Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 150 Women's War

A house cast with the Fidelity Charm cannot directly apparate into the house. When Pomona returned to Godric's Hollow with the "trophy", it was already dark and snow had covered the road, and the feeling of winter was even worse. Enough.

If Ron, Harry, and Hermione didn't bring Yaxley into 12 Grimmauld Place after they invaded the Ministry of Magic, the Order of the Phoenix headquarters would not be exposed to Death Eaters, so that she would move the Order of the Phoenix headquarters to The Longbottoms, and it so happened that Dumbledore did not teach her the Fidelity Curse, nor did he teach the magic of memory, which he gave to Severus Snape, a Death Eater who inherited his inheritance. only.

From his point of view, she seemed to need to be protected forever, and she couldn't bear the responsibility of protecting people. If the great potion master hadn't been emotionally told her that Dumbledore didn't let her go back to school on purpose, she wouldn't have known him He actually made a deal with Stranger behind the scenes, taking advantage of the parents' love for their children and the children's spirit of resistance, and singing the opposite tune to create public opinion, so as to achieve the goal of getting Fudge to step down.

She hates the feeling that everything is being kept secret.

When she and Severus joined the International Rangers to XZ, she wondered, it was just to erase the memory of Muggle sightings, so it was necessary to find her? Because of the rise of Grindelwald, the wizarding world formed an organization called the International Federation of Wizards. To become a representative of the British branch, it can be appointed by the Minister of Magic or approved by Wizengamot. Gamore's chief wizard, so she joined that operation through the Wizengamot as a representative of the British chapter, which happened to be the time when Barty Crouch was hunting Death Eaters into Azkaban.

She was used in order to protect Severus Snape, a Death Eater. Besides agreeing to protect Harry Potter, what conditions did he negotiate with Dumbledore, and the old fool was so partial to him.

She was very angry. When she entered the house covered in blizzards, she found a woman actually appeared in her house. To be precise, this woman was the owner of the house, Narcissa Malfoy. "She didn't have any thoughts other than this idea, and of course there was a wave of anger welling up from the bottom of her heart.

"Hi, Pomona." Narcissa sat on the sofa, smiling gracefully back.

"Where's Severus?" She looked around for the dark figure.

"With Lucius, they're in a meeting, and I'm bored by myself." Narcissa stood up and walked around as if she were in her own home (her own home, actually) "You changed the house beyond recognition Now, is this your style?"

Unlike the gorgeous Malfoy Manor, Pomona's style is mainly pastoral, with occasional small florals. Like Petunia's style, it was inherited from Mrs. Evans.

"It's different at home than outside. You've seen the Christmas venue I decorated." She tried in vain to explain her own taste.

"I think it's too Hufflepuff here. After all, you live with a Slytherin. Why don't you have some green and silver?"

"He doesn't think there's any problem living here." Pomona said with a blank expression.

"But this is also my house, right?" Narcissa took out her wand and changed a tablecloth from earthy yellow to green.

"Oh Sissy, don't be so childish!"

"Your husband has taken over my house, why can't I do something to your house?" Narcissa raised her eyebrows and smiled very Slytherin. "Are you going to punish me, godmother?"

Pomona couldn't help shaking her head, she didn't expect to go to war with the Slytherin girls after so many years.

"It was your idea, right, soft-clawed land shrimp." Narcissa stood in the middle of the living room, twitching her hands in a queenly manner, "I almost ate it, what do you call those green rashes? Slytherin green ?”

"It was your sister Bella who started it first." Pomona said, not to be outdone.

"Oh, you wicked witch, I should have guessed it was you, who else stayed in school to teach right after graduation."

"It was me at the beginning, and the rest has nothing to do with me."

"Did you provide the Easter candy, the Billywig bug?"

"That's right, it's me." Pomona said sternly.

As long as you don't eat too much, the floating effect is short-lived, but the boy in the Gore family is so greedy, it has nothing to do with her causing permanent floating.

"Selling both poison and antidote, how much did you earn?"

"Enough Hogwarts' gold fee for a year."

"Tsk tsk." Narcissa shook her head.

"What's wrong?"

"You only earn so little."

"Bezoar is so expensive, what can I do?"

"You can recruit people to join the family. The Prince family is a potion family, and there are many merchants who supply their family. Have you ever thought of helping Severus revive the family business?"

"He was so young back then."

"You didn't think about him at all. You were loyal to Dumbledore at that time."

"He was eleven at the time!"

"He's not that good looking, is he? If he's cute, you'll love him as much as you love Draco."

Pomona felt like she was going out of her mind.

"Are you jealous that I dote on Draco?"

Narcissa no longer smirked, "He is my son, Pomona, and he will marry another woman in the future. Isn't that enough pain for me? You still want to take away my mother's identity?"

"I didn't intend to rob!"

"Then why do you pet Draco?"

"He's a sweet boy!"

"Is it because he is handsome?"


In fact, who doesn't like seeing such a cute little villain arrogant.

"Liar." Narcissa saw through Pomona's lie at a glance.

"The old bat told you something, right?" This was the only explanation Pomona could think of.

"If you like children, give birth to one yourself, don't get close to my son." Narcissa said proudly.

"I don't plan to have children in recent years." She said listlessly.


"There are too many things." Pomona sat on the chair closest to her. "I don't think it's a good time."

"Do you think Severus can't protect you?"

What Narcissa said was exactly what Pomona was worried about. He didn't know where he went when she had an accident last time.

"He's a busy man, Sissy, and he can't be with me all the time."

"You're scared, I can see it, but even without a man, you can still raise the child, Pomona." Narcissa said still forcefully, "Lucius is basically not at home, he cheated on Germany. After Depco's third grade, he wasn't like this before."

"Can we stop talking about this topic." She said very tiredly.

"Do you know how much Lucius and I have suffered for White Draco? You don't have a mother-in-law, so of course you don't feel that kind of pressure. It took the Longbottom boy ten years to conceive. His uncle even There is no son of his own. He dared to throw such a precious child out of the window just to wake up that child. I don't know what made you so timid, but you are really disappointing sometimes, you Why can't you be bolder?"

"Because I'm Hufflepuff," said Pomona desperately, a notoriously timid house.

"Do what you want, Pomona, don't let others tell you what to do." Narcissa sighed, "What did Dumbledore do to you?"

"You think I'm weird too?"

"What do you think, honey?" Narcissa sat down on the sofa again. "You sometimes look like a house elf, working too hard."

"You need honey more than me, Sissy." She seemed to understand the reason for this dispute.

"I can apply for house elves from Hogwarts, isn't it? The Malfoy family is the school trustee." Narcissa raised her chin and said proudly and proudly, "There is no problem that money can't solve."

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