Josephine didn't dare to come to the Tuileries Palace. Even though the palace is busy now, there are many things that need to be decided by her as the hostess, such as what to wear on the day of the ceremony?

Mr. Remiza, Napoleon's clothing consultant, is the wife of Marie Antoinette's head maid. Napoleon's clothes are not many except for uniforms. Even if Georgiana is included, his job is basically The job is idle, and his wife is the second only to Mrs. Resami around Josephine. From the attendants to the courtiers, she taught all the etiquette. She was also teaching the etiquette officer Pierre Benezet who could see the First Consul and who didn't need to.

When the first ruling couple first lived in the Tuileries, in order to avoid public protests, they quietly said that the Liberty Caps worn on the sculptures in the palace were taken off, and the bronzes in the warehouse were used. Generally speaking, the Tuileries Palace The decoration style is still solemn and simple, not too much. Dilloch is mainly in charge of purchasing, and Pierre Benezet is the chief steward of the Tuileries Palace. At the same time, he also serves as the ceremony officer. Due to lack of manpower when he first moved in, Pierre Benezet had to He hired inn clerks and porters to do odd jobs, and he made the First Consul's adjutants serve as court guards.

In the eyes of Marie Antoinette's former headmaid, these civilians were no opponents at all. She wanted the upstarts and celebrities to wear silk stockings again, but Georgiana strongly rejected them. She thought that even if they looked like a group of uneducated savages , It is also better than being a "stocking aristocrat" in the eyes of a "sans-culottes man".

She doesn't care whether the man's hat is worn or taken off and tucked under the arm, or whether the victory sword that can kill people has become a decorative ceremonial sword, anyway, she can't wear stockings, and other rules follow that lady's It doesn't matter what you say and do.

There are many things that can be compromised, and there is room for negotiation, but this is not the case. Wearing clothes is to meet people, which is part of living in the civilized world of human society, but the dress of the head of state is not only his personal style, but also an external image.

Was Napoleon popular? The evaluation she heard in the vegetable market was "just another knife for gouging out meat". He is sometimes very ruthless, but Napoleon is very good at posing. He looks very masculine and can make people love him. reason.

It is a taboo for men to wear silk stockings, which is politically charged, and it is not acceptable to ordinary people when Mrs. Remiza says "this is not in line with etiquette".

After the death of Lucien Bonaparte's first wife, Christine Boyer, he married another widow, Alexandra Joupeton, the woman who had last sent letters to Georgiana.

She had just given birth, and their first daughter was named Charlotte, after the girl who had killed Marat.

The day before the assassination, the painter David visited Marat’s house. Even though he was suffering from serious skin disease, he still sat in the bathtub and continued to work while taking a medicinal bath. true appearance.

In addition to being an idealist who advocated the use of violence to eliminate the enemies of the revolution, Marat was also a doctor. He was called a "friend of the people" and criticized the luxury and cruelty of the feudal aristocracy.

Napoleoni's ringworm got worse almost after the battle of Santo Domingo, he believed in Muhammad in Egypt, he was like a Catholic in France, he believed in science in the French Academy, and maybe in India He will believe in Buddhism, and he will believe in Protestantism in the United States. But he has a sense of fear of the soul and God, and he doesn't believe in magic. If one day his skin disease is as serious as Marat's, he has so much power, but he has to soak in the bathtub all day, and he can ride a horse to fight what?

If Louis XVI is a good man but a bad king, then Marat is a "friend of the people" who is full of sympathy for the disadvantaged and uses words to make offensive calls for the people.

Perhaps because of this, this type of talent is prone to being cursed.

The release of "Edward of Scotland" was going to be caught by the wind, but "The Death of Marat" had no negative comments, perhaps because the play was too real, and it had aroused real fear, making people afraid to comment for fear of getting burned.

Georgiana would like to ask, when the sans-culottes stormed the Tuileries, did Madame Rezamy see how the nobles and Swiss mercenaries who protected the king died? Could she smell the blood soaking into the wooden floor of the palace.

But Georgiana did not dare to say, in a sense, this brother Lucien is as good as he is, Louis I now lives alone in the Galifer mansion where the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is located, sometimes Talleyrand will accompany him, and sometimes Lucien will accompany him. After he, Talleyrand was busy dealing with the affairs of the envoys, Lucian became the full escort, no matter how busy the Tuileries Palace was, he would not come to help.

It was Napoleon who sent his adjutant to call her over, and she stopped openly confronting Madame Rezamy, and as she was leaving she heard Madame Rezamy whisper behind her, "Lucky!" cook".

There may be some derogatory meaning to this nickname, but who is to blame? Mrs. Talian told Georgiana that once there was a ball in the Tuileries Palace, because there were too many people, Josephine opened her bedroom on the first floor, and anyone could come in and out.

The adjutant who came to deliver the letter was named Philip Paul Secu. The defeat of Santo Domingo caused the Seju family to suffer heavy losses, but Bonaparte helped them. Louis Philippe Segui entered the Senate, and Ostav Secu will be sent to Soissons in the northeast after Mass.

Michelle is still on vacation, and the future of her family is uncertain. Georgiana doesn't even have a maid to dress herself, let alone someone who manages her clothes.

But which civilian doesn't live like this?

The chaos in Europe is all because of Marie Antoinette. Her head maid is also a fool, she just survived the Great Revolution by luck, and Georgiana can also nickname Mrs. Rezami "Lucky Maid", how did she escape the guillotine?

Philip Paul Secu took Georgiana to the billiards room. All the tables were empty, except for one table where there was someone. The First Consul was playing with several people.

It was the first time she saw Napoleon playing pool.

He is not tall, but his back is tall and straight, and he is very free and easy, looking very masculine.

Of course his golf skills were as bad as his marksmanship, and the putt he putt simply didn't go in.

"Madame Sèvres is here, General," said Philips-Paul Séquite from a distance.

Bonaparte turned his head and looked over, looking a little arrogant, but when his eyes turned to Georgiana, his expression became a lot gentler, and he waved to her.

"come over."

Maybe it was because she didn't know how to run over, the dwarf ordered again.

The others were looking at her amusedly.

Georgiana passed, and "Bonny" put the hand with the wedding ring on her shoulder. "Did you forget something?"

"What's up?"

"You were arguing with Mrs. Rezamy just now about what I should wear. Did you ever ask me what I wanted to wear?" asked Bonaparte.

Georgiana looked at him. He was still wearing an ordinary military uniform jacket, white cashmere trousers and high military boots with silver buckles on the boots.

"Did you talk to Portalis yesterday?" he asked again.

"We didn't talk about anything, he just didn't understand the meaning of your letter." She put her arms around her chest.

She wished she wasn't that Jonah the devil spit out.

"That's a good excuse," said Bonaparte, "but I don't want you to use it very often."

"Because of what? Makes us look poor?" Georgiana smiled sarcastically.

"That's right." Bonaparte smiled happily.

"What?" She was confused.

He put the clubs on the table, then walked her with his arms to the back of a cabinet, blocking the view of others with the cabinet.

"I don't need the church to pity me, what I need is their surrender."

"It's like you're asking them to sing your praises, not God's, in your articles of organization, is it?"

"You know why?" he said calmly and arrogantly.

"I have only recently discovered that what the wise man said is not always true. Adam Smith said that the canal should be handed over to individuals, but after the Liverpool canal was handed over to individuals, the canal was not impassable because of silt, but something else Reason keeps the ship from sailing, and the Prince isn't always right, you're an earthly prince, not a celestial one, and priests don't stand in awe of you because they flatter you."

"I thought you wanted to tell me about love." He whispered in her ear, "And feelings."

"Are you listening carefully?"

He kissed her.

"No." He said after the kiss was over, "I think you went to Mass that day, even if you were among the crowd."

"You want me to witness your achievements?"

"I want you to see me and other women walking towards the shrine." He said complacently. "I think you are jealous."

"That's just Easter Mass."

"Wedding." He put his head against her forehead and murmured, "It's a wedding."

"How are you?"

"What did you think of when you saw the Church of Our Lady of Ankang?"

"A lot of people said it looked like a crown."

"I asked what you remembered?"

After a moment of silence, she replied, "Wedding."

"I can do the same as them and find a priest to hold a wedding ceremony for us." He said softly, "even without a crown."

She raised her hand and slapped him across the face.

She didn't hit hard, but woke him up.

"Don't be romantic like a girl, Leon, it's not time for you to rest yet."

Instead of getting angry, he looked into her eyes.

"Fear God, because He has accepted you when you are loneliest and have nowhere to go." She said pitifully, "Unlike me, who has nowhere to go."

"You can be buried with me," said Bonaparte, taking her by the hand. "Death is only a long sleep for me."

"Then you can dream forever, right?" Georgiana smiled wryly. "Create a wonderful dream, and attract dreamy fools like me."

"Let's dance, leave the matter to other people." He dragged her to the center of the billiard room, and everyone else looked at her.

"I can not……"

"Of course you can." He twisted her nose. "Your task is to accompany me and make me happy. Nothing is more important than that."


"This is your responsibility, and I'm very unhappy now." He said impatiently, "Is there any magic to make those priests obey?"

Of course there is, the Imperius Curse, one of the Unforgivable Curses, but it's not Unforgivable now.

"I'll dance with you." She compromised.

Now he was satisfied, but he stopped dancing.

"Why did you ask Dilloch for the key to the Elysee Palace?"

"Clear it out and use it as a hotel." She said bluntly, "Fortunately, Louis I is the king of a small country, and he can be arranged to live in the hotel where the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is located. In the future, the kings of Germany, Russia and even England will not be able to live there. "

"It is no small sum to maintain a palace."

"Don't you have a voter group of 600 people?" Georgiana smiled sweetly. "For those rich people, it is already a privilege to be eligible to live in the former king's palace."

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