Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1493 Princess Rapunzel

Jean-Louis Ebonazaire Renier, who had served with Davout in Egypt, later fought a duel with General de Stein on his return to France, because Georgiana intervened and no one died. Renier was sent to the Nièvres, and Destin was reunited with Davout, who was also stationed at Versailles, at the Versailles Army Hospital while he was convalescing.

There is a Greek slave girl beside him. This girl can speak the languages ​​of many countries in the Mediterranean Sea. She was kidnapped by Berber pirates and sold to Egypt when she was a child. It was very convenient for Destin to take her with him at that time, but now that he has returned to China, he still has his own wife, so it is not convenient for him to take this female slave with him. Davout is still alone, so he conveniently gave the slave girl to Davout.

Davout didn't know what to do with this girl. Napoleon arranged a marriage for him with Amy Leclerc, Leclerc's sister. He happened to know that Georgiana was recruiting here, so he took this slave girl. Sent to Georgiana.

This girl is called Belle, with wavy black curly hair and blue eyes like the Aegean Sea, maybe because she is from the "East", she looks very different from ordinary white girls, and there is a kind of obedience in her eyes .

The legality of slavery means that Georgiana can dispose of the girl as she pleases. If the things she entrusted to Belle are lost or leaked, Georgiana can kill her without a court trial.

But Georgiana didn't intend to do that. Madame Du Barry's slave followed her liberator and released Belle rashly. She might live on the streets, so she thought she had found a translator and document keeper who didn't need to pay. .

The Cairo riots originated from incitement and rumor spreading, and ended in bloody suppression. The bloody conflict must have damaged the reputation left by Napoleon in Egypt. He claimed to be here to spread civilization.

The only thing a woman can do in a war is to hide. There are still a few women like Figel who can fight with a straight sword, and Figel is so tall and tall, he has almost no femininity, and no man will love it.

There is another kind of woman who will try her best to protect her husband's property, such as Bey's wife and the wife of an old nobleman. Although Josephine is also profligate, she will protect Napoleon's political capital. Georgiana believes this, if When Napoleon fell, Josephine's queen dream would also be shattered. In order to protect Napoleon, it was possible for her to ask Charles to go to the parliament to inquire about news. Women don't appear in Parliament like they did during the Revolution, and of course it's possible that Josephine is lying, she's a good liar.

The ring on Georgiana's hand was one of the exchanges that Bey's wife used to protect his property, plus Georgiana herself, the combination of the two was a trophy, and who could be more ridiculous than her.

For a moment, Georgiana wanted to jump off the fifth-floor bedroom ledge so she could be free.

With such a mood, how could she fall in love with a beast.

If he really intends to place a piece of granite on the soil of France, slavery must be abolished, an institution mortal to religion and morality, degrading of reason, a source of corruption for the noble conduct of man However, enslaving others is just moving the battle from the battlefield to the home, and the empire he has painstakingly built will become one of the ruins.

She didn't want to see him at all, and now she understood the feelings of the actresses who despised him.

Cicero once said that the standard of nature can feel the difference between good law and evil law. Not only justice and injustice, but even things of honor and shame are separated by nature without exception.

Now she felt extremely humiliated, and this bad mood made the ring on her hand shoot out a flame at any moment, burning everything in the tower.

She couldn't live like this, and she didn't care if Severus would come to her in the future.

She sat by the window and did not stir from day to dusk, from dusk to late night, until Napoleoni came to his appointment.

"They say you haven't eaten all day." He said restrainedly, "I'm looking for older women because I don't want to adapt to the likes and dislikes of younger women."

"You think I'm capricious?" She said coldly.

"I had a bad day today," he said quietly.

"Why don't you kill those priests too." She also said emotionally, "You can give orders to kill all those who oppose you."

"Including you?" he asked.

"Before you came, I thought about jumping from here." Georgiana said calmly, "If one day you set foot on British soil, I will resist you like the Egyptians."

He turned and walked away, obviously he wanted sweet words, not these words.

"Are you going to lie to the Santo Domingos again? Like you did to the Italians," Georgiana asked before he left.

"I love you, Georgiana," he said softly. "Please don't make me."

"It's really strange, you tell others not to force you, but you can force others to do things you don't want to do." She smiled a little madly. "If my husband comes back to me, he may take revenge on you."

"What if he doesn't come to you?"

"You are safe, you can continue to live, isn't this what you want?" Georgiana stood up unsteadily, "I think this is why you can't convince those priests, they have something to defend to the death, even if I will not give in to death."

"What do you want to defend?"

"Justice." Georgiana's eyes seemed to be burning with fire. "There is also good law. You must remove the unfair clauses in the code, Bonaparte."

"How else?" He turned to look at her "Are you planning to assassinate me?"

"What did Cairo teach you?" Georgiana asked. "Repression with bloody means really works?"

"I understand one thing." He said blankly, "There will never be someone as stupid as me, who came from Europe to fight and intends to legislate in this barbaric and ignorant place."

She sneered, "Then why don't you stay in Europe? Why set foot on other people's territory?"

"You are too simple, this is politics, you don't understand."

"It's your oriental dream, right?" She said aggressively, "There is a huge gap between dream and reality."

"Enough." She heard a low warning voice, not Napoleon's, but Severus'.

She felt as if what she heard was the voice of a savior.

"Are you going to condemn me like those noble and pure people?" Bonaparte smiled. "If I can't turn my dream of improving the morals of the world into reality, you will overthrow me?"

"I understand that you can't liberate all mankind." She said sadly, "At least don't kill so many people."

"This abominable trade stems from the greed of British merchants. Even the United States is banning the slave trade. Why don't you condemn them?"

"Do you still hate England?"

"It has nothing to do with my personal opinion."

"I'm helping you, Leon. You made a mistake, a fatal mistake. If you don't correct it, you will regret it. Your army needs to restrain military discipline. Letting them kill for revenge will lead to even greater disasters."

"What do you think of me?"

"At least allow slaves to join the army and give freedom to those who are willing to take up arms." Georgiana said sadly, "Do you remember the 'dream' I told you yesterday?"

"I gave them a chance," he said. "They lied to me."

"Aren't you cheating too many people?" She asked back, "You are actually very stubborn. Whether you love someone or have a prejudice against someone, it is difficult to change. Since you can turn the Mamluks who once opposed you into Fighting for you, why can't you make Santo Domingo the same? I didn't let you achieve it overnight, but gradually liberated. I understand that there are many threats around you, but if you don't even have this idea..."

"Are you finished?" he interrupted her.

"Take all those people away, leave Bailier alone, and let others stay if they want." She wiped her tears and said, "I would rather imprison myself in this tower."

He didn't speak.

"I used to like you, Leon, even though you were an idealist back then." She cried and said, "Have you ever thought that the reason why you have setbacks in Egypt and Santo Domingo is that God is preventing You, that's why you sent the plague."

"This is the last time I will see you." He said calmly, "Since you want to be a prisoner, you can do so."

Then he left her study and descended the tower stairs.

His shadow was so long that he looked like a giant.

She accepted this fate very calmly, as long as there were no prison bosses abusing her and there were enough books to read.

The tower of the Burgundy mansion would become her "Sage's Tower", and she would no longer mind Muggle affairs.

She will study magic, astrology and alchemy.

"Goodbye, King Arthur," said Georgiana with a relaxed smile, and walked upstairs to the bedroom alone.

She wants to sleep for a long time. She is different from someone who doesn't even have time to sleep. She has plenty of time to sleep, and sleeping is her hobby. No one can stop her.

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