Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1513 How to Train Your Dragon (4)

When Robespierre came to power, he did not live in the palace.

On the contrary, he lived, like Marat, in a residence in Paris, which was very close to the National Convention.

In the year of the fall of the monarchy, the leaves of the Tuileries Palace fell early, and the king looked at the leaves outside the window and said that autumn came really early this year, and there was an article at that time that the royal power would never last When the leaves wither.

Robespierre seldom compromised during his 36 years. The execution of Danton may be an exception. Because of a speech in the Legislative Council, Robespierre had the nickname "The Incorruptible". He said in his final speech of his political career and life: "The French Revolution was founded first on the theory of human rights and the principles of justice. Other revolutions need only ambition, but our revolution needs virtue, ignorance and justice. Whereas the thirst for power eats away at other revolutions and turns them into new despotisms, our revolution has always adhered to the principles of justice and therefore will never change color."

His speech is still full of passion and appeal, but he is only one person after all. Facing the opponents who had prepared in advance, he quickly lost the right to speak. In the noise, his voice has been ignored , the representatives of the National Convention voted to arrest Robespierre's proposal.

In revolutionary times, defeat meant death. When the news of Robespierre's arrest reached the city hall of Paris, which closed the gates of Paris, as it did when the monarchy and the subsequent Girondins fell, the alarm bells on the municipal buildings rang, and the nationals The Guards began massing in an attempt to control the 48 arrondissements of Paris.

The situation Napoleon is facing now is not as bad as Robespierre. After all, he has brought so many brilliant victories to France, and the people still love him. But just like the theory of the monarch, when everyone can tell you the truth, they will lack awe of you, and no one will flatter a grassroots.

Virgil said, Romans, you should rule the nations by your authority.

Napoleon lived in the palace like a king, but dressed very simply, and he was a "new king", so the common people could accept him very well. But his private life was terrible. First, his little mistress, Miss Georgina. This 15-year-old girl was famous in the drama circle at that time for her plumpness, beauty and fiery temper. Bitter and foolishly quarreling, people at the time made up a jingle from it: two up-and-coming actresses, half-witted and smart, one with a bad temper on stage, the other crooked in bed.

The theater fans were divided into two factions, one group supported Miss Georgina, and the other group supported Miss Dunoy, and they often fought like fans of different teams, so Napoleon alienated Georgina.

The female stars of the opera house may be sought after by the common people, but for the noble ladies, they will not be invited to their tea parties at all. There are many tabloids who write their "stories" for profit. Because of Napoleon’s expedition to Egypt, the story of Cleopatra was brought to the stage. When an actress with an open-minded lifestyle recited her monologue, she was repeatedly booed by the audience and had to be interrupted. Later, she passed out because of being too excited. A few minutes later, when she returned to the stage with tears in her eyes, the audience gave her warm applause and stopped booing.

It doesn't matter if Giuseppina doesn't run away, she just ran to Russia with her lover. Her idea is very simple, Louis XVIII is also under the protection of Alexander, such a big man, the czar, can protect him, and she won't lose even a female star.

Georgiana had long wanted to create an accident to get rid of her, but Napoleon would not allow it. Whether he sneaked to her for a tryst at night or not, he has become the laughing stock of the tabloids and the scum of Paris. And it just so happened that Talma was a very regular actor, and he was in a drama, and one day he happened to be playing Nero, and there was a line in which Nero's wife, Octavila, was barren. At that time, not only Napoleon, but also many famous ministers were there. Talma had a good relationship with Napoleon, so he managed to blur the past, and the ministers pretended not to hear it, but the audience did not buy it. No matter how hard Talma performed, the play still It ended hastily before the show was over.

Of course, the tyrant Nero would not have a good reputation. Napoleon launched a big purge in March and drove many Republicans out of the Senate, Legislative Yuan, and Tribune. It would be fine if they were honest. Bernadotte was reported to have participated in the conspiracy, and Mrs. Starr's salon was the base of the activity. This conspiracy was later smashed by the police.

The royalist party and the republican party were originally incompatible factions, but because they both suffered from Napoleon's oppression, the same hatred made them shake hands and make peace.

While Saint-Just was preparing to give his speech at the National Convention, Ladd Varennes began to tell how he and Kolobis were kicked out of the Jacobin Club, when Robespierre tried to run up to stop Varen When accepting, the people in the audience shouted "Down with the tyrant!" The voice resounded throughout the hall.

Robespierre's request to speak again was ignored by the General Assembly President, and Tarrian was given another chance to speak, his voice interrupted by cries of "Down with the tyrant" whenever Robespierre tried to intervene. submerged.

Americans love guns, and holding guns is an American status symbol. Gun manufacturing is an industry that can bring profits just like carriage manufacturing, but guns are banned in France.

Not only guns are banned, but knives and swords are also banned. Napoleon knew Josephine because he confiscated General Beauharney's sword.

But he confiscated the knives of the law-abiding citizens, but not the criminals. In order to suppress those refugees and beggars, he dispatched the army to suppress them. In places like Paris, where the population moves so fast, it is easy to pay 5 centimes of city entry tax Mixed in, these people became "executors."

In order to guard against these people, the city guard was established. In addition, a kind of people called Luddites appeared in the city. Luddism first appeared in England, when people believed that machines had taken their jobs, so they had workers' riots led by a false prefect Luddite. Napoleon's government was no stranger to riots by urban workers, and some even instigated them, but they did not expect that country people would also participate in riots.

Agriculture is very labor-absorbing, especially during the harvest season. If a farmer has a lot of arable land, or the strong labor force in the family is unable to engage in production, he will hire Mai Ke to harvest wheat.

The northern part of France has become accustomed to the use of machines in agriculture, but it is new to other regions. Having machines can greatly reduce labor costs, which is good for farmers, but it is not good for temporary workers like Maike, especially now The price of corn in the provinces is 7 sous.

These agricultural Luddites are easy to be incited like unemployed workers. Even if they go to the city and are willing to do work such as road construction, canal excavation, bridge construction, palace construction, etc., they are easily influenced by various complaints and rumors. Tyrant Nero" is associated with someone. In particular, Napoleon had so many women, and his life was almost similar to that of the sultan and the emperor.

Poor people engaged in manual labor are often despised by "cultural people", and farmers will also discriminate against herdsmen. In the end, this forms an undercurrent of force that may need to be suppressed by the army at any time.

Masséna, who had been approached by a certain force during his stay in Paris, immediately ran to Napoleon's feet, cried out how bad his health had become after the siege of Genoa, and went home to live a family life.

Napoleon got angry that time not only because Georgiana disappeared, but also because a group of officers, about 20 of them, were resentful because they were not invited to Napoleon's birthday party. Colonel Fournier of the Twelfth Hussars, known for his precision marksmanship, threatened that within fifty paces he would be able to take Napoleon...

This person was later reported to Menuu by his tablemate, and Menuu took him to the Tuileries Palace. At that time, Napoleon was preparing to go to the French Theater. After receiving the news, he immediately ordered the guards to go to his box. Fourgne, who was sober after Napoleon arrived at the Comedy, was there, and Napoleon had Fouché arrest him.

Fournier stayed at the police station for one night, and the next day they went back to the residence with the police to collect evidence. They didn't find any actual assassination plan there, but they found a lot of limericks against Napoleon, and then Fournier fucked A stupid thing—he locked the police in his room and ran away, and Napoleon got angry.

Napoleon was more enraged than the Colonel, than this republican dinner, than Fouché and the missing Georgiana, were those who conspired to overthrow the country.

The peace treaty between Britain and France was directly related to the adjustment of Alexander of Russia, but because Louis XVIII was also in Russia, this kind of friendship became somewhat helpless.

With Napoleon's current prestige, if Alexander expelled Louis XVIII, where would he go? Britain is eager to throw its own Bourbon prince to Malta. Who has heard of the steel business without tariffs?

When Britain and France signed the peace treaty, there was also a secret agreement, one of which was about the two countries' agreement on the issues of Italy and Germany.

That's why someone would kill Georgiana.

There is an ancient poem in the East, which says that the mountain rain is about to come and the wind is full of the building.

Georgiana listened to Gobert's report in the study of the Burgundy mansion, and it was raining heavily outside.

The rain hit the glass with a "bang bang" that sounded like gunshots one after another.

"Does that woman need to be dealt with?" Gobert asked after the debriefing was over.

"No need, she is already in someone else's land, as long as she can keep silent, don't worry about her." Georgiana sneered and said, "How to shut up a person who makes a living by singing?"

"Then what are we going to do?"

Georgiana didn't want to help him at all.

"Be careful of that sharpshooter, don't let him be bribed by other forces." Georgiana said softly, "The streets of Paris are not spacious, and the houses on both sides can be used as locations for sniping."

"Understood." Gobert said with a cold face, "Also, there is Dusan Louverture..."

"I don't need to know too much, just save his life." Georgiana interrupted Gobert, "You have to remember, if someone asks why you did it, you can't say that you are for equality and freedom, but For France, slavery corrupts the soul, makes men lazy and cruel."

Gobert laughed, "You don't need to say that, the Guards don't want to become Swiss mercenaries."

Georgiana smiled and shook her head.

At least some nobles in Louis XVI were willing to fight and die in the Tuileries Palace in order to protect him. How many such people are there beside Napoleon?

Violence can't stop a man who acts on passion, and what's worse he can't easily compromise now.

If the people did not support Napoleon, his reign would not have lasted more than six months, or even shorter, and he only established a "Hundred Days Dynasty" when he came back for the second time.

"Does Bernadotte really want to rebel?" Georgiana asked Gobert.

"He's a very capable general," Gobert said.

"What do you mean?"

"You heard what I said." Gobert said with a raised eyebrow and a smile.

Georgiana realized something.

According to "history", Napoleon should not have stopped here, although many people in Europe would not be involved in the war if he fell, but the feudal monarchs would not make any changes.

War is a force that disrupts the old order.

Napoleon is like a meteorite that illuminates the era, although no one hopes that the meteorite will really visit the earth and fall to the ground.

"It's an unbelievable combination of destructiveness and creativity," Georgiana said with a smile.

"Compared to your husband?" Gobert asked.

Georgiana did not answer the question.

Her dream about Paris is really very different from ordinary people.

The sniper appeared...I always feel that Napoleon would have died if he hadn't been protected by the gods. No wonder Desai would say that the bullet doesn't know him

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