Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 149 chat chat

Pomona's understanding of the Muggle world was mainly taught by Lily Evans, but she didn't teach in class, but took her to play around London during the summer vacation, during which time the wizarding world was taking place because of the squib parade. In the pure blood riots, in the face of the powerful rise of Voldemort, Eugenina can solve the problem of squibs but cannot deal with Voldemort, a handsome, elegant, knowledgeable and ambitious man.

His smile is so charming that even Pomona's heart skipped a beat after seeing it.

Muggle London has lots and lots of pictures of what Hermione calls "models" all tanned and looking healthy and showing white teeth like Lockhart the Fool, and their clothes all in Show off your body with little effort. Voldemort never smiles like that, he asks his servants to kneel on the ground and kiss his robes, no one wants to do that when he has a snake face, but if he has that handsome face, all who can get to kiss his robes Those who are qualified will feel that it is a gift.

His fingers are well suited to plucking the strings of a harp, and it only takes a slight hook to produce a thrilling tune.

His lips were good for chanting ancient incantations, and Pomona hadn't figured out how the Death Eaters' flying spell worked anyway.

His skin is fair, it seems that he does not need the sun, and the veil-like robe is like the morning fog.

It's just that his eyes are not the color that a normal person should have. There is a red light flashing in the bottom of the eyes. If you look at them for a long time, you will feel a sense of fear spontaneously, and you will feel trembling when you look at them.

Without using Legilimency, Pomona could look Severus in the eye all day, trying to figure out what was going on in his head with her simple brain. But whatever Voldemort said, she just wanted to escape from him, as far away from him as possible, his handsome appearance was just a disguise, he was a terrible person, although he was actually very sad.

Pomona Sprout is in her forties. It is not surprising that she wears clothes from the seventies at this age. Women at this age have lost their charm, while men have just begun to show their charm. Mature middle-aged The attraction to little girls is different from the young boys who rely on their muscles to attract girls. After Hermione took Pomona into the "mall", the ones that were there were very expensive at first glance, and sold "gentleman" clothes clothes.

Most of these stores sell low-key colors such as black and gray. Even the sweaters have nothing to do with reindeer. Looking at the clothes on the wooden figures, Pomona suddenly understood why the sweaters she knitted were hidden. up.

"Dumbledore ruined my taste." She shook her head and rested her forehead, perhaps because she had seen too much of Dumbledore's colorful wizard robes, and she herself became "colorful".

"I think you're dressed very well, very retro." Hermione looked at Pomona's clothes and said, "At least you're not walking around in pajamas like other wizards."

"It's Chanel," Pomona said proudly. "It's timeless."

"You said you almost became Harry's godmother, did Harry's mother teach you how to wear Muggle clothes?"

"Yes, and Mrs. Evans, she often takes us shopping."

"Can you talk to me about her?" Hermione looked at Pomona and said, "I know, you might be uncomfortable, but I want to know something different from the magazine."

"Those stories are all made up. Lily is also a Gryffindor lioness just like you. Severus used to raise a stinger who was killed by a Slytherin boy. She almost rushed to Fight those pure-blood nobles in the Slytherin cellar."

"What?" Hermione exclaimed in surprise.

"Which surprises you more, Severus having pets or Lily not being gentle at all?"

"That's not at all what Lupine said."

"Lupine used to be a predator, he likes to joke, why don't you wonder what Severus looks like with a hedgehog in his arms?"

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that, hedgehog." Hermione suddenly realized.

"It's a hedgehog, with the same appearance as a hedgehog, and a suspicious personality. He messes up other people's gardens when he is in a bad mood."

"Lupine was talking about you, wasn't it?" Hermione smiled knowingly.

"He probably wanted Harry to have a womanly mother." Pomona sighed. "Harry is just as courageous as his mother."

"The Battle of Hogwarts Hufflepuff all the old children stayed, and you were brave, Pomona."

"How about this one?" Pomona chose a gray woolen coat to show Hermione.

"I've often seen a lady in the kitchen washing dishes with Molly, and she has gray hair like you." Hermione looked at Pomona and said, "Sirius calls her Knox."

Pomona put back the gray dress, a color that reminded her of Sirius' eyes, gray like ashes "Harry and Ron ate in the room and never thought to take the saucer off, thanks to the There you are, Hermione."

"He likes to look at you very much. Have you never paid attention to his gaze?"

"I married Severus Snape, Hermione, just like you chose Ron instead of Victor, let's stop talking about it."

Pomona chose to escape again.

"If you pay attention to him, Sirius won't be so close to Harry, at least Harry won't be so sad when he leaves." Hermione loves to protect her friends just like Lily, and Pomona suddenly felt that the appointment It's not a good idea for her to go shopping.

"I'm tired from shopping, let's sit for a while." Hermione said a little tiredly, "I'll feel better if I eat something sweet."

So they moved from the clothes shopping place to an ice cream shop next door, and after ordering their own desserts, they sat down in an empty corner.

"You know I used to plan to free the house-elves, but now I think if I have a house-elf to help, I won't be so tired." Hermione said feebly, eating chocolate ice cream, "I didn't even know a house had So much to do."

"Not every elf is like Kreacher, Hermione." Pomona said helplessly, "Not only does it not help, but it also makes trouble. Molly can't do it alone."

"I just don't want to do housework anymore." Hermione said angrily, "Don't you find it annoying?"

Pomona understood that Hermione was not depressed because of Sirius' problems, but because of Molly, and life as a housewife.

"I can't fight, although I have taught many students who can fight." Pomona said after taking a bite of peppermint ice cream. "Everyone has their own division of labor, and I am very suitable for that position."

"Ron can't help at all, I really doubt if it was the right thing to marry him in the first place." Hermione looked at the void and shook her head a little.

"He came back to Harry for you and destroyed Voldemort's Horcrux with Gryffindor's sword."

"It's the greatest thing he's ever done in his life, isn't he? He's mentioned it many times." Hermione poked at it as if she had a grudge against ice cream.

"Have you thought about letting him join the Aurors, with Harry?" Pomona asked. "You're in the Ministry of Magic's Law Enforcement Division."

Hermione didn't poke at the ice cream anymore.

"I have plans for your future, Hermione Granger, your legal father, Arthur Weasley's Muggle protection laws are fundamentally wrong in legislation, Muggles don't need protection, I believe a The bomber can blow up the whole wizarding world, Arthur is a family man, he is suitable to stay at home, you and Ron are young, don't stay at home anymore."

"How do I start?" Hermione no longer resisted the question, and asked seriously.

"Have you heard of Minister Tea Boy, Leonard Spencer Moon?"

"Yes." Hermione nodded. "He and Winston Churchill are said to be good friends."

"You're going to start at the bottom, especially since you're a Muggleborn and a woman, can you take it hard?"

"As long as it doesn't make me do housework."

"Politics is the same as housework. They both need to be 'tied up' to find order in chaos. I don't know how to deal with it. Severus will teach you when the time comes." She took another bite of mint ice cream.

"Few people eat peppermint ice cream, it tastes like toothpaste." Hermione looked at Pomona's ice cream and suddenly laughed strangely.

"Have you ever had a euphoria? Finish with a slice of peppermint, which produces a blissful, albeit fleeting, feeling."

"Can you teach me how to match?"

"I don't know, I'm not very good with potions, but you can come to St. Mungo's, they're promoting euphoria."

"You're not good at potions, why did you marry the potions professor?" Hermione asked in bewilderment.

"Herbs are the basis of potions, and he couldn't do without me," said Pomona triumphantly. "Why did you doze off that day when you were squeezing the pimple vine burl in the greenhouse, Granger?"

"Do you remember?" Hermione was even more surprised, after all, it was seven years ago.

"How can I not notice that an excellent student like you is sleeping in class, because you fell asleep, and Harry smashed the tree tumor on my head." Pomona said looking at her expressionlessly.

"But you don't look angry at all."

"No, I'm angry, I almost turned Hogwarts into Malfoy Manor."

On the second day of Halloween, the Daily Prophet and various weekly magazines published the terrifying magical plant garden, ensuring that even the housewives noticed, and those who questioned the Malfoy family all shut up.

"After shopping for clothes, accompany me to find a movie theater. I want to find the kind that shows old movies."

"Yes, Dean." Hermione said obediently, and then stuffed a big mouthful of chocolate ice cream into her mouth, and she lost the look of being sovereign just now.

"Call me Pomona," said Head Hufflepuff, smiling sweetly. "We're friends now, Hermione."

"Why do you look so like Umbridge?" Hermione looked at her in horror.

"That's because she's a real politician, and you have a lot of lessons to learn, dear." Pomona scooped up a mouthful of peppermint ice cream, looking at the Gryffindor lioness with a grimace.

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