Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1514 How to Train Your Dragon (5)

For ordinary people, of course they hope to have a wise and benevolent monarch like King Arthur. It has been said in The Prince that a prince, especially a new one, cannot obey all those things which are supposed to be done by good people, because in order to maintain his country, he is often forced by circumstances. Treacherous, inhumane, inhuman, and against Shinto. He must therefore be prepared mentally to change according to the winds of chance and the changes of the world which govern him, and as far as possible not to deviate from the way of goodness.

Louis XVI was a benevolent king. He ordered the Swiss mercenaries not to harm those sans-culottes men. He even said on the guillotine before he died, "I forgive those who let me die. I pray to God. After my blood is shed, France No more blood shall be shed on the ground of the

He is a good man, but a bad king.

On August 10, 1792, when the sans-culottes rushed into the Tuileries Palace, Napoleon also watched with the onlookers. He would never let the guards become Swiss mercenaries, and he himself was like Louis Sixteen is publicly humiliated, if there is such a day, he would rather drink the poison in the pocket around his neck.

No matter how angry, Bonaparte opened the wine himself, and he had to drink the dirty ones. The tabloids could ask the police to warn them that it would not be so easy to shut up the mouths of those scum, and Georgiana had no intention of cleaning up this mess for him.

She didn't forget that the reason for the trouble was that she kept Siers and let him continue to stay in the position of Speaker of the Senate. He couldn't get involved with those rebellious Republicans and royalists at this time.

Just when she was thinking about how to contact Siyes and let him keep his own place, Carolan came to her with a man in a long robe.

In this day and age, people's clothes have become more normal. During the Directory, there were many weird people in strange clothes. They looked a lot like wizards who wanted to dress themselves as Muggles.

The tall and thin man in front of him was wearing a long red robe, but he seemed not used to wearing such "normal" clothes, and he felt uncomfortable all over his body.

"What's the matter?" Georgiana asked.

"You forgot, it was said yesterday that someone would come to see you." Caroline said.

Georgiana remembered that it was the alchemist who invented the brak fish.

She actually felt that she had no time to pay attention to him now.

"What's your name?" Georgiana asked the alchemist perfunctorily.

"Madago," said the alchemist.

Just at this time, Georgiana's short-legged cat Lulange jumped onto her table and almost spilled the ink.

She suddenly thought of the Madaga cat, the guardian of the French Ministry of Magic. It looked like a black sphinx cat, with no fluffy long hair on its body, and a pair of big blue eyes. When it attacks with magic, it will split into several, and its danger level will also increase exponentially.

"Which country are you from, why did you invent the Chirac fish?" Georgiana asked.

"That's because we can't stand the brutality of Muggles." Madago said a little excitedly, "And their ignorance, they dare to humiliate wizards."

"How did they humiliate you?" she asked.

Madago did not answer her question.

"The French Ministry of Magic needs guards, and you can work here." Georgiana said, "Would you like to?"

"Of course." Caroline said with a smile, "He also wants to see the notes left by Nick Flamel."

"I don't want that kind of aggressive animal." Georgiana stroked Lulange's back, "but I want that kind of territorial animal, which will only attack when its own territory is invaded."

Madago looked at the squinting cat.

"We are not bloodthirsty dark wizards." Georgiana whispered, "And I don't want them to multiply indefinitely. They serve wizards and don't need wizards to take care of them."

"I see what you mean," muttered Madago.

"you can go now."

Madago bowed to Georgiana.

Georgiana held the cat in her arms, and Caroline sent Madago out.

If Severus was here, he would definitely be willing to drink Madago to discuss how to create such magical creatures. She heard that as long as they left the Ministry of Magic, those strange cats would return to normal cats. If Chirac fish only exists in a certain area in the ocean, the fishermen's nets will not be cut if they leave that area.

She curled her lips and was about to deal with Sies again, but there was a commotion outside.

She stood up and walked to the window to look at the Tuileries Palace, only to see a large group of gorgeously dressed soldiers suddenly appearing in front of the Tuileries Palace.

They lined up a neat guard of honor and guarded along the Pont des Arts in the direction of Luxembourg. All pedestrians on the bridge and on the road were driven away.

Immediately after that, drums sounded from the Tuileries Palace. Not long after, Bonaparte, wearing a bright red uniform, came out from the main entrance of the Tuileries Palace with his entourage. Swing to Luxembourg.

Among these ministers and ministers, there is a person who stands out, and Dusan Louverture is among them.

Napoleon likes big scenes, and Georgiana always felt that there was a good show to watch today. She wanted to change into men's clothes, but then picked up the wand on the table, and left the tower with Coraline.

There were a lot of people in the street, they were talking, and they had seen Toussaint Louverture.

They only heard the gossip about the situation in Santo Domingo, and have not seen any reports in any newspapers or official media, including the UK.

Now they saw Toussaint Louverture appearing among the officials, and they couldn't help being surprised.

At this moment, several city officials took paper rolls to various intersections and announced to the crowd that according to the fifth constitution, Napoleon would be the chairman of the Senate. In addition, Napoleon also had the right to pardon. He pardoned some prisoners. They are often imprisoned for minor crimes, and the justices will retry the cases of these prisoners, and those who meet the conditions will be released with amnesty.

Georgiana knew that Napoleon would not be the same as Robespierre. No matter how powerful Robespierre was, he still needed the permission of the chairman to speak on the forum of the National Convention. In addition, the speakers also had the order of speaking. Now he He has become the chairman of the parliament, and he can let whoever he wants to speak.

The amnesty is being announced here, while Talleyrand, the foreign minister in Luxembourg, is reading the exile order for the German prince.

These people were captured during the previous wars between France and Austria. They have been imprisoned and will now be exiled to the island of Elba. In the war, Napoleon wanted to sign a treaty with a foreign country, and he alone had the final say on the conditions.

Women are not allowed to enter Luxembourg, but Georgiana and Caroline cast a disillusionment spell on themselves, and they sneaked in by hiding their figures.

Those guards of honor dressed in gorgeous clothes are also soldiers. After Bonaparte walked into the large chamber of the Senate, all the entrances and exits were controlled by these guards of honor. He didn't even dare to shout "Down with the tyrant", not to mention that he had replaced the MPs with his own supporters earlier, so he could calmly read his inaugural speech as the chairman of the parliament from the podium.

"Ma'am, can you explain to me what happened?" Coraline asked softly.

Georgiana smiled and said, "Don't you understand? He can arrest whoever he wants, pardon whomever he wants, and exile whoever he wants. Those German princes are his 'deposits'. People will forget St. Dominic." Go's defeat, remembering his glorious victories in Italy, and his shoveling the feudal aristocracy into the furnace."

"But he himself..."

"I had hoped he would be a little more civilian." Georgiana interrupted Caroline "but I found that if he was no longer worshiped, then his life could be in danger, so I burned his civilian clothes, anyway he wore You'll be instantly recognizable in that suit among civilians."

"I don't understand." Caroline said confusedly, "What exactly are you trying to do?"

"Nature." Georgiana looked at the majestic Bonaparte and said with a smile, "Look, what a beautiful lion that is."

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