Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1567 The Treasure of Saint-Denis (7)

Georgiana remembers watching Titanic, and there was a male spectator in the back seat who couldn't figure out why Ross would abandon the rich Carl to become the wife of the poor painter Jack Dawson.

This may be because he is just a commoner. If he wants to buy a ferry ticket from Liverpool to New York, he will only be in second or third class. In his eyes, the passengers in the first class are all well-dressed, well-fed and gorgeous-looking. eye-catching.

But Rose only felt suffocated, not because of the tights she was wearing, but because of her husband, an American steel tycoon who claimed to be from the upper class and the land of the free.

After seeing off the two American guests, Georgiana called Matilda, Figer and Belle to the Louvre.

Karl doesn't understand art, his brain is like a clanging machine, thinking about benefits all the time.

The woman enjoys a comfortable life thanks to the hard work of her husband, who left the comfort of his home to compete in a dirty, cold world. A woman should be grateful, but Karl clearly enjoys it, and he doesn't care about Ross, Ross His aristocratic status just makes him look more dignified.

This is not Georgiana's original intention to develop the steel industry.

She was browsing the famous paintings on the wall in the Louvre. The collection of the Louvre at the moment is much richer than when she came here in the 21st century, but some famous paintings have not been exhibited, such as "The Raft of Medusa". It seemed that someone was waving a red cloth again and calling for help, but this time it was not a French sailor but a British sailor calling for help.

It is not the members of parliament who are carrying out the blockade mission at sea. The life of the British sailors is no better than that of the French army. Maybe there is a ship that lost its way in the North Sea. After seeing the lights of the lighthouse, it thought it was a port, so He drove towards it, but these Muggle sailors fell into the hands of dark wizards and became "materials" for making dementors.

As a politician, Pepin did not kill his brother. Apart from the phrase "famous brother", Carloman repeated the most is "he still loves me".

Carloman was older than Pepin, but he died behind his younger brother. Napoleon said that he was younger than Joseph, and it is not absolutely true that Joseph died in front of him.

Generally speaking, as long as it is not due to assassination and disease, the queen will die behind the king. The king has to worry more than the queen, not to mention that Napoleon is engaged in such a dangerous profession as a soldier, and his command post is within the range of the shells. , he is essentially as dangerous as the infantry standing in the first row.

He still has a bit of blood and humanity. If Venice is willing to be neutral, it may not encounter subsequent robberies, but they killed the wounded French soldiers in the hospital and the crew of the Loye in Verona, which angered Napoleon. , "The French can't die in vain". Even if it is occupied, Venice is still one of the destinations for the British grand tour, but those who study architecture, if they study painting, they must come to the Louvre in France, because the famous paintings remaining in Venice may be Not as many as the Louvre.

There are some students who are standing in the gallery of the Louvre, looking at the copying of masterpieces of those masters, or looking for inspiration and ideas. Georgiana passes behind them like an ordinary tourist, peeking at the masterpieces in their hands. work.

Most of them did not break away from the existing styles of France and Italy, especially because of David's fame, neoclassicism is very popular, so when Georgiana passed by a young man, he found that he was full of watercolors in the style of impressionism I couldn't help but stop while sketching.

He did not copy the paintings in the Louvre, but painted the scenery on the Seine through the transparent glass on the window sill. It was already cold outside in October. In order to prevent the fire from destroying these paintings, the Louvre No fire was allowed in the palace, and it was actually a bit cold inside the palace, but it was far less cold than outside.

Georgiana took a closer look at his paintings. He seemed to be painting the Ile de la Cité, and now the most profitable is portraits. Will anyone want his landscape paintings?

The blond young man was carefully adjusting the paint when he suddenly noticed someone watching behind him and was startled.

"Good afternoon." Georgiana said in French with a smile.

"I...I..." The young man faltered for a long time, stammering in English, "Sorry, I don't speak French."

"Oh, you're English?" Georgiana said, also in English.

"That's right!" The young man couldn't help raising his voice, almost attracting the attention of everyone in the gallery.

"Are you English too?" the young man asked Georgiana, smiling.

Instead of answering, she looked at his "masterpiece".

"It's very special." She looked at the painting and said "Is this your own style?"

"That's right." He said proudly.

Georgiana couldn't tell why, she just felt that the young man's painting was very natural, not as finely crafted as other paintings, especially the watery feeling, as if the scenery was shrouded in fog.

"Can I see your other work?" Georgiana asked.

"Of course." The young man said generously, and took off a painting tube, "I painted this when I was traveling in the Alps."

Georgiana took the painting and looked at it under the slightly golden sunlight.

The first one is a barn, where you can see the mist or dust in the sun. The roof of the barn is very dark, but the ground is golden. A girl is squatting on the ground to add hay to the mules.

"What do you think?" said the young man.

"What?" Georgiana asked inexplicably.

"This yellow." The young man pointed to the painting and said, "Doesn't this color look dazzling?"

Georgiana knows that many masters like to use their own specific colors, such as Titian's gold and Tiepolo's blue, but this young man in his 20s has used his own specific colors so early?

"It's beautiful," Georgiana affirmed. "I like the black and gold combination."

"Yellow," he corrected.

Georgiana shrugged and moved on to the next picture.

It was a plank road in the Alps, and the valley was covered with clouds and mist. Just like his last work, he used a lot of yellow. The conflict of these two light and dark tones blended together, which looked very impactful.

She continued to scroll down. There were several buildings and the inside of the church. The characters were drawn very vaguely. After all, they were all in the distance, but the lines, colors, and light and shade were clearly organized, especially the monks in white clothes. , Just in time, another beam of light shone on them, and the white color was almost shining.

"This is not realistic." The young man pointed to the two black men opposite the white monk and said, "These two are medieval soldiers, and they are threatening those monks with swords."

"Which church is this?"

The young man sized her up for a while and asked, "Tell me your name first?"


She heard a loud voice shout.

She looked back, it was Napoleon, and Denon was still behind him.

"You know my name." She returned the paintings to the young man. "You draw very well."

Then she took another look at his clothes, and he didn't look particularly shabby. It seemed that he was not a poor artist like Ceasi who needed help.

"If you need help, you can find me in Sevres, and remember to bring your painting." She was ready to leave after speaking.

"My name is Turner." Just as Georgiana was about to leave, the young man hurriedly said, "My name is Joseph Turner."

Georgiana smiled back at him, bathed in golden sunlight, and led the maids towards the First Consul of France.

I really like Turner's "Fisherman at Sea" and his snowstorm. The latter was painted by him in 1812. The inspiration came from traveling in the Alps in 1802. Can the British come to France because of the Amiens Treaty? This is short It is difficult to maintain the peace whether it is profitable or not.

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