"I am terrified of my master, Jordan. All grown-up slaves are terrified of him, except for Leonard and Barus Helen. These two men have no fear. It beats back... I'm a little scared of Miss Sally, she's kind when Master Jordan's away, but when Master Jordan is around she's a submissive, 'yes' woman, and he makes her She did everything. He made her spank Mammy once because she spilled a little while serving him coffee. Miss Sally gave Mammy a little slap, but Jordan, the master, said, 'Hit hard, Sally. Let her remember the feeling of being beaten'. So Miss Sally withdrew her hand and slapped Mammy hard on the face. Then she returned to her seat and continued to pretend to have breakfast. After the host Jordan left, she came I went to the kitchen, hugged Mammy and cried, and Mammy patted her back and cried too, I love Miss Sally when Master Jordan is not around."

Belle chanted an interview record written by an American reporter for Georgiana, and Georgiana was lying on the recliner and listening to her reading.

"Master Jordan's two sons both went to the battlefield. They were all in military uniform. The young master Jordan was like Miss Sally, but the master Gregory was like the master Jordan. He even walked like him. The young master Jordan looked like Miss Sally. I haven’t come back from the battlefield, but it’s really not easy to kill the young master Gregory. He is too despicable to die anyway. The devil doesn’t want him, and God doesn’t want him. When Li Gaoli came home from vacation, he thought he was very handsome wearing a clanging saber and shiny boots. He was a school officer, a lieutenant officer or something, just as he was walking back and forth in the yard to show off, Leonard muttered, 'Look at that damn soldier', just at that moment the owner Jordan came, he stared at Leonard and asked, 'What are you muttering about?' The tall Leonard was not afraid , he said 'I mean, look at that goddamn soldier' ​​and Master Jordan started to get red as if his blood was about to burst, and he turned to my dad and told him to get the gun, when When Pa came back, Miss Sally followed, and with tears running down her cheeks, she ran up and grabbed Jordan's arm, and the old master shook her off, and took the gun from Pa's hand, and he pointed it at Len. Nader, asked him to tear off his shirt, Leonard tore off his own shirt, stood there like a giant, looking at the old master with a sneer. Miss Sally ran up again, and stood at the gunpoint with Leonard In the middle of Germany, the old master yelled at Papa, telling him to pull this woman out of the way, but no one went to pull Miss Sallie, and she didn't move away, she just stood there facing the old master, so the old master I put down the gun, stepped forward and slapped Miss Sally to the ground, then grabbed the gun and shot Leonard in the chest, making a hole the size of a fist. I was terrified and ran to the barn. Hidden in the attic, but even with my eyes closed I can see Leonard lying on the ground, bleeding from a hole in his chest, with a sneer on his lips."

Belle put down the report.

The two of them did not speak for a long time.

"What did you learn from it?" Georgiana asked.

"That Leonard has an unyielding soul." Bai Lier said softly.

"Is that really what you think?" Georgiana smiled with a closed smile.

"What do you think Ma'am?"

"Women are useless." Georgiana slowly opened her eyes, "Just like Sally, I wanted to stand between the gun and Leonard, but I didn't have the strength, so I was easily knocked down by the man. "

Bai Lier didn't speak, she flipped through the report lightly.

"I'm more like the storyteller," Belle said. "It's just that I can't hide in the attic and cry like her."

"It's not in the story that she cried."

"She must be crying." Bai Lier said firmly.

"That Renier isn't such a bad guy, is he?" Georgiana asked. "I mean when he doesn't carry out orders."

Bai Lier was silent for a while and said, "The French are generally not bad. I heard that General Menou will even open a chair for his wife."

"The British are actually not perfect." Georgiana said, "But at least one thing, the nobles will go to the battlefield. Unlike the French nobles after Louis XIV, it has become a privilege not to perform military service or pay taxes."

"That Mr. Gregory is like a little tyrant, but he is proud to serve in the army." Belle said.

"He participated in the War of Independence, and the United States finally got rid of British rule and became independent." Georgiana sighed, "Let's go for a walk."

Belle put down the newspaper in her hand, helped Georgiana stand up, and the two went downstairs together.

Georgiana didn't care much about the servants in the mansion. Normally, they had to complete their work consciously, and didn't need to send a supervisor like a plantation. But today a Mamluk was training a horse, and everyone was watching in the stable.

Sometimes the more you try to maintain your own rule, the more you can feel that control has weakened, just like that rebellious horse, which is trying its best to throw its rider off.

Is France alone at fault? There are faults on both sides, but then again, what good is good affection? Louis XVI was a good man, but he died, perhaps because of his curse, the news leaked from St. Barthelemy.

Rumors spread almost as fast as the military situation, or even faster. Before Leclerc arrived in Santo Domingo, the people on the island already knew what the expeditionary force was here for.

Old Rochambeau participated in the North American War of Independence. People like Rochambeau Jr. were not in the minority in Napoleon's army. Many nobles participated in that war.

In the past, France helped the United States to become independent from the control of the United Kingdom. This time it was its turn to lose control of this most valuable colony.

Georgiana remembered the story of the ghost ship, maybe someone really heard the call of Louis XVI and came back from afar.

Compared with the thriving regional banks in the UK, there are very few regional banks in France. If farming loans allow the Bank of Paris to leave Paris and open branches in other places, it will be better than staying in Paris now.

But that may also cause other problems. Land speculation will also cause social crisis. Through the war, Napoleon took back the land of the Austrian nobles in Belgium. They can get a lot of money by selling these lands to Jews, but the local farmers will be very unhappy and divide them into small ones. After the block, farmers can afford to buy land, which can please them, but it is hard to say that they will feel happy.

They are still farming, and their life has not changed for thousands of years. Sometimes what people want is a little change and freshness. This is why farmers want to build roads.

Georgiana can close herself in a tower as if she was dying, but these young Mamluks can't do it. It just so happens that Miss Chevigny wants to perform for her. Anyway, the theater has already been packed, so why not just use it?

So Georgiana whispered to Belle to tell Matilda to prepare for it.

She already has a female dragoon guard and a female translator, why can't she have a female housekeeper?

Loyalty and conscience are sometimes not the same, though they are both sentiments that men of letters find admirable.

This is the "neutral" way she chose, not choosing to be profitable like some people, but standing between the gun and the victim like that foolish Sally.

It is also a slave who took up arms. The "father" who obeyed the master's order and brought the gun is different from Leonard. This is really a good story. She thinks it is worth promoting, but she doesn't know how to write it into a script. Can it be approved later.

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