According to the "story" that Georgiana heard from Bonaparte, the biggest difference between Moreau and Napoleon was not whether he was a republican general or not.

The army that had just been liberated from the old system actually still followed the system of the old era. It had to listen to the orders from the capital. It used to be the king and important ministers. In the era of Moreau and Napoleon, it was the government. Moreau delayed Many fighters.

He had already reached the Rhine River on June 1, but he has been active on the left bank of the Rhine River. First, he did not build a pontoon bridge, and second, he did not keep in touch with the Sombre-Maas Front Army. After waiting on the Lesheim battlefield for 8 days, he finally decided to advance in the direction of Donaufurt. At this time, he had not yet contacted the Sombre-Maas Front.

Moreau didn't decide to cross the river by himself, but waited for the order of the Directorate. Crossing a river like the Rhine is a very difficult military operation, and it must be done quickly. Moreau planned to cross the river on June 24. He asked Desai to take a boat and lead 2,500 people to capture Erlian-Rhine in the early morning of June 24. In the morning, Kerr was occupied again, and the pontoon bridge was erected at dusk, and the pontoon bridge was not erected until noon on the 25th.

If he erected the pontoon bridge before noon on the 24th, the Archduke Charles learned on June 26 that the French army was crossing the river near Kerr, and if the 70,000 troops of the three armies of the Rhine Front and the reserve can reach the right bank before the 26th. And advance, then you can capture alive and defeat the Austrian divisions walking along the river by surprise, and achieve brilliant results. As a result, Moreau gave Archduke Charles time to react, and he rushed to support the Upper Rhine Front with 24 battalions of infantry and 29 companies of cavalry.

When crossing the river, Morrow divided into three teams. Saint-Cyr led 20,000 people on the left bank of the Rhine, 40,000 people on the right bank, and 10,000 people stayed on the Upper Rhine. The Archduke Charles led his troops to fight the Upper Rhine. There are ten thousand people in the river. Three different combat routes 6 flanks, the flanks are the weakest part, so they need cover. If this cannot be achieved, the flanks should be reduced as much as possible. Moreau's army only has one flank with cover. If it weren't for the fact that General Ferino went up the Rhine River and took the opportunity to occupy the two barracks that can accommodate 6,000 people, With the fortifications to rely on, otherwise he encountered the attack of Archduke Charles' army and the Upper Rhine Front Army in the wild, and his ten thousand people would be wiped out.

Desai also led his corps to Rastadt at this time. At that time, the Austrian general Ratu led 25,000 men from Mannheim to Rastadt. When Mu moved up to the Rhine, he immediately followed along the left bank of the Rhine, entered Freudenstadt through the Keel Bridge, occupied some multi-faceted forts distributed in Knibis, and then forced his way through the Moore by fighting all day. gram river.

Why didn't Saint-Cyr take the opportunity to capture Rastatt? As long as Rastadt and Pforzheim are occupied, Philipsburg and Mannheim can be isolated and the enemy's connection with the Neckar can be cut off. Their style of play allowed Archduke Charles and Latour to win The divisions were joined, which gave Archduke Charles forty-four battalions of infantry and eighty companies of cavalry, which gave him the strength to deploy his forces on Ottlingen and on the three arteries leading to Kerr.

This time there was no way to get the order from the Directory, and Moreau began to "act without authorization". Originally, Grand Duke Charles planned to attack Moreau on July 10. On July 9, Moreau ordered Saint-Cyr to take the lead, defeated Kaim and The Saxon soldiers were repelled on the Neckar River. After knowing this battle, the Grand Duke ordered his center and right wing to attack Desai. Desai persisted for a long time, and did not retreat to a new position until evening. Searle cut off the rear and began to retreat, sending troops to supplement the old guard at Mannheim and Philipsburg. The next day, being pursued by Saint-Cyr, Archduke Charles continued to retreat to Stuttgart, where he crossed the Neckar. On Ferino's side, he controlled the banks of the Kinzig River and crossed the Black Forest Mountains. Only then did he completely wipe out the enemies in the Rhine and Black Forest Mountains.

Jourdan was also obedient to orders. First, he did not give orders to occupy the fortress of Ulm, and secondly, he did not join forces with Moreau. He left General Marceau with 30,000 people to defend the various fortresses. He himself led 50,000 people deep into the hinterland of Germany. Advancing along the edge of the Thuringia Mountains around Sakcha, and thus leaving the Danube, the advance guard reached Schweinfurt on July 21, and the headquarters arrived on the 26th.

At this time, Moreau was looking for the command post all over the battlefield. This is equivalent to the fact that the French army formed three independent corps during the march, and they had no contact with each other. The French planned to join forces at the Altmeer River. Archduke Charles thought he could risk preventing Moreau and Jourdan from joining forces, so the rear team changed to the front team and advanced to Ottlingen.

In fact, when Archduke Charles drove the French army's general headquarters and transport team out of Heidenheim, the Germans had already won. At this time, the transport and reserve teams were in chaos, and he could order the encirclement and suppression. But the troops that Archduke Charles used to accomplish this mission did not arrive on the scene and were therefore unable to take part in the battle. The main attacking central army was commanded by the Grand Duke himself. He confronted Saint-Cyr. Saint-Cyr did not expect to be beaten. As a result, the two sides fought in a melee and lost six or seven thousand people. At night, he led the left wing back to the Danube. Dillingen on the upper road, stayed in the battlefield overnight in the middle, the French took this opportunity to recapture Heidenheim and let the French restore the communication line, Moreau took the opportunity to clean up the wounded soldiers, and Archduke Charles got the information, Sombre- The Maas Front had crossed the Legnitz and was advancing across Amburg towards Regensburg.

On August 11, the Grand Duke believed that the Rhine Front Army and the Hesombre-Maas Front Army had joined forces. In order to avoid being encircled, he gave up the plan to prevent them from joining forces and began to retreat.

In fact, Grand Duke Charles misunderstood. Moreau didn't know where Jourdan was at all. He stayed at the Noreheim battlefield for a few days. And sent troops to Artemire. Moreau's indecision made Archduke Charles excited. He thought he still had a chance to stop the reunion, so he left General Latour's thirty battalions to stop the Rhine Front Army, and he took a team of cavalry, infantry and artillery. Cross the Danube, advance along the Nuremberg road, and attack Bernadotte of the Sombre-Maas front in the position ahead of Neumarkt.

Bernadotte had no idea that he would be beaten by Archduke Charles. At that time, the Sombre-Maas Front was mainly facing the attack of Valtens Lebian. Ferino, who was assigned by the Rhine Front, went around the Black Forest Mountains. It has already joined the Rhine Front Army on the Lech River. The Sombre-Maas Front Army has no reinforcements, no baggage, and no large communication lines. The chaotic and disorderly march has a very bad impact on military discipline. Jourdan was defeated as a matter of course. Depressed and exhausted, General Marceau was also killed. Kleber and Corot were transferred back because they did not obey Jourdan's order. Part of them crossed the Rhine, and part of them lived in the barracks in Dusseldorf. When dismissed as Commander-in-Chief, the Directory appointed a Battalion Commander as Commander-in-Chief.

After the result of the Sombre-Maas Front Army, Archduke Charles left 50,000 people under surveillance, and he himself led 12,000 people to leave the Lahn River and turned around to fight the Rhine Front Army.

At that time, Moreau still didn't know where the Sombre-Maas Front was, so he could only advance blindly. The left flank drove to Neustadt, which was close to the Danube, the middle road went to Mainz, and the right flank reached Moosburg. The front was spread wide and thin, but fortunately his advance was met with little resistance, for the enemy thought he was going to attack Regensburg, and there they were waiting for him.

But Moreau did not act without authorization, but retreated to his original position. When Archduke Charles left the Rhine, Mainz, Mannheim, Ehrenbrecht, and Philipsburg all had defenders. After Archduke Charles reached the Lan River, he ordered Mannheim and Philipsburg to dispatch 9 battalions each to attack General Scheerber and take down the two bridgeheads of Kerr and Fort Geuning. If the Germans succeed, then The Rhine Front Army had no way to retreat, and without supplies, supplies, and fortifications, it was only a matter of time before they were encircled and wiped out.

Later, after General Scheerbe learned what had happened from the surrendered soldiers, he began to retreat on September 13 and returned to the city of Kerr. The National Guard in Trasbourg also took part in the fighting.

Moreau was shocked when he knew that he was almost cut off. He began to retreat towards the Rhine River. Jourdan also retreated to the Lech River at the same time. Fortunately, Ulm, which did not have any guards, was occupied by the French army at this time. Six hours after Se left Ulm, the Austrians entered there.

The Black Forest Mountains were also taken by the Austrians, the town was occupied by rebellious peasants, and all the achievements of the Rhine Front Army were lost. His troops were later commanded by Masséna. Moreau retreated in an orderly manner and brought back 5000 troops. captured, while Napoleon achieved a series of victories in northern Italy. The two armies agreed to cooperate in the attack on Austria became Napoleon's single-handed battle. In the end, Napoleon overshadowed the politicians in Paris.

Piedmont does not need to be attacked. It belongs to the territory of the Kingdom of Sardinia. In 1796, France established a satellite country here, which was merged in 1801. In June 1802, it became a new satellite country, Suba Pinning Republic. But last year something happened in Turin that shocked Europe and shamed Napoleon. The French attacked the fort guarded by the Italians with the tricolor flag.

Jourdan established a military district here, and many French troops who withdrew from the Papal State retreated to Piedmont to station.

The wealth of Piedmont is comparable to that of Burgundy in France. With Napoleon's personality, Italy was his favorite woman, and he would not let others touch it. But didn't so many people say that he deliberately sent Moreau's people to Santo Domingo? Did he hate Moreau?

The Italian Republic actually prefers the name of the Southern Alps Republic. With the south, there is the north. They like to restore the way Rome was before - Gaul is just a province of Rome, and Paris is also called the Rome of Gaul.

If Piedmont is well governed, there will be great benefits after being merged into France. If it is not well governed, the same incident as last time will happen again. Moreau will at least have a reputation for lax military rule. In 1793, Valmy After the hero of the great victory, General Charles François Dumouriez defected and surrendered, his subordinates were all implicated. Moreau was not implicated because of his good military management, excellent military quality and firm republican stance. Instead, he was promoted to brigadier general, and he only managed one battalion at that time.

If Moro still listened to the command of the parliament as before, then he would have to listen to the orders of Napoleon, the President of the Senate. He did not obey orders. As a governor of a military region, what did he want to do with so many troops?

The republic does not allow independence. He will give Napoleon a reasonable reason to destroy himself on charges of rebellion and subversion of the regime, so the wise choice is to obey orders.

Napoleon is now acting as a "mediator" in Switzerland. After the Easter coup, Switzerland was divided into the Federalist Party and the Solidarity Party. Thirty-six representatives of the Solidarity Party arrived in Paris quickly, but the Federalist Party hesitated, not even sure how many people would come.

Napoleon sent Michel Ney as an ambassador, took his credentials and a group of people to occupy Switzerland militarily, and ordered all parties to lay down their arms. The road repaired by Georgiana came in handy at this time.

At present, the Senney Mountain Road from France to Piedmont has not yet been opened. It will compete with the Strasbourg trade route. Do you think the Strasbourg people will help Momo like the last war? How about Luo defending Keer City?

Moreau was sent to study law by his father in his early years. His father hoped that he would become a lawyer in the future, but Moreau didn't want to study. Later, he formed a gang at the University of Rennes in western France, fighting with poor children in the school all day long.

Later, Morrow joined the army with these men. Last time he marched cautiously, he suffered little loss. Many of the generals who died on the front line this time were Morrow's former "brothers." When he arrived in Piedmont, everything had to be done again.

The point is that he still has to obey the orders of his "enemy", and it would be better to stay at home if he accepts such an appointment.

But his ambitious wife Miley Olo, a Creole woman with a thirst for power, was introduced to Moreau by Josephine, and Georgiana also met his mother-in-law, who was also a woman. An indescribable character.

Napoleon also had a power-hungry sister, Caroline, who was Murat's wife. Georgiana heard from Belle that the Mamluks had seen her maid, Matilda, contact Caroline's cronies in the middle of the night. , the other party is a woman.

Her life here, apart from reading books and watching the stars, is extremely boring. How can a noble girl who has seen the life of the upper class in Paris be willing to work here?

The other "servants" were not real servants, so they worked so hard. The barber who probably left was the only one who really came to find work.

She didn't want to doubt Bai Lier's intentions, she only knew that she couldn't live without a French maid by her side, so she pretended not to hear it.

Do people change when they become rich?

Georgiana shook her head with a wry smile, and continued to look at the information in her hand.

Maybe it was because she was as boring as Bonaparte that they got along so well, they were paper dry people.

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