Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1515 How to Train Your Dragon (6)

US President George Washington established many policies and traditions during his two terms that have survived into the 21st century. For example, each term of office is four years, and the term of the president will not exceed two terms, except for Roosevelt.

But Roosevelt had his special reasons for being re-elected as president for four terms. The first was because of the Great Depression and Prohibition, and the second was because of the World War. However, in the 1951 U.S. Constitutional Amendment, no one can serve as president for more than two terms, and the president cannot run for re-election after leaving office.

After the constitution is amended, a referendum will be held. In the fifth constitution, Napoleon is not in power for life, but it does not stipulate that he cannot be re-elected and how many consecutive terms he can be re-elected. As if ten years is a term, Georgiana thinks this is much better than a four-year term.

When the government changes, the projects invested by the previous government often have no results, and then they are shelved. This is a waste of taxpayer money.

Bonaparte's dream is to leave traces in history that belong only to him. Such traces do not have to be material, such as canals and palaces, or they can be intangible. The most important thing is that he has no time now. Continue to entangle the system.

The abolition of the slave trade means that there is one less industry and one less source of income. This kind of idealist victory can only be done occasionally. In the past, the group of idealistic agronomists in Quesnay also won, but it eventually led to the French economic turmoil. If Napoleon had created the new government by himself, it would have been much easier, but while he inherited the legacy of the French king, he also had to bear the debts they owed before and the crisis brought about by the "market failure" in the countryside.

Dougal once said that if a consumer wants to survive, two things are necessary. The first is that the commodity exists, and the second is that the commodity is within his ability, or he has sufficient means to obtain it.

In the impoverished regions of France, people have for the most part already subsisted on chestnuts, tree roots and other untransported food. The promotion of potatoes and the use of potatoes instead of grains has reduced the grain consumption of the poor to a certain extent. After all, people's food intake remains unchanged and will not change because of Smith's imagination.

But people are like this. When they are full, they want to eat well, and when they have bread, they want to eat meat. This is also the ambitious goal of some people.

Wolves eat meat. You can't expect wolves to suddenly turn into rabbits to eat grass. Napoleon's amnesty can not only release the prisoners in France, but also the amnesty of Toussaint Louverture and his officers. The troops recognized this matter.

Troop mutiny Napoleon didn't just experience it once. He crossed the Alps before because he didn't have boots, and a battalion of soldiers mutinied. He was also a recruit because of his salary.

Davout married Amy Le Kebert, the younger sister of the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force, Le Kebert. With Louverture appearing in public, a sniper rifle can also kill Louverture, and it is not enough to rely on force alone to deal with this kind of lone wolf killer.

Defending homeland security is the duty of every citizen, and the republic cannot be divided. This is also the difference between the republic and other systems.

For example, in the federal system of the United States, during the War of Independence, the several states that participated in the war were poor and rich. Since the Continental Congress did not have the power to levy taxes, the Continental Congress had to hand over the issue of army supplies to the state governments, and each state would solve it by itself. There is a huge difference in the treatment of soldiers. Some soldiers can't even solve their food and clothing, while others live very comfortably. If the status of people is distinguished by the quality of food, then some soldiers during the Revolutionary War did not eat as good as slaves. The slaves on the plantations at least had cornmeal and bacon, and they only had rusk and water. What sustains them to continue fighting is full of patriotic enthusiasm and tenacious fighting spirit. At the same time, the officers also lead by example and never enjoy any privileges privately.

Massena was able to stay in Genoa for so long because he shared the joys and sorrows with the soldiers. He ate whatever the soldiers ate, and his own body was destroyed as a result.

Such poor soldiers met soldiers living a good life in rich areas, and their dissatisfaction became more and more obvious. Every state has its own militia. When the governors don't give Jefferson funds, the federal government's expenditure is a problem. Without the central government, the governors have the final say.

The torn United States is the product of a state’s negative response to federal policies. France is completely different. There are many French people who speak German in the Alps. Can't answer. What is the use of such a man asking him to vote in a democratic system?

Based on the education level of the French in the early 19th century and the demographic structure of cities and villages, there was only one result of the referendum. Napoleon won, but he still had to do the referendum. He prepared for the referendum for six weeks and voted. As a result, there is no need to expect any reversal at all.

Victory is like an oasis, which makes thirsty people endless aftertaste. The exile of those German princes diverted the attention of the French. Coupled with the performance of Louverture who had the opportunity to be amnesty, the people did not know that five thousand miles away What happened on the island.

Anyone who wants to know can commit a crime, and the court sentences a person to exile, and he will know when he goes to Santo Domingo and Guadeloupe.

Assassinated on Christmas Day 1800, Napoleon exiled some of the Jacobins to Guyana, which was also in America.

There is no newspaper supervision in that place, and there are only rugged mountains and rainforests. After reading the "truth", it is impossible to come back, and the dead bodies will be buried there.

The "scapegoat" has also been found. George Cadodar, the Polignac brothers, etc., these people do not belong to the scope of the amnesty, and the death penalty will be executed if they are caught.

The next industrial exhibition in September will attract some people's attention again. More news and more information will soon make people forget about it.

A 30-year-old short man once said to a 48-year-old big man: "You have always been like my children, I never thought of you as slaves, I always thought of you like this, God gave you into my hands Here, I am accountable to God for how I raised you and treated you. I don't believe anyone else can have the same affection for you as I do. Your constitution says that all people are equal before the law. About law students, How do you educate civil magistrates and criminal magistrates?"

Later, Dusan Louverture said privately to Georgiana's "informant", "I understand what you want to do. When the British attacked the South of the United States, they tried their best to encourage the slaves to rebel against the slave owners, and let those slaves who were eager to be free Joined the British Army, and you want us to be like those people, to join your army and help you fight your enemies."

During the American Revolutionary War, Colonel Sumter, who had participated in the Anglo-French War and was responsible for combating pro-French Indians, organized a militia in North Carolina that used sickles as weapons.

It is said that the terrain of North Carolina is also very complicated, consisting of large tracts of primeval forest and swamps. Because of this natural barrier that keeps the British out, Sumut will leave home alone to do errands. When he returns, the British will not only snatch the He took all his property, killed his family, and set his house on fire.

The colonel later took advantage of the terrain to drive the well-armed British Expeditionary Force, one of the many legends of the Revolutionary War, from the Rocky Mountain fortress.

Tariffs are only collected when importing and exporting between countries. Of course, people in a country do not collect tariffs, and at most collect tolls. There was once a region that asked the conqueror France for exemption from such tariffs. Once you enter France, gradually that area becomes part of France.

The deep-seated defects of France have to be looked at deeply. The first thing the British did when they came to France was to find that France had no income tax. The tax-free grain and steel made British farmers and steelmakers very fond of Napoleon. Except for Peter, the textile industry and Except for a small number of main combat factions, no one regards him as a devil.

After touring Normandy, Martin de Chacillon went on to tour Brittany in western France, where farmers let their livestock graze after the wheat harvest. In addition to the descendants of the Gauls in the Brittany region, there are also descendants of the South Welsh.

The open field system turned all fallow land into public pastures, and there was no public pasture system in the enclosure, only the cultivator's own livestock could graze in it.

Before agriculture was mechanized, it was almost impossible to farm independently. Either a family had many sons and they farmed together when the father was around, or several families farmed together in partnership. After the death of the father, the large plots were divided among the brothers and turned into small plots, and the owners of the small plots tended to reach some kind of agreement to implement unified crop rotation and collective pastoral care.

The cadastral administrator of Manche once told Mardan that there should be at least one collective pasture in this place.

But the farmer who was with them at the time said, "No, sir, everyone here has to tie their own animals."

The local farmers did exactly what the farmer said, and each tied his animals to stakes in his own plot to keep them from wandering into other people's fields.

Dougal said in a letter to Hume: "You and I know what the greatest object of all governments is, and that is conquest and money."

If a person has meat to eat, his consumption of bread and grain is not so great, and the social problems caused by bread and grain are also not so acute.

Dye crops and grazing can be planted in the fallow fields. The herdsmen are quite idle, and their income is high, and meat is highly taxed. This is Georgiana’s new design for Santo Domingo. Sugar and coffee continue to be controlled by slavery. Not available for repealed regions.

It was far better to transport cattle from America to Europe than slave ships.

Her abilities are limited, and this is what she could achieve in the early 19th century. To completely abolish slavery, slaves need to "take up arms" by themselves, fighting like jungle panthers.

Now French indigo is so expensive, and the United States is also turning Louisiana into a sugar production area, and the exported indigo is also a sanctioned product. Add tobacco and Santo Domingo will be very profitable. Cotton fabrics made in England can also be shipped to Santo Domingo to be sold to ex-slaves, as well as furniture, building materials, and soap can also be shipped there for sale. Those free people don’t have to live in shacks, but can live in decent houses. inside.

The premise is that the sea trade routes must be smooth, and the bottom people have enough money to consume the meat.

She believes that people have feelings and spirituality, and many women, like Sally, disagree with slavery, even though she herself is a beneficiary of slavery.

But what can we do?

Georgiana looked at the sheltered women outside the office. They received funding from the Church of England and put on cotton clothes. A smile gradually appeared on their faces.

The factories that produced these cheap cloths were often built in slums, and the smoke and stench from the chimneys of the factories enveloped that place first, just like the spider's end alley where Severus stayed when he was a child.

As long as a man has a way to get out of the predicament, he will try his best to catch it, and a woman will be willing to go to that kind of place to suffer for love.

Georgiana picked up the wine glass, gave a toast to the void, and drank it dry in one gulp.

Women's tears don't always work, maybe that's why sea water is salty.

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