Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1568 The Treasure of Saint-Denis (8)

"Are you still in correspondence with the Prince of Wales?" Georgiana asked Napoleon.

He showed a mysterious smile, and then asked back, "You don't ask me what I'm doing in the Louvre?"

Georgiana watched Denon not far away, chatting with the ladies.

"I asked the Prince of Wales who was his worst enemy," said Napoleon. "And guess what he answered?"

Georgiana couldn't imagine how the British and French people would feel if they knew that the "pen pals" were still communicating.

"He said it was his wife." Napoleoni said no more. "Is this your English humor?"

"I think he is answering your question honestly." Georgiana said very seriously, although the Prince of Wales' answer also avoided some sensitive issues.

"If he is not the crown prince, he must be the most outstanding comedian in Europe." Bonaparte said, looking at the long corridor full of oil paintings in front of him.

"You said it," said Georgiana. "Do you think he was born to rule?"

"It wasn't just Louis XVI who was guillotined in 1793, the people of Paris stormed Saint-Denis Cathedral, smashed all the tombs, sculptures and church decorations with hammers, and the bronze sculptures were melted down and cast into cannons And coins, two months later, a group of more thorough vandals, holding torches, walked down the dark stairs to the underground hall of the church, and their goal was the corpses of those kings and dignitaries." Napoleoni said "Henry IV The world is still well preserved, but the body of Louis XV emits an unbearable stench, so that the accompanying soldiers have to shoot to let the smell of gunpowder dilute the unpleasant stench."

"I know about it," said Georgiana, including Robespierre, she added to herself.

"I asked Denon if the destroyed sculptures could be rebuilt. This is not a difficult task, but it involves political issues and requires careful consideration. Before the construction of the Temple of the God of War, the Saint-Denis Cathedral has always been occupied by French soldiers. France has a long culture of knights in the place where Qian worshiped the battle flag. The flag held by an apprentice knight has a dovetail. When he becomes a real knight, the dovetail will be cut off, and the flag will become square. The battle flag is lost, there are only two situations, one is that he was defeated or captured, and the other is that he died in battle. The square flag carried by the French royal army has 'montjoie saint denis' written on it. This slogan has been around since the time of Charlemagne It has been used in the Middle Ages, and statues of Joan of Arc riding a horse and holding a battle flag can be seen everywhere in France. Few people have noticed what is written on her flag, but have you noticed what is written on her flag?"

Georgiana tilted her head, remembering.

"It's the iris representing the French royal family." He kindly answered, "The lily of the Bourbon royal family was not used during the Seven Years' War. However, during the Hundred Years' War between Britain and France, the golden sun on a red background and the royal flag with the characters s.denis were flying on the battlefield. People at that time had to fight not only against humans but also against the Black Death. It harmed the European continent, and even Britain on the other side of the strait was affected. In 1348, the two countries ceased fighting for ten years, but in 1356, Britain took the lead in tearing up the peace treaty and attacked Keith and Gascony in southwest France. When Edward III approached In Paris, Charles V signed a treaty and ceded the territory of the Pyrenees south of the Loire to Britain. This battle flag with the red sun on the gold background was no longer used, and the golden iris flower on the blue background was used Instead of the battle flag, the iris on a blue background is suitable for various occasions in France and coexists with the rest of the flags. The wife of Victor Dupont you see today is the daughter of Lafayette, who once commanded But he was a revolutionary and not good at commanding, so he quietly retreated to France in the face of the Austrian invasion. After Robespierre came to power, Lafayette knew that he would be afraid of his life if he stayed in France as a royalist He was not safe, so he planned to flee from the Netherlands to the United States, but was captured by Austria on the way. He was held captive by the Austrians and was not released until the signing of the "Campo Formio Peace Treaty" in 1797. After that, he stayed in his own country. Territory, I will give him a pension of 6,000 francs a month."

Georgiana still did not understand what he was talking about.

"Charles V lost his territory, but he bought time to carry out reforms. After making this 'machine' work normally, he went to war with England again in 1369, reversing the situation of the Hundred Years' War. Charles V was also called the For the good of Charles, he also convened the House of Representatives to collect a ransom for the ransom of John II...”

"Someone expects you to bring back the Bourbons?" asked Georgiana.

"Didn't you notice that there are no fleur-de-lis flags around, only red, white and blue tricolor flags?" Bonaparte smiled charmingly. "If it were you, would you let such a royal family rule you?"

Georgiana looked at the little man.

Who deserves the title of "King" more worthy of the name? The one with the name, or the one with everything but the name?

"Nothing is irreplaceable, even myself." He said soberly, "No matter how nice Louis XVIII said, there is only one result for me to let him come back, so I cannot let him come back."

"You know what the Americans said to me today?" Georgiana asked. "I think Jefferson was wrong to trust your rational you, not your emotional you."

"Why do you think that?"

"I actually don't believe that the opinion of the majority is always correct. If so, how did Socrates die? When most people believed that the earth was flat, Columbus firmly believed that the earth was round, and thus discovered You're not always right, Leon, just like the majority opinion populace, they're not always right, but I don't think they'll be as upset as the Greeks who voted Socrates Wake up and regret. If we really want to establish a constitutional monarchy, many people would have the opportunity to usurp the throne at that time. Many people envy the life of being a king and get what they want, but maybe they have seen the scene of civil uprisings and know that The 'hat' is uncomfortable to wear."


"That's what Carloman called the crown. Do you remember the Nika riot? At that time in the arena, the people put a golden circle on the head of the emperor they had chosen." She smiled wryly and shook her head, "That person was dragged away by his family. When he came out, his wife kept crying, but no one listened to her, and the man who was forced to wear the crown disappeared from history."

"What do you want to say?"

"Lion Cour once said to Louis XVI, 'No, sire, it's a revolution', and he said something later, I don't know if you heard, only fools argue for the form of government , history has given a word of praise to all forms, and generally speaking, the same is true of government, because human beings love freedom, and in a society, individual freedom requires certain behaviors to regulate, so the first condition of freedom There are restrictions. If you want to be absolutely free, freedom will die in chaos. You may think that I am a republican, but I am not. I think there are more talents in the republic, and they are more useful than those who can only flatter. But you also tell me that no one worships a mediocre man. Monroe despised me, and that's why he showed the other side of his kindness mask. He sent me an Indian ornament, Cherokee Currently learning from them, there is no conflict of interest, so they can share the land of the New World in an orderly manner, but if one day they find mineral resources on the land of the Cherokee, the Americans will find a way to 'legally' occupy them."

"How do you know?" he said with a smirk.

Because that's how history is written.

Georgiana had no choice but to think that before discovering the gold mines in California, people first discovered gold mines on the land of the Cherokee people, and then those "civilized people" revealed their greedy nature.

"The first job of the government is order. They have seen the destruction caused by chaos, so they will spare no expense to lend money to the bakery to keep them running." Georgiana whispered, "I think this is also the reason why Charles V is wise. He Time for reform is exchanged for benefits."

"He was kicked out of Paris by the people." He said sternly, "Who said not to trust the spies in the tavern collecting information, and not to trust the king who easily abandoned the capital?"

"Apparently I'm not always right," she muttered.

"How did you come up with this sentence? Your husband collected information in the tavern before?"

"He did it before, but I feel this way because of another reason." She told him about the kidnapping of children during the Louis XV period. "Originally when Louis XV came to power, the people were very enthusiastic. The oppressive atmosphere caused by the late fourteenth period, but when the enthusiasm dissipated, rumors began to spread, and some people even wrote poems calling for the resurrection of Lavalique's soul, the assassin who assassinated Henry IV."

"How did Louis XV deal with it?"

"After hearing the poem, he wrote on the back of the paper, I know I am doomed to die like Henry IV."

He took a deep breath, as if uncomfortable.

"Louis XV believed that the female fishmonger at Candide Market would kill him when he congratulated him on having an heir, and this information came from a spy who collected information in the tavern. Severus also collected information in the tavern before. intelligence, but that prophecy killed his beloved woman."

He stopped and let Georgiana look at him.

"You don't believe him?" asked Bonaparte.

"He killed my principal," Georgiana said. "Nobody told me it was a play."

"Does your principal trust him?"

Georgiana nodded.

He didn't speak for a long time.

"You can believe that most people are not right, but you can't believe that he loves you because most people you know think he loves Lily, and you don't believe him."

"I don't know." She said a little out of control.

"I was a 'good guy' once, can you give me some rewards?"

"what do you want?"

"A sweet kiss," he said with a smile, before kissing her in public.

This is not a rare thing in France, but it is the 21st century, and doing so in the 19th century would be accused of deviant.

"Let's go to Saint-Denis," he said after kissing her. "I hear the windows are beautiful there."

"Is it as beautiful as the rose window of Notre Dame de Paris?"

"You may only know it by looking at it." He pressed his forehead against hers, and said with closed eyes, "Do you really think it's right to be emotional?"

"This is your strength." She said softly, "You understand what the soldiers think, and you are still on the front line with them, unlike those who give orders in the office, the soldiers love you so much, and are even willing to use it. I protect you with my own body and life, Leon, and I doubt that other rulers have this treatment."

"Come with me." He said with a smile, holding her hand and ran towards the unopened area of ​​the Louvre.

Matilda tried to follow, but was stopped by Denon.

Maybe she was stupid, but she felt like Rose and Jack were hiding from capture in the Titanic at the moment.

It was very exciting and fun, but she hadn't thought about what to do after the ship landed.

All she knew was that she was free at this moment.

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