Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1483 “under the table”

There is a famous mountain in the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, named Table Mountain, which is named after its shape like a flat table.

You can overlook the entire city of Cape Town from the mountain. It is said that the scenery is beautiful. However, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, it is not worth going so far to see it.

There is also a marble table in Notre Dame de Paris, which is very thick.

There is also a dining table in the Grand Trianon Palace. William Pitt Jr. stepped down because of the Irish Catholicism. Henry Addington took over as Prime Minister. .

And William Pitt Jr. supported the opening of the blockade, not only allowing French fishing boats, but even cargo ships and warships to pass through the blockade of the British Navy.

Britain always used maritime hegemony to suppress other countries, which caused dissatisfaction in many countries. It happened that France won many victories at this time, which made the "neutral country" start to swing left and right.

Neither a defeat nor a tragic and inhumane victory can win the hearts of neutral countries, and they will still prefer the United Kingdom of Great Britain, which has a softer and more just international image.

What's more, why did Henry Petty tell Napoleon so many superb means of managing money and taxation?

This is nothing more than to alienate the relationship between Napoleon and the propertied class who supported him. At this time, in addition to Napoleon in the country, there is also a highly prestigious commander, Moreau. Bankers who do not understand military affairs may abandon the increasingly authoritarian Napoleon, instead supporting Moreau.

Of course, after Napoleon proclaimed himself emperor and queen, they probably didn’t dare. This is what William Pitt Jr. hoped, either to let Louis XVIII re-sit on the throne and let the Bourbon royal family return, or Napoleon himself put on the crown, so that the "family" "It's just neat, every country has a king, and the Netherlands is not included.

Doesn't France have freedom of speech? Britain does. Newspapers are overwhelmingly reporting that the "Angel of Peace" has become a "Corsican Monster".

Bonaparte went to survey the Suez Canal with so much fanfare, and the British Muggle government was not a fool. Of course they knew the benefits of the Suez Canal.

In this way, haven't the ports in South Africa and West Africa been in business for so many years?

The Battle of Santo Domingo was a trap, and "Master" Bonaparte still got into it. Was he in a hurry to take back the overseas colonies?

The last guy who didn't listen to Georgiana's persuasion doesn't know what he's doing now. She's been stuck in this place for almost two years and hasn't come to her.

If Napoleon still thinks what she said is nonsense, then she has nothing to say, otherwise, how could the British, who are known for their indifference, suddenly be so enthusiastic, take the initiative to deliver news, and help transport things, and it is so coincidental that the observation troops are so quick. Arrived in Trinidad, as if prepared in advance.

Where is Trinidad? 90% of the people on this planet don’t know. William Pitt Jr. openly said that this place is more economically beneficial than Malta, and it is impossible to restore peace if Malta is kept. Although Napoleon is a more literary general, After all, he was a general, not the same as a calculating civil servant like William Pitt Jr.

Santo Domingo is a trap, don't go! Danger!

If Georgiana had the ability to predict, she would definitely tell him so. The point is that she didn't. She also integrated clues afterwards to come to a conclusion.

The United Kingdom wanted Brazil's resources. After the signing of the "Amiens Peace Treaty", the United Kingdom generally suffered a dull loss. At this time, another method must be used to recover.

Dirty political transactions are of course not liked by the "little corporal leader", who has always shown himself to be upright.

But this is a kind of "culture" in Britain, which is similar to the "culture" of salons in France.

William Pitt Jr. can let Malta out, and he is much more "sensible" than Addington, the prime minister who wants to extend the period of occupation of Malta from time to time.

Sometimes Napoleon's acceptance is so slow that it makes people wonder if he is a genius.

Sometimes his receptivity is very fast, as fast as lightning, and he "figures it out" very quickly.

At first he was walking around the studio, then he started muttering in Italian, and then he started smashing things so destructively that it was like someone threw a grenade in the house, and Georgiana had to open the door Hide out and let him vent in the studio alone.

It took about five minutes for the inside to calm down. She poked her head inside and found that the "little corporal leader" was facing her back, with a dull growl coming from her throat.

So, was she considered a "traitor" just now?

"Trinidad not only produces sugar, but also an important base for smuggling with Spanish America. This is an experiment for merchants." Georgiana said standing at the door, and she thought he understood what she meant.

William Pitt Jr. wanted to turn Tobago into a smuggling base, and this area happened to belong to France, which required Napoleon's "acquiescence" to proceed.

It's just that Napoleon's political reputation will also be tarnished. Once exposed, he will definitely be condemned by public opinion.

He really deserves to be the most talented Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

"One day, I will conquer England." Bonaparte swore excitedly, waving his hands.

"You plan to turn my hometown into the same hell as that church?" She asked calmly.

He gasped heavily.

"Do you want me to go to Talleyrand?"

"You haven't said what role the church plays in it." Napoleon asked.

"They want you to wear a crown, preferably a rerun of the Divine Right."

"That's impossible," said Bonaparte again, excitedly.

"What's impossible, you wear the crown?" she asked again.

"Get out!" he said angrily, pointing to the door.

"He is also his own master, not every Englishman is like him." Georgiana whispered, "Please remember Mr. Jenner."

Now Bonaparte looked calmer.

"I'll be living in the duke's mansion from tomorrow." She looked at the almost demolished studio. "I think anyone with a discerning eye will know what's going on."

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Cicero said that the soul is born with the ability of premonition or foresight, so when people are dying, their ability to foresee is stronger, especially those who are terminally ill, and they will realize that death is in front of them." She smiled. Say "I'm not some virgin, I'm sagae, an old woman who looks young."

"Are all witches like you, or just you?"

"Haven't you met Caroline? How do you feel?"

He stared at her thoughtfully.

"What are you doing?" She looked down at herself

"Guess what you're thinking?" said Bonaparte. "Are you jealous or probing."

Georgiana didn't bother to pay attention to him, smiled and shook her head and left.

"You have to worry," said Bonaparte behind her. "Maybe some night I will fly to you like an eagle."

She didn't take his words seriously at all, she was very lucky to escape the hanging, this is the benefit of being a king's vassal.

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