Albus once said to Pomona that when various interests conflict, the way to resolve these conflicts of interests is to rank them among themselves. Either one interest is sacrificed to satisfy another, or a balance or compromise is struck between opposing interests in order to achieve the "greater good."

When the British pure-blood nobles took power, in order to protect the interests of more children, she had to turn a blind eye to the actions of the Carlo brothers and sisters in school. When the pure-blood nobles declined and werewolves began to act unscrupulously, she chose to stand On the side of the pure-blood nobles who can kill werewolves.

"Balance" is like walking a tightrope. If you are not careful, you will fall off the rope. Beginners are often not far from the ground, but the higher you stand, the harder you fall. Originally, Napoleon hoped that relief could be used to solve the grain price problem, but Schaptal disapproved from the very beginning. Now he has given up, and it has become a superficial effort that warms the heart but cannot solve any problems.

The new constitution stipulates that the 600 people who pay the most taxes can form the electorate, and officials of the district government and the provincial government are selected from the electorate. This practice is a disguised donation of officials. No one stopped him, and Georgiana didn't condemn him. Now that the French treasury is short of money, Barbey has no way to open up resources. Selling Louisiana is indeed a solution.

Bonaparte planned to compromise, Santo Domingo could not be occupied, and his dream of founding a North American nation was about to be shattered. Georgiana advised him to wait, that there might be other opportunities, and she returned to the Tuileries.

She is in charge of the restaurant in the Tuileries Palace, and Bonaparte asked her to find a way to save money on this area. After attending the Easter mass, all the participants will eat in the restaurant, and there are also people from afar As for the lodging, Josephine's accounts were always confused, and she and Dilloch were in charge of it.

Bread is so expensive, why do you have to eat bread? If it is just to satisfy the appetite, there are many dishes that can be substituted.

When she returned to the Louvre suite, she met the representatives of the Italian Republic.

He had come not to congratulate, but to protest the high tariff barriers Napoleon had erected for the Italian Republic. Since last year, Mr. Martin, the shareholder of Bonafort, has been talking about canceling the tax on German raw silk. Now not only the tax on raw silk, but also on other commodities from Piedmont to the Italian Republic.

He bullied Italy so much that sooner or later the Italian would follow the others, so she invited the angry Italian to her office next to the restaurant.

This office was designed by Fontaine for her. This time, it looked neither like a roadside cafe nor an Indian brothel at St. Luke's Palace, but rather a fortune teller's room, which she regretted the first time she saw it. There was a crystal ball missing, and when the lamps made in Venice arrived, she realized that she was wrong. The crystal ball was hanging in the sky.

The representative saw a typewriter on her desk at a glance.

This typewriter was invented by the British, but it is not very easy to use. The 26 letters are arranged in order, and there are diacritics in French, which she has to add by hand every time.

The representative left without saying a word, as if he had discovered a huge business opportunity.

With his interruption, Georgiana remembered that Piedmont is rich in rice, Spanish paella, Hungarian beef rice, Arabian lamb pilaf, which one is not as delicious as white bread?

The key is that the price of rice is relatively cheap, and she wants to make this restaurant "international".

Eating roast chicken at Easter is an American tradition. Eating roast chicken also means showing favor to the United States, because Bonaparte has already planned to cancel the US sanctions.

It's not good for France to have a British monopoly on the price of tobacco, not to mention his need for American grain imports, but what else reminds one of America but guns and the Stars and Stripes?

The Statue of Liberty was made in France, and the cowboys were after the Westward movement began, unless she was going to put cotton, green dollars, Indian feather headdresses, or a statue of Washington in the dining room, or her meager imagination Li really can't think of anything else that can represent the United States.

Easter is sure to have eggs, Hubert LeBeau can prepare some, this time he can create whatever he wants.

She was thinking about the Easter banquet when an old man with white beard and hair and robes looked around the door with a mirror on a gold chain, and then glanced at Georgiana.

"You are Madame Sevres?"

"I am, who are you?"

"I'm Minister of Religion Portalis, can you help me find out what the letter from the First Consul means?" The well-known priest Jean-Étienne Portalis walked in slowly and presented a The paper was handed to Georgiana.

She looked at the letter, it wasn't Napoleon's notes, but he signed it, and he asked Portalis to give every archbishop and bishop who was inaugurated a cross, a coat of arms, and a crown, all of which had to be bought Well, I want to buy it at the cheapest price.

"Isn't that very clear in the letter?" asked Georgiana.

"I only heard that these holy relics are expensive, and I haven't bought cheap ones yet." Portalis seemed to be in some kind of confusion. "What do you mean?"

Georgiana looked at Portalis' age, thought for a while and said, "Are these things prepared for Easter?"


"There is a passage in the Gospel of Luke where Jesus looked up and saw the rich man throwing a full purse into the treasury, and seeing a poor widow put in two silver coins, he said to his disciples, 'I tell you the truth, this poor widow I voted more than everyone else, because everyone invested in the donation because they had a surplus, but this widow invested everything in her because of her own shortage. We can only save money for sacraments, but our hearts are sincere, have you heard of the Church of Santa Maria del Sol in Venice?"

"heard about it."

"Venice's finances were also very tight at that time, but in order to thank the Virgin for saving the city from the Black Death, they still built a church for her as promised. The Venetian's request was 'don't spend too much money , and can give people a good impression', it is the same as the request in this letter."

Portalis suddenly realized.

"I am also reducing expenses here. In the future, the bread served in restaurants will decrease, but I will use macaroni and rice instead. The key to performing a sacrament is the heart, not the form. I think this is what the First Consul expressed."

"Thank you for helping me a lot." Portalis said happily, just about to turn around and leave.

"What else do you need?" Georgiana asked politely.

"Yesterday, the First Consul promulgated the "Organizational Clauses" for the Church-State Agreement. I think you'd better read it." Portalis whispered at the door, then turned around and left.

"Scrooge," Georgiana said to the deserted door after Portalis had left.

What she had just said to Portalis was embellished, and Napoleon Bonaparte just couldn't bear to spend too much money on "cutting scenes."

The project funds for the dredging of the Bruges Canal have not yet been settled. He intends to let those who are willing to pay for it name the port after themselves, but no one has been "fooled" so far.

At this time, she took out Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" again, and turned to the page on public works and public facilities in a convenient society.

Roads, bridges, and canals must be built and maintained for their commercial purposes, and they must not be built in desolate places just to enhance the view of nearby palaces from the windows. Many canal tolls or sluice taxes in Europe are paid by individuals. The private property of these men, to maintain this interest, took pains to maintain the canal, and if it were not rectified, navigation would become impossible, and their profits would disappear. If the toll for the canal had been collected by commissioners who had no interest in themselves, they would certainly not have paid as much attention to the maintenance of the toll as they did personally.

However, the toll tax for maintaining roads cannot be donated to individuals casually, because the canal will become unusable if it is not repaired, and the road will not be affected. Even if the road is not repaired, it will not affect the traffic. Tolls on works are the responsibility of the committee or custodian.

Gaston Martin made no secret of his greed for Seni Mountain Road. He is still helping Georgiana pay 100 Mamluk military expenses, so he can't give him any benefits.

Louis XIV built the Palace of Versailles to build the king's stage and altar, so it is extremely luxurious and magnificent. Now it is filled with disabled soldiers, and it will cost a lot of money to maintain it, and it will not bring benefits. It is not as good as Let it rot.

Road construction is a very heavy labor. In the past, farmers served 12 to 30 days of corvee for road construction every year. The migrant workers provided the labor, while the laborers were responsible for carrying the livestock. The labor intensity of the two sides was different, which caused a big difference. To be fair, both parties often argue over this, leading to delays in commissioning.

The laborers drawn from the villages were unskilled, and the work was not vigorous. Louis XVI sympathized with the public opinion and refused to let them repair it, and they rioted again.

In February 1776, before Turgot abolished the service system and after it was restored in August 1776, several inspectors replaced impermanent service by collecting taxes in order to hire professional laborers. In order to build 3 miles of roads, The cost of expropriating migrant workers and vehicles can reach 624,000 livres, but if it is replaced by a tax of 240,000 along the way and hiring professional labor, a road of 6 mile can be built.

100,000 laborers and 70,000 horses will cost 1.93 million livres in 12 days. If 30 million francs are used in this way, they will be gone in half a year.

In other words, the construction of the St. Martin Canal may require additional fees. These experienced workers will repair other canals much faster than inexperienced migrant workers. She will find a way to collect taxes and then pay for the work. Otherwise, not to mention the delay in the construction period, these experienced workers will also leave.

When she was upset, the sound of playing tennis sounded outside the window again.

She glanced at the book, just in time to see the word "overlooking the window", so she stood up and walked to the window, looking towards the tennis court.

That's where the Tennis Court Manifesto was issued.

For those who play, there are those who gamble. Regardless of whether Napoleon banned it or not, instead of letting them gamble illegally, it is better to let them gamble legally.

Bonaparte went to Italy from Dijon for the second time. In order to raise money, the banker suggested that he use lottery tickets to raise donations, but this time the lottery center could not be placed in the Notre-Dame Church. Moreover, she has to give the church face, and she can't do it too loudly.

Gambling is not a good habit, greed is the original sin, if persuasion and education are useful, what is the use of the law?

When people are cornered, they will take risks.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, she imagined that Captain Bonaparte was watching the excitement in the Tuileries Palace like those onlookers 10 years ago. Later, he saw the tragic situation of Swiss mercenaries and ran to a nearby tavern in fright. inside.

How could such a small person become the first ruler of France and replace the king as the owner of the Tuileries Palace?

But she also remembered that he had a different demeanor from other guests in the tavern. Even in casual clothes, he was different from ordinary people.

That Corsican dwarf has such a devil-like charm that makes many men and women desperate for him, even sacrificing their lives to protect him.

Mountains do not meet mountains, but people always meet.

She wondered if God had arranged for her to meet this man as a test or as an experiment.

She left the window and went back to the desk to continue her work.

Although she may have become a bad "vampire" in the eyes of common people.

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