Dusan Louverture should be a big man. Compared with him, the Corsicans are not only short, but also very thin. If the two of them are asked to duel, I am afraid no one will agree.

Compared with other outrageous duel methods, Georgiana felt that France and Santo Domingo each sent three people, and Rome and Alba Longa each selected the three best warriors from their own city-states for a duel. The city-state will gain dominion over the defeated city-state. Of course, it is impossible for the French to agree to hand over the rule of France, so this bet is replaced by the rule of Santo Domingo. If the warriors of Santo Domingo win, Santo Domingo will be independent and they can accept America came here to find free slaves, to live poor and free.

When Georgiana was Pomona, teaching at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft and Wizardry, she often wore clothes covered in mud. Many men will first choose a clean woman when choosing a mate, and then hope that she can behave elegantly, not necessarily that she is very beautiful.

Severus didn't mind her dirty look because he had greasy hair himself, and she was the best gardener in England, and the herbs she grew were the best, just right for the youngest Used by Potions Masters and Slytherin Headmasters.

They have always cooperated well, but what makes her most happy is the resurrection potion. The mandrake she cultivated brought the petrified students back to life.

Napoleoni once said to her, What is the use of herbs if they are not used in humans?

But if she was asked if she would like to go back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and continue to teach children in the greenhouse to take care of and collect magical plants, she would not be willing either.

She would rather go to the island of Elba and build an imaginary casino in the capital called "Metropolis". Let the nobles, rich people and even the royal family from all over the world go there. It will become the second Venice. They are all beautiful buildings.

Sometimes it is not enough to just accompany and support, but also needs encouragement and motivation, which is also what Napoleon is good at.

If even the leader is desperate, the soldiers are even less motivated. When the slaves of Santo Domingo fought for their freedom, they were invincible. It is another matter to be independent. The main consumer group of their crops is still In the west, Britain has clearly stated that it wants to develop in Cuba, and Brazil in their grand blueprint, France will not want their things, and neutral countries may try...

These will be resolved later, France itself lost 20 generals, they will not forget that. But the Poles have made it clear that they will not suppress slaves. They are unwilling to fight for such a "cause", even if they themselves have lost many comrades in arms and officers.

If the situation were changed, Georgiana herself would choose to be the same as the Poles, but this solution was the only one she could think of.

Islands such as Santo Domingo and Guadeloupe are all in the Americas, so far away from the mainland. As long as the peace is broken and Napoleon's navy does not have command of the sea, they will still face the situation of being blocked by the British navy. The French expeditionary force in the Caribbean will face a much more dangerous situation than Egypt.

She wondered if the people of Santo Domingo would listen to the Poles' mediation, or if it would be better for them not to get involved in the dispute, like Georgiana herself, who regretted meddling with the Muggles.

After going through this incident, she is even more disgusted by Hermione Granger's move to spread free thought to house elves, has she ever thought how much bloodshed this will cause, such a minister of magic will lead wizards to destruction of.

She needs to sort out her thoughts, organize them into words, and hand them over to Chief of Staff Bel Etty. She can no longer rely on her own identity to hand over the documents directly to Napoleon like last time. This kind of leapfrogging behavior is better to do less .

In the army, the company commander also obeys the orders of the brigade commander. It is impossible for the company commander and the brigade commander to refuse to carry out the order because the company commander and the brigade commander are "equal", and then command the company according to his own ideas.

The mayor of the commune must also listen to the county magistrate, the county magistrate must listen to the county magistrate, and the county magistrate must listen to the central government. This is the fastest way to establish order. Maybe other geniuses will come up with better ideas, but in The era she lives in is impossible to achieve absolute equality for everyone.

Everyone is equal before the god of death, whether it is a slave or a general, he will die if he is hit by a bullet. In addition, there is the law. She used to underestimate Dusan Louverture. Since his constitution requires everyone to be equal before the law, And still abide by the local laws, then bring the written code, there are so many lawyers and jurists in France, after coming to France, he can argue with these people one by one, the premise is to save his life.

Napoleon did it when he dealt with Barras. He asked Josephine to lure the Barras couple to her house for breakfast. Barras was too cautious to choose not to go and let his wife go, and she became Napoleon hostage.

It is also impossible for Bonaparte to let Dussaint Louverture continue to dormant in the plantation. She wants to find a place to detain Dussaint Louverture, so that he will not be killed by the jailer in prison. .

She was typing with a typewriter. This time, she didn't even write a draft, but inspiration came from her mind like a spring.

It is impossible to maintain absolute neutrality. Santo Domingo must choose a side, and cannot change sides, otherwise no one can really trust either side.

It is absolutely impossible to restore slavery. Napoleon was a Jacobin before, and the Jacobins liberated those slaves, so he absolutely cannot restore slavery.

After finishing writing, she wanted to find someone to read it for her, but found that there was no one else around. Neither Matilda nor Figel were good at this field, let alone those townspeople and Mamluk slaves from Sevres. up.

There is no shortage of literati in Paris, but there are very few available at this moment, and a person pops up in her mind, Fonta, who wrote the eulogy for George Washington, but why should he help a man who has lost power.

She sighed and slumped in the chair.

Georgiana also caused a lot of trouble herself, such as mine and railroad problems. There was a rift between the upstarts and the relics, perhaps wanting to nationalize steel like tobacco.

In the past, steel was only used for military supplies, such as cannons, muskets, and a small amount of civilian use. After steel is used in buildings and roads, this is a chicken that can only lay golden eggs. She made Leon Cole and the others tolerate it many times , this time they will not back down.

When Junod was governor of Paris, he could arrest the British and put them in the barracks. Marmont did not have this power, but he should not be underestimated either.

At this time, Lyoncourt was the sheriff of Seine County and had the administrative power of Paris. Perhaps it was because of this that he was able to find the former Deputy Prosecutor of Seine Province and the current Senator Councilor who also had a "royalist" background. Luderer drew to his side.

Since Luderer used the allusion of Caesar and Gaul, he should not mind the person who erected an ancient Roman aqueduct in Paris. Gaulism played an important role in the dispute between church and state in the Middle Ages, but Gaulism It was not good for the Byzantines from Corsica to look up.

If Georgiana had been an ambitious demagogue, she would have told those who did not stand firm that two foreigners could not govern their beloved France, even though Napoleon's dream was to be buried by the Seine.

The neutral country wants to give the same benefits to different parties. She gave a document to the French and a copy to the British. This is "fair". However, in the eyes of some people, what she did is undoubtedly traitorous .

The content of the document is not a secret, and if the French don't use this method, then it is a piece of waste paper.

She didn't dare to do the same thing this time.

"Matilda!" cried Georgiana.

Not long after, her inquisitive maid appeared at the door.

"You send someone to ask Lord Ludrell to come here, and remember to bring the purple rose." She said to Matilda.

"Ma'am, do you want me to do this kind of errand?" Matilda pouted.

"That's a distinguished guest. You only show respect if you invite him. If it wasn't for my inconvenience to go out, I would have gone in person." Georgiana said angrily.

"Let me go." Figel said, "Should I go with a high profile, or should I go quietly?"

"Take a Mamluk," Georgiana said to Figl. "And put on your dragoon uniform."

"Then I'm going too," said Matilda.

"You're going again for the opportunity to show off!" Georgiana said with a smile.

"Let me go~" Matilda said coquettishly.

"It will be embarrassing if people don't want to come." Georgiana said with a restrained smile.

Now Matilda shut up.

"Thank you for coming at this time, Second Lieutenant Figel." Georgiana said to her sincerely.

"You're welcome, ma'am," Figel said with a smile, and turned to leave.

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