Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 148 Gray Middle Age

Lucius Malfoy's ability to resist pressure is very low. When Draco was in the second grade, he stuffed Tom Riddle's diary into Ginny Weasley's bucket. It seemed that he thought he could get rid of the relationship with Voldemort as soon as possible. Everything, but no one expected that there would be more strange things in that year than in previous years. Under the panic, he went to Hogwarts to watch his son's Quidditch match as a school manager.

That match happened to be Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. Both Harry Potter and Draco were Seekers. They used the best brooms at that time. They didn't care about it in order to compete for the first place. , to increase the speed to the fastest, and then Draco and Harry got under the stands, there are many obstacles inside, but it is not as safe as on the empty field, when Malfoy is like a shell from under the stands When it flew out, Pomona's heart ached. If it was an ordinary Muggle child, Draco would have died in that blow, and Harry's hand was hit by the crazy Bludger.

If Lockhart's healing spell wasn't too bad, Harry's bones wouldn't disappear. In order to win the boy, he would risk everything, including his own life. Sometimes they are really stupid.

Narcissa had a big fight with Malfoy after letting her son have an accident right under her nose, and that's when the Ministry of Magic raided his house a few times and things started to spiral out of control. When Draco was in the third grade and he was admitted to the infirmary again, Narcissa broke out completely. If Lucius didn't kill the animal that hurt her son, she would divorce Lucius, so Malfoy Asking the Ministry of Magic to kill Buckbeak, a magical animal that he didn't see any fault, for an injury that Harry didn't see as a big deal.

The Malfoy family is passed down from generation to generation, and the Malfoy family will be extinct after the death of the only heir. This is a serious breach of responsibility for a woman in an aristocratic family. Now Pomona also feels this responsibility. The blood of the Prince family cannot be ruined here. Her daughter has been forced to abort because of her own negligence and bad intentions. She has raised so many restless young people. She is not afraid of raising another child of her own, the only thing she is afraid of is her own safety.

She is not afraid of death, but she is afraid that someone will reckless to save her life. He had thought of using the Philosopher's Stone that day.

The Philosopher's Stone is not related to death as ordinary people think, but to life. Saving a magical animal can live two years longer. Difficult, she needs to survive, otherwise there will be another lunatic in the world.

Pomona still remembered the card that Patricia gave her. The queen controlled the lion is power. Hermione Granger must be the Minister of Magic. No matter how ridiculous it sounds now, she must continue. Intuition, intuition related to fate.

From the time he resumed training in the morning to just taking a shower, he was almost exhausted. While he was asleep, Pomona planned to go find Hermione. She hadn't seen that Muggle-born witch for a long time.

Before leaving, she still remembered leaving a note by the bed. This guy who is not easy to mess with is actually very insecure, especially in the years before Harry Potter graduated, the pressure was concentrated, and the successive incidents made people exhausted. , Dumbledore is still forcing him to do things he doesn't want to do, and his midlife crisis is more sad than Lucius.

The more men who can adapt to society and have outstanding achievements, the more prone to this kind of problem, but Lucius' solution is to cheat, while Severus is much more twisted, he takes all the responsibilities on his own, including About killing Dumbledore.

If he didn't die, killing the saint would be a stain on his life, harder to wash away than the Death Eater's brand.

"Poor little thing, how many sins have you committed?" She kissed his forehead, and his brows were furrowed when he fell asleep, as if he was still in pain.

She was going to pamper him once as she had pampered Draco, and she also thought he would love to watch the Godfather movie.

A lot of people like to see brightly colored and fast-paced movies, but the Godfather movie is full of content. He is in a way like Vito Corleone, a family man who has to do some not-so-legitimate things to take care of his family. matter.

His heir, Mike Corleone, is a person who puts his interests first. At the end of the movie, only Mike was left alone at the dinner table. She felt that this was not the life Severus wanted, but the movie had been released for many years, and it was not yet Know which movie theaters are still showing it.

She believes that Hermione would like to visit Muggle London with her. She hasn't returned to the place where she grew up for a long time. The girl in the pink dress made her dream of a prince and princess, and then she had a dream full of Magic night.

"You look handsome, Severus." She finished the spell, then drank the Polyjuice Potion and left the bedroom, hoping to get back to him safely, and she didn't care what she looked like anymore.

She apparated to the Burrow in the form of Pomona Sprout, and took out of her velvet pocket a da fake Galleon duplicated with the Duplicating Charm. Hermione destroyed Hufflepuff's gold cup , when the three of them found the Horcrux from Bella's vault, Bella cast a copy spell on it. When she heard about this, she had a premonition that there would be a story between her and Hermione.

See, they all dumped the rich and handsome guy for a poor-looking guy, except that Hermione lived in the sun and Pomona lived in the shadows.

If Severus Snape was still alive, he would definitely win the most attractive award from Wizard Weekly. Although he is not as handsome as Lockhart, he has a bright and charming smile, but that deep and gloomy temperament can also confuse People, this is what many men do not possess nowadays. The pure dark power is different from the passionate power of fire. Only those who understand him seriously can understand it.


Hermione, who received the news from Pomona, came to the place where she and Hannah Albert practiced Occlumency last time. Although her hair was not carefully groomed, at least it was much neater than when they first met .

"Hermione Granger, I need your help." Pomona said with a loving smile, "I need to buy a Muggle outfit for my husband, can you help me choose?"

"You mean...Professor Snape?" Hermione had a weird expression when she said this.

"Have you ever eaten jelly slugs?" Pomona laughed, and Hermione looked as if she had eaten slugs.

"No!" Hermione shook her head immediately. "Wizards' interests are really disgusting sometimes."

"I haven't been to Muggle London for many years. My taste is out of touch with the times. You know that wizards' interests are disgusting. If I wear the wrong clothes, I won't be able to achieve the purpose of camouflage. You can call Luo En Weasley, he's just in time to try on clothes."

"Professor Snape is the same size as Ron?" Hermione couldn't believe it.

"It doesn't have to be Quidditch to exercise, Hermione, may I call you Hermione?"


"You can also call me Pomona. We are all grown up and equal." She said with emotion, "I wish I could be called Fleur. How is she doing now?"

"Happy," said Hermione. "She and Bill are inseparable."

"Vela hybrids actually don't pay much attention to appearance. I think Bill has a good figure and looks very wild."

"Professor." Hermione stopped Pomona with a smile. "You shouldn't talk about other people's husbands like that."

"Call me Pomona, Hermione, do you believe in fate?"

Hermione was too cautious to speak.

"In the third grade, you once had a big riot in Sybil's class. At that time, you kicked a crystal ball, and the crystal ball was picked up by Harry. Later, Sybil prophesied to him. I believe he must I was terrified, so I didn't tell you. The Trelawney family is a very famous prophet. Their power is very mysterious. That prophecy was recorded on the crystal ball you kicked. Me, Dumbledore, Minerva Severus and Severus saw it, and it was the prophecy that convinced Dumbledore that Harry was Tom Riddle's Horcrux and must be destroyed, but in my opinion, that prophecy actually has other explanations, if you become Harry Potter, Minister of Magic, is your servant, you are the master of fate, don't let fate choose you."

"I don't think I have that power, Professor." Hermione hugged herself tightly, as if giving herself a hug.

"Just rely on yourself, yes, so you need to know more friends, I believe your family will improve soon, hasn't George made a lot of money recently?"

"The last time he came home, he asked Arthur if he planned to retire."

"Yes, it is natural for a husband to accompany his wife. You are Molly's legal daughter, not her real daughter. Has Ginny been home recently?"

"Not so often."

"What is she doing?"

"Take care of the kids at home."

"Let her bring the child over, and Molly will help take care of it. By the way, what's the child's name?"

"James Sirius Potter."

"It's like the two of them are together again." Pomona shook her head emotionally. "Did I tell you that I almost became Harry's godmother?"

"What?" Hermione was even more surprised.

"Look, you won't be bored shopping with me. We have a lot to talk about. Hufflepuff is good at chatting, you know."

Hermione smiled and shook her head, "I can't seem to find a reason to reject you."

"Let's go then, grab my arm." Pomona curled her arm. "Are you going with Ron?"

"Bringing him will only spoil the fun, and men find it boring to go shopping." Hermione walked over and grabbed Pomona's arm.

"Come on, Hermione, I'm not as good at Apparating as Professor Snape."

"What..." Hermione exclaimed halfway, and the two disappeared in the reeds, and the footprints left in the snow were quickly covered by snowflakes, as if nothing had happened.

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