The members of the French Academy are life-long, and only when a member dies, the vacancy can be filled by voting by all members.

Being elected as an academician means entering the palace of French culture and history and becoming an "immortal", with his name engraved on the walls of the academy.

The French academician also needs a sword. This kind of sword is called the "Sword of the Immortal". It is difficult for Georgiana to decide whether the saber inlaid with the Regent's diamond is more beautiful or the ceremonial sword of the Immortal Sword is more beautiful.

It was Laplace who invited Georgiana to attend the debate. He took Georgiana to visit the French Academy after the debate in the Faculty of Humanities. He recently wrote the book "Mechanics of the Universe". He hoped that Napoleon could read it and write an inscription on the frontispiece .

Georgiana knew that artillerymen must learn mechanics, but she was not sure if Napoleon could understand "Mechanics of the Universe". Laplace laughed and said that the intelligence of the First Consul is absolutely fine, so it is difficult for her to determine whether Napoleon is as smart as a monster, or if he is possessed by something, anyway, it is difficult for her to read the book by herself .

That night Bonaparte came again, and he read the book with her. He flipped through the book so fast that Georgiana wondered if he had really read it. After halfway through, he turned to test how much she understood. Annoyed, she slapped him on the forehead.

Muggle bodies are not as good as wizards in many aspects, such as life expectancy and some physical functions. After fighting for ten years and crossing the Alps twice, Napoleon's body is definitely not as good as people who have been living a stable life. Part of everyday life for teenagers.

Hot weather will make people lazy, physically tired, and mentally weak. Montesquieu believed that only the whip can make people perform arduous obligations.

Find an older woman and he can be as willful as a child. After relaxing, he lies in her arms and chats with her while drinking red wine while taking advantage of the cool breeze on the tower.

After several months of "free trade", Britain made representations, asking France to open its own market and no longer prohibit the flow of British goods into France.

Shapthal and the big industrialists supported this proposal from London, but Coquebell believed that France would import as much goods as Britain imported from France. Shapthal refuted that a license would be issued in this way. The UK is currently unavailable.

Spain was allied with England for a while, and France for a while. In the past, only the United Kingdom had a charter. Napoleon issued a few, and Gabriel Ufral took the initiative to issue a charter. No one dared to act rashly until this problem was resolved through diplomatic means. Portugal paid less attention to the interests of Porto wine after the regent had the Lisbon Freeport and iron ore business.

Is Freeport a good thing? Many people will choose yes, Marseille and Genoa are famous free ports.

When William Petty thought that Freeport was a good place to evade taxes, for example, he had a barrel of wine, he transported the wine to Freeport, sold it secretly, then filled the barrel with sewage and loaded it on the ship, and waited for the ship to enter The sea poured out the sewage, and the wine tax escaped.

This shows how different William Petty was from Adam Smith as a political economist.

In addition to tariffs, free ports also include accommodation costs for sailors and passengers, warehouse rental fees, wages for porters and coachmen, etc. Even if foreign wine merchants evade taxes, the regent can still make up for the loss by collecting domestic consumption tax. The problem is Who is going to tell him?

This is what annoyed Napoleon the most. Although Britain had refused to provide military assistance, Portugal's heart was still towards Britain.

If you ask a resident living on this blue planet whether Bordeaux red wine or Porto wine is better, as long as you are not an alcoholic alcoholic, you will usually choose Bordeaux wine. Even if it is Porto wine, you can’t drink Bordeaux wine in the UK. replacement of.

Although Copenhagen in Denmark is also a free port, its geographical location is different from that of Lisbon. Lisbon does not have a throat such as the Oresund Strait. If the ship does not go to Lisbon, no one cares about the hotel and warehouse that the regent dreamed of. You will lose money by investing too much money.

Portugal has become a passive party. How to get the trade line to Lisbon depends on how the regent talks. Brazil's timber and iron ore are needed by Britain and France. Those cargo ships that serve Britain and France must stop in Lisbon, whether it is Brazil Lisbon is still the territory of Portugal, and then Portugal issues an export license so that Lisbon Freeport can create profits for him.

It is a common defect of human beings that they can't think of storms when the wind is sunny. Once the bad weather comes, they only think of running away instead of protecting themselves. The Portuguese regent was such a person in the eyes of Napoleon.

Like President Jefferson of the United States, he has a feeling of contempt for hereditary kings. They are lucky to fail, and the failure will not affect their rule, but Napoleon cannot. In the 20th century, presidents and prime ministers often took the blame and resigned. Bonaparte could not accept it. Failure by himself, or he does not give up easily, this is his strength and also his weakness.

Normal people retreated after being rejected so many times by Georgiana. Are there still few women in this world?

He will use all means to conquer a fortress, and he will seize the opportunity given him. Georgiana just socially invited him to the show, and they ended up going back to the way they were before, as if his earlier remark that this was the last time he'd seen her was a joke.

With such a contradictory person, it is no wonder that London does not believe that he has a long-term plan to maintain peace. Only Fox still firmly believes that Bonaparte will keep his promise. He plans to visit France next month and participate in the second industrial exhibition by the way.

The Stuart Dynasty is like the Bourbon Dynasty in France, except that they lost their rule longer than Bourbon, and many people, even the British, have forgotten them.

But the Stuart dynasty still has the right of succession to Britain. Fox hoped that Napoleon would open the French library and let him look up the relevant materials of the Stuart dynasty. Bonaparte planned to hand over this task to Georgiana and Ribo. To cooperate with Fox to find all the information he wants.

Georgiana's feelings for the Hanover royal family are complicated. If there is no Hanover royal family, Napoleon might not be able to go to Elba as a prisoner after the defeat.

But France won. Will the "future" really be better than the one she herself is in?

She looked into his blue eyes and recalled the middle-aged man crying alone in a simple house in the dream. At that time, Bonaparte was much fatter than now, and he could not see the slenderness of his youth. It's all autocratic and cold, and I can't see the charming smile that makes people move.

"What are you thinking of?" he asked in strange French.

"I don't want you to be like that." She said painfully.

"What is it like?" He raised his eyebrows and asked

"There is still an ocean to step on in One Thousand and One Nights." She said sadly, "Don't lose your romantic imagination, your mind is only full of plots and calculations, Leon."

"As long as you stay with me." He grabbed her hand and said, "If a man has no imagination, he is just a beast."

"How about I tell you a story?" Georgiana said softly, "It's about a boy named Pi and his Bengal tiger drifting on the sea."

"I don't want to hear it." He refused. "Swear to me you won't leave."

"You want me to be like those priests?"

"Some people swear I don't believe a word. People like you swear I don't believe it."

"But I broke my oath."

He didn't speak.

"What are you thinking?" she asked.

"You broke your oath because of me?" he asked.

She was lost in thought.

But her mind was blank, as if she had lost the ability to think.

"Don't think about it," he said. "Kiss me, Sister Dina Sad."

She was obedient and did as she was told.

This kiss was still wine-flavored, with a hint of sourness, but after being heated by the body temperature, it had a strange taste. She couldn't help tasting it carefully, and it deepened the kiss.

The night is still long, maybe the ministers can go home early today, and there is no need to hold a meeting in the Tuileries Palace in the early morning.

Is it a good thing or a bad thing for a monarch to be less diligent?

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