Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 147 The Hug of the Hedgehog

The Moon Crazy Beast is a very shy animal. It only comes out of the cave at night when the moon is full, and then hides in a remote and uninhabited place, bathing in the moonlight and performing complex dances with its two hind legs.

The dance of the Moon Crazy Beast under the moonlight is very charming, and people who see it often have unexpected harvests, because if you collect its silver droppings before sunrise and spread them on potion nurseries and flower beds, the plants will grow. It grows fast and is extremely strong. It usually appears in the Forbidden Forest. Every time Pomona wants to collect it, it has to go deep into the Forbidden Forest.

She needs a bodyguard, even if she has many friends in the Forbidden Forest, it is not completely safe, and it happens that the Potions Professor sometimes collects samples of medicinal materials in the Forbidden Forest, so the two of them often go to the Forbidden Forest in the middle of the night to have a picnic while watching Moon Crazy Beast Performance.

At that time, what she shared was food, but now she wants to share shampoo, which is obviously no longer the boundary of friends.

He is invading her life, starting from mastering the right to enter and exit her treasury, step by step to occupy everything about her, and it happens that she has no way to refuse, his hair really needs maintenance, Slughorn will wear it when he cooks medicine What was he thinking when he didn't wear a hat?

She washed his hair like an old mother, while he sat in the bathtub and looked at the snowflakes flying outside the window. The first snow was not very heavy, and he could still see the withered grass and the roofs of the buildings. Like northern Europe, this month has long been covered by heavy snow.

Hedgehog looks very much like a hedgehog, with thorns all over his body. In the cold winter, if two hedgehogs snuggle together for warmth, the thorns on their bodies will pierce each other dripping with blood because of the close distance at first, and then wait for them to pull each other. Keeping a distance can not only keep warm, but also not hurt the other party.

Pomona gave him a hedgehog because she thought he was like a hedgehog, but he was very gentle in his heart, pink and cute, but she didn't expect those pure-blooded Slytherin boys to It's so disgusting that he would take an innocent life to bully others.

That's not funny at all, and it's even more exasperating because neither Slughorn nor Pringle cares, it's not a big deal to them.

The stinger is very wary, and if you give it food, it will think that someone is trying to lure it, spoiling the family's garden or the things at home, and can raise such a wary animal so that it is not afraid of people Severus took it A lot of hard work, but it was killed like a prank.

He cried a lot, because the thorn was the only friend besides Lily and Pomona, and Severus was taken by Irene in the hope that he would not be like his father Tobia, who could love something seriously Well, sometimes children's ignorant pranks are more hurtful than the Cruciatus Curse.

It is true that Severus is not as pure as Harry Potter, but he also has a pure place in his heart, and it is this kind of purity that makes Dumbledore rest assured that he often plays with Pomona, and he still treats the two of them as pure. is a child.

"Did Dumbledore punish you later?" She had nothing to say, "After he found out about us."

"I don't want to talk about this." He slowly refused.

"Do you have Muggle clothes?"

"Haven't worn it for many years."

"Where's the sweater I knitted for you?" She knitted it from a Muggle magazine as a Christmas present one year.

"The one with the reindeer and snowflakes?" Severus said with a half-smile, "I faded away."

When he smirked and then returned to that serious look, Pomona was almost pissed off.

"It's fine if you don't wear it, why hide it!"

"It reminds me of Neville Longbottom, did you knit that sweater on him?"

"No!" she denied immediately, although she did give Neville a sweater.

"I don't wear that kind of thing, that's not my style." Immediately afterwards, he raised his hand, chanted a no-staff flying spell, and attracted the cigarettes.

"You're really good at pissing people off, Severus." Pomona used a spring of clear water to clean off the foam on his head. "Why are you looking for trouble for yourself?"

"You can't make everyone like you, Pomona, why bother trying so hard to please others." He took a puff of cigarette, stretched his arms, and leaned lazily on the bathtub, "I really feel uncomfortable seeing your fake smile." tired."

There will be no conclusion in arguing about this issue until the end of the world, and Pomona doesn't want to continue talking so much with him. She tore off her bathrobe and walked into the bathtub. It's not even as spacious as the Hogwarts prefect's bathroom. Curled up, but she loved it, like this life.

She doesn't need to be a role model, she just needs to be herself.

"Siris Black rode away on that hippogriff, did he come to you afterward?" he asked in an interrogative tone.

"No, I was at Hogwarts that summer, preparing for the Triwizard Tournament."

"Did you meet behind my back?"

"No!" Pomona found him unreasonable. "Sirius is dead, Severus."

"Lily is dead too, we are the two who are alive now, don't let those undead haunt us." He said distractedly, "It's annoying enough to have one undead."

She knew who he was talking about, the Bloody Baron, Slytherin's resident ghost, the only ghost that could hold materialized Peeves.

"Draco was really reckless back then, and Buckbeak nearly scratched him to death."

As a result, because of him, Hagrid began to be cautious in class, and only dared to teach creatures like snails for a semester.

"I punished him later, you forgot?"

"That's because he was hit by a girl," Pomona said sharply, raising her voice.

"And a Muggle girl." Severus puffed on his cigarette, shaking his head and sneering. "It's pathetic."

"Do you still have this kind of blood prejudice?" She punched him. "The lesson you have received is not deep enough?"

"Do you know how hard it is to make a Muggle girl the Minister of Magic? Woman!" Severus gave her a cold look. "Sometimes I really think you're fantastic."

"Is it because of her bloodline or because of her gender?" She asked coldly, the Ministry of Magic is now "tough" and full of "manly demeanor" everywhere.

"Neither, but she was too naive. She actually wanted the house elves to revolutionize. Do you know how much trouble Dobby caused Lucius after he was released?"

"It gave away the secret of the Malfoy family?"

Every old family has secrets passed down from generation to generation, usually known to the house-elves, and among them are ways to break defensive magic.

"No, it made the house-elves in the whole manor tremble, fearing that they would be let out, and it happened that Sirius Black escaped from prison at that time, Lucius was afraid that he would come to trouble him, and the whole manor was in panic, he I don't want to stay in a home like that and start seeing other women."

"How can you say old Malfoy cheated like he was a victim?"

"She can make him forget the bad things, even temporarily, and you don't know how difficult it is to keep calm." Severus looked at the snow falling outside the window and said, "Harry Potter was in fifth grade. I often boil a sedative, it can calm me down, and then I can’t drink it all by myself, so I give it to Madam Pomfrey and let her distribute it to the students.”

"Even if it's a tranquilizer, it's not good to drink too much." She stroked his thin cheeks, "That's not pumpkin juice."

"I need it." He took her hand, looking into hers with black eyes "Dumbledore asked me to train Harry Potter Occlumency, I often have to see his one like James Potter face, and you are still with Sirius Black, although he wasted twelve years in Azkaban, but as long as he recovers his reputation, he will surpass me again. Compared with his status, I have worked so hard for so many years Nothing."

The difference between a half-blood Prince of a declining family and a pure-blood Black of a temporarily declining family lies in the family tree. The marriages of the Black family are all over the entire aristocratic circle. Even without a direct heir, it is still prominent.

"I may not be able to give you an heir." She said sadly, as if she had eaten honey from a heartworm. "You should find a younger woman."

"I don't care, Severus Snape is dead, the Prince family has lost the last heir, as long as you are with me." He leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. "I can do anything."

She didn't ask him why he still informed the Order of the Phoenix about the rescue of Harry Potter, knowing that the Battle of the Department of Mysteries was probably a trap set by Voldemort.

Because if the Order of the Phoenix doesn't save Harry, Harry Potter will die, he did the right thing, no matter what his motives are, it's hard to doubt, just solve the problem, don't ask the bottom line, or you will give yourself Find trouble, that's all.

He is really like Irene, he can do everything for love, he is actually not as smart as he looks, the two of them are so stupid to go together.

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