The first industrial exhibition was held in the Louvre, but tourists from the UK were so interested in the collections of the Louvre that they wanted to visit it even at night.

They hoped to light candles and oil lamps in the palace, and it would be better to light a fire for warmth, but Napoleon wisely refused.

Soon after the Treaty of Amiens was signed, a Scottish engineer named William Murdoch lit all the lamps in his factory, which were not fueled with whale oil, but with gas, which was passed through a The long iron pipe was fitted into the old barrel, and the gas emitted by ignition produced light.

In addition to being an inventor, Murdoch also worked as an assembly expert for steam engines in James Watt's factory. In addition to machining accuracy, assembly also requires accuracy. Of course, the French will not let this kind of talent go. After seeing the relevant reports in the newspaper, industrial spies invited him to Paris. The disadvantage of this kind of gas lamp is that it has a peculiar smell when burning, which is not good for indoor use, but it is very good for public lighting outdoors. This kind of gas lamp lighting was used in the tent of the second industrial exhibition.

Georgiana was sad to think of those poor whales, so she asked Leon Cour to place an order to replace the street lights of a street in Paris with this kind of gas lamps. Murdoch happily agreed, and he became the first collector at the industrial exhibition. to the person who ordered.

Andrew Meeker's hydraulic threshing machine was watched by many mill owners. In the future, the mill can be used not only for grinding flour but also for threshing. It only needs a small modification to expand the business. The premise is that farmers are willing to go to the "vampire" home Grinding and threshing.

In addition, there is Henry Maudsley's boring machine, which is not all metal as Georgiana thought. The French side still has textile machines as usual, and there are also paper machines, and the steam engine invented by the French themselves.

The most outstanding thing is Fresnel's lighthouse lamp, which was installed on top of the replica Da Vinci's bronze horse at the entrance of the exhibition, guiding people who came to visit and didn't know the direction.

The Italians also came, and the machine they brought was a typewriter. The typesetting order of this typewriter is no longer in alphabetical order, but is similar to that of the 20th century typewriter. It is said that this typewriter was Mr. Turi’s blind friend Invented by the Countess Fantony's letter. It was larger than the typewriters invented by the British, and it was inconvenient to carry around. Georgiana couldn't resist ordering two.

After the Italians came to France, they occupied a palace in the Louvre and set up an architectural committee. The paintings that had been placed in that palace were removed, and the Mona Lisa was placed in Josephine’s palace in the Tuileries Palace. in the bedroom.

The wedding in Ghana is in the Paris library, which is now being enlarged, and where the mummies brought back from Napoleon's expedition to Egypt are also housed.

The former British Prime Minister Fox, who was called "Denonshire farmer" by the British, came to France in the name of looking for the whereabouts of the two male heirs of the Stuart royal family. Georgiana and Mr. Ripo wanted to accompany him all the way, so they followed He went to the library together, where she saw a young Italian, copying the wedding in Ghana in an empty gallery.

Artists need inspiration to create, and it takes a long time to create a new work, but counterfeiters only need to copy the original work, and it does not take that long to create a painting.

If the Italians brought back the original of the painting and put it back in the same place with an identical copy, no one would notice that the package was lost.

Many people go to the Louvre just to see the Mona Lisa, but few people look back at Garner's wedding. September 14th is the anniversary of her second "wedding", perhaps because someone died at that time. Especially profound, her cat also has the same name as the mastermind.

She remembered the boy from the military academy who was hiding from the rain under the big tree, and the second lieutenant who was driving a two-wheeled carriage and pretended not to know him when he saw him hiding from the rain under the tree, and left directly. lifetime.

The clean cadet boy is gone forever, but the king with the eight-horse cart is still there.

Although the painting depicted a lively wedding scene, the Muggle painting didn't move or make sound, so she left it alone.

Enrico Dandolo was also blind, and the French Crusaders in the Eastern Expedition were also threatened by Dandolo to rob Constantinople because of the problem of crossing the sea.

If it were Severus, he would choose to attack Venice. Although Venice is in the lagoon and has sea water as a natural moat, Napoleon still beat it down.

If a dragon joins the Muggle wars, the dragon's breath will easily set the Royal Navy's wooden fleet and sails on fire, but then British wizards will also participate in the battle.

The ancestors of the Malfoy family also participated in the war, so they got the manor and farm in Wales, so that Draco Malfoy could live a pampered life.

However, there was no international law of secrecy at that time. When the weather was bad and the crops were not harvested, the farmers first blamed the witches. At that time, many pamphlets and prints were printed to promote it.

After people accepted the enlightenment and got rid of "ignorance" and thought that the Inquisition and witch trials were nonsensical, the cause of the famine became speculative hoarding.

Although the guillotine is terrifying, the purpose of its invention is humanitarian, so that people who are executed can suffer a lot less pain, and don’t have to be decapitated after being hit by more than 40 axes like Nick who was almost headless, and don’t have to be burned at the stake like Bruno The stake was burned to death.

Human beings should not return to the Dark Ages, and wizards cannot freely use witchcraft and rule Muggles with magic, as Grindelwald imagined.

The ring with the resurrection stone can't resurrect anything, except for summoning an army of infernal corpses. The old fool couldn't resist the temptation and put the ring on, so he was cursed.

Georgiana looked at the ring on her finger.

The fire opal ring at this moment is different from that summoning ring, but they have the same features.

None of them became a pair of rings like wedding rings, one ring has powerful fire magic, and the other ring can keep Severus at his beck and call, which is something the owner of the previous ring had trouble doing. of.

Now that she has a wand, no fetters, and no plans to conquer the world, she doesn't need this fire opal ring.

"Don't take it off." Just as she was about to take off the ring, Mr. Ripo suddenly poked his head out from between the bookshelves, "This is fate."

"I don't think so." Georgiana said indifferently. The one with the "fate" mark was another pair of rings, which had nothing to do with her. After she finished speaking, she wanted to pull out the rings again.

"You are also at fault." Mr. Ripo said, "When he needed you, you were not by his side!"


"I thought every time he went out by the side door, it was to see you." Mr. Ripo said in a low voice, "You refused him, didn't you?"

Georgiana recalled.

He did say he was going to see her that night, and then she got into a fight with him about slavery, and he swore it was the last time he would see her.

"I rejected him, and he went to find that..."

"She reminded him of victory," Mr. Ripo whispered. "For a loser, he needs this 'replenishment.'"

"You're speaking for him?" Georgiana said incredulously.

"At least he didn't lie to you." Mr. Ripo shrugged. "He can quibble, can't he? Like those other 'fraudsters.'"

Georgiana was expressionless.

"You should know that Louis XVI took off his wedding ring when he was going to the guillotine," said M. Ribaux. "He gave Marie Antoinette his own ring."

"You think I'll die if I take off my wedding ring?"

"If he was not facing death, he would never take off this ring. This is the king's last words to Mary." Mr. Ripo said, "He loves her, unlike Louis XV, who didn't know what he loved most in the end who is it?"

Georgiana opened her mouth.

"What are you going to do if you leave him and your husband doesn't come to you?" asked Mr Ripo.

"That's my business."

"If you really want to be a good queen." Mr. Ripo thought about it and said, "You shouldn't have naive fantasies anymore. Do you think your husband will come back to you?"

"Of course!" Georgiana raised her voice.

"Then you are like a Portuguese nobleman." Mr. Ripo said helplessly, leaving the bookshelf.

Georgiana stared after him in disbelief.

"He won't come to you anymore," said the ghost in medieval clothes who lived in the library.

"Shut up!" Georgiana yelled at him, and then left too.

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