Rousseau also wrote this sentence in Emile:

Passers-by, please stop and think about this hero.

This is the epitaph Rousseau saw on an ancient tombstone. He believed that there are many heroes in the contemporary era, but heroes in ancient times were extremely rare.

Perhaps Rousseau was wrong, not because there were few heroes in ancient times, but because few of them have been handed down to this day and can be remembered by people. Most of them are recorded in the annals of history.

Many people in Georgiana's day remembered the victories of Napoleon as a god of war, or as a diminutive, arrogant dictator.

Everyone knew that it was far more profitable to be loved than hated, and Louis XVI tried to make himself a beloved ruler.

But now even Giorgiona is having a hard time loving Napoleoni, but that's his style of dominance, you think you're done, you want to give up, but he pushes you to move on. You're constantly pushing yourself beyond yourself, and you end up being a very different person from who you were, a farmer's son becoming a marshal, which feels as unreal as a dream.

This little guy is not popular, but he has a good heart, and he is much better than those who are nice to people on the surface, but are actually doing harm to others. But people are like this, people who like to bring themselves happiness are more than those who bring themselves pain. Of course, you need to work hard when you study, but the children in the wizarding school prefer Quidditch, let them write papers on werewolves, and they all wail, how much do they remember when they really need to distinguish werewolves?

The old fool's happy education method actually ruined a generation of wizards. Except for Tonks, Hogwarts has never produced a qualified Auror. Even Tonks was admitted because of the natural disguise Animagus Yes, but coots were endearing, and Severus was the most unpopular teacher in the school.

Until the secret in his heart was revealed, everyone knew that this "Love Saint" was deeply in love with Lily.

People's prejudices will collapse because of love and understanding, but the difficulty now is that people are unwilling to love and understand.

In Dante's Inferno, the Gates of Hell, it was written:

Abandon hope, you who enter

Through me, into the city of pain

Through me, into the pit of eternal misery

Through me, into the eternal crowd

When you give up hope is the time to go to hell, don't give up hope is easy to say, but difficult to do, and this is where she is innocent and innocent, she always believes that there is hope, even if it is as dim as a dim star.

Distributing some pawn supplies for free is to prevent some people who are in extreme poverty from being lured into making stupid decisions like the Puyue riots. Using old things is also an option for people with low incomes, but ordinary people are different from military members. They want to buy Also only available at a discount. Pawnshops will also be robbed. Once the looting starts, crowds will flood into the pawnshop like a flood. This is the reason why the pawnshop is doing "charity".

Georgiana has no way to deal with those newly-made and extremely expensive supplies. The price of these things has risen with the rise in the price of bread. When she was released, the price of bread had risen to 1 pound 10 sous up.

She looked up the prices later and found that French flour was almost twice as expensive as English flour.

Westerners love to eat bread and coffee. After arriving in the colonies, it is difficult to supply bread. The climate suitable for growing sugar cane is not suitable for growing wheat. In addition, there are no mills in the local area. People will try their best to eat bread, and flour will be placed in wine. It is sealed in wooden barrels and sent to places like the Antilles.

It is so strange that the price of flour that is so troublesome to transport and sent so far is still cheaper than that of French native flour.

Then she remembered the lack of water in 1789, which prevented the mill from working, and Louis XVI could not hold a fountain show, so Georgiana asked Leon Cour to investigate the situation of those mill owners.

The results of the final investigation were a bit shocking. These nouveau riche took advantage of the opportunity to buy their own houses, houses in the city and land in the suburbs. They did not dislike Napoleon's taxpayer election system, because the mill tax was obligatory, and their sons who had completed secondary school would enter the administration if they did not inherit their father's business. They strove to gain a higher social status through marriages, relationships, and customs. These "new rich people" love vanity, talk about ostentation, seek pleasure, and invest money wisely in business, becoming manufacturers and wholesalers. These people are different from the old bourgeoisie because they have no culture and have no interest in profitable Not interested, ignorant of revolutionary ideals.

Lucian also did a grain reselling business, intending to transport the grain from Marseilles to the mainland to earn the price difference, but when he arrived in Marseilles, he saw the scene of people's heads falling on the guillotine, and the nobles were killed there even more ruthlessly. How many heads fell to the ground.

The Great Revolution decisively solved the entangled financial privileges, official corruption, and tax subsidy system in this way, and replaced them with income and land taxation systems, and later added indirect taxes on the use of domestic servants and horse-drawn carriages. Almost all the bourgeoisie and nobles in Marseille were killed. Without these people, the city can still function normally, and Napoleon led the army expeditionary force to board the ship here without any problems.

Between equality before the law and equality of property, human beings decisively choose equality before the law. The love of wealth has reached the point of worship, and the meaning of religion is to prevent the rich from being killed by the poor, and to overthrow theocracy is to be at odds with one's own life, but priests also own a lot of land and assets, based on the greedy nature of people, These teaching properties were confiscated and then auctioned off.

Condorcet wrote a book called "On the Progress of the Human Spirit," and the man who wrote it died.

The number of people who waited for the upstarts to fall and replaced them themselves was untold. Compared with these people, Georgiana respects Dusan Louverture more. He at least understands the importance of the constitution, which is much better than those in the civilized world who don't know what the constitution is for.

Machiavelli said in The Prince that many people know better how not to make mistakes than how to right them.

The real situation is that many people don't even understand that they don't make mistakes. This kind of nature will ruin the reputation and glory of their parents sooner or later.

However, these people have a good father who sent them to administrative agencies, and with a generous annuity, they can spend the rest of their lives without worrying about food and clothing.

The Thermidorians believe that a country governed by industrial owners must be a society ruled by law, and a country ruled by non-industrial owners must be in a state of nature. The country is to be governed by the best, the most educated, and the most concerned about upholding the laws. The relationship between property owners and the social stability of the country where they live, they rely on their own industry and wealth to receive education, and education allows them to decide the pros and cons of the country's destiny wisely and fairly.

The Thermidorians were also keen on running educational institutions, but they only opened them to the children of the bourgeoisie. They reduced the number of public primary schools, and canceled the subsidies for public primary school teachers in the fourth year of the Republic, causing public primary schools to go bankrupt. Many Thermidorians, such as Boisy Tanglars, believed that the children of the poor should not be raised as "a handful of parasitic careerists." They also abolished the state poverty relief agency on the grounds of state finances.

The poor make up the majority of the population, and there are many potential talents among these people. Sies couldn't see the future in these people, so he decided to stage a coup.

Napoleon saw that his hard-earned property was defeated by the people of the Directory, and returned to France from Egypt.

Most people are as much preoccupied with appearances as they are with substance, and in fact many times they are moved by what seems to be what they are rather than what is.

Aristocrats use luxury goods, which is what most people think.

The "real" aristocrats who lived through the Revolution would not see it that way.

The slaves of Santo Domingo are very pitiful, but if Santo Domingo is not taken back, Napoleon’s rule will be threatened, shaken or even overthrown, but the soldiers can’t do anything to suppress them. reason.

Disaster, what a total disaster, sadly Georgiana is still a participant.

The French aristocracy will not show mercy, and has always been.

Nature gave human tears, but human beings gave themselves cruelty as a gift. The nature of speculating on other people's necessities of life is different from that of tulips. If you threaten other people's lives, others will naturally take your life. Love is always maintained by kindness, but human nature is evil. At any moment, as long as it is good for themselves, they will cut this bond.

Rather than being loved, Napoleon chose to be feared and intimidated by others.

Tears belong to women, men can't cry, so women are always soft-hearted and can't do big things.

Not only Santo Domingo, but also the future of France is in the hands of Toussaint Louverture. She understands that she can do whatever it takes to win, but that belongs to the past, and both Santo Domingo and France need to belong to future people.

There is a reception room in the Hall of Mars in St. Luke's Palace that is decorated as a roadside cafe. She has never thought about how to decorate it. Maybe she can decorate it as an apartment for a guest from afar to share with him. The Duke of San Simeon lived in it.

Coffee should also be ground into powder and brewed. She thinks this is the arrangement of God.

Mountains do not meet mountains, but people always meet. I heard that Santo Domingo is also a mountainous country. I hope this "monarch" will not let her down.

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