Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1572 Life and death sniper (2)

In addition to the South Sea Bubble in Britain, the Mississippi River Stock Crash also occurred in France around 1720.

The Sun King Louis XIV created many impressive achievements, but it also led to the emptiness of the French treasury and the high government debt, which was almost on the verge of collapse. This has also become the main legacy inherited by Louis XV.

Through political intervention, John Law established a private bank that could issue currency, and the banknotes he issued could be used to pay taxes, because John Law's bank was stable, and the price of gold and silver was often depreciated due to unwise government intervention. , So the reputation of John Law Bank flourished, it monopolized the sale of tobacco, and also monopolized the power to change gold and silver coins, and was finally nationalized in 1718 by the Royal Bank of Victoria.

During this period, John Law obtained various trade concessions. The Mississippi Company he established owned the vast watershed of the Mississippi River and the Louisiana trade rights on the west bank of the river.

At first, the king's government stipulated that the banknotes issued by the bank he operated must be exchanged with gold and silver coins at a fixed price, and the reserve of precious metals seriously restricted the bank's currency and credit expansion capabilities.

At this time, the banknotes could barely be called substitute currencies. When the banknotes were decoupled from precious metals, the currencies that were not based on any precious metals were credit currencies. The reputation of the "Royal Bank" after its name was changed in 1719 increased the public's confidence. John Law announced that his paper notes could be exchanged for coins, and half a year later he announced that the paper notes were no longer guaranteed to be exchanged for silver coins.

At the same time he announced a plan for a Louisiana gold mine worth 100 million livres, presented the bright prospects of the Mississippi Company, and issued 200,000 shares at 500 livres each. The stock was sold out as soon as it was listed. No matter the rich and powerful or the peasants, they dreamed of getting endless wealth from Lowe's stock. The stock price rose and rose, soaring in a straight line. The price rose to 18,000 livres, and people from all over the world poured into the stock exchange, bustling from morning till night.

Of course Louisiana didn't have any bloody gold mines, but it produced oil, which might have interested Joseph Bonaparte, several of whom controlled the oil trade in France.

The Mississippi Company not only controls North America, but also trades with the East Indies, China, and many islands in the South Pacific. When Lowe’s issued shares in the country, the East Ido Company also issued shares at a price of 1.59 livres per share. . In 1720, Prince Condé asked to buy Lowe's shares at a price he set himself, but was rejected by John Law. In a rage, Prince Condé used three carriages to pull the banknotes he held to exchange for coins. It was decoupled from silver coins, so all the princes took away were gold coins.

Smarter speculators knew that stocks would not keep rising, so they followed Prince Condé's example of exchanging banknotes for gold coins, and shipped them to Britain, the Netherlands and other foreign countries. Subsequently, the coins in domestic circulation became extremely scarce, and even the government ordered that anyone who owns coins exceeding 500 livres be prohibited. Violators will not only confiscate all coins, but also be fined a large amount. At the same time, anyone is prohibited from buying gold and silver jewelry, utensils and precious gems.

With stockholder confidence tumbling and Mississippi stock prices plummeting, no one believed in the myth of great wealth in Louisiana.

But in order to restore Gong Zhong's confidence in the Mississippi Company, the government issued a compulsory conscription plan, distributed clothes and tools to all the poor tramps in Paris, passed through the streets of Paris day after day, and then sent them to the port, waiting to be shipped to America , pretending to go to work in Louisiana.

Most of them did not board the ship, but were scattered all over France, and within three weeks they were back in Paris.

During this period, John Law continued to print money, and coins across the country were flowing to foreign countries such as the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. Finally, the French State Council passed a resolution to depreciate banknotes by 50% and stop exchanging coins. The stock price of Mississippi Company plummeted. It fell to 2,000 livres in September 1720 and 500 livres in September 1721. The formerly prosperous economy was completely shattered, replaced by a decline in people's livelihood and insufficient domestic currency.

When the economy is depressed, quantitative easing can be used appropriately to increase the money supply to stimulate economic development. But the issuance of coins is not like banknotes, which can be printed at will and require precious metals. If Georgiana spreads rumors and discovered gold mines in the east of the Mississippi River, people with a good memory may think of the Mississippi incident back then. Maybe only poor and crazy people would think Go there to pan for gold.

But there is one thing Georgiana thinks Napoleone can do, and that is to "exile" the smugglers who smuggled food during the famine to Louisiana, and spread the news among these people that there is gold on the east bank of the Mississippi River .

The Rothschild family is also engaged in smuggling, and their background in France is Napoleon's sister and brother-in-law, Caroline and Murat. In exchange for Georgiana herself, she will use gold bars to buy gold coins. Wang transported the money out of the city of Paris, and then handed it over to other Rothschild carriages, so that they could pretend to be a normal transaction and transport it to Spain, and hand it over to General Wellington, who had no money to pay for the army. Soldiers, let them go to Waterloo immediately.

This is an easy operation, like the secret of magic, very simple to put it bluntly. Many rich people are like this. When they see that the domestic situation is not good, they will transfer funds abroad. Even if the country dies, they don't care. What's more, Nathan Rothschild was originally a Jew, and the Jewish kingdom has thousands of dollars. It was gone years ago, and Combacellus, who was in charge of the housekeeping, probably thought it was Nathan Rothschild transferring assets, so he let him into the city.

According to Bonaparte, Toussaint Louverture has not given up his intention of independence. The basis of American independence is that they have a vast territory, shipping, and navy. They also have talents like DuPont. In this way, they want to " "Growing up" is also difficult. The national debt is also divided into several years, which can be delayed. As long as she saves Louverture's life, Bonaparte will still have the opportunity to "repent". This must be arranged before she leaves.

She looked up at the moon outside the window of the tower building. This trip to the north, it was full moon and Halloween, and there was still fog, so she always felt that something ominous would happen.

After Napoleon was imprisoned, France was not divided up by the powers. Britain supported Louis XVIII to ascend to the throne, just like Britain supported the "wicked" Charles II during the Hundred Years' War, but they failed and were reversed by Charles V.

She knew how others were tricked, but she didn't know how she was tricked. The coin that built the wooden track in the Alps was transferred between several banks and finally arrived at Mason Rothschild. He was handed over to Moore, who used it to pay Swiss mercenaries to start a civil war in Switzerland.

This is the result of Napoleon's investigation into the Italian banking system. He is the head of the Italian Republic, but he doesn't know how he will deal with the issue of the Principality of Parma.

The dead people about the Grand Duke of Parma almost wrote the word "murderer" on his forehead. In September, he annexed Piedmont.

His dear little Princess Maria Luisa will still be the Grand Duchess of Parma in the future. Austria has been trying to get involved in Italy for many years. The Principality of Parma is located in central Italy and is a good place to control Italy.

The unification of Italy was inherently difficult. She still remembered that she once attended a gathering of the organizers of the Venice Independence Movement.

"He loves you, please believe that."

She remembered what Bonaparte said to her before leaving Saint-Denis Church, and she couldn't explain why, maybe this was one of Napoleon's magical powers, which could make people feel confident, even for a person like her who had no confidence. I also started to believe that what he said was true.

But it didn't make her feel better. Some mistakes can't be made once. Look at Josephine. Her reputation of infidelity has followed her all her life. No man will believe that she is in order to snoop on the news of the parliament. A young man named Charles met privately at Malmaison.

The only witness was a fortune-teller, and whoever took the fortune-telling seriously was handing over his fate to a liar.

She couldn't help but think of the boat-shaped saucer made of bear's paw flowers. Josephine's lilac crown is easy to understand. At first, she didn't understand what it meant, but now she understands a little bit.

The boat-shaped saucer may represent Paris. After solving the problem of bread, it is necessary to solve the problem of meat. After all, the sauce needs to be poured on the meat to be delicious.

"Do you believe in fate?"

She turned her head and found Bonaparte standing in the moonlight.

He stood there without the magic of Severus standing in the moonlight, maybe because he didn't have three risky, panic-stricken kids behind him.

"Mountains do not meet mountains, but people always meet." She imitated their words and said, "Our lives will intersect. I believe it is the arrangement of fate."

"Come here," he said to her, and she was obedient.

"Hold out your hand," he ordered.

She raised her right hand again, and at this moment he took the bracelet that held his hair in it.

"You know what it stands for." He looked her in the eyes and said "Will you allow me to put that bracelet on you?"

Georgiana looked at it and thought it looked like a slave's chains.

She didn't speak, and watched silently as he slowly put it on her hand.

"I wanted to do that in the church," he said softly, "but it's so dilapidated, and it's a cemetery."

"It's okay." She withdrew her hand, "I don't mind."

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" he asked again.

"Nothing." She smiled and shook her head.

"Then what were you thinking just now?"

"I'm thinking about how to choose." She said sadly, "My choice determines my happiness."

"There are still many people's happiness and destiny." Bonaparte said with a relaxed smile, "It will be much easier if you go with him."

She didn't speak.

"You understand my suffering, but you don't want to bear it with me." He said indifferently, "Are you also the kind of person who only speaks nice things?"

"I'm not," she said immediately.

"You have to choose between personal happiness and public happiness, and that's what you should consider." He said calmly, "Don't waste your talent."

"What talent can I have?"

"I thought the Worship and Fraternity closed down, and you know why?" he asked.

She thought for a while and said, "The church can no longer be divided."

"Look, other people just complain to me." He said wearily. "I'm tired."

"Maybe it's because I thought about weddings." She said with mock relief. "You managed to get the Church to let Protestants and Catholics marry."

He put his big head on her shoulder.

"Would you like to lie down?"

He nodded.

So Georgiana took his hand, walked to the sofa, and let him lie in her arms.

"Sing a song for me," he said while lying down.

Georgiana actually sang to him.

He listened quietly, like an obedient child.

"Fourgne is talking drunk," said Bonaparte. "I don't want him to be foolish."

"You may think it's crazy, but there are too many unlucky people in this world. If something bad happens, no matter how unlikely it is, it will always happen." Georgiana said.

"Why do you think I think this sentence is crazy?" He asked strangely.

"Because people always think they're making smart choices," Georgiana said.

As if he thought she was ridiculous, he turned his head and ignored her.

Georgiana continued to sing, but her thoughts drifted away.

She heard that snipers in the 21st century can kill targets one kilometer away. Although there are very few such snipers, there are even fewer wizards who can sense killers one kilometer away.

If the identity of the wizard is exposed, those Muggle snipers can also kill the wizard who is extremely powerful in the eyes of ordinary people.

So Grindelwald is ambitious, and his dream of ruling the world with magic is just a dream. Albus is right to stop him, and the magic world cannot be exposed. Of course, what Caredy Bubbaji said about sharing wizard knowledge with Muggles is also wrong. Look, it's just gunpowder, and what Muggles did when they got it.

She still needs to continue to work hard to expand the influence of the international secrecy law, although she doesn't know what use it is to be busy in her dreams.

October 29, 1802 was the night of the full moon, I checked, the above

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