Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 154 Blessing

The reason why Karkaroff was able to escape the fate of being caught in Azkaban was not only because of the deal he made with Barty Crouch, but also because he gave a long list of Death Eaters, including the old Tick ​​Crouch's son, Barty Crouch Jr.

In Pomona's impression, Barty Crouch Jr. always looked sullen because of his father's fame, but he also loved music and parties like all Hufflepuffs, and it never occurred to her that he would Will become a Death Eater.

Severus Snape, who has no prominent family background and no relationship, can only escape the trial of the Ministry of Magic Enforcement through Albus Dumbledore, the chief mage of the Wizengamot. There is no other way, unless he is willing to become A wandering dark wizard wanted by the Aurors. The fame, status, and achievements he had achieved at Hogwarts were all gone.

The father wants to protect the family, and Severus is indeed protected by Dumbledore, because of a promise, Severus is responsible for protecting Lily Potter's son, risking his life if necessary. He hates Harry Potter, not only because Harry looks like James, but also because he wants to throw away everything he has so hard to protect someone he doesn't like very much. Every time he mentions Harry, he gnashes his teeth, like Like having a toothache, people can't help but worry about whether they should send him to the dentist.

Hermione Granger's father is a dentist, and her family conditions are considered good in the Muggle world, but she was lost because of the war.

She liked the smell of mint, too, except that mint reminded her of toothpaste, and Pomona of potions, to her, look how silly they were.

Victor's fascination with watching her reading has fascinated many girls. He is a smart boy. Instead of chasing Fleur like other adolescent fools, he fell for Mudblood Hermione, like a prince all at once Found Cinderella, how many girls dream.

Now she is also having a dream, she puts Severus, who always wears a wizard's black robe, into Muggle clothes, it is still a black woolen coat, but the inside is not black, but silver-gray Cardigan looks very restrained, low-key, simple and decent.

She blushed, feeling like she was in love again, and Severus looked down at her, a dimple curling his lips.

"It's right this time, no reindeer."

"Don't you like Christmas?"

"I just don't like deer with horns on their heads."

"How long are you going to hate James Potter?"

He thought for a while and shook his head.

"What do you want for Christmas?"

"Let me surprise you." He tapped Pomona's nose, and took out a gray test tube from his shapeshifting lizard skin pocket. "Don't drink Polyjuice Potion today, drink this instead."

"What's this?"

"Many women are drinking the beauty potion produced by Gerwood's family. I know you don't want to be too glamorous, so I made the anti potion."

"That is to say, drinking it will not make your face radiant, but your face will be haggard?"

"That's right, that's it." He sighed. "You really are the weirdest woman I've ever seen."

"I hope you like my brains more than my looks," she said deadpan. "Will you still love me if I'm ugly?"

"Drink it." He still smiled.

She drank the suspicious-looking potion without hesitation.

After drinking it, her face became ugly, like a serious illness.

"How come it tastes like the Weasleys' skipping class candy?" She asked, looking at the empty test tube in her hand.

The Potions Master laughed.

"You're naive, Severus."

"The Weasley brothers are very talented. After they invented skipping candy, they drank it first, and then distributed it to the lower grades after they tried it on themselves. What a pity Fred." He put his arms around her waist, eyes vacant Look at her "He likes you very much, you know that?"

She knew he was performing Legilimency on her, but he wasn't using Occlumency. George went over what he had said to her in his mind, and his expression didn't change.

"I trust you, Severus, you wouldn't kill a child who wasn't a threat." She also put her arms around his waist, looking up at him "George had resentment over Fred's death, his anger subsided It will still be the same as before.”

"He makes you unhappy, Pomona, and you know I can handle him."

"Power and money will only work if they are used in the right place. After Arthur retires, he can't stay at home all the time. He can work with George to study Muggle things and invent joke toys."

"What about Ron Weasley?"

"He can become an Auror with Harry. How about letting Harry Potter replace Calvin as the head of the Auror office? Since Stringer, it seems to be a tradition to be the head of the Auror office and become the Minister of Magic. That's not a good thing."

Severus reached out to brush her hair and stroked her earlobe, "You still need a pair of earrings."

"But I haven't got my ears pierced yet."

"I can help you wear it." He took his hand back. "Go and change. I'll wait for you in the living room."

He said it calmly, then turned and left, as if he was saving something.

Reminiscent of the Christmas gift he just said to "surprise him", she couldn't help feeling that the teenager who was so happy to receive her full set of potion tools was gone. They had grown up and become different from before .

After putting on her winter clothes and looking at herself in the mirror, she looked at her face. Remus was a wolf in human skin, and she was a moth in human skin. They also wanted to prey on humans, but Remus was a little more bitter.

They can all use wandless magic, which is only used by human mages after they have refined to a certain extent. The "grafted" organ that feels magic power has been integrated into the mage's body and becomes a part of the body, just like her hair Same.

It must be scary to see someone turn into a Gorgon, Sirius, you must have been terrified.

Why didn't you help Sirius Black then, Dumbledore? And you threw him in Azkaban for twelve years, for what?

Pomona was puzzled by the old wizard with the white beard, why he saved a Death Eater he didn't like very much, but ignored the student he liked.

Her heart was broken when the formerly glamorous noble young master appeared at the door of her office like a stray dog. In order to hide his identity, he was forced to hide in the tropical rainforest in Hufflepuff's lounge. Phoenix in the 1970s One of the club members was named Edgar Burns. His wife, children, and mother were killed by Death Eaters. Moody spoke highly of him, and his niece Susan Burns was also Hufflepuff. Husband's student, she is also a member of DA like Hannah Albert, and she is a student of Harry Potter.

Sometimes, she also wondered if Severus had participated in those murders, and she was having dinner with the murderers.

When her puppy came back, she was indeed shaken. Sirius was different from Severus. He had no other women in his heart, but Sirius and James had a very deep friendship. If she was with Sirius again Dude, Severus was alone again, and it was his loneliness that made him get closer and closer to those Death Eaters, and it almost ruined his life in the end.

Because of Barty Crouch Jr., Barty Crouch Sr. was removed from the Enforcement Division and replaced by Amelia Susan Burns, who presided over Harry's trial at the Wizengamot. Potter's meeting, that just woman was also killed by Death Eaters, and she was Susan Burns' aunt when the Death Eaters who killed her uncle Ed's family escaped from Az in January 1996 Caban, she was terrified, but she overcame her fear and attacked Malfoy on the Hogwarts Express.

"What are you thinking? Pomona Sprout?" She looked in the mirror and muttered to herself. She actually said that she loved black magic.

Hufflepuff spirit, do the right thing because it's right, but Slytherin is abetting her to follow her heart, maybe one day she will use Avada Kedavra at will like Bella , because everyone around is like this.

Don't let love blind your eyes.

She was a little desperate to think why she had to choose such a difficult path. She could obviously choose to take an easier path and find a simple man like Arthur to live a simple life.

"You're a real fool, Hufflepuff."

She said the last sentence in the mirror, then opened the door and left the bedroom.

There was someone waiting for her outside, he was covered in darkness just like in the dream, if she didn't help him, he might get lost in the darkness again.

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