Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 153 Avalanche

What a simple thing, put that screaming golden egg into the water, and there will be a clue, but none of the four little ghosts thought of it. In a fit of rage, Severus moved Moaning Myrtle to the prefect bathroom, he could cheat through her, she could see the "warm bodies" of the boys, they both had benefits, except for Cedric and Harry libert.

Hufflepuff likes to share. If he has a cookie, he will give half of it to those who need it. Harry Potter revealed the information of the first game, and Cedric shared the content of the second game. Tell Harry that his spirit of fair play is particularly brilliant when everyone is trying their best to win, coupled with Hufflepuff's spirit and love for women, it is not surprising that he takes care of Fleur, He was such a man of excellent qualities.

Cedric is very good to every girl. As the only female seeker in the four colleges, Qiu Zhang bears a lot of pressure. Boys will not consider her female identity when they are competitive. Derek sometimes chats with her, and Cho Chang begins to have a crush on Cedric.

"Harry Potter has no rivals for Cedric except fame." Severus puffed the smoke out of his nose like a Hungarian treetop "I don't understand why he would be the number one most wanted to date" One of the candidates."

"They are the kind of people who are easily fooled by fame, and Harry is not as bad as you think, he is very pure."

"A man so pure that sooner or later he will be used like Remus Lupine, he almost died, you forget?" He said angrily, "I want to teach him a lesson, but Dumbledore always protects him He was doing well for the first two years as a freshman, but it got worse and worse from the third year onwards, the old bastard asked me to take care of him, and I don't even know what to take care of him?"

Dumbledore is indeed sometimes like a grandpa who cares too much, always doting and spoiling Harry.

"Albus is making up for the love Harry didn't get at Petunia's before."

"He's never done that to me," Severus grumbled. "He never gave me what I wanted."

"He made you the headmaster, and those magics related to memory."

"The only time he begged me was to kill him." Severus seemed lost in some thought. "He defended Draco more than I did."

His expression was so pitiful that Pomona took his head into her arms.

"It's like I was born with a handicap, I'm not happy in his eyes, like I'm a mistake that needs to be corrected, even if I passed his test, he didn't give me a good face to become the head of Slytherin, I need He also ignored me when he helped me and let me figure it out on my own, how could I be so stupid as to think he is like my father?"

"Father-son relationships are hard, Severus, especially a demanding father." She stroked his hair "but he allowed me to help you."

"You're not my real mother." He pushed her away, turning his back on her childishly. "You're just used to taking care of people. I'm not special at all."

"I helped you clean up Tobia's body, and Dumbledore didn't even know about it." She was furious, and it was the most conscientious thing she had ever done in her life.

"Why are you helping me?" He still turned his back to her.

"I can't watch you get ruined, and honestly I think Tobias deserves it."

That man loved to wear leopard print shirts. Although he was very similar to Severus, he was not a person who followed the rules. The steps of the potion required meticulousness, and it was like a cage to keep Severus' wildness.

"We were in XZ when Karkaroff and Barty Crouch reached an agreement. Before leaving, Albus Dumbledore told me that if something happened to you, I would be hunted down by him even if I didn't return to England, and then Throwing into Azkaban, I almost left everything and ran." Severus said in a low voice, "Do you remember the valley that traps us, I never thought that the world could be so dark and cold place, that snowman is scarier than a werewolf."

"Where do you want to run to?"

"Anywhere, as long as there are dark wizards gathered, Bavaria, Scandinavia, but that snowman made me change my mind."


"I wanted to fight back, not run away like a coward, I begged the white wizard to spare me, I was disgusted by the way I looked at that time." He took another puff on his cigarette and blew a smoke ring "I pay attention to myself The improvement of their strengths, but they didn't care about the students' grades, and they didn't learn anything from me."

"You remember that Dumbledore joke? Hags, trolls and leprechauns."

"He told so many funny jokes that I remember every one of them."

"Looks like something from Harry's third year, the leprechaun is you, the hag is me, the troll is Hagrid." Grid is nothing like a giant half-breed, but he can use magic like a troll."

Because of their height, wizards often confuse snowmen with trolls, which is completely wrong.

Yetis would attack solitary creatures, and they were solitary, the plateau air was so thin she couldn't cast spells with a headache, and Severus wasn't doing well at the time, couldn't focus on Apparating at all, The night in hiding in the cave was particularly difficult.

"If only we knew fire magic." She complained. "The snowman is afraid of fire and is very sensitive to fire. We didn't dare to light the fire that night."

"Actually, gasoline can also be used to deal with it, but I never thought about it at the time." Severus looked at the scarlet cigarette butt in his hand. "I've been using magic to solve problems, and I forgot about Muggle things."

"Perhaps that's why Dumbledore is dissatisfied with you, Severus, you forgot that you are half-blood Prince."

"Others have reminded me a lot, Professor Snape." Severus sarcastically sarcastically, "Do you know how sad it is to bear that surname at a party of pure-blood nobles?"

"But you didn't change your name like Tom did."

"Before I have enough strength, if I use my fame to pave my way without protecting the honor of my family name, I will become the same person as Lockhart." Severus shook his head and sneered, "He is like a clown. "

"He's at a gathering of nobles?" Pomona was astonished. He thought Lockhart would be smirking in the Wizard's Weekly.

"He wants to be noble, as he looks." Severus said in a tone, glibly. "He thought dueling was just how he played it in the dueling room."

"He made the XZ snowman have a nose cold, my God." Pomona shook her head and laughed. "And he made Harry play the snowman."

"He's just a joke. Everyone sees him laughing happily. He thinks that he is popular when others laugh." Severus puffed. "It's really pathetic."

"Is it still difficult for you to deal with nobles now?" She asked while pulling his right hand, and suddenly found that he was wearing the salamander ring on his ring finger.

"No one, dare to laugh at me." He looked at a point in the void and said, "It's much more comfortable than at a Death Eater party."

"Don't get out of hand, Severus, power is a poison."

"I think that's why he asked you to accompany me, isn't it? Learn to control yourself." He snuffed out the cigarette butt that was about to go out in the ashtray, then turned over and pressed her down again, "You are not Minerva, I Not Dumbledore, we can't be simple friends, senpai."

He's not a good guy, she knows, but is there a pure friendship between a man and a woman? Even the ignorant Hermione and Ron finally walked together.

"Harry is a good boy, you have to take good care of him, Severus." She stroked his ugly features, his eyes were calm and unwavering, reflecting her shadow like a black lake.

"He's an adult, he should take care of himself and his family."

"You promised Dumbledore to take care of Harry Potter and Draco."

"Oh, I hate those brats." He straightened up like a snowman, lifted the quilt on his body, and she subconsciously stretched out her hand to cover herself.

"Didn't you say you want to go to the movies? How about going in the afternoon?" He went to check the Muggle clothes she put in the shopping bag without a trace. , you can clearly see the scars on the back.

"Okay." She replied in a low voice, then turned around shyly, looking at the vast white snow outside the window.

Cedric did with the Swedish short-snout what they did with the yeti, put it to sleep, and slink away.

While the Hungarian Tree Peaks are the most aggressive, the most dangerous dragon is actually the Chinese Fireball.

It wasn't the biggest, but it was very quick and smart, and Pomona was most worried that Cedric would get it, but luckily Victor got it.

It's a pity that Hermione didn't choose Victor. Dark wizards are more trustworthy in the face of such dangerous creatures, and sometimes problems can be solved without desperate efforts.

"I like Dark Arts," she whispered, her eyes closed, in a voice only she could hear, because she was afraid Dumbledore the White Wizard would be very disappointed.

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