Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1500 Sleepwalker

The Place de la Concorde was crowded with people, but the civilians onlookers were stopped by the soldiers to go outside. Georgiana, with her hands tied, stepped onto the guillotine. She stood on a high platform and was looked up by the people standing below.

Usually short people are made to be laughed at, and tall people find a sense of superiority in front of him, but Napoleon Bonaparte gave the impression that everyone bowed their heads to him.

According to the introduction of travel magazines, Bonaparte's coffin is parked in a circular pit surrounded by 12 sculptures. People who come to visit must bow their heads to see the ocher red stone coffin.

The remains of St. Geneviève were also placed in the stone coffin, but she was dragged out and burned. She was once respected by the people of Paris.

Joan of Arc was burned at the stake, and people in the Middle Ages also used it when they executed witches. It seems that the death method of each saint has the characteristics of the times.

Georgiana looked at the huge blade on the guillotine, she didn't feel fear, she was still trying to find a way out, until she was "invited" to the guillotine by the executioner.

She had to kneel and lie on the guillotine, the wood soaked in blood, smelling like rusted iron.

In order to prevent the blood from flowing everywhere, a wooden basin was placed in front of her. The basin is clean now, and the blood from her head and neck will stay here together after the guillotine falls.

Anyone who has other thinking ability at this time Georgiana admires him, but she never intends to shout and wait like Madame Du Barry.

The last sorcerer to be executed, Duke Vincent de Téfleur-Pic, avoided execution by hiding his neck with a concealment spell and pretending his head had been chopped off.

Georgiana wasn't going to do the same.

She doesn't flout the International Statute of Secrecy the way Grindelwald does, but she's fed up with hiding.

The law that makes us like rats committed to the sewer, the law that makes us hide our true selves, the law that makes those under it cringe in fear lest we reveal our identities. Let me ask you, Your Excellency, who exactly is this law trying to protect? Is it us or them? I refuse to submit to it any longer!

A feather slowly fell from the sky and landed in front of her.

Napoleoni's cocked hat should have been decorated with a feather, but he plucked it.

At Hogwarts, the first lesson of the first year is to use the levitation spell, Wingardim Leviosa.

Then she remembered the Nika riots. In order to suppress the rebellion, Justinian executed the leaders of the Green Party and the Blue Party together. They were all hanged at that time, but the ropes around their necks broke by themselves. After repeating it twice, the citizens who watched the execution thought it was God's will, and they asked Justinian to let these people go.

Later, these people became more and more excited, and they jumped onto the stage to rescue the condemned prisoners. The Green Party and the Blue Party, which were originally opposed, directed their anger at Justinian.

If the guillotine that was supposed to fall didn't fall, if she used the floating spell...

However, at this time the guillotine had already fallen, and her head fell into the basin as if spinning around.

Before she lost her sight, she saw the executioner, who had the same face as Severus, and the man who gave the order was Napoleon, one of the "they" Grindelwald said.

Sometimes wizards are so naive as to think Muggles need protection.

The International Statute of Secrecy only prohibits wizards from persecuting Muggles, but Muggle law does not prohibit the use of witchcraft to persecute "wizards".

She patronizes dating and forgets such an important thing, which is very easy to accept for people after "enlightenment".

Georgiana slowly opened her eyes.

A normal person should wake up when the guillotine falls, but she woke up from the nightmare only after "figuring it out".

She got up slowly and sat against the head of the bed. After she cleared her mind, she found a person sitting in a dark corner of the bedroom. He exuded a dark aura and looked like a human-shaped black hole.

"Miss me?" Leon said with a smile.

Georgiana did not answer his question.

She suddenly wanted to see if the ocher coffin contained the body of Bonaparte.

He had been to Egypt and understood how mummification was done, and maybe that's why his body didn't decompose.

But would the British doctors be so kind and meticulous in preserving his body?

"I want to see my husband." She said indifferently, "I've had this dream for too long."

"Who's your husband?" he asked.

"Mr. Prince," she said, "don't worry, he's not the prince in the prophecy."

Leon stood up.

He was also wearing a green marshal's tuxedo, and had a dark complexion, looking like an adventurer who had just returned from Egypt.

"I am your husband," said her little French lover. "You are my wife."

"I do not like this."

"You are mine." He said softly, "You are my Nefertari."

"You want to be Ramses II? You are not satisfied with being a sultan, but you still want to be a pharaoh?"

"I love you the most, baby." He said as sweetly as thousands of smooth-tongued men in the world.

She shook her head.

"What I want is a faithful husband."

"There are plenty of such men, but do you want a man who earns two francs a day?" He smiled sarcastically. "I understand you, my dear, as you understand me."

"I don't understand you at all," she said flatly.

"Liar." He scratched her palm with his pretty fingers "You know what I want."

She did her best not to pay attention to the temptation he presented.

"Surrender," he said.

"Never," she replied.

"You only live once, why not be happy about it." He moved closer.

"I still want to go back and see him." She said in a crying voice.

"You can stay here forever."

"No!" she replied, "I don't want to be a woman who can only say yes."

"You can talk about it." Leon said with a smile, "but you don't think so in your heart."

Then he kissed her, a kiss that was sweet, tasted like cane sugar.

Georgiana opened her eyes.

She felt very tired, as if all the strength in her body was gone.

In summer, she is covered with cool silk, which is very comfortable next to the skin, but she has the habit of sleeping in pajamas.

This is not only because she is conservative, but also because she can rush to the academy whenever she has something to do in her pajamas.

He wanted her to change it, it would save some time. The Burgundy mansion was not far from the Louvre, and he spent more time in the Tuileries than in Malmaison. He didn't seem to care whether he would be besieged by rioting people like Louis XVI.

No matter how much he likes her, when the people are going to guillotine her, she still has to save herself, and Napoleon will not save her.

Mrs. Talyan escaped by passing a note in prison, but there are even fewer men like Talyan who are willing to stage a coup for her.

Why is no one doing that to her?

Georgiana thought a little sadly that Severus would go through fire and water for the dead Lily, but he wouldn't do anything for her.

Sometimes beauty, wisdom, and virtuousness are all useless.

The beautiful hybrid veela lost to the red-haired human girl, and that's why she doesn't want to go back, even if this world is just a dream.

She wiped away her tears and sat up again.

It was hard to say which kind of hell was unbearable, and she really wanted to just sleep forever.

"I love you, Georgiana," she thought she heard someone say, but when she followed the voice, no one was there.

"You're hallucinating, poor woman." Georgiana shook her head, then dressed herself without pulling the ivory servant's bell.

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