What rights and duties do you have as a citizen?

First, the right to vote and to be elected. Compared with the old era, the number of seats occupied by the bourgeoisie in the parliament increased significantly after the Great Revolution. Although in theory everyone enjoys political power, in fact workers, peasants, and small craftsmen enter the parliament. There are very few.

Every resident of Santo Domingo can participate in the duel as a representative, fighting for the nation, for freedom, and to avoid greater casualties.

Wait, young man, how do you know that the colonists really set the Santo Domingo free as they said? They broke the agreement more than once.

So Napoleon added another condition. Santo Domingo is an inalienable part of France. If other countries invade Santo Domingo, it will be regarded as occupying the mainland of France. France is the protector and guardian of Santo Domingo, just like father and son son.

Second, only citizens of the country can hold public office and enjoy certain economic rights. Santo Domingo can use French capital to develop its own natural resources, enjoy medical services, rest rights and other socially recognized, rather than personal arbitrary claim power.

For example, someone has nothing to do and feels that he has the right to be the ruler of the world. He has that power, but does society recognize it?

There are plain factions and mountain factions in the National Convention. This does not refer to those members who come from the plains and mountains, but refers to the positions where they sit. The radical members sit on higher benches every time they meet, so Known as the Mountaineers, the Siyes were of the Plains, who not only sat at the lowest point in the Convention, but also sat on low stools.

The last time Georgiana saved the position of President of the Senate of Siyes with her life, this time he took out the constitution of the monarchy that he had previously dealt with Napoleon and used it against Dusan Louverture. Everyone is equal before the law, of course, including the First Consul, who cannot arbitrarily issue orders to torture free citizens like a king.

This is what the people of Santo Domingo are most afraid of and care about.

Some plantation owners in the past were indeed inhumane. They could dispose of slaves at will on their plantations. Torture also existed in France, but it was only after a trial. Ordinary crimes such as theft and financial disputes were handed over to courts where local people acted as judges. Only the death penalty required the governor's sentence, and police power was also handed over to local people, so that Santo Domingo people enjoyed judicial autonomy.

Literati loyal to Bonaparte gave Toussaint Louverture and his henchmen the title of the Tyrant Party, and he killed even his own nephew who opposed him. If he appoints judges, feudal courts may be formed one by one to oppress and eliminate his opponents. Therefore, the selection of judges is left to the people's election, and they themselves vote for the person they think is the most just to be the judge. .

Not all soldiers are as cruel as Rochambeau. While they are ruthlessly fulfilling their duties, they also doubt the correctness of their actions. Of course, saving the country and the people is different from using force to enslave others.

During the Battle of Marengo, Napoleon was already in desperation, but it was Desai who rescued him later. When Commander Kelleherman led the heavy cavalry to launch a countercharge, he also shouted "Long live the Republic".

If Santo Domingo does not accept such conditions, then no one can help, because maybe one day, Santo Domingo will have a seat in the French parliament like Corsica. He was almost stabbed by a dagger that also came from a Corsican congressman.

Civilized people have a humane spirit, and people can't bite like wild animals. How about sending a policeman to a fair and just duel?

Napoleon's restoration of slavery in Santo Domingo was a rumor, and he admired the courage of the people of Santo Domingo.

Before the reply from Santo Domingo, the French army's military operations to maintain territorial integrity are allowed, but they are no longer aimed at plains and mountains. After Caesar wiped out the last Gauls who supported independence, Gaul became the In a province, those who support the republic are French citizens. They need to be issued with ID cards, and they will enjoy the rights and rights of citizens in Port-au-Prince and other places occupied by the French army.

This is undoubtedly a dangerous gamble. More than 5,000 commune officials appointed by the French mainland are all appointed by the central government. The restoration of electoral rights in Santo Domingo is actually very detrimental to centralization, but everyone in Paris knows that the restoration of elections is for fraud Napoleon would not, like Robespierre and Louis XVI, leave matters of life and death to the vote.

Georgiana had read a book on the history of the period of the Revolution, when many royalist administrators remained in the bureaucracy of the republic, and the royalist administrators of these counties asked: how to destroy the republic? Destroy the credit of the index.

The coupons can be understood as banknotes. When the banknotes depreciate to the point that farmers are unwilling to use them to pay land rent, they are no different from waste paper. Even though the harvest in 1792 was good, bread in the city was still scarce. There is also a sense of despair. When the head of the queen, known as the Austrian woman, fell to the ground, the people on the Place de la Concorde cheered "Long live the Republic".

Since Marie Antoinette once chose to be silent when she should speak out, she will do the opposite, even if one day she will be called "the evil mediator".

The situation in France is not good. Although the family status and titles have been cancelled, the former nobles still have a certain influence. Some noble families, such as the family of the Marquis Ferrière, still live in groups of servants. Under the covert protection of the servants, the daughter of the Marquis of San Simeon, who replaced Georgiana, was only harassed for a while. It was also because of her father's political views on the right of inheritance, and she was not thrown a bloody head at home like Madame Du Barry. go in.

Mrs. Du Barry was betrayed by a slave. The slave's heart was for the revolutionaries, and he didn't take the threat of the former powerful Mrs. Du Barry seriously.

Later, even if Mrs. Du Barry confessed to exchanging her privately hidden gems for her life, it would not help. This is a problem that money cannot solve. How long can she survive even if she shouted and waited before she was executed?

The French sent reinforcements this time, but these soldiers were not armed, but military doctors and staff officers. They brought a lot of printing machines. These people had produced many leaflets in Italy.

Dusan Louverture did not abolish slavery, even though he himself was a slave, but he knew that slavery could indeed restore the economy quickly, so he still forced slaves to work after signing a trade contract with Britain and the United States.

He is different from Yugai, the leader of the slave rebel army in Guadeloupe who would rather blow himself up than surrender.

If he is the leader of the world, what kind of future will he lead mankind to?

Georgiana wanted to see him, to hear what plans he had to say. Napoleon's current goal is to stabilize commodity prices and food prices. These are probably not problems that the monarchy can solve.

When the French Republic’s Great Patriotic War started, it promised those volunteers that once they were killed, their families would be supported. Of course, those lawyers didn’t do this in the period of the Directorate Government. Napoleon quickly forgot. Veterans are legally cared for. Since the pawn shop said it was a charitable organization, Georgiana asked the military widows to take back their pawned things for free with their ID cards and pawn tickets.

The civilians could not bear the excessive poverty, fatigue and war, they only wanted peace, even those who served in the British Royal Navy on the ship thought the same way, many of them were captured and served as soldiers.

Even Louis XVI once ordered that winter clothing pledged under 80 francs be returned to the pawner. The women of the Women's Association cleared out the old items under 20 francs and put them in three warehouses. Many people lined up to get things.

This feeling is like that of a woman who is strangled by a corset. After taking it off, she can breathe freely. The United States will not eliminate slavery for a while, because many of its founders are slaves Lord, they have a lot of influence in Congress. More importantly, Jefferson himself is not particularly concerned about freeing slaves. He is more concerned about economic development and federal government spending.

If another leader is changed, Georgiana's proposal may not be taken seriously. How could someone use a duel to decide the fate of the country?

First, this is just a dream, and second, Napoleon's plan to attack Italy is also a fantasy. Only Robespierre Jr. took it seriously and regarded it as a life-saving medicine for a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Better to do something than to be silent, to do nothing, and that document and the activities of Luderer and Sies got Georgiana released from house arrest, but she was not allowed to attend the parade, only in the Waiting in the Tuileries.

Bonaparte's study has an additional decoration, a model of the Spanish battleship Santa Trinidad, which is placed in Marie Antoinette's small living room, on the ship that carried him back from Egypt. Next to the French frigate Venetian.

Because of its huge size and four decks, the Santa Trinidad, also known as the Spanish Mare, was the most spectacular warship of the 18th century, but it was almost captured by Nelson's Victory.

I heard that yellow fever also occurred in Spain in 1800, and at least 60,000 people died. Maybe yellow fever is replacing smallpox and becoming a deadly plague.

Not long after, the door of the study opened, and Bonaparte, wearing the uniform of the French Academy, walked in and went straight to the small living room.

With a serious expression on his face, he quickly walked up to Georgiana, looking down at her.

"Remember that foreign court?" asked Bonaparte.

"I remember." She said blankly, "At that time, those soldiers had gone through arduous battles and felt that they could no longer support them, so they returned to Paris without authorization."

"Do you still remember what the verdict was at that time?"

She tried to remember.

"The company commander was convicted of running away from battle. He was sentenced to be shot for committing this crime on the battlefield. He was only sentenced to three years in prison. The judge believed that the fatigue and sacrifice of the troops mentioned by the company commander could not be the reason for the company not to go to war. These difficulties can be overcome as long as the soldiers try their best, and the officers and leaders can overcome them. Louverture is very cunning, and he is kind to people like him. Sooner or later it will be against me. I am very happy that you can surpass yourself."

"What?" she said incredulously.

"War can stimulate people's potential. Sometimes people need to be pushed to know how capable they are."

"Have you ever thought that people can do anything when pushed!" she said angrily.

He laughed.

"It's not setbacks that bring you down, but your mentality in the face of setbacks. Every French soldier has a marshal's hat in his backpack. It's a pity that some of them don't want to wear that hat."

"A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier." Georgiana curled her lips and said, "You plot against me!"

"I didn't count you, that's why I promoted Ludrer and Leon Cour." He sat down on the sofa opposite Georgiana. "They will give the king good advice when he is at a loss."

"Not everyone cares so much about fame and titles, Leon, conscience and soul are more important than those foreign things."

"I told you that as long as he can live, he doesn't care about the lives of millions of other people." Bonaparte said coldly, "This is what people who really grew up on the battlefield understand."

"You're not human." She shook her head.

"I know, I'm a lion in the wild." He said conceitedly, "Do you want me to die too?"

She didn't speak, she felt tired.

How can a woman control a lion.

"It might be a good thing for the world if Rousseau and I have never been in this world." Bonaparte said flatly, "Those slave owners created all kinds of enjoyment that their fathers did not have, and at the same time put a pair of clothes on themselves." yoke, attracting to posterity a source of evil, when men are far more unhappy when they lose these enjoyments than they were happy when they were gained, and men grieve at the loss of these enjoyments, though their possession did not make them happy .”

"On the origin of human inequality," said Georgiana.

"And Emile, the closer we are to enjoyment, the farther and farther away we are from happiness."

"So you want to leave me, the source of 'pleasure'?" Georgiana said incomprehensibly.

"Nature gives human beings tears because she bestows human beings with the most compassionate heart." Bonaparte said, "I didn't want to shed tears, but you told me that people are not sculptures, so of course we can shed tears."

"You just said you were a lion of the wild."

"This is the source of my pain, whether I am a man or a monster." Bonaparte raised his hand and pointed it at Georgiana as if raising a gun. "So I shot at the Sphinx."

"how do you feel?"

"Nothing." He dropped his hand. "It's just a pile of rocks."

"What if I told you that there really are sphinxes?"

"Can you tell me how to kill it?"



"You're going to tell me where you got those crocodile sculptures," Georgiana said.

He smiled weirdly.

"What if I don't tell you?"

"Then you won't know how to kill a Sphinx," said Georgiana, folding her arms.

He looked straight at her.

"What are you looking at?" she said angrily.

"Looking at a masterpiece." Bonaparte smiled. "Who do you think is suitable to preside over the duel?"

"You mean Santo Domingo and France?"

"No, it's me and your husband, who will preside over this duel?"

She was speechless.

"A man who dared not even agree to a duel invitation challenged me." Bonaparte said with a sneer. "I hope Louverture refuses. He can continue to hide in his plantation and daydream."

"How about we make a bet?"

"What bet?"

"I bet Louverture will come to France and accept a duel," said Georgiana.

"What do you want if you win?" He said leisurely.

"Changed the divorce in the code..."


She stomped angrily.

"Think about other conditions, do you want to be a real princess?"

"What do I want that for!" she said angrily.

He didn't answer her question.

"I loved her very much," said Bonaparte softly, "but she has disappointed me so much."

Georgiana didn't ask who that "she" was.

Maybe it was Josephine, maybe it was the German princess who bore him the child.

"I want happiness, not the truth." Bonaparte closed his eyes. "Sing me a song."

"I can't sing as well as a diva," she said dryly.

"I want to hear you sing." He sighed "Not everyone can hear the Siren's singing."

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