Oranges are not grown in mainland France, but they are on the tables of the Tuileries restaurant.

It's time for the Portuguese tangerine harvest again.

At lunchtime, all French people skipped restaurants and went to restaurants outside to celebrate the victory of the Orange War. There were only two people in the dining room, one was Major General Louis de Narbonne Lara, the other was Mademoiselle Silvia de Roufroy, and Georgiana and Matilda, according to reports. According to the major general, this Miss Roufroy is responsible for taking over Georgiana's management of the restaurant.

Napoleon liked to drink the wine of Lafite, but others did not. The dining room of senior officials was not like the canteen of small staff, and there were several kinds of wine for them to choose from when dining. Miss Sylvia de Roufroy's great-grandfather was Claude de Roufroy, Duke of Saint-Simon, who was once a favorite of Louis XIII and won the honor of Louis XIII because of his superb horse control skills. pet.

During the French and Spanish War, Claude's uncle also participated in the war, but he was forced to surrender because he ran out of ammunition and food. Richarius and Louis XIII later executed these men, including Claude's uncle.

The first Duke of Saint-Simon sadly handed in his resignation and left Paris. His son, the second Duke of Saint-Simon, the 17-year-old Duke Louis de Roufroy, made an appearance at the court of Louis XIV.

He served as Louis XIV's musketeer at the age of 19, became captain of the cavalry at the age of 20, and married Choiseul's daughter in the same year.

Although they were married politically, they were very happy after marriage. However, after five years of service, he resigned from the military because he felt that he was not valued. After a period of idle time, he was invited back by Louis XIV and lived in the Palace of Versailles. This "grace" may be due to the grievances of Claude's uncle.

The second Duke of Saint-Simon returned to his wine estate in Ruffec in his later years. He did not live until Louis XVI came to the throne.

Sylvia's father, Jacques-Louis de Roufroy, was the second son of the duke, and he was downgraded to a marquis. After all, his father did not have the same military exploits as other dukes.

After the outbreak of the Great Revolution, Jacques-Louis de Roufroy fled to Spain, joined the Spanish Bourbon royal family, and left his wife and children in France. Fortunately, the first and second Dukes of Saint-Simon have a good reputation. As a former court official, he is like the ceremonial officer in the Palace of Versailles, trying his best to restrain the extravagant life of Louis XV. Therefore, Rufe, who lives in seclusion in the countryside Neither Mademoiselle Roy nor her mother was troubled, and survived the Great Revolution and the subsequent reign of terror safely.

After the founding of the French Republic, there were no nobles. In order to make a living, the former Duchess sent wine from her winery to Paris like a saleswoman.

Although cynical, the second-generation Duke of San Simeon has a wide network of contacts, and many people like him. Sylvia originally planned to rely on her previous connections to see if she could be lucky enough to become a wine supplier for the palace. But what she didn't expect was that she not only became a supplier, but also became a "proprietress". From now on, she will decide what to eat in the restaurant. Georgiana, an English woman, doesn't understand the taste of French people. food" to protest.

So sometimes Georgiana wants to learn from Voldemort, giving "Avada" all the people she dislikes.

There are some people who seem arrogant and domineering when they gain power, but miserable when they lose power. Georgiana endured the urge to turn and leave on the spot.

"Ma'am." Just as Georgiana left the restaurant, Major General Lara said in embarrassment, "Are you going back to the bedroom?"

"I don't have a bedroom..." Georgiana understood in the middle of her words, and she couldn't go to the suite in the Louvre.

"What did the First Consul say?" Georgiana asked calmly.

"The industrial exhibition will be held soon. The last exhibition was held in the Louvre. You should move out to live for a while to make room for the exhibition. Mrs. Secu has already prepared a residence for you."

"He put me in a women's shelter?" Georgiana raised her voice in disbelief.

"No... I really don't know where it is." Lara said helplessly.

Georgiana didn't continue to embarrass him, and she didn't intend to make a scene in the Tuileries Palace like a crazy woman. There may be many people waiting to see the joke.

Napoleon's view on marriage is very "Muhammad". Montesquieu also said that divorce due to childlessness only exists in monogamy, and polygamy is better than divorce.

But in the eyes of others, Georgiana is not a wife, but a mistress like Mrs. Pompidou, and Bonaparte is developing in the direction of Louis XV.

Fortunately, she didn't bring Delmid with her when she went out today, otherwise it would hurt the child's heart to see this scene.

Georgiana and Matilda boarded the carriage amid faint cheers and left the Tuileries Palace.

In the car, she began to wonder if she heard the same voice when Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were overthrown.

Sometimes being sympathetic to humans is also a kind of self-love. So many species on the earth are extinct because of humans, why are there more and more humans?

She was so wronged that she wanted to cry, but she didn't shed any tears. She asked for this kind of life, and she fantasized about finding a "great man" as an extramarital affair because she was sick.

She would have liked to have the coachman turn around and drive to the nearest mental hospital, but before she could make up her mind to say it, the carriage had reached Scotch College in the Latin Quarter.

Surrounded by schools, a women's shelter appeared abruptly, but Georgiana thought of Fantine described by Balzac. It was for the so-called love that she became pregnant after listening to the sweet words of the noble youth, and ended up miserable. .

How many people in this house have fallen into nowhere after listening to the man's nonsense?

Not long after her carriage stopped, a nun ran over, and then saw Mrs. Ségui running out of the house, and the nun opened the door for Georgiana.

Georgiana didn't cry, but Madame de Seguie cried first. She wiped her tears and said that Georgiana's new residence had been arranged, and she had asked the women to give it to the Duke of Burgundy's mansion she had seen last time. Packed up.

Georgiana didn't hear this, she went directly to the college to see the situation inside, the shelter had just opened but it was already full of people, most of them were with children, and the doctor was doing their physical examination.

At this time, there was already a stethoscope, and a woman was so numb that she let the male doctor put the stethoscope on her chest for examination. Standing beside her was a very old but cute little boy, holding his mother's hand, A pair of bright blue eyes stared at Georgiana and smiled at her.

"It would be great if boys never grow up." Georgiana said with emotion, then looked away, and went to the innermost place that used to be the teacher's office with Mrs. Secu.

"How many people are here?" Georgiana asked, going behind the desk.

"All adults and children, 152 people together." Mrs. Secu said, "But there are still many people waiting for beds. After the cells are cleared, we can put 160 beds in."

"You should say that it is a classroom. Go and invite some craftsmen to remove the iron railings on the windows." Georgiana said blankly, "This is only a place to accommodate them temporarily, and we still need to help them get married in the future. Children cannot stay in the classroom." Orphanage grew up."

"At least there is a place for the orphanage." Madame de Seguie said sympathetically, "It's still summer, but people will freeze to death in winter."

Georgiana thought of Voldemort. He would rather leave a sum of money to support orphans who lost their parents in the war to live with relatives than to let them go to the so-called orphanage. Harry was also at Petunia's house, not the orphanage director. big.

"Find their relatives and send them to their relatives as much as possible." Georgiana said.

"You mean to drive them away?" Madame de Sécourt said incredulously, "They would rather stay on the street than go back to their relatives."

"Ask them if they would rather be ridiculed or continue to drift away. If it's the latter, they have to work."

"What do you want them to do?" whispered Madame de Sécourt.

Georgiana was lost in thought.

"Are you going to open a factory?" asked Madame de Sechou again.

"Grinding flour." Georgiana said, "Paris must supply 2,000 bags of flour every day. If the water is cut off or the river freezes, other powers will be needed to replace it. I think they should be able to do it."

"Yes," said Madame de Sécourt anxiously.

"The classrooms are cleared and can't be used for containment. Leave a few tables and chairs, find out literate women, and teach those children to read and write." Georgiana said, "Those who can't read should classify their specialties. Now the kitchen Who is responsible?"

"It's me," said the nun standing behind Madame de Secu. "I'm from the Order of Our Lady."

"Are you busy?" asked Georgiana.

"A few helpers may be needed," said the nun.

"Women don't need bread, leave the bread for the children, and I'll get some cheese." She rubbed her nose, "And organize them to take a bath, they are almost like cattle."

"Bishop Caprara would like to see you," said the nun. "We will arrange other things."

Georgiana looked at the nun.

"Go quickly, it's urgent, he's waiting for you at Notre Dame Cathedral," the nun begged.

"You go," Madame de Sécourt also said.

"Do you know? Men are always unreliable when it comes to critical moments." Georgiana imitated Severus with a sneering smile, and then left the office.

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