Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1571 Life and death sniper (1)

When a prince is a true ally or enemy, that is to say, he does not hesitate to show his support for one person and against another, he is also respected, and this strategy is always more beneficial than neutrality. For if two great states near you are united, the result is nothing but: if one side wins, you must either fear the victor, or not. In either case, if you don't take a stand, you will always be the spoils of the victor and the joy and satisfaction of the vanquished. And you have no reason and nothing to defend you, or seek refuge, because whoever wins does not need a dubious ally who does not help himself in adversity, and whoever loses does not protect you, because you are not willing to take up arms To share his luck.

Georgiana closed "The Prince" and looked at the setting sun outside the carriage.

"Whoever wins doesn't need a dubious ally who didn't help him in the face of adversity," she murmured.

In the Gryffindor-Slytherin fight, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw were mostly neutral. She is used to neutrality, but the so-called neutrality is not completely neutral. Ever since the prefect Ernie McMillan supported Harry, Hufflepuff has gradually favored Gryffindor. The one who came down to protect the school, besides Gryffindor, was Hufflepuff.

From the story that Napoleoni just said, the neutral country of Venice is not completely neutral, they are also biased towards Austria. The mayor of Paris, Marcel, also did not choose Charles V and Charles II supported by the British. If he really accepted Charles II, he would open the door to offer the city easily. In the end, he ended up with the hungry people in the city. The townspeople were hacked to pieces and declared treasonous ends by Charles V.

Now it's time for her to choose a side.

In the past, she could trust Albus unconditionally, leave all the thinking to him, and just be responsible for obeying orders, but now she needs to handle it by herself.

The gunpowder currently used by humans is black, like black fertile soil, and gold is golden. She looked at the Cherokee gold plume she had used as a bookmark. In addition to California, there is actually gold east of the Mississippi River in South Carolina. As Monroe puts it, the Cherokee were learning from American farming.

The North and South Carolinas used to be the gathering places of Indians. Later, they were driven out of their hometown and came to the barren western United States.

Because of the discovery of gold mines, the Cherokee and the Americans who originally lived peacefully fought fiercely. In the end, the Cherokee had to set aside the land east of the Mississippi River and retain the ownership of the land in the west.

With Napoleon's sale of Louisiana to the United States, the massacre and deportation of Indians began, and this was the beginning of Jefferson's presidency, which was supposed to make peace with the "Red Man".

The geographical advantages of the United States allow them to develop themselves amidst disputes and wars in Europe, Africa, and Asia. The Declaration of Independence states that all people are created equal and does not include other races, not even French, Spanish, and Italians. So what kind of people are born equal to Americans?

Now that the british navy is capturing sailors with irish and english accents to serve as the navy, what happens if the gold rush starts and the mass immigration starts?

Not all minors had the chance to grow up, and Georgiana was saddened to think of the students who died young, before they had time to see the wider world, and it was because of Dumbledore's The plan is to let Harry grow up happily like a piggy, and then die when the time is right.

She heard that Indians can make magic wands, and they use cat and leopard fur. Could this kind of wand be particularly good at hypnosis?

She couldn't remember exactly where the gold mines were in South Carolina, but since someone had listened to the drunken words in the tavern and tried alchemy and found phosphorus in urine, maybe they would find gold by chance.

Georgiana smiled and began to think about how to spread the rumor.

The plan can't keep up with the changes. The current situation is too complicated, and she can't think about it in the long run. Besides, if no one believed it, it was just a fake news that was quickly forgotten, although it was true that there were gold mines in South Carolina.

==================================================== ==========

Severus stands in front of the tombs of Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI at the Saint-Denis church.

They kneel on the ground in a prayer position, with Louis XVI wearing a crown and Marie Antoinette wearing only a veil. The sunlight is projected on the plaster statue through the colored glass, which looks very gorgeous. The coffins of other French kings who were destroyed in the Great Revolution have also been restored, and there is no sign of depression or dilapidation at all.

"What are we doing here?" asked Conseil, after looking around.

"Have you ever heard of the Mass of the Dead?" Severus said slowly and in a low voice.

"what is that?"

Severus looked at Gonseil, "This is a kind of ancient Roman ritual, which gradually disappeared after Charlemagne's time."

"Is it similar to Seance?" Felix Young asked.

"It's a little different," Severus said. "It needs something called the memento des morts."

"You want to summon Marie Antoinette's ghost?" Conseil lowered his voice. "Are you crazy?"

"Her undead must have been purified. Ordinary summoning can't find her." Severus said, "The one summoned by this method is not her soul."

"What's that?" Felix Young asked.

"I don't know." Severus said irresponsibly, "I've tried to know that the location we are now is theoretically her burial place (ista sepultura est)."

"This is a female corpse recovered from a mass grave." Gong Saiyi said anxiously, "Her head was chopped off."

"All the bones here are recovered from mass graves." Severus said slowly, "That's why we need the Book of Dead, it will show the names of the dead."

Conseil was too shocked to speak.

"And it can also be used to see if Napoleon Bonaparte is buried in his cemetery." Severus added, "Do you know why there is an epitaph on the tombstone?"

"In memory of those buried there," Felix said.

"This is an ancient tradition, which means calling the living. The epitaph left by the deceased and written by the clergy is more like a pious invitation. The older macabre is a living Dialogue with the dead, people will leave inscriptions on stone and copper plates, and those who recite the inscriptions can talk to the dead, such as that." Severus pointed to a stone tablet not far from the church, "Are there many people on it? ?”

Conseil and Felix looked over together.

"It's a funeral procession. Presiding over dead masses can increase the income of the church. At the same time, the dead can pay poor people to bury themselves. Even if he was a nuisance when he was alive, his funeral will be full, so that he will not be alone. They had to die, and those poor people got some relatives and friends instead of the dead, and received some charity. According to the rules, they would each be assigned a black robe with a hood, and the scene was the same as that engraved on the stone tablet."

"What does that matter?" Felix said inexplicably.

"Do you know that the nobles in ancient times had the custom of burying slaves?" Severus asked. hopefully."

"I never heard of him doing that!" said Conseil sternly.

"I didn't say he was going to kill slaves to be buried." Severus calmly looked at the joint tomb of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. "He doesn't lack soldiers, what he lacks is a queen."

"Josephine..." Conseil said after a while.

"What do you think Napoleon wanted most?" Severus asked.

"He wants to be emperor," said Felix at once.

Severus didn't answer.

"The era she lived in was the darkest time before wizards retired." Severus said, "It would be much more convenient if Muggles didn't believe in magic at all, but precisely because they believed in it, they kept searching and hiding wizards, and wizards could not resist the temptation to get involved in Muggle affairs in defiance of the International Statute of Secrecy. We inevitably come into contact with Muggle rulers. Napoleon was looking for love and power at the same time, and he liked it very much. In the arms of a woman. By the end of his political career, he no longer longed for power, and he wanted to live with European scientists on the island of Elba, whether it was his mother or his sister. Polina couldn't offer it, and that was his motivation for choosing Pomona, or an English woman like her, as a target."

"It's crazy," said Conseil.

"Can you all see Pomona?" Severus asked.

"Of course," replied Gonseil and Felix.

"That's what's bothering him." Severus smiled sarcastically. "People with rich imaginations are prone to paranoia. He can't tell whether his sister Dinasad really exists or is a ghost. Or maybe it's a dream."

"What?" Conseil asked curiously.

"The last enemy is death," Severus said. "I'm starting to understand why she wants to share her life with me."

"Is this your secret?" Felix asked.

Severus watched him with Gonseil.

"I asked my father and mother what they said, and they always told me 'secret'." Felix said ignorantly.

Severus looked at the sculpture of Marie Antoinette again and said, "Sometimes, I think she died last year, I think she is still alive, or she is still in St. Mungo's hospital in a coma."

"No wonder you asked just now if we could see her," whispered Conseil.

"Everyone thought I was dead," Severus said. "She probably thought what she saw was a ghost, or maybe it was her hallucination, and what's worse, she had hundreds of years to live, because she was a half-breed." Veela."

"I've heard that some half-breed miraculous babies are about the same age as humans." Gong Saiyi said.

"Obviously we're not that lucky," Severus said, "so it's hard for people like us to imagine that anyone would want to live forever."

"I've heard rumors that Nick Flamel's Philosopher's Stone..." Conseil said in amazement.

"It's been destroyed." Severus went on. "I used to protect it."

"He trusts you," said Conseil.

"He knows I don't need immortality." Severus sneered. Minerva, I have never had the heart to break her heart, she cannot be trusted in the eyes of the old fool, because she is just an ordinary woman after all."

He sighed "Game of Thrones is very fun, even Albus Dumbledore is deeply involved in it, Emperor Napoleon used it to confuse her, but soon she will find that she is not up to the game, she wants to I'm going home."

"You still want to be with her?" Felix asked.

"Anyone can daydream, when she comes back, forget it all, and everything will be back to normal." Severus said relaxedly, "Even without a spell, when she wakes up, God will let her Forget that dream, she'll still be Pomona with the dog sled."

"I think you're wasting your time. Marie Antoinette is not the point," said Gonseil. "A day here is a year there."

"What do you suggest?" Severus asked.

"To Venice, or to England."

"I don't want to go back to Hogwarts." Severus shook his head firmly.

"Why not?" asked Conseil.

"I don't want Minerva to know," Severus said. "No one in England except one."

"The insider is Lucius Malfoy?" asked Conseil.

"How do you know?" Severus asked teasingly.

"You're a celebrity, lover, but Lucius Malfoy is the only one who can be called a friend of your eccentric character," said Conseil.

Severus' face stiffened.

"You two have a lot in common," said Gonseil. "The Death Eaters are a dangerous organization. Why did you join them?"

"Same as him," Severus said, looking at the statue of Louis XVI wearing a crown.

"You betrayed the Death Eaters, he betrayed the Jacobins, did any of the Death Eaters intend to kill you?" Conseil asked.

Severus showed Conseil the scar on his neck.

"I still don't believe it," said Felix. "He's clearly emperor."

"Also totally unbelievable, do you believe Napoleon was a slave?" Severus sneered.

Felix shook his head firmly.

"Why do you think that?" asked Conseil.

"When the Arc de Triomphe was built, the architect wanted to put the bronze horse captured in Piazza San Marco on the door and the statue of Napoleon on the chariot, but he refused."

"Isn't he acting?" asked Conseil.

"He doesn't want victory." Severus sighed. "Did you know that the White Wizard has a secret lover?"

"Who is it?" Conseil asked curiously.

"I can't tell you the name, but I can tell you that that person understands Dumbledore's thoughts perfectly." Severus said slowly, "It's not easy to find someone who fully understands you, that fool Pomona has always Thinking that she is not really stupid, she is Napoleon's prey, and everything in that world is fake."

"I don't think so," said Conseil.

"What part don't you believe?" Severus asked.

"You seem to understand Napoleon very well. Are you his lover?" Conseil said with a smirk.

Severus' face turned ugly all of a sudden.

Conseil stopped smiling.

"This joke is disgusting." Severus said deadpan, "He was an unruly man in life, and an unruly undead in death, he can't take what he wants from the living. "

"I thought you understood, this is Europa." Gonseil interrupted Severus "Come on, let's get out of here and leave the peace of the dead alone."

"He fouled first," Severus said angrily.

Gonseil ignored him at all. "We are waiting for you in Piazza San Marco."

With that, he took Felix Young with him to Apparate.

When he was gone, Severus stared at the crown on the head of the Louis XVI statue again.

"The English won't give you the crown of thorns." Severus sneered. "Stop daydreaming."

He also Apparated after speaking.

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