Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1566 The Treasure of Saint-Denis (6)

Victor Dupont was a very manly, handsome young man, and James Monroe looked old by comparison.

But unlike Fox, who has a big belly, Monroe maintains a good figure, and has always maintained a decent smile on his face, which makes people feel very good at first sight.

He gave Georgiana a gift, a gold ornament full of Indian style, which was made into the shape of a feather, and a small totem pole carved with a thunderbird.

"This is the culture of the Cherokee people." Monroe explained enthusiastically, "Their warriors will wear headdresses made of feathers. Now they are learning from our farming, and we are sharing nature in an orderly manner."

Georgiana picked up the small totem of the Thunderbird. It was written in Scamander's book that the Cherokee warriors used the fur of cats and leopards to make magic wands. I wonder if there is any in this wooden product?

"You should see the way the Cherokee herd their horses," said Victor Dupont. "They look magnificent when they're galloping across the prairies."

"Please say thank you to the chief and Mr. President for me." She said to Monroe sincerely, "I like your gifts very much."

"Irene has always lived in the city. He should see other places in America." Victor said, "I used to be the secretary of the French ambassador to the United States. There are many magnificent scenery there. If you have the opportunity, you should go there. one trip."

"I will." Georgiana put down the totem pole in her hand, when her new maid Margaret came over with milk tea.

"I heard that Irene was once a student of Minister Shaputal."

"He just listened to Minister Chaputal's lecture, and he mainly studied with Professor Lavoisier." Victor said, "He believes that as long as they are mixed in a certain proportion, those powders can exert magical powers."

The smile on Georgiana's face faded.

Gunpowder is indeed a thing with mixed reputations. It can be used to blow up roadblocks and wars, and the person who masters this power seems to be a young man.

"We are not here today to discuss magic." Governor Monroe said with a smile, "I hope to clear up a misunderstanding. Mr. Pierre is not a speculator. He believes that if the United States buys Louisiana, then French merchant ships can get Freedom of water passage from the sea to the Ohio River on the Great Lakes, I heard that the First Consul is currently worried about the Simplon Tunnel, maybe this can give you a new direction."

Georgiana took a sip of her tea.

"There is a tradition in France after the Great Revolution that women should not participate in politics." She thought about it and said, "But thank you for your suggestion, Mr. Governor."

"The New World is not a land of honey and milk, but we do have a brandy river, and the new factory of the DuPont family is built there." Victor said, "Irene is not good at speaking English, except for equipment, we hope If we can send more French workers, their salaries will be higher than in France."

"I guess it's out of my hands," Georgiana said.

"The manager of the fertilizer factory told us that we need your signature to transfer them away," Victor said.

"Immigration is no small matter," said Georgiana gravely.

"In fact, according to the current "Naturalization Law," they need to settle in the United States for 15 years before they can become immigrants." Munro said, "They can go back at any time during this period."

Georgiana said nothing.

"For a long time, we have relied on England for our gunpowder." Monroe lowered his voice and said, "We have to exchange flour for this. I think you know the current price of bread. We can also provide cheap grain to France like England .”

"It sounds like you have already discussed it." Georgiana said calmly, "What's the use of telling me?"

"Nitre is more regulated than ever and we may be keeping pigeons like people in the 16th century."

"In fact, our explorers discovered that there is a kind of guano mine in Chile, which is an excellent fertilizer." Monroe interrupted Victor, "We can establish this trade with France."

Georgiana was speechless again.

Chile is the world's largest producer of saltpetre in the "future", but it currently belongs to Spain. The alliance between France and Spain will be broken so early?

"You are a Scot, I think you may not know that England not only detained American ships, but also forcibly recruited American sailors many times. The kidnapping of the Pope's envoy was indeed not our work. If you are really a fair If you are a person, you will know how to judge."

Georgiana covered her heart.

"This year we sent troops to hunt down the Burberry pirates, but unfortunately we returned without success. We will send the navy next year. Most of our navy personnel come from our own merchant ships, and there are many British sailors in them. The Royal Navy will stop us. After boarding the warship, the officer declared that Chen Min who was born in Great Britain would never change his loyalty to the king, even in the territory of other countries, Mr. President believes that our citizens have the right not to be randomly searched for goods.”

"We left with 250,000 francs when we left France." Victor went on to say, "He hid all that money in a skin and was held in his arms like a baby. Unexpectedly, because of fear of being intercepted by the British navy, we deviated from the normal route most of the time. When we reached Rhode Island, it took a month longer than Columbus discovered the new world. At that time, we were hungry and hadn’t eaten for months. When we got decent food, we couldn’t wait to knock on the door of the first family we met in Port Fatty. Later, there was no one in the house, so we pried open the door, and my father took us to the kitchen, which was filled with all kinds of food. I don't think I will be as happy as I was when I saw Jinshan in the future, so we cooked a meal by ourselves. Of course, we left a gold coin and a note for the host. We consumed absolutely Not as much as that gold coin."

"Did you follow Bonaparte's order to discredit England?" Georgiana said angrily.

Monroe didn't speak, but still kept a decent smile on his face.

"Damn it." She stood up impatiently, and walked around the living room with her waist down. "Don't think I don't know what you're going to do with gunpowder!"

"In addition to civilian use, we also need it to eliminate pirates." Monroe said, "Are you going to say no to safeguard England's interests?"

Even if she said it was useless, the matter was clearly finalized, and maybe even the workers were ready, waiting for her to sign.

She is no different from a stamp.

If she doesn't do anything else, she might be "Mary of Burgundy."

"Are you going back to the United States after finishing your affairs in France?" Georgiana asked casually.

"No." Monroe said with a smile, "Mr. President wants me to serve as Minister to the UK."

Georgiana froze.

"In fact, we are going to see Lord Whitworth later. Although we use French equipment, most Americans still think that British gunpowder is better." Monroe paused and said, "Napoleon wants to The main purpose of restoring slavery was to embezzle the British overseas commodity market, and Santo Domingo rebelled because of this, and he has not paid Victor for the supplies of this expeditionary force."

Georgiana looked at the completely changed Monroe.

"Every one of our people can pick up a gun at any time and become a militia to defend the United States of America." Monroe said calmly.

"You double-faced," Georgiana cursed.

"I thought you understood." Monroe said with a smile, "We don't need to do anything, just wait for the outsiders to make moves, and the situation will gradually tilt in our favor."

"That's what you think." She said grumpily.

"Perhaps it's because they came to a vast land, and the immigrants from Europe have become different from before." Monroe said in a low voice, "I really hope you can come to see the sunset in my hometown."

Georgiana was silent for a while.

"Do you have anything to say to Lord Whitworth?" Monroe asked.

Georgiana didn't know what to say to him.

"Do you still want to go back to England?" Victor asked.

"Why do you ask that?" Georgiana asked.

"My father wants to go back." Victor said, "he received a letter from Madame de Stael, saying that Bonaparte was returning the Royalists to France, and we left because Twice he narrowly escaped jail, our mother died and he didn't know if he had a third luck so he left and I remember the day we got to Rhode Island it was snowing and we were like Walking the streets like a bunch of bums, even though we have a lot of money in our arms."

Georgiana remembered the Swiss banker who wanted to invest, and understood what was going on.

"Madame d'Estare wants to go back to Paris?"

"It's my father who wants to go back to Paris." Victor said blankly, "Mr. President has always believed in His Excellency Bonaparte's reason, not his feelings. Don't let him be emotional."

"Maybe you're wrong." Georgiana sneered. "I'm the one who made him impersonal."

Victor watched her carefully.

"I don't think you are as beautiful as you say in the legend."

"I think so too," said Georgiana haughtily. "Would you use all this gunpowder to fight the Indians?"

"We are just sellers, and we have no right to interfere with what buyers use them for," Victor said.

"One day you will regret it." Georgiana said indifferently, "Don't think that you are Americans if you do this. In their eyes, you are still foreigners from abroad after all."

"Why do you feel that way?" Victor asked.

Georgiana thought of the movie called The Godfather.

The first line at the beginning of the movie is: I believe in America.

"Have you forgotten who I am?" She pretended to be mysterious and said.

Victor laughed sarcastically, "Are you really a prophet?"

"You don't believe in prophecy?"

"I don't believe in that pile of shit." Victor said in an American style.

"Then do you believe in magic?" Georgiana asked again.

Victor laughed again.

"Have you ever heard of Salem?" Georgiana asked.

"I heard about that case." Victor shook his head. "How stupid."

Georgiana looked at this Muggle, no, the United States should be called a No-Maj, no wonder he didn't have a wizard friend in high society.

After gossiping about some American experience, Georgiana sent the two American guests away. After they left, Georgiana returned to the living room and picked up the Thunderbird totem, and then she used Transfiguration to make it Transformed into the Thunderbird in the book, it made a sharp call, flew for a while in the tower, and then flew out of the window, circling the Paris sky.

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