Every ten days a week in the Republic, about every four days or so, Napoleon would inspect the troops in the Tuileries Palace, and all French legions would come to Paris for inspections in turn, which would not only help him build up his prestige in the army, but also As part of the daily work of the "king", Louis XVI always took the nobles to hunt.

Now it has become a seven-day week, and every Thursday, the day of Thor, has become his inspection time. On this day, he will ride on a white horse, with a high-spirited look, and march along the queue of soldiers .

Sometimes he would dismount, chat with officers, or say a few words with ordinary soldiers to express his love and concern for soldiers. He encouraged soldiers to express bravely, such as "tell me what you need, and what is your need for your superiors?" You can also tell me if you are dissatisfied, I will help you uphold justice, you believe in me, I am a righteous person."

His entire face lit up when he spoke, and it was impossible to associate it with "failure" from any angle.

Yet Georgiana understood where his sense of frustration came from, as long as he thought of those stubborn priests who refused to swear.

Priests often say, "May God bless you, my child".

Napoleon also often said to his soldiers, "I love you, my child".

There used to be a story about a king, a bishop and a rich man who ordered a soldier to kill two other people, and then gave him everything he promised. Later, the bishop disappeared, and the soldiers only listened to the king and the rich man.

When the king is also killed, only the soldier and the rich man remain, and if the rich man gives him the wealth promised to the soldier, then the rich man is no longer a rich man.

Napoleon welcomed the downed bishop back. Originally, there was still a king missing. However, the soldier who obeyed the order became the king himself, and other soldiers would sigh, "The first soldier to be the king is really lucky."

Ambitious generals breed ambitious armies. A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. If Napoleon takes the throne, then other generals will follow, and eventually he will find himself in the same trap as Louis XIV. He was surrounded by nobles who wanted to usurp the throne.

The method used by Louis XIV was to tear down the castles of the lords, disband their stud farms, and let them live a luxurious court life in Versailles. The king who had no money lent them money to blackmail the nobles with debts.

If Bonaparte wanted to break the deadlock, the only way he could do it was not to sit on the throne and wear the crown, otherwise the soldiers would follow his style of dressing and wear the crown themselves.

Giorgina left her potbellied Fox for the Tuileries Palace to see the young, flamboyant First Consul, like a twentieth-century star-chasing girl.

She wouldn't listen to what Ribo said, "Because you rejected him, that's why he went to another woman".

As for why she came here? She hadn't thought about it at all.

Just as she was mingling with the crowd to watch the review, State Secretary Ma Lei came to her side.

She glanced at him, then stared straight ahead as if nothing had happened.

"There's going to be another war soon," said Marley. "Guess where?"

"Don't know, France and England?" asked Georgiana.

Marley smiled.

"There was a fight in June," Mare said with a smile, "but not this time."

Rather than inquiring about military secrets, Georgiana felt that it was better to inquire about why Britain and France almost fought, so she asked, "Is it because I handed over that document to Britain?"

"Not at all." Marley said calmly, "Colonel Sebastian, who we sent to Egypt for defense, wrote a report expressing his dissatisfaction with the London cabinet, saying that when he went to meet the Mamluks, the British officials stationed in Egypt Always trying to stop those chiefs, he and the ambassador's task is to let the chiefs know that Kebir Sultan has not forgotten them, after reading Colonel Sebastian's letter, the general was enraged, and then someone offered to send the letter to Look, Ardé Jobert, he summoned people to my house that evening."

"And then?" Georgiana asked.

"Sebastian concealed some details, such as the fact that he was once graciously entertained by British officials. We decided to publish this letter, but revised some 'details'. The Bulletin reported the article, which published Our army strengthened the defense of Egypt and Syria, and announced the deployment of British troops in the two places. Lord Whitworth came to protest. recalled."

Georgiana kept smiling.

See, this is the disadvantage of "living in seclusion", she is completely unaware of such a big thing happening.

"Who's the new ambassador to Britain?"

"It depends on whether Britain is currently in power with a war faction or a peace faction." Marley said a little arrogantly, "or is it a mad king? If it is the last one, we may have to send a doctor instead of an ambassador. Lest he put forward the same conditions as last time."

"Are you fighting or peace?" Georgiana asked Marley.

Ma Lei looked at Georgiana with a smile, "You gave the two documents to Britain and France. I also followed your example and announced the military deployment on both sides. What do you think of my position?"

Georgiana had nothing to say.

"The target this time is Piedmont. I heard that you once hoped to be the governor of Piedmont." Mare said.

"It's not me, it's the wishes of the local chamber of commerce and the church."

"Then they got what they wanted," said Marley. "Would you like to know who the new governor is?"

"What will it cost me?" Georgiana asked.

"You know about the recent scandal." He paused and said in a low voice, "Would you like to cover for him?"

Georgiana said nothing.

"You want the outside world to know that he didn't meet that Mrs. G, and that he sneaked out of the palace in the middle of the night to meet me?" She said dryly.

Mare didn't speak, he lowered his head as if nodding, and then looked towards the parade ground.

"I can wait a few days, anyway, the news will be announced." Georgiana whispered.

"In this way, your British countrymen will not get first-hand information." Marley said again.

"I have other conditions." She said coldly.

"Let's talk." Mare readily agreed.

"He's so dirty, wash him from head to toe with wine!"

Ma Lei suppressed a smile, and said after a while, "His skin disease has not healed yet."

"I guess that must hurt." Georgiana smirked.

"Could there be another punishment?" Mare asked.

"Do you know what I've been doing at night these days?" Georgiana asked.

Mare nodded.

"I could cut him in half and burn him to ashes with flames, any reason why I didn't?"

Marley looked at Napoleon with a pale face and horror.

"He was also a victim, and he didn't know that the lady had other lovers in private."

"Tell me who the new Governor of Piedmont is," said Georgiana grimly.

"Moreau," Mare said, and left. "Don't tell anyone I said it."

"Coward," said Georgiana, looking after Marley, and then at Napoleon.

Finally shaking his head, he left the Tuileries Palace.

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