Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1501 Nature and the Code

In the lobby on the first floor of the Burgundy Mansion, Belle was performing a dance to music full of "Oriental" sentiments.

Belly dance is a traditional Egyptian dance. Appreciating belly dance is a part of daily life for Mamluks. Georgiana can't stop them, not to mention that Belle is dressed conservatively and the dance is not so tempting.

All in all, they also have their own lives. When they were in Egypt, Napoleon’s soldiers also wrote and performed their own opera. After rescuing the girl who was abused by her father, she gave back to the French soldiers with gold and silver jewelry full of military caps. What a "creative" idea.

A married man is different from an unmarried man, and it happens that there are many unmarried women in the countryside. Georgiana has an idea in her heart and plans to organize a dance sometime to see if it can bring about a few marriages.

Two days ago, she received an invitation from the French Institute of Humanities and Political Science to attend a debate on slavery and human inequality. Reminiscent of the dream of the guillotine in the morning, a strong intuition told her not to go!

But just as Napoleon said to German Emperor Franz when he signed the "Treaty of Campo Formio", "We kill each other, and the result is only to make sugar and coffee more expensive in England", the slave trade is an indelible part of British history. to remove stains.

France also had a slave trade, but withdrew after losing the War of the Spanish Crown. The benefits of slavery Digomier has said, but Montesquieu thinks that slavery is not good for human beings.

As long as labor is controlled by rationality rather than greed, it will never be so hard that people cannot support it. The invention of human technology or the application of machinery has brought convenience and saved manpower. During the Civil War, the industrial level in the north of the United States was higher than that in the south. Although the southern army had the advantage at first, the northern army released the slaves later, which changed the nature of the war. This not only increased the military power of the north, but also disintegrated it. plantation economy in the South.

Slavery will make a nation become arrogant and lustful. There were many slaves in the late Roman Empire, and the nobles at that time lived a life of twilight. Later, the fall of Rome was also related to the slave uprising.

The Athenians were very lenient to the slaves. When the Spartans were turned upside down by the slaves, Athens was safe. It can be seen that when the Romans lost their humanity to the slaves, what happened could be compared with the war. civil war.

When morality began to decline, slavery became a tool for slave owners to show off their luxury and arrogance, and these cruel masters lived among slaves as if they were living among enemies. So that later the Roman Senate issued some laws, if a master was killed, all the slaves living in the master's house, and all the nearby slaves who could cry for help, were all executed. In this case, hiding for rescue purposes Those who can be charged with murder.

At this time, the Roman law had become an evil law. Even if the slave owner was so cruel that he nailed the slave's ear to the pillar as a punishment for the slave's laziness, the law still protected the interests of the slave owner rather than justice. Things like Rochambeau's dog-killing and cannibalism are commonplace. Maybe a Roman Colosseum will be built to perform executions for the audience who bought tickets.

Some people think that public executions will make people feel the majesty and terror of the law, so that they dare not try the law themselves. In fact, it is not the case. Even a bloodless hanging will make the "audience" cheer, let alone a severed head.

In the vast darkness, we can identify where is brighter. Among the many abyss, we can identify which abyss is shallower.

But remember, when you stare at the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you. Just looking at the 11% and 5.6% profits, and thinking about the gains and losses of benefits, the person who stares at the abyss will also become a monster unconsciously .

According to the law of ancient Egypt, even if the person who killed a slave was a slave owner, he would be executed if he killed a slave. Slaves are not citizens, but they are human beings, and 114 shillings cannot be used as compensation.

This is the basis for Georgiana's debate preparation, which she will say if she is questioned, if someone will ask her, who called her a pussy.

She left Belle, and let Matilda and Figuere accompany her to the French Academy. It's not far from the Burgundy Mansion, just pass the bridgehead of the New Bridge, and it's a ten-minute walk. Although the meeting can't do big things, the purpose of this meeting is to debate, not to hold a three-level parliament.

Georgiana had no place among the professors, even though she was always called "Professor" in the school, a staff member led her to a small room next to the conference hall, which might have been a reception room or a lounge, but now A chair was placed, and there was a cloth curtain at the door, which made it feel like listening to politics behind a curtain.

The scholars outside who were discussing in low voices seemed to have seen her appear, and stopped talking one after another, and the venue quickly fell silent.

The host on the podium tapped the wooden hammer "The topic of today's debate is related to the United States' Declaration of Human Rights. The declaration of human rights mentioned in the Declaration of Human Rights does not include slaves from Africa. Pro-slavery apologists in the American South believe that, It is impossible to realize that all people are born equal and born free. Human beings have never been, are and will not be born free. Where is the freedom of the infant? No two people are born or will be equal to each other, are they Would they be of equal physical strength, of equal capacity, of equal aspirations and opportunities? Wouldn't it be nearer to the truth if no man was born free, and no two men were created equal? ​​Man is born out of helplessness The state of dependence on others, wealth and poverty, fame or obscurity, physical strength or weakness, knowledge or ignorance, beauty or ugliness, power or control, constitute the infinite diversity of human society, which is controlled not only Only in infancy, and in all ages, the superior man who possesses power and knowledge and thus superior power, should dominate and control the inferior man, it is the order of nature and God that human beings should enslave each other as other animals do each other Like hunting."

"We are humans, not animals!" someone shouted from the podium.

"Natural inequality creates power inequality. Would you let a person who is born with a mental retardation sit in your position?" someone said from the podium.

Georgiana found it very interesting, and Petunia must have complicated feelings. She and Lily have the same parents. Why can Lily become a wizard, but she is a Muggle? The difference between them is determined at birth?

Jealousy made her ugly, but she couldn't help being jealous.

Why can Lily get everything? Even dying early turned out to be a good thing because she was remembered in many hearts.

She laughed, no wonder Veela is classified as a beast, what kind of humanity is there in what she thinks now?

"If you allow this kind of inequality to continue to exist, you are no different from those primitive people who occupy other people's fruits and caves. This is an animal nature that obeys primitive desires. People should know restraint and rationality, and understand their positions in the social division of labor. , like hunting, is mutual cooperation rather than slavery!"

"The lion king is the first to enjoy the prey captured by the lion group. Society is an existence, and everyone is a member of this existence. Individual power needs to submit to the whole..."

"I want you to be a slave, are you willing?" someone shouted angrily from the pulpit, "Will you come down from your high and prominent position to work in the fields?"

"We have gone through a difficult process to get to where we are today." The host said, "Please calmly discuss, gentlemen, this is the French Academy, not the National Convention."

The hall fell silent.

"Do you find it interesting?" Georgiana asked Matilda and Figel.

Matilda stared blankly at Georgiana, and Figel kept staring at the venue, unable to see what she was thinking.

Georgiana shrugged and made up her mind that she would take Belle next time.

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