocolate? Madame, I heard you have a sweet tooth." Davout said after the office door closed.

"No, thanks," Georgiana said, smiling.

"Then what else would you like to drink? Tea, coffee?"

"I'm not here for a drink, General." Georgiana watched Davout take the seat opposite her. "Actually..."

"You are here on the account of Toussaint Louverture." Davout interrupted her softly, and then sighed, "You have caused me a lot of trouble, Georgiana."

"Where is he now?" she asked frankly.

Davout did not answer immediately.

"I've been to Egypt too," Davout said. "In 1800 we sailed back to France after the Brumaire coup, but we were detained by the British generals for a month. If Juno's injury could have been properly treated at that time, it would have been impossible. become what it is now.”

"Are you accusing the English of torture?" Georgiana asked.

"Many people tried to communicate with Toussaint Louverture, but he told us a lot of things we hadn't heard in Europe." Davout thought for a while and said, "You know how equality, freedom, and fraternity are in France. Where did it spread?"

"You can speak directly, General."

"It was the plantation owners who first began to spread the idea of ​​freedom and equality in Santo Domingo. Dusan Louverture used to be a coachman. He often heard the conversations of the owners in the car and learned a lot from it. , of course their so-called equality is the equality of the plantation owners and the first class of the French nobility, and their so-called freedom is the freedom to deprive the slaves, but in fact they are free enough that even we have no right to throw a living person into boiling water Burned to death, these plantation owners were the first to organize to fight the colonial authorities and try to make Santo Domingo independent." Davout said, "I must say that I was shocked when I first heard such a horrific thing. I knew a comrade-in-arms , his name was Alexandre Dumas, he was a very good general, in fact he was born and raised in Santo Domingo, his father was the Marquis of Payetre, his mother was a Negro, and his father would not allow him to use He joined the army with the surname of the nobleman, so he had to use his mother's surname. The marquis's plantation in Santo Domingo was not well managed. In order to raise the boat money to return home, he sold Alexander, his mother, and three other children. It wasn’t that the Marquis got an inheritance later, he would also become a slave. He had the status of a nobleman and a slave at the same time. After arriving in France, he began to receive higher education and knight training. Originally, he had a very good future. If he hadn’t exploded with Napoleon words of conflict."

"I understand what you mean." Georgiana sneered. "It seems that we have encountered the same problem as the Portuguese. The slave owners want independence."

"The earliest sugar cane plantation also used white indentured workers, but after the contract expired, the indentured workers did not get the promised land, so no workers went to the Caribbean to plant sugar cane. Later, the Spaniards shipped a large number of slaves to France, you know In the 18th century, it was Spain that monopolized the trade in South America. The South China Sea incident also occurred because of South American trade. In the past, spices were the most profitable. We visited the spice market when we were in Egypt, but now the most profitable is the sugar trade, especially For those countries without tropical colonies, after the Boston Tea Party, the Americans used to buy sugar from Santo Domingo in large quantities. If we lose this colony, the sugar will be monopolized by the British. I think this is what the British expected. "

"Are you mocking me?" Georgiana asked.

"Many people suggested that Dusan Louverture should be tortured. They thought that doing so would make him submit. I don't think this is a wise decision." Workers have been exposed, they can get along as equals..."

"I understand that," Georgiana interrupted Davout. "They're all unfortunate people."

"I can't describe my anger, Georgiana, you are not like some British people I know. There are people like Mr. Jenner in the UK. From a justice point of view, I support the protection of Dusan Lewy as much as you do." Toure's safety, but we also have real issues to consider."

"Who wants to kill him?" Georgiana asked.

"You heard what I said, it was to make him submit. The expeditionary army spent more than just time outside."

"America won't give us their cheap food?"

Davout smiled wryly, "Recently, we are going crazy eating potatoes. After the onion song, we may have to compose another potato song."

Georgiana thought of something else.

Is the Alexandre Dumas who wrote the Count of Monte Cristo born now?

"In September 1785, when I entered the military academy, Napoleon had just graduated. I regret that I did not have contact with him at school. I was barely a nobleman, but I didn't like the old nobleman. So I joined the opposition to the Bourbon royal family. The revolutionary army is not for the future, nor for the title... It is difficult for you to understand when I say this, I feel ashamed, how can they do this?"

"How did Alexandre Dumas get into a fight with Leon?" Georgiana asked.

"You can ask him directly, or you can ask your liaison officer, Alexander was shipwrecked on the way back to France, not only lost his property but was captured by Naples, and was imprisoned in Taranto for two years. ruined his body, but he had a property problem, and probably he felt that they had similarities, and it was easier to convince Dussaint Louverture."

Georgiana didn't say a word, and she will not comment on this matter until she investigates it.

"Do you think a republic is necessary?" asked Davout.

Georgiana remembered what he had just called "Napoleon."

"I need people, no matter what system they support," Georgiana said.

"The queen of Naples hated the French republicans because her sister and brother-in-law's family were killed by the republicans, and Alexander was a staunch republican. Someone once pleaded for Alexander, but Napoleon said to that person, 'Don't mention that person to me'! "

Georgiana raised her eyebrows, "Who is that person?"

Davout said with a smile, "As long as Toussaint Louverture is with me, you don't have to worry about his safety. When he first arrived in France, he was in a bad condition. He told us, you ruined me, and you will only make Saint-Dono Mingo's tree of liberty more watering, more tree of liberty will grow because its roots are deep and many, but I remind you that if Napoleon ordered me to transfer him to the world In the end, I will obey his orders. There is another question, Victor was appointed as the Governor of Louisiana, will he not be able to hold this title?"

"Can I ask you a question, do you know anything about how Portugal handles it?"

"Why are you so curious about Portugal?" Davout asked.

"You may feel unhappy when I say this, but your navy is not an opponent of the British and American navies, and Spain is the same. They are no longer the invincible fleet of the past." Georgiana said, "Without sea power, your army is nothing. It’s too reckless for you to go to Santo Domingo this time without reaching the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.”

"What does that have to do with Portugal?"

"You didn't answer my question, how can I tell you?"

"You didn't answer my question, and I can't sue you." Davout said with a smile.

"You don't hate the Bourbons because of personal grudges?" asked Georgiana.

"I have no personal grievances. I think the French Revolution was right. I am glad to have participated in overthrowing the dark and corrupt rule of the Bourbon royal family." Davout said firmly.

"I'm glad to speak with you, General," Georgiana said with a smile, and then she saw the Legion of Honor medal on Davout's chest.

Davout followed her gaze and looked over.

"You know, members of the Legion of Glory must defeat all attempts to restore the feudal system." Georgiana said slowly.

"I know that."

"What if one day Napoleon restored the feudal system?"

Davout thought for a moment. "I think this is part of his plan. You are also against slavery, but you say that only those who 'take up arms' are free."

"Yeah, that's right," said Georgiana dryly. "Sane people are the most ridiculous."

Davout was stunned.

"You can't let Alexander Dumas get close to Dusan Louverture. His family has a plantation in Santo Domingo. If this expedition goes well, then his family will be the beneficiaries." Georgiana said sharply, "I listen Said that he still has financial difficulties now."

"Are you worried that he will kill Black Washington?" Davout laughed, "That's impossible."

"People's hearts are not tested, general, maybe Louverture's death will make Santo Domingo leaderless for a while, but as he said, more trees of freedom will grow, and now Santo Domingo Not yet capable of independence, they would kill themselves by doing so."

"When liberty was established in the virgin lands of the New World, blood was poured." Davout said as Georgiana stood up. "Liberty in old Europe required rivers of blood. How much blood was liberty in Santo Domingo? "

"Have you ever seen whaling? I heard that the blood of the whales has dyed the entire sea red." Georgiana said blankly, "From today onwards, I will no longer eat any sweets made of sucrose. I don't want to drink blood and get fat." .”

"Your oath is not simple." Davout laughed.

"I'll still eat honey and beet sugar, and maltose." Georgiana laughed too. "Fuck noble."

"A noble lady shouldn't swear." Davout said with a smile.

"I think disgrace is more intolerable to nobles than vulgarity," sighed Georgiana.

"Scotch women like that?"

"No, it's just me!" She said without looking back.

Originally, she wanted to slam the door, but she felt that it was impolite to do so, so she closed it gently.

The moment the door was locked, Georgiana leaned her head against the door, closed her eyes and murmured, "The most absurd are those who are awake."

It took a while for her to stand upright again, and her steps were so fast that she walked in the magnificent palace of Versailles.

There was a burst of gunfire in the distance, and it seemed that the soldiers were practicing shooting.

Sugar and slaves are topics that cannot be avoided in the West. Where there is sugar, there are slaves. The equality and freedom in the Declaration of Independence talks about the equality of the colonies and the British Kingdom. The equality of the third level is also the participation power of the bourgeoisie and the aristocracy. There is nothing at the bottom. This Leviathan has been like this from the beginning

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