Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1517: How to Train Your Dragon (8)

Many economists have studied the decline of Portugal and Spain, including Adam Smith.

In 1386, Portugal and the United Kingdom signed an agreement in Windsor to form an alliance. Later, in Lisbon in 1703, they signed the Anglo-Portuguese Methuen Treaty. This treaty was named after Methuen, the British envoy to Portugal.

In addition to affirming the military and political alliance between the two countries, the treaty also reached an agreement on trade. Portugal allowed the import of British wool and woolen products, and Portuguese wine could enjoy preferential tariffs when entering the UK. This treaty once revived Portugal's declining Douro grape-producing area and promoted the development of Portugal's agriculture. However, a large number of British industrial products affected Portugal's industry, making Portugal almost a British colony, and increasingly Attached to Great Britain.

Especially after the British wine market was saturated, British merchants began to control the vineyard owners and kept lowering the purchase price. All in all, signing a trade agreement with the UK would suffer a big loss. Sign any trade agreement with Great Britain.

Georgiana had to admit that Bonaparte really understood her sometimes, knowing that she would definitely look it up if she had any doubts, and his librarian had already prepared the investigation materials for her.

The port wine made in Porto has a special status in the UK. The British army, especially the navy, drank port wine. Even the wine used by Prime Minister William Pitt Jr. for his treatment was also made in Portugal. The retailers and producers of Portuguese red wine are all British. Portugal is only the origin of raw materials. Britain does not produce grapes due to climate reasons. Imports are needed to meet domestic demand.

Among the victims of Jack the Ripper, there was a woman named Anne Chapman, who might have done well if she hadn't been drinking, but she drank continuously after she got married, and got drunk and made trouble on the street. In the end, he was kicked out of the house by his family.

What Georgiana was doing now would be understandable if one day she was kicked out of the house by Severus. For an outsider like her who has no roots in France, if the interests of the upper class are touched, she has no other choice but to attach herself to Napoleon. There are only two ways for the sales of flour to surge. One is hoarding by the bourgeoisie, and the other is hoarding by retail investors. The price of bread in winter will be higher than that of the harvest, but retail investors do not have their own ovens.

After Waterloo, Nathan Rothschild was very famous in the UK. Once his employees went to the Bank of England to exchange checks, but were rejected by the Bank of England. The next day he took 9 employees to the Bank of England to exchange checks for England. The bank's gold reserves, as a result, the Bank of England's gold reserves dropped significantly within a day.

On the third day, he came again, and he still had to exchange. The Bank of England had to personally entertain him, and asked him how many more days to exchange? Nathan said coldly, "The Bank of England refused to accept my check, why should I want it?" The Bank of England immediately held an emergency meeting, and the senior executive told Nathan very politely that the Bank of England would be very honored to exchange the Rothschild in the future. All checks from Deutsche Bank.

She had seen a lot of female home-wreckers, and she never expected to meet a man in her lifetime, and he was also a supporter of polygamy.

Isn't she an idiot? She has a good married life, but she is a "detective", and if she can't find out, she will become the second detective Abberland.

However, if the current trend continues, the Paris grains that were expected to last until next year may be exhausted ahead of schedule, and the arrest of refugees and bandits everywhere in the local area will also affect the production order to a certain extent. If the harvest fails next year, it will be a big trouble.

This time it was not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster. When the salt tax is increased, the income of farmers will decrease, which will prevent them from hiring other temporary workers to help them do their work. Mechanization can only solve part of the problem. There are many jobs on the farm that cannot be done by machines. It is convenient to buy slaves. The problem is, isn’t this what the people are against?

Not all slave owners are cruel and ruthless. Some slave owners treat their slaves fairly well. The slaves in rich areas still eat fruit, but the free people don't have to eat it.

If you are really greedy for a little bit of cheapness, you will be deceived. Of course, you must oppose slavery. The wise man said, beware of the temptation of the devil, but how many people can stand firm in the face of temptation?

Napoleon is not like an ordinary devil, she has horns or is very handsome, she actually let him hug her and sit on his lap just now, what did she think at that time?

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and she wanted to destroy something to vent her anger, but what she really did was go back to her bedroom and slam the pillow until the feathers inside were spilled out before stopping, and then threw herself on the bed and cried loudly.

On the bright side, she is not the only person who was deceived by him in this world, she is just one of the many victims.

The thought did not comfort her at all, and in a rage she burned the bed with her wand.

Being able to use magic again made her feel better, and she could kill that Muggle anytime.

It was the first time in her life that she really wanted to kill someone magically, and it had never occurred to her before.

It's never a good thing to allow people to drink too much. However, Prohibition also created other problems. But is wine okay if it doesn't produce alcohol? Moonshine is brewed wherever you want to drink, and it's now available on American farms.

Although the alcohol content of Porto wine is higher, many people prefer Bordeaux blended wine, and the church will also make its own wine. It is for this reason that Venice's wine can outperform Greek wine merchants. The church enjoys tax exemption rights, plus Venice's tax exemption Only then did Venetian wines beat Greek wines in price, and when the Greeks were driven out of the market, the Venetians began to increase their prices.

They are also Italians, and the Venetians do not use violence and alliances to solve problems like the Sicilian Creon. Olive oil does not make people drunk, but it also makes people bleed.

"Ma'am!" Matilda exclaimed, beside her was Belle who was stunned.

Georgiana looked at the fire in front of her, and it was already very hot at that moment, so she poured clear water like a spring to extinguish it.

The bed was burned to nothing but a shelf, and she used the obliterating spell to disappear the mess, except for the remaining smoke and fire in the bedroom, it seemed that nothing had happened.

"Remember my lesson." Georgiana said weakly. "Don't pity a devil."

No one spoke.

Maybe it's because they don't think the first ruler is a devil, or they dare not say it.

Napoleon was still fighting to safeguard the interests of France. Although he was tired, he understood the importance of industry to a country, so he had political differences with Chaputal.

He set up high tariffs and low taxes for Italy, allowing Italy to recuperate after experiencing war and extortion, and paying attention to education and culture, preventing Italy from continuing to trade imitation Lyon silk fabrics without technical content, and making Italian men become harmonious It was different before, with national pride.

Machiavelli once quoted Petrarch's maxim in The Prince:

Virtue declares war on tyranny, and once arms are taken up, the fight will not last long!

Because of the courage of the ancients, it has not died out in the hearts of the Italians.

The little man who ran into the tavern in a panic after seeing the corpse of the Swiss mercenary on August 10 was gone, replaced by the owner of the Tuileries Palace.

He wants to live in it for as long as he wants without the shackles of life. This is the power given to him by the constitution, because he is a free person by birth.

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