Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1484 Dilemma

Charles Maurice Talleyrand has a very bad reputation, although his ancestors have been court favorites since the establishment of the Capet dynasty in the 10th century. According to blood, his father Count Talleyrand and King Louis Shiliu is still a cousin, but he doesn't have the slightest aristocratic temperament in him, and he doesn't confuse himself with those old nobles.

He's greedy and vile, not a priest at all. But it was such a person who stood up at the Constituent Assembly and supported the right of the ecclesiastical state to take back. The people of Paris were deeply moved by Bishop Talleyrand's "spirit of self-sacrifice", but the pope and nobles hated him to the core. The "revolutionary bishop" was excommunicated, but Talleyrand turned a deaf ear and continued to engage in his religious activities.

It wasn't until 1791 that he felt that his role as a bishop could no longer bring him any more benefits, so he took the initiative to throw away his long-weary black cassock and put on beautiful secular aristocratic clothing.

Even so, he still did not rely on women, but relied on his own strength to obtain his current status. In fact, Mrs. Pompidou also recommended Voltaire and others to Louis XV, but society still generally despises men who are promoted because of women. Even when Bonaparte first became the commander-in-chief of Italy It was ridiculed as "relying on the bride to be the commander".

Talleyrand loves to speculate. He bought public bonds after learning that Napoleon had returned from Egypt, and sold them after the coup d'état. Talleyrand made another fortune.

The group of people who followed Napoleon back from Egypt to participate in the Brumaire coup were considered loyal by Bonaparte. These people can be called the Brumaire Party. After Georgiana introduced the railway, there was a new party. Many of the free aristocrats headed by Leon Cour had iron smelters. Marmont defeated her, not just the iron smelter run by her father. factory, and his other relatives and friends who want to work in the iron smelting industry can get a share.

In the end, the steel industry will still be nationalized and will not always rely on the UK, but the French still have to learn from the British before they are truly "independent".

Josephine and her young lover's blatant affair not only shamed Napoleon, but also made him lose his authority as a "queen". Juno, Marmont, and Napoleon's sisters introduced women to him, and she could only passively A female companion had to be sent to separate him from the women.

It’s okay to be an ordinary female opera star, but she has nothing to do when she meets someone with a hard background. Giuseppina Grassini embarrasses Josephine in public. Josephine can’t deal with Grassini like an ordinary woman, because She was protected by Napoleon behind her. Similarly, Georgiana would not be able to get rid of Grassini by creating an accident, because Napoleon was behind her to protect her. He disliked Priest Sies to the same degree that Josephine and Georgiana viewed Grassini.

He didn't move Siès, and Giorgiona didn't let Grassini move, allowing the diva to enjoy the applause and admiration of the world in Paris.

Grassini is admired by people, Josephine is despised because of her past, and Georgiana is regarded as a British female spy of unknown origin. She is now locked up. Unfortunately, it is not a prison, but the apartment of the Duke of Burgundy. People may be curious about what the interior of this British Cleopatra's residence looks like, so people can often be seen outside the apartment looking inside.

What is her bedroom like? Is it covered with silk, decorated extremely luxuriously, and full of oriental sentiments, which made the first ruler of France linger on.

Georgiana did just that, but instead of silk she made it out of fine cloth and arranged it like a Bey's tent, with fringed pillows all over the place.

Instead of a sari, she ignited Indian spices in a bronze stove, and used pewter from Ceylon for tableware and tea sets.

Even if she was poisoned by drinking black tea once, she would feel uncomfortable if she didn’t drink it for a long time. Now these tinware and black tea are under the management of Matilda. No matter where she goes, Matilda will take a box with her. that's it.

Josephine also had a suitcase, and I heard that there was a portrait of Napoleon on the tableware in it, just as Napoleon had several snuff bottles with a portrait of Josephine on it.

Georgiana would never leave a portrait of Bonaparte on any tableware like Josephine, and she was not a girl.

During the period of house arrest she was allowed to have visitors, Mrs. Secu came to the door every other day to inform the situation of the Georgiana Women's Asylum, Scotch College belonged to the Church of England, and the wives of English textile merchants donated some cotton and wool products to they.

If Georgiana had been a widow on her husband's pension, she would have bought cheap fabrics to clothe her children and herself, taking advantage of the technological innovations of the Industrial Revolution.

In fact, Britain also has silk, and they also use machine weaving. The price of silk is much cheaper than French silk, but the British nobles and some wealthy people still prefer French silk, and the styles and colors are relatively new. There is a difference between the British living in the gloomy island country and the passionate and romantic French.

The French will add spices such as musk to the wine to increase the taste, but the British don't really care that much.

To drink alcohol is to drink alcohol. The higher the concentration, the better. For example, whiskey and gin are all spirits. Many people in the UK have alcohol problems, and the same is true in the United States, which is deeply influenced by British culture. Only then did women propose alcohol prohibition .

The French seldom get drunk, and it is rare to see a drunk on the street. Originally, the alcohol content of the wine is low, and Bonaparte even diluted it with water. He is such a person who can always remain sober in the face of most desires.

His brain is still sound, unlike Juno, which has become less normal due to the injury he suffered in the duel.

It may not be a good idea to send Juno to Spain to replace Lucian. Poitvin has the brand of Georgiana on his body. God knows whether Juno and Poitvin will have a happy cooperation.

"Ma'am," whispered the maid Matilda had brought from Sevres.

"What's the matter?" she asked back.

"The president of the Sampini Carriage Chamber of Commerce hopes to see you." The maid handed a letter to Georgiana. "In addition, there is a dragoon downstairs who wants to see you."

"What is he here for?"

The maid's expression became very strange.

"She came to deliver something, and she must give it to you face to face."

Georgiana froze for a moment, then asked, "You mean, female dragoons?"

The other party nodded in panic.

Georgiana ignored the letter and went directly down the stairs from the fifth floor to the downstairs.

Sure enough, there was a tall and burly figure in the middle of the hall, wearing a French blue dragoon uniform, military boots with spurs on his feet, and a straight sword on his waist, but the soldier was a woman with short hair. The Mamluk guards watched.

The female dragoon heard Georgiana's footsteps and looked up at her. She had clear blue eyes and a flat chest, and she looked very much like a man.

She gave a military salute to Georgiana with a serious expression.

"You are Madame Sevres?" the female dragon rider said in a slightly low voice.

"you are……"

"My name is Marie-Thérès Figel, and this is my letter of introduction." The female dragoon said while handing a letter and a black velvet gift box to Georgiana, "This is from the First Consul. necklace."

Georgiana took the letter, and the maid took the box. The general meaning of the letter was that this Second Lieutenant Figel would serve as Georgiana's personal bodyguard from today.

"I thought . . . women were not allowed in the army in France," said Georgiana dryly.

"As long as you apply legally and pass the exam, you can." Figel said, "Just like you, you can legally wear pants through the application."

Georgiana smiled.

"What else did the First Consul say?"

Figel looked at the Mamluks around him.

"He said he loves you." Figel said, "but he can't come to see you now, and I will escort you to Annecy when necessary."

Georgiana was expressionless.

Annecy is easily accessible from where it is possible to travel to Italy until the Senis road is repaired.

She did not wish to end up with Mussolini and his mistress.

She looked back at the black velvet box in the maid's hand, and opened it. Inside was a turquoise scarab-shaped locket with a silver chain.

She remembered that she said that poison should be contained in it, just like the black cloth bag around his neck, which also contained poison.

"Have you ever heard of a stoker?" Georgiana said to Figel.

"Yes." Figel said.

"If you are interested in accumulating military merits, you can fight bandits together with the Chasseurs and Stunt Cavalry." Georgiana smiled and said, "Do you really dare to kill people? Figel."

"I'm not going to take someone's life to prove my bravery," Figel said.

"The first ruler is not the kind of person who kills for fun, I think, this is the chivalry that survived in the Middle Ages." Georgiana said a little proudly, "I am very happy to see someone like you in this sluggish era." It is an honor, Second Lieutenant Figel, and you are welcome to join us."

Figel looked around at the Mamluk male soldiers.

"It's an honor." Figel bowed to Georgiana like a man.

The priest of death said that she should live with the morality of a woman, otherwise she would be like a woman who is a man, neither loved by men nor accepted by women. I am afraid that only Napoleon Bonaparte would feel that the androgynous monster is a work of art.

"Come upstairs, you don't have to stay with them." Georgiana said to Figel, "I think that's why the First Consul sent you here."

Then he went upstairs first.

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