Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1573 Life and Death Snipe (3)

"This is the bronze horse you mentioned." Amidst the twittering of the seagulls, Goncei looked at the bronze sculpture above St. Mark's Basilica and said, "I still believe that he doesn't want to be emperor when you say that he doesn't need to win..."

"What do you think Louis XVI gained in the North American War of Independence?" Severus asked suddenly.

"This... colony?" asked Conseil.

"None of the colonies that France lost in the Seven Years' War came back after the War of Independence." Severus curled his lips, "Napoleon wanted to return Louisiana, and the American Revolutionary War is not listed in the current history books." The French thing, as if the Revolutionary War was won by the Americans themselves."

Felix Yang concentrated on licking the ice cream and seemed indifferent to what the two of them said.

"The military expenditure of the French in the Revolutionary War was more than 30 times that of the Americans. France made a huge contribution to the independence of the United States. Do you know what the Americans did in the Second World War?" Severus asked again.

Conseil was silent.

"The Americans made a lot of money and prestige during World War II, and then signed the Bretton Woods agreement, the dollar was pegged to gold, and other currencies were pegged to the dollar. The war of independence France paid so much for not getting What benefits, you can understand that this is a failed investment." Severus said, "There is only victory but no spoils of war, what do you think the common people will think? Napoleon exhibited the prizes of victory, and established himself with public opinion and real objects. Prestige, if a person has great prestige and has the ability to maintain great prestige, then he can rule the country as he pleases, such as Robespierre, while his prestige is still there, he can be executed with terror A lot of people, and when his prestige fell to the ground and his power fell, he was quickly guillotined by those who had supported him. He needed the confidence, spoils and territory that victory would bring him, which would strengthen his prestige After all, he is not a hereditary monarch. The legitimacy of his power acquisition has been questioned. Every triumph is like a wonderful show. It is for him to win power and highlight his personal reputation. You know Kang Nelly Fudge? If it wasn’t for the Dark Lord’s return in the end, what he did in the Triwizard Tournament actually had the same effect.”

Conseil opened his mouth, but said nothing.

"This kind of prestige lacks the support of success and will disappear quickly, like soap bubbles, so he lacks a sense of security. In order to achieve his goal as soon as possible, he needs to constantly gain power, but the trophy he really wants is not the bronze horse. Nor are famous paintings and sculptures."

"Woman," said Conseil at this moment.

Severus laughed again.

"Is not it?"

"If he really liked beautiful women so much, he would have had as many mistresses as Louis XV."

"Then what exactly does he want?"

"I told you, it is love, not just the love between men and women, but also the love of the people for the monarch. You can understand it as the kind of unconditional, selfless, fanatical love similar to maternal love."

Conseil smiled and shook his head.

"Do you find it incredible?"

"People are calm," said Conseil with a sigh.

"Flowers cover the abyss. He thought he had become the suzerain of Europe, but many people compared him to the person who caused the greatest damage to Europe after Genghis Khan. He was not only the Attila of Venice, but also the Attila of the whole of Europe. On the issue of the alliance, he retains the feelings of citizens, thinking that the alliance formed by marriage is indestructible. The daughters of the Austrian royal family were educated to make sacrifices for the country since childhood. You can understand that they were trained to be qualified 'Political commodity', except that they are princesses, they are soulless and at the mercy of others, which satisfies his desire to control, especially when there are people who oppose him everywhere, but this kind of woman can't hold for him In the rear, when he was defeated in Russia, there was a coup in the rear, and he had to leave the army and rush back to Paris."

"I thought it was Empress Luisa who risked her life to give birth to the King of Rome," Conseil said.

"Pomona used to be like this. She really wanted the wizards to continue to reproduce. She always hoped that I could find a young woman to marry." Severus said blankly, "She put herself, and we all As a reproductive machine, I later woke her up by scolding her."

"What did you say?" Conseil asked curiously.

"I used the German 'fertility farm'. Women should not bear children for the country, but for love. The spirit of 'selfless dedication' she learned from the White Wizard was overthrown. The White Wizard himself actually Don't like Muggles very much."

"Why?" asked Conseil.

Severus didn't speak, and after a while he said, "The Tsar burned Moscow down. If Napoleon had plundered the remaining food in Moscow, his army would not have starved to death in the ice and snow, but he did not plunder the remaining food in the city." , leaving them to civilians, do you think he did the right thing?"

"Are you speaking for him?"

"I will look at a person objectively, just like I would look at the White Wizard and the Dark Lord objectively, but I admit, I will look at a person too well, which almost killed me in the end, I think what he wants It is still prestige, and he is not bad in the evaluation of the Russians, even if the price he paid was the lives of hundreds of thousands of French people."

"It's not French, when he went to Russia, it was more..."

"Poles." Severus said with a sneer, "he took one hundred thousand of Warsaw's elite troops with him when he passed by Warsaw, thanks to his 'Mrs. Poland'."

Conseil did not speak.

"That woman is not only Napoleon's mistress, but also his intimate contact person. She has completely fallen to his side. A general like Napoleon, he wants to control hundreds of thousands of troops. You know if she really wants to What will Poland do if it is restored?" Severus asked.

Conseil shook his head.

"What about you?" Severus asked Felix.

"Let the two big guys fight first, and when they both lose, I will pick up what they robbed." Felix said.

"As this kid said, Poland can provide supplies to the retreating French, and at the same time provide building materials to the Russians who rebuild Moscow. If both sides accept her favor, they will give her a little favor, even if it is no longer The country can also make a fortune, don't forget, the final national border is determined through negotiations."

"How can a woman think so much?" Conseil said impatiently.

"Historically, Napoleon used to take Valewska out in public, and I'm sure he wouldn't dare to do that to her." Severus gritted his teeth.

"Why?" asked Conseil.

"He will be regarded as an Anglophile, but he is a well-known patriotic general." Severus said with a stiff face, "He is like Picasso, women will bring him creative inspiration, but he is likely to be the woman behind him No love, only Josephine, if he didn't want to marry a princess, he wouldn't have divorced her, and Valewska is not even a spoil of war."

"You think... she's a trophy?" asked Conseil.

"I told you, he is a slave." Severus said slowly, "This slave only obeys a cruel master. He wrote to Josephine before, and Josephine didn't reply much, so he obeyed her. Then he got status and power, and he wrote to Josephine, and she responded right away, and with enthusiasm, and she lost that initiative."

"How did you know?"

"I like to open other people's letters." Severus said sarcastically. "Come on, I'll take you to meet a man who likes to collect manuscripts."

"Snape, how can you be so calm?" Gonseil asked.

"I'm working." Severus said flatly, "Actually, Napoleon in that world almost died. It was Pomona who saved him. At that time, John pointed a cannon at his carriage. His whereabouts are predictable." , just like the assassination on December 24, 1800."

"Because Josephine wants to go to the theater?" said Conseil.

Severus looked at the bronze horses again. "Whenever the cart horses decide the destination, it's where the master tells them to go."

"Your analogy is disgusting," Conseil accused.

"Easy solutions are often not good ideas. Do you know what is the biggest loophole of the solution you just mentioned?" Severus asked Felix.

Felix shook his head.

"Poland has already obeyed. They will send troops without Napoleon sending someone to lobby. He asked Walewska to go to Vienna and asked Metternich to remain neutral. This is to protect his own back road..."

Felix looked at Severus dumbfounded, as if he didn't understand what he was saying.

"I'll let you meet Hagrid someday," Severus said to Felix. "You'll see what I mean."

"He is a member of the Order of the Phoenix like you?" Conseil asked.

"I wish I wasn't," Severus said dryly, as though he'd just chewed a rock biscuit.

"Snape, I seem to understand why she loves you so much." Gonseille said, "Although you really don't look very good-looking."

Severus sneered, pulling Felix and Conseil together to Disapparate.

Napoleon saved more money than Louis XVI in his early wars, and later he wasted a bit on the population of France

Every time I see that period of history: French farmers are very happy to get the land from Napoleon, but their son is gone

The "little corporal leader" from the common people became the ogre king.

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