Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1516: How to Train Your Dragon (7)

Napoleon's aide-de-camp, Eugene Merlin, came in the morning with an order for Napoleon to see Georgiana.

This is a very formal way of invitation. Almost all the ministers were notified to meet the First Consul in this way. There was also a small group of guards who came with Merlin. She felt that she might not come back alive. Sunrise the next morning.

She followed them without any resistance, and Figel was also with her. They walked on foot, and there were many people watching their team along the way.

After arriving at the Tuileries Palace, she was not taken to the study room, but to a meeting room with a horseshoe-shaped table. The other ladies did not come or they all left. Only Napoleon was inside.

He was looking at other documents, but when he sensed Georgiana's arrival, he closed the document, and the adjutants retreated and closed the door.

There is a kind of magical power in Napoleon. People who have never seen him will think that he is domineering and arrogant, but after seeing him in person, he will find that he is a very calm person, at least he is very tolerant when he is not angry. and.

It's just that he didn't smile now, his brows were slightly frowned, and he dropped the two documents on the table not far from her.

"Look." He said indifferently.

Georgiana picked up the report, the upper one was the report of the Paris police department, the lower one was the investigation report of the local government officials and the special court, all about "adulterated bread".

People buy bread at such an expensive price, of course they want to buy whole flour. Adulterated bread is mixed with some rye, oat flour, and even sawdust and lime. This is what the common people hate the most. The first two victims of the head machine were counterfeit currency merchants and bakers.

It was just harvested not long ago, there is no lime, but there is old grain mixed with new wheat. The report of the police department said that this kind of bread entered the market because of corruption and bribery by local government officials, and the local government officials wrote that it was black market bread. and smuggled flour.

Georgiana put down the report.

Then she noticed that Bonaparte was staring at her, his eyes were so bright that they seemed to glow.

"I don't take benefits from people." She said intuitively.

"You idiot." He said helplessly, "People like you died ten years ago."

"I thought it wasn't ten years ago." She said calmly.

"You wrote to Schaptar, saying that our wines have lower alcohol content than Portuguese wines, and we should be charged lower tariffs. Why do Portuguese wines enjoy more preferential treatment?"

"Has your spy ever been to an English pub?" she said defiantly.

He waited quietly for her to speak.

"Ancient Greece was part of Byzantium, but in Constantinople, Greek retail wine merchants were replaced by liqueurs produced by Venetian merchants. French red wine entered the British market too late, and Portuguese wine has already occupied this market." When she said this, she suddenly paused. She originally wanted to use the story of Godfather Kryon as an example, but it was easily debunked. "This is the result of collusion of interests."

He thought for a while, and then said, "I plan to merge the police department and the justice department next month."

"You don't have to tell me that," she said in surprise.

"As long as Fouche can't find out the results, he will put the blame on the 'British gold coins'. He did the same for the Saint Niches bombing. He bribed a so-called George's agent and reported a sneak attack. The list of the Juins in Paris, the man I loathe, and the false information he gave me..."

"Be careful of your safety." She interrupted him blurt out.

"Because of Fouché, some Jacobins who were supposed to be exiled to Africa and America were instead monitored and exiled outside Paris. They said the rumor that I sent Moreau to the front." Bonaparte calmly You have to say "He's not like you, his pockets are full of gold coins."

Georgiana didn't know what to say.

"You have been in contact with Merlin, how do you feel about him?" He asked again.

She thought for a long time, but couldn't find a definite answer.

"Cambaceres once recommended a Jacobin judge to the Court of Appeal. I said no. Cambaceres said to me, 'You have appointed Merlin'. I told him that there is a big difference between the two men. Great, Merlin used to be a member of the Directorate. He knew very well that he no longer had the ambition to climb up, but the person recommended by Combaceres was still ambitious. He thought he had the ambition to replace Combaceres, Even replace me, even hope to start another revolution, if I give him the position of appeal court judge, he will make three provinces go crazy, if I live, I don't worry about these people at all, I always know how to suppress them , but if one day I die, put me on the bed for eight days, let them believe that I am still alive, and then you take advantage of this time to make arrangements and put them to death."

She froze for a moment.

"You won't die so early!" she said firmly.

He laughed. "You think I'm saying my last words?"

What he said just now is like a last word no matter from which angle you look at it.

"Come here." He said softly.

Georgiana passed without much resistance.

He held her and sat her on his lap.

"On the way to the Grand Theater, my coachman was drunk. Normally I would not let a drunk man drive the carriage for me, but I was very tired that day and wanted to rest. I don’t believe the prophecy you said.” He pinched her arm and said, “Pyrotechnics and explosives are actually the same thing, and the pyrotechnician Chevalier made the bomb. When the police seized the bomb, he said no. What is the purpose of this bomb, I thought it was for setting off fireworks, I have no reason to blame a craftsman, right?"

She looked at him suspiciously.

"I lied to you, I'm sorry." He lowered his head, looking like he was being slaughtered. "You hit me."

She stood up angrily.

What should she be angry about? Did he lie about not actually exiling and executing the Jacobins to organize Bread and Blood in England, or was it Giuseppina's business?

Sometimes, she suddenly understood the feelings of those who wanted to assassinate Napoleon.

"I know you will compare me with that person in your heart. I am not as good as him in many ways, but I am willing to correct it. Can he do what I am?"

Georgiana was at a loss for words.

Yes, Napoleon didn't even want to be in power for life. How many people can do this?

"I think the priority now is to establish your authority," she mumbled.

"I said to them, I indulged you so much because you introduced the railroad, a horse hauls the weight of 20 horses on the tracks, and the railroad from Lyons to Paris was not approved because they felt that if the river was What you said is frozen, and horses can also be hauled on ice." He paused, "But I want to tell you, the real reason why I do it is that I love you, you are different from other women..."

"Stop it!" Georgiana interrupted him at once.

This sentence sounds too familiar, just like Voldemort said to Slughorn, "You are not like other teachers".

He literally shut up.

"You're going to start a tariff on steel, aren't you?" Georgiana asked.

"And salt, you know why," said Bonaparte.

The salt tax was a tax in the Middle Ages. Who told the slave trade to be cancelled?

But the salt tax is equivalent to the feudal royal power. Not only people eat salt, but animals also eat it. It has a great impact on animal husbandry and agriculture.

There is a petition to abolish taxes on meat, bread and salt in petitions to the three Houses of Parliament.

The tax on bread has been collected at the time of milling, and the meat and salt taxes are restored, which means that the three levels of parliament have been left in vain.

"Will I have to pay 12 sous for eating fruit in the future?" Georgiana asked.

"Do you think that being a free man is not as good as a slave?" Bonaparte said with a smile, "Except that they can't get together to eat fruit, they can often eat fruit."

"you are not happy?"

"Do you think I'm happy?" He suddenly changed his face and growled angrily.

"Don't yell at me," Georgiana said deadpan.

He wasn't Tobias, and she wasn't Irene, and she wouldn't cringe.

"If I were Nero, who do you think is Theonus?" he asked again.

"The Guards will not mutiny," said Georgiana.

"Republicans always have dreams and refuse to face reality." Bonaparte looked out the window of the Tuileries Palace and said, "Do you think I'm jealous of Moreau?"

Georgiana did not answer.

He sneered and turned around slowly.

"Sometimes I wish we could all die on the battlefield, that hell is a little shallower than this city."

"May I know what moved you? Really public opinion?" Georgiana asked.

"Someone told me that violence represents weakness. What I have to do now is to ease the conflict. My compassion will far surpass the power of the guillotine."

"Can you tell me who it is?"

"You can guess." He smiled frivolously.

Georgiana compared this sentence with the ministers she knew, and finally she thought of a completely impossible person.

"Who is it?" asked Napoleon.

"Sies?" she asked uncertainly.

This time he laughed out loud.

"Was I wrong?" she said dejectedly.

"Go back and take those two reports." He quickly walked back to the place where he was looking at the documents just now. "In addition to what you have in hand, there is another thing. The demand for flour in Paris has surged. In the past, 1,800 bags a day was enough Now, it has become three or four thousand bags, and there is no problem with the mill."

"how so?"

"So I want you to check it and try to guess which force it is."

She shook her head, regretting getting involved in this matter.

"So you're going?" asked Bonaparte.

"You want me to salute you?" she asked back.

"I thought it was the courtesy of civilized people."

Georgiana endured it, finally curtseyed to him, and left in a rage.

It wasn't long before she heard whistles from the room behind her.

It was an Italian ditty, as if the person in it was not the Consul of France but a young lieutenant who was ill-bred.

She stuck her tongue out behind her, grimaced, and left the Tuileries.

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