Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1476 quasi war

On July 14, 1789, the people of Paris stormed the Bastille.

If it weren't for Gobert's intelligence, she would never have dreamed of linking the drop in the canal's water level to it.

Bonaparte tried it when he was in Egypt. Whether it was boiled or fried, wheat was not tasty. It could only be eaten after being ground into flour and processed into bread.

If there are problems in the last two links, even if there is flour, it will not help, and the price of bread provided by bakeries in small quantities will naturally skyrocket.

Because Paris survived as many small bakeries as possible and could provide more bread, the porters on the docks would lose their jobs after the canal froze. These porters were bound by the guild. They will also work as carpenters, bricklayers or plasterers. The first batch of customers they receive are residents of the city including bakers, and then itinerant merchants.

There are not all locals in a city, there are also floating populations, and floating populations are usually rented houses...

She had such a splitting headache that she couldn't think about it. Once the flour processing center of Etampes shut down due to lack of water, Paris would directly face the problem of soaring bread prices. The letter was taken out again.

If the Parisians are so unlucky one day, not only the water freezes, but also the wind does not work, and the wind mill and the mill cannot be used, so they can only be driven by animal power, or driven by a steam engine. This is the job of the engineers.

She didn't use a typewriter for the rest of the text, but wrote it by hand. As for the proposal, she felt that it was better not to hand it in so easily.

How sad it would be for her to learn that her plans were crumpled up and thrown on the floor.

This is an incomplete plan and needs to be improved, such as the issue of floating population, otherwise conflicts will be intensified.

"Ma'am," said Matilda softly.

"What's up?"

"A gentleman from England wants to see you." Matilda handed her a business card.

Georgiana took it, and it bore William Harrison's name on it, and on the back his trade, a watchmaker.

Georgiana didn't know whether to see him or not, how many clockmakers she had to see in a day if any watchmaker in the street wanted to see her.

"What else did he say?" Georgiana asked.

"He said he was introduced by Mr. Laplace, Director of Longitude," Matilda added.

"Let him come up." Georgiana said immediately, and then simply cleared the table, and went to the reception room next door.

Not long after, Matilda brought a middle-aged gentleman wearing a wig and silk stockings to the reception room full of Baroque style. He saw Georgiana immediately smiled happily.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Sevres," the middle-aged gentleman said in English, bowing to her.

"It's an honor to meet you too, Mr. Harrison." Georgiana held out her hand and let him kiss the back of her hand, and then she asked, "What brings you here?"

"It's about the water clock envisaged by the First Consulate. Mr. Laplace believes that the key now is the infrastructure, and the clock can be repaired later." Mr. Harrison hesitated and said, "He asked me to come to you, Seif A part of the income of the Seoul plant is used to support research."

"I want to ask you a question." Georgiana said softly, "The water clock is driven by water power, right? What should I do if the water freezes in winter?"

Harrison froze for a moment, and murmured, "I didn't expect that."

"This is a subject worth studying. There are many factories that are driven by water. Once the river freezes, they can only use steam engines. In fact, I wrote a letter to Mr. Bronniard. The rapid current It will not be easy to freeze, how to maintain the flow rate of water in the whole system?"

Mr. Harrison seemed uninterested in the subject, and she could only speak to herself.

"If the flow rate of the water from the main canal to the water tower can be accelerated, maybe the water in the aqueduct will not have to freeze. This is the disadvantage of the open-air pipeline. If it is buried underground, insulation materials can be used to keep the water in the pipe from freezing. It's not freezing anymore."

"It's summer now," said Mr. Harrison lamentably, "and you're thinking about winter."

"It's like I'm thinking about summer in winter." Georgiana smiled. "Sit down, please."

Mr. Harrison said nothing.

"I know that Mr. Jenner did not accept Bonaparte's invitation." Mr. Harrison said bitterly. "What Bonaparte wanted was not a hydro clock, what he wanted was my father John Harrison's design for the Royal Navy. The Longitude Meridian, for which we spent all our savings, but the Council of Longitude did not award him the prize he deserved."

"How much?" Georgiana asked.

"Twenty thousand pounds. His Majesty King George III expressed sympathy for what happened to me, but he didn't give a shilling."

"Do you have a blueprint?" Georgiana asked "Or do you know how to make it?"

"Mr. Laplace has already confirmed it. Mr. Pierre Leroy of the Leroy family also communicated with my father when he was alive. The Leroy family can also make that kind of astronomical clock."

So she just needs to pay, right?

Georgiana thought to herself, but she didn't show any emotion.

While she was hesitating, hurried footsteps were heard, and not long after, Lucien Bonaparte appeared.

"Leave." Lucian ordered in French.

William Harrison actually understood, and left according to Lucien's words.

"What happened?" Georgiana asked.

"Do you know why our relationship with the United States is so bad?" Lucien said with half-closed eyes, "The Americans insist that the creditor of the debt owed by the United States during the War of Independence is the King of France, not the French government."

"In short, they want to default." Georgiana curled her lips. "Why don't you use the same excuse?"

"Because that money is not used for the king's personal life or war, but for disaster relief." Lucian said extremely tiredly, "and it was approved by the three-level parliament that the king's debts will be shared by the people."

"What kind of old sesame seeds and rotten millet is this?"

"Not as old as the Revolutionary War."

"Isn't the ownership of Louisiana transferred? Can the king's debt be transferred?"

"You have a good idea. After the transfer of Louis XVI's debt, his debt will also be transferred. Do you know how much he owes?"

"How much does America owe the king?"

"The federal government has a debt of $54 million and the states have a debt of $25 million."

Georgiana remembered the 1.44 billion francs spent by Louis XVI in launching the war, and decisively gave up the 79 million debts.

"We still plan to sell the land, right?" Georgiana said helplessly.

"If Santo Domingo insists on independence, then you, Britain, should also cut off trade with them." Lucien said, "Let those free people trade with the United States of America."

"This is tantamount to declaring war."

"Otherwise, what should we do, hand over the right to issue currency?" Lucien said angrily, "After the news of Marengo's victory came back, the public debt did not become a piece of waste paper. Absence, not counting on his head, counting Egypt, this is the second time he failed."

"Do you think I brought you bad luck?"

"I don't think so, but some people think so. In fact, if you didn't bring in the railway, we wouldn't need British steel at all, let alone tax them."

"Someone wants me to leave him?"

"They want you to be like a sensible woman, stay at home and don't come out to cause trouble."

Georgiana slammed the table, "You tell your brother, if he gives the order to continue the attack, or restore slavery, I'll go, I can't be in the same room with people like that."

She went back to the next room and threw the written materials to Lucien, "Louis XIII signed the slave trade legalization, and the Great Revolution overthrew not only the royal power, but the slaves on other islands in the Caribbean did not know freedom, equality, and the constitution. Just like you before the enlightenment, since you have chosen the turbulent freedom in the turbulent freedom and the peace of the enslaved, then face it, are you the sons of the revolution or the royal family?"

Lucien stood up and looked down at her condescendingly.

Georgiana crossed her hips. "The lifelong rule mentioned in the Lukeville Constitution can be used as a point of attack."

"Then what about the designated heir?" Lucian wrapped his spider-like arms around his chest.

"I have appointed an heir myself!" She said angrily, "That child is quite stupid..."

"You want him to designate your child as the heir?" Lucien smiled. "Aren't you afraid that others will say he is Anthony?"

"The contract can be renewed when the contract expires, and can be re-elected when the term of office expires. Whether or not to continue to be the first in power will be discussed in ten years." She said as lightly as possible, "In short, let's talk about this matter."

"What idea did you come up with?" Lucien looked at the papers.

"Introduce me to a high-ranking official from another province." She said listlessly, "I want to try this method, whether it can lower the price of grain, and the mill, do you know that when the Great Revolution broke out, the water level of the river dropped, your mill is closed?"

Lucian froze for a moment.

"I heard from Schaptal that Paris needs 2,000 bags of flour every day. It's flour, not wheat, and farmers use old grain to pay taxes. Two years ago, it was the last year of the Directory. They estimated that it was the same as the last year of the Bourbon rule. They felt that they had no hope. That's it, they are stockpiling grain, and now they sell the old grain." She took a breath, "I remember that Napoleon was hungry when he led the army across the Alps, and the Directorate had no grain at all?"

"You may not believe it, the Directorate has no account books at all." Lucien smiled with his hands behind his back, "We built the current financial system by ourselves."

"Even Chen Gu collected them and mixed them with high-quality flour to make bread." Georgiana said coldly, "Not everyone has the right to eat white bread."

"That's right, white bread is for rich people." Lucian said sarcastically.

"The debtor is coming, do you still have time to chat?"

"Who was that person chatting with you just now?"

"Laplace introduced it to me as a clock maker."

"What did he ask you to do?"

"Let me give him £20,000."

"Did you give it?"

"I didn't, but I don't know if the director of Sevres will."

Lucian left with a sullen face.

When the men were gone, she found herself with nothing to do.

"Go to hell." She waved her hands, planning to go back to play with Delmid.

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