It was once said that gold rushes and railways changed European history.

In fact, the United States is not completely hopeless:

One, continue the westward movement, see if you can be as lucky as last time, find gold mines in California, and start the gold rush.

Second, move south to attack Mexico, or smuggle silver from Mexico.

This will not only pay off the debt, but also have a balance.

What is really desperate is Santo Domingo. The minerals have been exploited. Independence will not do them any good. Dusan Lukeville has indeed signed a trade relationship with Britain and the United States. However, compared with France, the sugar exported by Santo Domingo And coffee is less appealing.

The advantage of slavery is that it minimizes the cost of production. Can Santo Domingo’s export sugar cost be lower than that of the British colonies?

Cutting off trade is not the most serious thing. In Robinson Crusoe, the Scottish sailors drifting on a deserted island have always longed to return to the civilized world. What is there in the civilized world?

When Attila was a child, he was taken to Rome to study. The Romans hoped to educate this barbarian boy into a Roman.

But Attila chose to use what he had learned to conquer the Romans. The law is a huge system, and there are other things needed to build a country. Even if Dusan Lukeville sent students abroad after the founding of the country, which country would accept him?

Napoleon also had to bear the consequences after losing the battle. Whether the accumulated debts could be repaid to a large extent depended on the victory or defeat of the war. He handed over the right to mint coins. Inflation, not to mention his intention to use high-value new currency to make conservative bankers spend their stocks.

To restore his military power and reputation, Napoleon had to fight abroad and wash away his past failures by winning.

Guadeloupe is not as bad as Santo Domingo, because the leaders of the rebellious slaves did not formulate a new constitution, they still obey the French constitution, send a high-ranking official there, or call it the governor, and the system in the French interior will remain the same If it continues to be implemented, according to the local conditions, if the local conditions are slightly improved, slaves will also be issued ID cards like citizens, so that freedom and equality will be realized legally.

Santo Domingo is a quagmire. It is useless to announce the abolition of slavery. According to game theory, if the most beautiful girl is too difficult to date, the rest can make a date with her first-class female partner. Everyone can dance with a female partner.

Santo Domingo can't be recovered, as well as Guadeloupe and Martinique. Good management can also recover the loss of Santo Domingo. The most important thing is whether Napoleon can hold back his breath.

Dusan Lukeville's surrender condition was to place his officers in the French army, and he and his subordinates stayed in the plantation. Georgiana also despised him at first, and later she also heard that she had been to Santo Domingo. British General Melante only knew what he said. He borrowed the French expeditionary force's unfamiliarity with the terrain and local conditions to eradicate dissidents.

Dusan Lukeville wanted to establish a country, and Napoleon helped him. Bonaparte, who thought he was smart, was tricked. The current news was sent back by the British observation force using warships. This should be classified as top secret information , Bonaparte is generous, steel and grain imports are not taxed, if the British know the situation in Hamm Prison, they may not feel so much. All the French who exported food, whether he was legal or illegal, were all arrested and stuffed into that prison.

A piece of news can change the fate of a country. Georgiana only needs to tell Jefferson that there are gold mines in California, and he may not need to worry about federal finances anymore.

Nathan Rothschild also formulated a strategy to sweep the debt market because of a piece of news, and re-taxed steel. It is not known whether the British will continue to run errands as hard as they are now.

People are always like this. When things go well, everything is fine. When there is a setback, the responsibility will be shifted to others. Georgiana has become the person who brings bad luck. Why is she working so hard?

She is not as good as Josephine, Josephine is so happy to squander the money, she got nothing, what a fool.

Georgiana never cared about the kind of student who didn't like studying, always wanted to steal and rape, and slipped through exams. Ron Weasley hit her on the head twice with pods, but she couldn't bear it.

Inequality of human beings, besides birth, education is also an aspect. Napoleon Bonaparte is just a little Corsican nobleman, and now he has become a pen pal with the British crown prince, and is on an equal footing with the Russian emperor. This is of course due to the factors of chance and chance It exists, but it is also related to his personal ability. He is so knowledgeable that Georgiana feels ashamed. The title of academician of the French Academy is obtained by his own ability.

Because of his hatred of Britain, Napoleon ignored many things. The Industrial Revolution increased productivity enough to change the way of life of mankind. Railways are not uncommon in the UK. The Middleton Railway has been in service in Liverpool for almost 50 years. This railway is responsible for transporting local coal mines to Leeds. Even the wheels of the carriages are already made of cast iron. At least 50 years behind Britain. Even if we catch up now, we may not be able to reach the level of 1780. John Wilkinson, the "iron lunatic" who sent paintings to Georgiana, invented coke and boring machines. He was about to go bankrupt. After the order, the Willie Iron Works began to rejuvenate.

This man had already cast the first iron ship in 1787. If it weren’t for the corrosion of iron by seawater, the British Royal Navy wouldn’t need wood to make warships. However, the formula for the steel required for the hull of a warship is top secret, and the technology is monopolized. The same is a kind of monopoly. Dusan Lukeville only needs to leave the plantation and go to Europe for a while, and he will understand how far he is from modern civilization.

In theory, railways can pull people out of their past lives and travel to farther places. Rural people feel that everything is new when they enter the city. Of course, the city is different from those places where they went to the market, let alone Paris. metropolis.

More people mean that you will meet all kinds of people. Georgiana received a reply from Laplace. The William Harrison she met yesterday is a liar and technical spy. John Harrison does have a son Called William Harrison, but he died before his father, and the British Longitudinal Society did not give him the £20,000 prize that Harrison should have given.

"William Harrison" did not know where he got the blueprint of the astronomical clock. At present, the Leroy Watch Company has imitated one, and it is currently being tested on a ship, which is sailing from Marseille to Lisbon.

The Frenchman is so generous that even the liar gave him 20,000 pounds.

Georgiana finally signed the check, put it in an envelope, sealed it with sealant, attached a bouquet of Queen Violet Roses tied with a purple ribbon, and handed it to a Sevres invited the townspeople to help him and asked him to hand him over to "William Harrison" who lived in the hotel.

She doesn't understand the relationship between the nautical clock and the longitude. Anyway, there are more professional people checking it, so she just needs to sign it.

She hated being fooled, but she also didn't want to know everything and become a "Ms. Know It All."

When it comes to playing tricks and tricks, most people are about the same level of intelligence. The banknotes depreciated to a certain extent, and the peasants could see that the government was doomed, and Napoleon came back with cheers.

The depreciation of banknotes has the greatest impact on those who earn wages. Handing over the right to issue currency is equivalent to handing over the country's economic lifeline. Those bankers will continue to print money in order to make up for their losses. As for the common people, what should they do? They don't care at all. If the domestic productivity cannot increase, the capital obtained by plundering will soon be exhausted.

Those who do not pay attention to technical talents, lack vision and dare not take risks will slow down the progress of France and fall from the status of European hegemony. Napoleon also misjudged him. Who told him that he did not understand the knowledge of the navy and would Robert Fulton is back home.

Cheese is the daily food of residents in the Alps. Georgiana brought a large piece of cheese when she came back from the Alps. Now she slices it thinly, puts it on white bread, and feeds it to Delmid.

Dermide didn't say that he wanted to eat black bread like his uncle did when he was young, but he didn't have much attachment to food, he ate whatever was given to him, and when he was full, he ran to ride his wooden horse .

He is not for playing, but for exercising. The next time he meets Murat's son Ashir, he can beat him in a fight. The three-year-old child already has self-esteem.

"Historically" Napoleon lost the two expeditions. Georgiana also reminded him not to have too much hope for this expedition to Santo Domingo, but what is the use of reminding?

This time he couldn't leave the mess to Kleber like he did in Egypt last time, and he had to clean up the mess himself.

She heard that there is a João Festival in June in Portugal, and she really wanted to see it.

But who will the new Portuguese ambassador be?

This question passed in her mind for a while and then she forgot. What is a woman with a child thinking about so much, hasn't anyone told her to stay at home?

As for who the male owner of her "home" is, it's really not certain at the moment, because that first-rate lover is about to become a second-rate one, why doesn't she go back and find her first-rate husband, even though he always thinks about other women in his heart.

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