Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 152 Mixed Blood and Mixed Blood

The materials for shrinking water are very common. A Muggle can collect daisy roots, shrunken figs, caterpillars, a drop of rat bile, and a little leech juice, but it is impossible for them to turn these materials into potions. In the lower grades, you only need to follow the instructions, step by step, and strictly follow the teacher's instructions. When you are in the sixth grade, you can learn the principles of potions if you are smarter. Here, the teacher will tell the students why the crucible must be stirred smoothly. Six circles clockwise, one circle counterclockwise, sometimes you need to use a magic wand, and you can start to innovate after you understand why.

The broad-spectrum antidote is a high-grade potion, at least many people don't know how to make it, and that's why it's sold for a high price of thirty-two Galleons.

It seems easy to wave the wand twice when brewing this potion. What is the purpose of waving the wand twice? Many students fail in potions because they don't know what they are doing. The old bat doesn't have the patience to answer. He is a genius but not a good teacher. Dumbledore appointed him as the head of Slytherin to control bloodism Spread among Slytherins, so what if he's a half-blood? Anyway, no one can defeat him, no matter whether it is potion or magic, Slytherin speaks with strength in addition to benefits, anyway, except for the top few people, no one is his opponent.

There is no one more suitable than him to be Neville's trainer, provided that he has the patience and time, his bad temper is well known, and the people he thinks it is unnecessary to meet will never Going to see her, he spends a lot of time with her, even when he reads letters, he has to hug her, the house elf Honey helps her with housework, she seems to have nothing to do except be in a daze.

That's a dangerous sign, you're going to be a fool, Pomona.

She thought so, but she still couldn't help observing this human being. His youthful, youthful, and middle-aged appearances were vivid in her memory. It seemed that he began to grow old in just a blink of an eye. She didn't want such a long lifespan, anyway, he If she dies, she will be so sad that she can't wait to die, so then share her extra life with him.

"Severus, teach me the magic of sharing life."

"No." Without looking up, he refused without thinking.


"That's a forbidden technique, you will be cursed."

"You've used it all."

"I don't care, as long as you can live."

"But I want to die with you." She lay on his chest, listening to the sound of the beating heart inside. "You are dead, and the rest of my life is meaningless. It would be a waste not to share it."

"Aren't you afraid of going to hell?" He put down the letter and looked at her in pain.

"There may be hell for humans, but there is no hell for me." She pointed to her beautiful face, "I want to trade my life for that ordinary face."

"Can you let me think about it?"

"Okay," she said idly, "Can I make one request?"

"Go ahead."

"Help me train Neville." She played with his fingers. "As you said, I'm not allowed to approach male students."

"Ha, you remember my warning?"

"I'm jealous of Lily, but she's my friend. Sissy said I'm the first person she's ever seen defending a rival in love. I can't fight the dead, but I'm alive. You can't entangle with other women anymore." clear."

He smiled smugly. "Go on."

"When you train the next generation of godfathers, we will live in seclusion, just like I passed the professor of herbal medicine to Neville. How about the bunker you chose last time?"

He threw the letter aside and spread his hands towards her, "What's wrong with me?"

Then he hugged her and kissed her like he could never get enough.

"Remember that time the Wizengamot sent us to XZ to deal with the Yeti?"

"I still remember, what's wrong?"

"I don't want the hybrid plan to continue." She said blankly, "Grindelwald is based on the interests of human beings. If the snowman is not too aggressive, maybe there will be a hybrid of human and snowman born."

"How could you have such a disgusting guess." Severus had a toothache on his face.

"Or how do you think Hagrid and his brother got here?"

"Oh!" He suddenly realized.

"Oh~" He was disgusted.

"Although the Veela hybrid looks good, the aging speed will slow down after awakening. I hope Furong will not go my way. Can you send someone to protect her and prevent her from being harassed by Grindelwald's people?"

"How did that old bastard wake you up?" Severus grinned through gritted teeth. "Let's dig up his grave. I'm going to take his stomach out and see what potions are inside. For Regulus."

"Remember the question I asked you? When did we first meet?"

"September 1971, I forget the exact date."

"That was around September 4, 1971."

He thought for a while and said, "How many days did Remus Lupine transform?"

"Yes." She fell back into his arms again, "I was transformed to gain the power to defeat werewolves."

"Your hair is as transformable as a mermaid's, isn't it?" He tousled her hair.

"This is the organ I said before. It is used to feel the magic power. Ollivander also bought my wand. He said that the core of the wand is a Veela hair from 300 years ago."

"Do you really think Fleur is Beauxbaton's best student?" He looked at a point in the void and said, "Ms. Olim Maxim is taller than Hagrid, have you seen the two of them dancing together?" ?"

Olim Maxim is the principal of Beauxbatons. Her magic power must be very strong. She and Hagrid, who only knows farmer magic, really have nothing in common except for the small difference in height.

"Mixed blood and mixed blood, oh!" Pomona was hit on the head as soon as she finished speaking.

"She's also very unhappy about being a half-blood, just like you." The half-blood prince said sullenly.

"Our mixed blood is different from your mixed blood. Muggles are also human beings, but they don't have magic power."

"For her, that idiot Hagrid told her during the secrecy stage that the first item in the Triwizard Tournament was fire dragons. She really knows how to use her own advantages. She is completely different from you. Sometimes, you just need to open your mouth and tell her." There is someone at your service, ma'am." He purposely said ma'am with a French accent.

"I don't like it." She said without hesitation, "I hope to be sober when making decisions. Choices are more important than hard work. Wrong choices can be fatal. Hagrid cheated. In the end, Barty Crouch If you are dead, it is better not to take this shortcut.”

"Dumbledore taught you this?"

"No, it's my own opinion. Beautiful women are also a kind of temptation, which can make people make irrational judgments. Doing so will affect fairness and justice." In fact, she hoped that Severus would be attracted by her brains rather than her appearance. He likes himself, but like most men in the world, he can't escape the "material" barrier. As for other men who serve her because of her face, she reminds her of flies. They don't bite seamless eggs, they Definitely wanted to get something out of her, she didn't want to deal with them and create misunderstandings.

"You were probably the only one in that match who still thought about fairness." Severus shook his head and sighed.

"How can you leak the secret?" She thumped him, "You still use that method to tease my students."

"I didn't think about anything at that time. I was jealous of Cedric, and I didn't want to see that pompous idiot lose too badly. Why doesn't even Hufflepuff know about magical animals now?" He said depressingly.

"After Buckbeak, they didn't learn anything in Care of Fantastic Beasts except for Blast-Ended Skret Harry." This is also one of the frustrating things for Pomona. Politics is involved in teaching, and students don't learn at all what.

"Do you think our child will be the same as Fleur?" The mixed-race Prince was thinking about another question, "It's almost like a normal person, just a little prettier."

"I, Fu Rong, and her sister are all girls. If it's a boy, maybe this curse can be broken."

"Then what are you waiting for?" He happily hugged her like a princess.

"Your job!" She hooked his neck to prevent herself from falling.

He ignored her at all, and walked towards the bedroom with big strides like an anxious groom holding her in his arms.

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