The Gryffindor lounge where Hermione Granger lives is also in the tower, because of her "House-Elf Promotion Association", all the house-elves at Hogwarts are reluctant to serve the Gryffindor lounge , except Dobby.

Dobby also struggled to find a job after being liberated. Even in the Hogwarts kitchen, the house-elves stayed away from him, as if he had some kind of infectious disease.

Longing for freedom is a minority, and many people are reluctant to live in comfort.

Georgiana withdrew her thoughts. The advantage of living on a high tower is that she can look at the distant scenery and install an astronomical telescope. Fortunately, she still has this right as a prisoner. There is no future light pollution in Paris now, so she can live in Observe the stars in the summer night in the city.

If Napoleon was really a tyrant, she said enough to get her head off that day.

"Ma'am." Bai Lier said to her in the open space of the tower not far away, "Come and drink a cold drink."

Georgiana was too weak to move. It feels like summer vacation is here, all the students go home to bother their parents, she's finally clean, Minerva can take care of her nails, Felicity continues to write his music, Severus starts his magic Master Medicine's career, she herself can continue to sleep.

This kind of carefree life satisfied her, she was such a simple person, why was she so overconfident and had to learn from Merlin to assist King Arthur.

A fool must have self-knowledge.

She put down the binoculars and walked towards Belle.

Thessaloniki in Macedonia, Greece is an important smuggling port for sugar produced in British Caribbean plantations. Smugglers used mules to smuggle white sugar across the mountains, and then sold it to various places in France. The earliest owner of Belle was an Arab ship owner. When she was very young, she discovered her language talent. She can speak Greek, Arabic, French, Italian, Latin, Spanish, English, Maltese, and Berber. In learning German, the progress is amazing.

But Belle was very shy and didn't like to talk very much. No matter how Matilda tried to chat with her, the two couldn't talk to each other.

This may be a common characteristic of people who have experienced many hardships, and they are not as talkative as those who are naturally optimistic.

Although her housekeeper advised her to resume social activities, Georgiana was withdrawn by nature, and she lived a reclusive life in the bustling Paris.

Except for one hairdresser, no one left. It is expected that it is difficult to find a job now, and there is almost nothing to do working with her, and the salary is still paid as usual. Where can I find such a good job.

The Mamluks were still exercising, and every time they saw them practicing swords and guns in the yard, Georgiana thought she had returned to the Middle Ages.

Paul I of Russia was assassinated on March 24, and the British fleet on March 31 has been known, but so far it has been peaceful.

The conflict between Renier and Destein is not just a lack of cooperation at work. Sometimes Destein will reveal his feelings to Belle. Renier obeys everything, including Bonaparte's "execution every night." Thirty Egyptians, most of them Arab sheikhs".

The Sheikh is probably the chief. If a village rebelled, the French army would first capture the Sheikh to warn the villagers. Generally speaking, other villagers would not resist. Unless you meet the kind of Sheikh who is very prestigious in the local area, the Rafaxine under his rule, that is, the Egyptian farmers, will participate in the resistance. At this time, the situation will escalate rapidly, and the fire will burn all the evidence, and no one will survive. .

Kleber thought that Bonaparte left everything and returned to France in order to put all these crimes on his head.

The Cairo riots started with rumors and incitement, and were quickly extinguished with the help of locals, her steward "betrayed" her and is no longer in the castle. Since Gobert has a way to contact Davout, it is not hopeless to save Dusan Louverture's life.

Napoleon would not let a young, strong, and charismatic leader stay. The reason why he left the perpetrator of the Cairo riots was because that person was old and could not ride a horse or wield a knife. He resisted Napoleon because of profit . Unlike Dusan Louverture, he was very ambitious. Even though Jacobin gave him freedom and made him the vice-governor, he still drove the governor and commissioner away.

It is a pity that Leclerc did not participate in Napoleon's Egyptian expedition. He served in Italy and western France at that time, and was later sent to Lyon. Undisciplined, he later became combative under his rule.

If there were telephones or communication satellites in this era, Napoleon could command remotely, and there would be no need for it to be like it is now.

The French set off in December and only reached Santo Domingo on February 2. The speed of the British navy was of course much faster than them.

She was drinking sherbet when a horse's hooves sounded downstairs.

She immediately looked out from the arrow stack of the tower, and found that Gobert was coming, and there was also Leon Cour's grandson Lance, Georgiana turned around and went downstairs.

She met the two as soon as she reached the third floor. Lance was younger after all, and looked a little flustered. Gobert looked calm, but his expression was very serious.

"What happened?"

"The word got out," Gobert said.

"How did it leak?" asked Georgiana.

"The island of St. Barthélemy in Guadeloupe was ceded to Sweden by Louis XVI in exchange for the tax-free rights of French merchant ships in Sweden. Swedish merchants heard the news of St. Domingo in Guadeloupe and sent it to Sweden. Brought it back to Europe," Lance said.

Georgiana had nothing to say.

The news of what Napoleon did in Egypt was so well blocked, why couldn't it work in Santo Domingo.

"In addition, the Western Corps rebelled, including Bernadotte's chief of staff, General Simon." Lance said, "But because of the timely discovery, all those involved in the conspiracy were arrested."

"Isn't the Western Corps disbanded?"

"Now the military police are looking into whether Bernadotte has anything to do with this incident," Gobert said.

"Where are the Bernadottes?"

"In his own home, with his wife," Goebel said. "Not everyone expects peace, especially neutral countries."

"The First Consul did not take any measures?" Georgiana asked.

"Those Swedish businessmen are under control, the cabinet is now discussing, you..."

"I have already said what I have to say. Toussaint Louverture is not credible, but we still have to reach a settlement with Santo Domingo. Hell, why are there so few people with morality and conscience now?" Georgiana called Cut off Gobert's words, and cursed viciously, "To deal with those hot-headed people, you must use the method of calming them down quickly. You go and tell the First Consul to send those Swedes to a place far away from human habitation and isolated from the world. , don’t waste manpower to keep an eye on them.”

"The good news is that neither the workers nor the farmers thought that there might be someone from the Bourbon royal family to replace him." Gobert said, "Although all counties set price ceilings in 1793, because no one Grain is levied, so there is a price but no market, black market trade is prevalent, and the method of tax collection with physical goods instead of cash has worked, although this method needs to be tested.”

"But in this way, taxation will become a problem." Lance said very coldly, "The bankers are very suspicious of our ability to repay the debt, the public bond subscription is not active, and the farming loan..."

"Bull the weak, so you don't have to worry about them fighting back, right?" Georgiana said coldly, "These people haven't experienced the Mai riot."

"The bourgeoisie don't want the old system to be restored. They will lose everything when the nobles come back." Gobert rubbed his nose. "If the First Consul hadn't lent them money, they would have gone bankrupt long ago."

"We can't blame them for this. They are all businessmen. Shopping malls are like battlefields. They are the ones who talk about love and kindness and die in the end." Georgiana said indifferently, "Their biggest problem is that they think Napoleon is replaceable. They support Napoleon. Who, who is the new first ruler."

"Do you still support a democratic republic?" Gobert asked.

Georgiana said nothing.

"Let's pass this test first." She said indifferently, "Give freedom to slaves who dare to take up arms, and other places where slavery has existed will gradually relax the conditions. If those slave owners still find this condition unacceptable , let them go to Guadeloupe and Santo Domingo to suppress the slave rebel army."

"The opinion of the sheriffs about the sale of the Belgian state lands you mentioned is to divide those lands into small plots so that the local farmers can get the land." Goebel said, "they will not be happy if you sell it to the Jews. "

"There are people shorting treasury bonds." Lance said grimly. "These people should be shot."

"This is the behavior of the free market." Georgiana walked up the stairs exhaustedly. "It's all for freedom."

Other people are hell, and she wants to stay away from these people.

Neither Gobert nor Lance stopped her, and they hurriedly left the tower where she was imprisoned after watching her disappear.

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