Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1496 Returning and Leaving Home

When Napoleon was in power, no matter where he went, someone would prepare hot water for him to take a bath.

Georgiana had dreamed that there was a crying child in the bathroom, and she took his hand and left that horrible place.

Then she pushed open a door and came to a simple and simple house. Outside the house was a world of ice and snow whistling by cold wind. The young man was sitting in a corner, his face was paler than usual, and big teardrops flowed slowly down his cheeks.

A person who swears not to cry, the way he cries makes people feel sympathetic, but the snot-nosed man has no such problem, he likes to cry.

But the people outside were more pitiful than him. They sat on the ground, put their heads in their hands, and bowed forward, as if maintaining such a posture could relieve hunger and cold. Many of them maintained such a posture and never woke up again.

Some people put their hands to the nostrils of the horses, hoping that the horses' breath could keep them warm. Later, when everyone ran out of rations, the soldiers killed the horses. At this time, no one disliked the taste of horse meat.

She opened another door in the cabin, and this time she was back in the oak-and-hops top floor of the Burgundy mansion.

She went down the stairs and returned to her bedroom, but saw a scene that shocked her.

Originally, she arranged a lot of Persian pillows in the bedroom, but when she regained her senses, she replaced it with an ordinary bed, and now a man and a woman are on it, entangled tightly in the sweltering heat of summer.

The theater in the mansion next door was performing an opera, and the actress sang "His kisses are my cure-all."

Georgiana wished she would stop singing, and now she regretted listening to Matilda's slander and inviting him to the opera at her house.

She used to marvel at the superb skills of the sculptor. The sculpture of Hades, the king of the underworld, who snatched Persephone could carve out the feeling of skin depressions. Now she also saw the same marks on her legs, and the weird thing was that she didn't feel anything at the moment, watching everything happening in front of her eyes like a bystander.

He got what he wanted, why isn't he satisfied?

Perhaps it was because he suddenly understood that there are things in this world that are more painful than death, but if a soldier loses his desire to survive on the battlefield, what is left for him?

He is lost in his own desert, even though he once said that the desert is an ocean to step on.

In that extremely cold place, the birds were too frozen to flap their wings. Even if they snuggled together for warmth, they couldn't feel any warmth. Only the flames could make people feel warm.

Perhaps this is why Napoleon was so fond of warming fires and hot water.

He loved summer, the clean Rambouillet, the swans in the pond, and the lively parties.

He wanted to get out of those hells, so he had to escape again and again.

As he left in his sleigh, wrapped in fur coats, the soldiers heard the news the next day, and there was a sense of disappointment in the air that they had been abandoned.

Just as he returned to France to participate in the Brumaire coup on a Venetian warship, leaving Egypt's remnants to Kleber, feeling disappointed by the remaining expeditionary forces.

After he finished panting, he picked up the silver cup on the bedside table and poured the wine into her mouth. The smell of wine quickly filled her mouth, and then he kissed her again, as if the kiss was wine. smelly.

Then he lay down next to her, looking absolutely relaxed.

It would be easy to kill him now, with a knife or with magic, but Georgiana didn't do that.

In the distance, it may be to celebrate the National Day, or for a private celebration, someone is setting off fireworks.

She watched the fireworks outside the window in a daze with him, and occasionally he would pick up the wine glass and drink up the remaining wine in the glass.

This tranquility made her feel very comfortable. It had been a long time since she felt that her conscience was not tormented by the fire.

His fingertips were like plucking strings, scratching her back. Her back was smooth to the touch because there were no welts. If there were any leather dealers around, they would definitely say that it was first-class. Skin.

"There are people against me everywhere," he said in a tired husky voice. "Am I really wrong?"

"You are wrong about some things." Georgiana said indifferently, "such as robbing other people's property, and restoring slavery."

"Then what did I do right?"

"Trying to reconcile the secular world with the church, even the wizards have reconciled with the church, why can't you." Georgiana found a favorable position on his shoulders and leaned on "Louis XVI once supported the opposition priests regardless of public opinion."

"You think I'm like him?"

"If you weren't kings, you would be great husbands," Georgiana said with a smile. "I heard that Louis XVI also liked geography."

"You know the Marquis of Saint-Simon, he does not advocate democracy, but establishes a ruling class composed of scholars and technical experts to lead society, always superior in knowledge to the ruled class, in order to maintain this intellectual monopoly, must It needs to be carefully selected and constantly updated, so he advocated the abolition of hereditary system, not everyone will have smart offspring, his thinking was classified as reactionary, and then he fled to Spain." Bonaparte said calmly "I wanted to see you. Later, when I went to the restaurant, I found that the daughter of the Marquis of San Simeon was sitting in your seat. At that time, I felt as if I had a dream."

You are dreaming now too.

She said it in her heart, but didn't say it out of her mouth.

As he himself said, this is a dream full of myths and epics, where will he be when he wakes up? Is it Elba, or somewhere else?

"When De Neng is not ready to resist her, Chance shows her power, and she knows where no ditches and dams are built to control her, and she wreaks havoc." Bonaparte said wearily, "At this time the accident happened. The land is also the source of chaos."

"I don't want you to think that I have won you." Georgiana said, "This is the general trend. The Hebrews can't stand the slavery of the Egyptians and leave that land."

"They also created the 'Ten Difficulties'." He said with a wry smile.

"Why don't you talk about the ten plagues?"

"Do you think I feel better during the suppression?" He asked back. "If it were you, what better way would you have?"

"I will continue to issue Anmin notices."

"It's useless." He sighed. "It's useless."

She didn't know what to say.

"Louis XVI ceded St. Barthelemy Island in order to obtain tax-free rights. If I don't want tax-free rights, I will take back the island." He said grimly.

"You can't think that this secret will be kept forever."

"Great changes in the world are often beyond human expectations. I can prohibit newspaper reports, but I cannot prohibit others from discussing privately in cafes and reading rooms. Unfortunately, the blood and cruelty they think is not as bloody and cruel as what actually happened in Santo Domingo. Yes, since the slaves in that manor prefer a benevolent master to a 'tyrant', you can try a different method from the past."

Georgiana pursed her lips.

It was to show him the article that she had brought him from the theater to the Tower.

"I can show leniency to show my grace."

"You also have to see if the other side is willing to accept it." Georgiana said coldly.

Napoleon laughed, "It turns out that 'those who take up arms' have to be divided."

"Do you think Miss Sallie would have left that house after what she'd been through?" Georgiana asked.

"If she leaves that home, why should she live?" asked Bonaparte.

Georgiana smiled and did not answer.

That's the root of the problem, if Sally has her own job and own property, she doesn't need to be a woman who can only say "yes", she doesn't need to pretend to eat breakfast in front of old Jordan, wait for him After he left, he went to the kitchen and hugged Mammy and cried.

Gone with the wind, this book is really a good name, maybe Sally, who left home and went to "independence" in the wilderness, will also die with the wind, never to be found again. Old Jordan's three children lost two at once, and Gregory was also in danger. If he was killed in battle, the last thing left for Old Jordan was himself and a house full of slaves.

"You should think carefully before you do it. Who encouraged you?" Georgiana asked.

He seemed to be bored with this topic, bowed his head and kissed her.

It didn't take long to hear the crisp sound of the silver cup falling to the ground.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang" sounds very nice, just like the sound made by a saber.

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