What is the job of a senior official? Some might say taxation, conscription, delivery of government orders.

Toussaint Louverture himself was a slave, and before the arrival of the French expeditionary force, he killed his own nephew in order to suppress the rebellion.

When Santo Domingo was at its most prosperous, it provided the French treasury with 180 million francs in revenue, hired 1,640 ships, and recruited thousands of sailors.

After experiencing such prosperity, suddenly looking at a town that is deserted, has no port for a ship, and has no outsiders except locals, maybe the people of Santo Domingo will change their minds.

Of course, they can continue to ignore it. The reason why Dusan Louverture is so confident may be related to the trade agreement signed by Britain and the United States with him. He can bypass France and go international as the leader of an independent country.

Under the Motte-Fontaine Agreement, signed in September 1800, France pledged to respect American shipping, while the United States waived its claim to its ships.

If the United States must trade with Santo Domingo, Napoleon, who is 5,000 miles away, has nothing to do with it, but if the United States recognizes that Santo Domingo is a country independent of the slave uprising, it will be in chaos . Even if France recognizes that Santo Domingo is independent, the United States will not recognize it. The premise for them to establish trade relations is that Santo Domingo is a French colony.

Maybe Santo Domingo will become independent again in two or three years, but by then time has passed and the French are very forgetful, so no one will pay attention to things so far away, as long as the public debt is closed.

At that time, Santo Domingo may become a land that cannot be marked on the map. No one will go there, and the people on the island will be forgotten by the world.

"Forgot? You said you forgot!" Bonaparte was trembling with anger, as if he couldn't help wanting to do something to Georgiana.

"I thought Veterans Square was a place with few people." She said honestly.

"You..." He pointed at Georgiana with a riding whip.

No one dared to stop him, including Leon Kur, who sent her here.

During the negotiations of the Campo-Formio peace, there was the incident of "De Andre's briefcase", in which Napoleon found a briefcase in the base camp containing evidence of Pisgru's mutiny.

At that time, Desai came to inspect from the Rhine Front Army. When Napoleon told him the news of Pischglu's conspiracy to rebel, Bonaparte thought that Desai would be surprised, but Desai smiled and said, "We already knew that Pischglu Rebellion, Moreau found relevant evidence in the documents of the Austrian general Klingling, and also knew the details of his being bribed and the motives that led him to engage in abnormal combat activities. Only Moreau, Lenier and I knew This secret, I wanted Moreau to report to the government immediately, but he kept it from doing so.” Then he added, “Perhaps Pischglu is the only example of a general who has let himself lose a battle.”

"I'm more worried about you, Leon. Will you be accused of treason?" Georgiana said calmly, "Someone will accuse you of defeating the war deliberately like Pishiglu."

Instead of walking around in a rage, he looked at her calmly.

"You can lock me up."

"You can say that it's not important information, it's just a paper you wrote." Bonaparte instead made excuses for her, "Who else knows about this besides us?"

"Not anymore," said Georgiana.

Bonaparte glanced at Leoncourt, who immediately left Napoleon's studio in the Palais Saint-Luke and closed the door behind him.

"I want to lie down for a while." He said wearily.

Georgiana immediately sat down on the green morocco leather sofa, and he lay on her lap.

He let out a long sigh.

"No matter which country, military force must bow to the virtue of civilization and governance." Napoleon said with his eyes closed, "as long as the leader is not Toussaint Louverture, anyone can say it."

"I've heard people call him Black Washington."

He sneered, "It should be said to be Black Spartacus, only such a person can suppress so many personal forces."

"Why are there so many disputes in such a small place?"

"I don't want that place anymore, and Louisiana, how about we sell them?" he joked.

"Who wants Louisiana, who wants Santo Domingo?"

"Let the locals buy it, sign a ten-year contract, and we won't go after the contract expires." Bonaparte said disgustedly, "These colonies will eventually follow the example of the United States, which is far away from you, and you must obey them." Homegrown interests, you feel it is a foreign authority. You are tired of being ruled by it, tired of waiting for orders from five thousand miles away."

"I just want their money." Georgiana said, "I heard from Leon Kuhl that you still want auxiliary forces. Do you want to recruit troops from Santo Domingo?"

"Impossible," he said flatly.

"How about we manage the surrounding islands well?" Georgiana said softly, "They can become French overseas provinces."

"What a loss this time," said Bonaparte ruefully.

"Didn't it make you blame others for your crimes?"

He rolled over and buried his face in her lap.

"Do you understand now how the UK looks at the US?" she sneered.

"That loathsome island." He said grimly. "It's either raining or fogging."

She frowned. The small islands in the Caribbean Sea have a tropical climate, so it is understandable that it often rains, so there will be fog in places with clear skies?

"It's over." She stroked his chestnut hair. "Everything will be fine."

He didn't speak for a long time.

"Plead for them, won't you regret it in the future?" He asked slowly.

"I'm not begging for them, but for you. You don't know how to make a decision, do you?" She said sadly, "That's why you keep silent and let others make the decision."

"A man must be firm and ruthless, otherwise he doesn't need to intervene in war and politics." He said in a hoarse voice.

"There is a difference between human beings and animals. I am afraid that the last ones to come out of that jungle will not be human beings." She whispered in his ear, "A little bit of humanity, my lion."

"I treat others humanely, who will treat me humanely?" He said full of hatred, "I will definitely regret my soft heart."

"I don't want to sway your decision by begging for your mercy. What I want to protect is you, Leon. You are actually a very good person. You are tolerant, warm, and can melt people close to you. I don't want you to lose this strength." heat."

"Why did you refuse to be a teacher?"

She sighed, "When I was studying, I was most afraid of these rich ladies. I would run far away when I saw them."

"You became a teacher later, did you teach similar people?"


"What happened to them?"

"My school is not bad." She said confidently.

"Will my decision damage the dignity of the country?" He asked uncertainly.

"Believe me, the French don't think so," she said firmly.

"Is this your prophecy?" He asked softly.

Georgiana did not know how to describe the behavior of the "future" French on the battlefield with Napoleon Bonaparte.

"You said you've read books on astronomy, so do you know which star is the ruler of Leo?"

He looked up and looked at her with blue eyes.

"That star is called the King's Heart. It represents kindness and compassion. The loser has no right to choose kindness. He can only pray for mercy from others. Kindness is the power of the winner."

He sat up and looked at her.

"I'll tell you a secret." He said softly, "When I was in Vizachen, I walked into a monastery, and a small hospital was set up in the church. There were four or five thousand people lying there, most of them dead bodies. The stench keeps coming out, I think hell is just like that, when passing by a pile of dead people, I heard someone calling my name, I took Lana there, and found two wounded soldiers lying in the pile of dead bodies for three days , they didn't eat, and they didn't wear bandages. They were already desperate, but they knew they were saved when they saw me. Later, I received the battle report. When the enemy retreated, the order was extremely chaotic, and I felt that good luck began to come to my head superior."

"Did you also pull the dead bodies out of the monastery and bury them?"

"Yes." He paused and said, "It's a pity that I can't take their ashes away and bring them back to France, their hometown."

"Remember you saved two people, you saved them from pain and fear."

He didn't speak.

"Those who recovered from the Black Death have different eyes from those two," said Bonaparte. "There is light in their eyes."

She thought of another pair of black eyes, with endless darkness inside, only the blue soul fire shining deep in the bottom of the eyes.

"If one day I leave you..."

His muscles tensed up.

"I won't make the same mistake next time." She changed her words immediately.

"Do you know what makes Josephine better than you? Since that incident, she has been completely loyal to me." He immediately sat up, "You scholars always want to seek truth, fairness, Justice is either too rigid or too skeptical."

"Should you send two tax collectors to pay the taxes owed in the past few years to the people of Santo Domingo?" She immediately changed the subject.

He looked at her helplessly.

"Let's talk about it after Toussaint Louverture takes the oath." Bonaparte said numbly, "His slave army is only 20,000, and there are not many weapons, and it is not as sophisticated as ours. How could it be fought like this?"

"Fear," said Georgiana. "There are things worse than death."

He bowed his head in silence, as if lost in thought.

"I will go to the Burgundy mansion to self-isolate for a while, and the soldiers are not in a hurry to pick them up. You just need to find a way to shut up the British newspaper." She patted the back of his hand, "Fear and interests are what drive people to act lever."

"What else do they want?"

"You have to ask them. Corruption is not unique to the Directorate." She said softly, "And so is your government."

He looks at her.

"Think about who encouraged you to go to Santo Domingo." Georgiana said. "If the British hadn't let you go, do you think your navy would have arrived?"

"What do you mean?"

"It's a trap, Leon, you've been caught from the start," she said resignedly. "I hate to say that, but we Brits can be really mean sometimes."

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