Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 155 Take Me Away

One of the ingredients in the compound soup is bicorn powder. It looks like a bull. It is very loyal to its wife and its only food is virgins.

Maybe it was because she drank too much of that potion, that's why she was particularly interested in the "virgin" Severus. What she smelled during the picnic by the Black Lake was not the aroma of food, but the smell of ancient dragons on him, She ate more than usual.

"Are you all right, Pomona?" He looked at her strangely.

"I'm fine." After she finished speaking, she gulped down a big mouthful of pumpkin juice.

"When will your friend come?" He didn't care at all, and continued to look at the lake.

"They smell the food and it will come soon."

"Mermaids also eat human food." The Potions Professor shook his head incredulously, "It's really unimaginable."

"The Slytherin lounge is like a fish tank, and the mermaid sometimes observes you through the windows." Pomona kept fanning her hands, why is it so hot in summer.

"When?" asked the head of Slytherin, his face full of anger.

"Anytime." She carefully moved to the grass next to her.

"Including when taking a shower?"

"Maybe..." she replied evasively.

"Damn it!" Severus swore. "I'm going to seal those windows."

"You can't seal it. This is part of the contract. Only those who agree to their conditions can build a school here."

"So we're going to be visited like animals in a zoo, right?" The Potions Professor smiled happily.

"When the freshmen arrive at the school, don't they have to take a boat to the pier? The mermaid dragged them across the black lake." Pomona clutched her heart, her heart was pounding.

"Just like those carriages that look horseless are actually being pulled by Thestrals?"

"Yes!" She stood up, letting the wind blowing from the lake blow away the heat, "Have you brought the Jueyin bird?"

"Of course." He took the birdcage from behind, and the little bird inside was flapping its wings and struggling, but it didn't make any sound.

Immediately afterwards, she suddenly realized that his fingers were actually very beautiful. She quickly turned her gaze to the small island in the lake not far away.

"Hey, they're here." Pomona waved to the mermaid who was combing her hair on the island.

"They... don't seem to have any clothes on." Severus said hesitantly, "Should I avoid it?"

Mermaids are also divided into offensive and non-aggressive states. They look scary when they are in the offensive state, but they usually look like beautiful women.

She suddenly realized that he was a "heterosexual".

Being struck by lightning can't even describe how she feels at this moment. In summer, he won't be all in black. He is wearing a white shirt at the moment, a very leisurely attire. The thin clothes can't cover his muscular lines. His arms are bigger than Quidditch's. The athlete is still strong.


She was so embarrassed that she didn't dare to look in that direction.

"Why are you panicking?"

"I left beforehand." The herbal medicine professor strode forward directly, she wanted to escape from this place.

"I should be the one who should leave, you tell them about singing." Severus stood up hastily, and trotted to block her way.

There weren't many people staying at the school during the summer vacation, she didn't need to drink Polyjuice Potion as usual, she felt that she could stand with him at this moment.

She looked up into his eyes, they were as clear as a lake, with her reflection reflected in them.

"Hey Pomona, what do you want me to do?"

At this moment, the mermaid Lucia suddenly appeared from the black lake, and she really looked like a beautiful woman.

"Don't look!" she warned him.

"She doesn't even care..."

"I care!" She regretted after shouting, what did she just say?

"Lucia, do me a favor, can you sing a song?"

"We can only sing in the water." Lucia ate the soft-clawed land prawns prepared for her by the water.

"There is a soundless bird here, you take it to sing underwater."

"What do you want me to sing?" Lucia asked.

"Severus, the lyrics!"

No one answered her, she turned her head and found Severus Snape with his back to her, looking at the beeches not far away, unable to see the expression on his face at the moment.

"Didn't you say you would use the mermaid's singing as a clue for the second level?" Pomona asked.

For his so-called Slytherin-like beauty, he actually racked his brains and tried every possible method. In fact, there was an easier way, but he made the golden egg himself, what a fool.

"Find me where I sing, I can't sing on land, only an hour to find, what I took away."

The mermaid quickly memorized the very simple lyrics.

"Would you like to hear me sing, Pomona?" the mermaid asked.

Looking at the cool water of the lake, Pomona was a little moved. She really felt that the weather in summer was too hot.

"You are not allowed to peek, Severus!" Anyway, his back was facing the two of them, and there was no one else around, so Pomona took off the dirty witch robe outside, and she was wearing a patterned Very conservative underwear, then picked up the birdcage, cast a bubble head spell on himself and went straight into the water.

The lake was very cold, which calmed her hot heart. She and the mermaid often swam together, and they were very familiar with each other, so they would not attack her.

"I want that bird alive," Severus said before they sank into the water.

"Okay, let's go, Lucia." Pomona said to her friend, and the two "people" dived into the lake together.

The air in the movie theater was as cold as the water in the Black Lake of Hogwarts at the moment, and the surroundings were pitch black. The Godfather was showing on the big screen, but neither of them paid attention to watch.

The good thing about having money is that you can book out the theater, and you can show whatever movie theater you want. This old movie theater was not doing well in business. When Hermione brought her here, it was quickly booked. At this moment, the entire movie theater is full of The two of them.

The darkness gave the best cover. Many boys did things that they would not dare to do in the name of asking a girl to watch a movie. They were not interested in the content of the movie at all. They paid more attention to the girl who was with them.

Pomona had forgotten how much he was interested in sneaking. Movie theaters were public places, only now they were private spaces.

"Watch the movie..." Pomona reminded him that she hoped he would learn something from this old film, which is dark and violent, and the main characters live a dangerous lifestyle, although it is written A group of villains, but people watching the movie can't hate those villains. The old godfather skillfully handles the relationship between various gangster families. Holy baptism and sinful killing are intertwined, full of purification and conspiracy, and fully embodies the tension of darkness .

Severus didn't listen to her reminder at all.


"You know I won't stop."

This kind of conversation had been carried from the wizarding world to the Muggle world, and Pomona missed that innocent afternoon when she went swimming in the lake and he really didn't look back.

There was a dragon hiding in the Forbidden Forest who was going to take part in the first match of the Triwizard Tournament. That Hungarian treetop was so fierce that no one could stop it. Hagrid leaked the female half-giant for Beauxbatons, but they He didn't tell anyone else about it, Ron Weasley told Harry, and then told Cedric through Harry, and Karkaroff asked Snape to come to her to inquire.

Letting a minor deal with dragons alone, the Ministry of Magic is murder. When she was in a state of confusion, he became her only support. He was the one who taught Cedric how to deal with dragons in the way of dealing with snowmen.

Fleur's performance wasn't that bad, she was already amazing among girls, anyway, if Pomona had to deal with a dragon by herself, she wouldn't be much better than her.

"Don't stay here, take me away..." she begged when she realized that he would not let her go.

"No." He narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "There are only Muggles here, and no one will bother us with the Muggle Repelling Charm."

She inexplicably felt a sense of being delivered to her door.

"I treat you so kindly, how can you do this!"

"You don't know how difficult it is to break through that hurdle. I stood by the lake all afternoon, do you remember?" He pinched her cheek. "I used to dream about bloody and horrible things when I slept. After I met the mermaid by the black lake, I dreamed of you every night, I didn’t have any more nightmares, you are sweeter than I imagined, senior sister, even if I knew it was bait, I would still eat it.”

"Bait?" She was a little more sober, and Dumbledore had no intention of sacrificing her to be that kind of spy.

"Without me now, I don't know who the murderer of Mary McKinnon's family is. I only know that it was Trevor. This is my value, Pomona. A pure-blood family has many people with the same surname. I can Provided the exact name, Karkaroff also provided the list, but he said it in public, even if he escaped in the end, he was found and executed by the Dark Lord in the end, you now understand what game you are playing ?”

"I didn't play."

"I know, that's what I hate about him, he doesn't care about my soul at all, but you do." His tears fell silently, "Although you feed on human souls like dementors, you are more Humans are more like humans."

"I'm not human, Severus."

"Then why are you hiding yourself again? The look in your eyes reminded me of Lupine."

"Because I'm not Fleur, and I want to protect you." She felt relieved, she really wasn't suitable for Radiance. "It's one less enemy you have to provoke. You already have many enemies."

"Shall we go? I don't want to go on."

"I won't force you like Dumbledore, you choose yourself, Severus, whether to fight back when you are able to fight back, or wait to be manipulated when you are cornered." She stared at that and began to show weakness again "I want to fight back, how about you?"

He doesn't cry anymore.

"I think you're safe, Pomona."

"Me too." She helped him wipe away tears, "My warrior, you have to hold on."

His eyes became clearer, he took half a step back, and stopped pestering her.

"Which character in the movie do you want me to be?" He looked at the Corleone family on the big screen.

"My favorite is Vito Corleone. He is a family man, very gentleman, and he is not easily angry, but he has a majestic majesty that makes people dare not look at him. His way of winning is to help others. You Like it?"

"You think I have a bad temper?"

"Sometimes you do look a lot like Tobias, and it hurts when you blurt out."

"How is Vito's relationship with his wife?"

"Very harmonious, the wife always has a healthy and sunny smile on her face, he thinks the most beautiful in his heart is always his wife."

"Do you spend time with your family? A man who doesn't take care of his family is not a man at all." In the movie, the old Corleone, who is still old but still handsome, walked by. She looked at him fascinated, Vito and Her husband is also not very handsome, but also has a restrained demeanor.

She looked back at him, as if he really took it seriously, and began to sleep on his shoulder.

The Godfather movie is quite boring, just suitable for people like him to watch. She prefers actors to plots. If Marlon Brando shows up, she will ask him for an autograph. She is actually like those who like Lockhart. Pretty much housewife.

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